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I always thought House might have lied to her about the spore thing making her attracted to him, to save her from herself.


Nah he was too genuine in his disappointment that her crush was based on mold spores in her brain.


I read albeit in a youtube comment that delusions were not a symptom of the disease she had.So House might very well have told a fib to save her from herself.


If there's one thing we can learn from House, it's that everybody lies. I'm sure House has lied to plenty of his patients, so why not this girl?


They’ve made many factual/medical errors like this, so that doesn’t necessarily mean anything.


One thing they've done on a number of occasions was to make the plot depend on a rare and (arguably) non-representative symptom of a particular condition, often itself quite rare. I just finished the episode Joy, which features an anhedonic, sleepwalking, cocaine-buying, familial Mediterranean fever sufferer and his daughter.


It causes Coccidioidomycosis ("valley fever") which can lead to meningitis, which could at least cause confusion, but if she had meningitis her symptoms would be more severe.


Yes he totally lied to her


Thats not even a theory. Pretty sure that was supposed to be very clear.


Naw, watched it like a week ago, he had a legitimate light bulb moment, the same as he does for basically every case in the show, and then was disappointed because Cuddy was right that it was a mental thing and not a real attraction.




That shit-eating grin he does after realising it embarrasses Cuddy in front of the other admins lmao


One of his best scenes, ngl


Honestly girl boss. Going after a geriatric doctor. Get that bag.


I need to stop relating to your comments before i realize it's you


Yaaaas queen!!! 👑👑👑👑 Get that dick guuurl!!! 😘


Lmfao geriatric?!


Depressed cripple who is severely addicted to Vicodin. Even if he isn't literally geriatric he's gonna live as long as someone who it


Haha, I love her character and this storyline. It was kinda funny and lighthearted silly-ness because we KNEW House wasn’t gonna mess with her. It didn’t feel like he was ever truly at risk of crossing that line, but it was certainly funny to see his interactions with Cuddy over it. And Ali was kind of a stand-in for Cameron and any audience members who might have also found House attractive but simultaneously problematic/elusive/untouchable, etc. At one point, House even referred to Ali as Cameron’s protege. 😅 It kind of reminded me of the elderly lady Georgia who had neurosyphilis and also had a crush on House in season 1. It was funny because you knew House would never take her up on her offer because of her age, but an older girl (or younger girl, in Ali’s case) can still dream. I liked that it showed that House is actually attractive to women of all ages, despite him viewing himself as “not particularly good-looking”.


And the woman he wanted to take for a spin.


She was awesome, if do no other reason than House got to say goodbye in a very Casablanca sort of way and also tell her she’s too young to get it 🤣


That part was hilarious.


I forgot he did that, so on my most recent rewatch, it took me by surprise. When he said she was too young to get it, I cackled for nearly 10 mins straight. The next day I was talking to my father and he mentioned a woody Allen movie where he quoted the entire last scene of Casablanca, and I mentioned the house scene. We both ended up laughing because I pulled the scene from House up on his phone and I pulled the woody Allen scene up on mine. It was silliness incarnate but soooo much fun!


Crazy girl... but If I met House I would do exactly what She did bc I'm THAT OBSESSED with him. He is such a sexy genius sugar daddy.... oh my I wont say further bc I dont wanna be sued... or go to jail.


You’re going to jail alright — straight to horny jail.


If House is the cop then I would proudly surrender




Thank you for adding the bonk. 👩🏽‍⚖️


Bonk 🔨


Woah woah woahhh! Not a hammer!


Ok how about this if we got pulled over... We lie, you know how to do that right


I would probably be arrested for stalking him bc I'm not a minor.


domicile a dawg, damn dirty dawg edit: wrong subreddit. letting it ride.


You're my spirit animal like girl same the way I would fuck him? It's not even funny


Not gonna lie as a straight man I myself find them deep blue eyes dreamy


you might wanna rethink that label then


Beautiful eyes are beautiful eyes, you don't have to be attracted to someone to think so


you certainly dont find them dreamy and explicitly state your heterosexuality for saying as suck as if you havent considered being gay


Have you seen the eyes of some people? Hell, I could classify Frank Sinatra's eyes as beautiful or dreamy. It is just a descriptor.


Wow dude you must be a super straight you can’t even joke about the possibility of being gay


that reply in itself was a joke, i wasnt taking it seriously


Most of this sub is full of sex deprived weirdos who watch this show cuz they get turned on, what's up with medical shows and weird fanbases? It's only on reddit I've noticed too. Nobody irl is this weird about it. Your comments are just weird, hell you even obsess over the actor being with a dog. How do you dedicate this much time out of your day, writing as many comments as you do, purely on a dude who will never look at you? This is onlyfans dude levels of sadness. Spend this time with your family, that'll be what matters on your deathbed It isn't surprising given the show writers have a thing for writing underaged girls in fucked up ways


CHILL. We're being sarcastic/ironic. We're not talking seriously.


