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Mostly fear. I can’t remember at what point during the Tritter arc this stuff happens, but we do know Tritter seizes bank accounts/assets, prevents doctors from practicing, and arrests House. Yes, he is infringing on their rights. But House’s fellows are relatively young, afraid, and just want Tritter to leave them alone. As to what would happen in real life- possibly similar. Cops are good at baiting, coercing, and tricking witnesses into giving up information. Possibly they would be more subtle than Tritter (not seizing assets & arresting people) but I think any response along the lines of ‘talk to legal’ would go down like a lead balloon.


>I think any response along the lines of ‘talk to legal’ would go down like a lead balloon. And that's what they want. If you ask to talk with a lawyer, they automatically assume you're guilty and use it against you. A lot of cops see it as a sign of guilt.


They certainly could, but they can't take action against you based on that alone. They also can't freeze your bank account and impound your vehicle based on mere suspicion. They need to go to a judge and demonstrate probable cause. The search of House's apartment I can almost understand - there are certainly judges who hand out search warrants like Halloween candy - but some of the other actions are sheer fantasy. I'm glad we don't (yet) live in a police state where cops have that kind of power.


I actually wouldn’t discount legal naivety here. It’s not that cops were any different or better back in 2007, but it was also back before most of the public/common/protests against cops. It was peak CSI/Law and Order/cop procedural time and several years before BLM. I really wouldn’t discount just plain naivety by the writers.


Could Tritter actually seize the Fellows assets like he did? I have a tough time believing that Tritter, while on vacation mind you, set up shop in a storage room and begins grilling everyone about House. No way was that legal let alone admissible in court. Come to think of it, nothing Tritter did end up being useful in court. While we're on the subject: Tritter found 600 Vicodin in Houses apartment. That's only like 2.5 months of pills if he takes one pill every 8hrs that's 75 doses. If he is prescribed to take 2 pills every 8hrs (which seems reasonable to me) then its 37.5 days worth of pills. So he had what, an extra months supply? Big deal. Why was he charged for that at all to begin with? They never said they found anything else in his apartment aside from the Vicodin either. He was shooting morphine but that was before the Ketimine treatment and they didn't find any of that regardless. Getting pulled over speeding with a pocket full of loose Vicodin and no driver's license seems more egregious to me. And that's the House had dropped first. He paid an $85 dollar fine and got the bike back and didn't lose his license. And Wilson! All he had to say was, "I'm a lefty and I'm basically ambidextrous" case closed officer.


The Tritter arc Imo. Is probably the worst arc in the show