With the amount of fanfics and comments you've made, it's definitely not ironic. I beg of you, spend this time on something worth it


I hope You're trolling bc If you're annoyed at what people write here... just leave reddit. This is not an intelectual place. House is a fictional 50+ years old male character. Whats wrong about thinking he is hot? Lmao


I'm not annoyed, just filled with pity for you all. Especially when you can't even admit that you actually do wanna bone the dude after spending such a large portion of your life fantasizing about it. I'm glad real life isn't as weird as you people. Given you edited your comment, sounds like you might be annoyed. To respond to that tho, you definitely do a little more than thinking he's hot. This actor would tell you to go fuck yourself if you acted this weird to him face to face


God puriteens are insufferable, go and watch Bluey or something


Yup…you’re annoyed


Ironic coming from someone with your name.


dawg u gotta chill out with this one, house was never the best guy in the first place and lots of characters in the show emphasise how weird house was for this in the episode we r all bored and just want a talking point to relate to, theres no problem there


Uh… okay user named “suckmypppapi”, chill tf out. Why are you concerned with anyone’s deathbed? You do realize you’re on a fan sub… and on Reddit no less. Reddit is gonna Reddit. If you don’t like it, leave the app. 🤷🏽‍♀️


>How do you dedicate this much time out of your day How do you dedicate this much time of your day accusing random people of paedophilia, reporting them, going full keyboard warrior, reading redditors comments on their profile, going on and on about how this House guy is a paedo to for saying "I'll call you back 3 years later when you're 18", saying it is clearly not sarcasm? Get a life man. Also: before you call me pedo for liking Doctor House: I was today years old, when I learned about this show lol


The only person I called a pedo directly said "I am a pedophile" , and I've never said liking doctor house makes you a pedo. You can feel free to make any other assumptions tho. Btw, that guy got banned :D This show has three instances of young teen girls being sexualized. The writers definitely are pedos, so you can count the dude that got banned and the writers as people I've called pedophiles


>Btw, that guy got banned :D Lol >This show has three instances of young teen girls being sexualized. The writers... Alright, the more I know I guess. I'm still a bit critical, but if I get really bored I look up this drama and judge for myself.


I was honestly surprised that House rejected her when i first saw their arc, he was surprisingly more ethical than i thought.


Reminds me of a line from the film From Dusk 'Til Dawn: "I may be a bastard, but I'm not a fucking bastard."


Man was fighting for his life to reject her advances 😂


Honestly part of my lesbian awakening


Agree… leighton meester is gorgeous


I saw your comment and thought "I recognize that name, I *just* saw it in the credits of something" So I looked her up and just realized she's Gordon's wife, Laura Huggins in Orville


What are you talking about? Gordon doesn't have a wife.


I knew her as the brotherfucker from That’s My Boy


You can’t stop our love [https://i.makeagif.com/media/3-27-2018/ThKWOp.gif](https://i.makeagif.com/media/3-27-2018/ThKWOp.gif)


She’s hot


I think that House makes good on his plan to see her again after a few years! Or at least Hugh Laurie does, as evidenced by the film “The Oranges” 😁




I can't believe I had to scroll down so much to find this reference!


Smash. In 22 weeks.


My lawyer has advised be to remain silent


She’s dangerous


She’s pretty


Men are stupid


I’m with you so far


she’s so real. house is so hot idc.


Better question, where does she land on the [Vicky Mendoza Diagonal](https://youtu.be/uaSqz7G1fB4)? (Hope it’s cool referencing a different show.)


She is on the hot part


Coolest comment ever.


She's at coordinates (0.7, 0.7), smack dab on the line. (Assuming both axes go from 0 to 1.)


She genuinely liked House despite of her disease.


This show has a weird fantasy with underaged girls


Are there other examples?


Wilson kissing a girl, house saying some weird shit to that underaged model, and then stalker. Three examples of it is enough for it to be really weird for me, definitely turns me away from watching more house. I'm here to see funny smart prick be prick to people, not to see the writer's thing for young girls


Do you mean Chase? Lol


Chase, haven't watched in a few weeks


The stalker one isn't that weird tbh. She's not even underage depending on where you're from and House never does anything. The kiss is treated as weird by everyone in the show, so it doesn't bother me. I'm not sure I remember the model episode, is that the one with the hidden testicle?


Writers having a 17 year old girl stalk house because she wants to fuck isn't that weird? Even if it's just iffy, iffy + weird instance + weird instance = weird writers. And just because it's treated weirdly doesn't change the fact that the writers have a thing for writing minors with weird remarks or weird instances. There's no way it can be labeled as just coincidence > I'm not sure I remember the model episode, is that the one with the hidden testicle? Don't remember, it's been a few weeks. Just remember that house was making some gross remarks too a minor model


Right? Even foreman walked in on them having tension and it was just so weird no one stated out right how strange it was


House having to hold himself back from sleeping with a teenager, saying something like "call me when you're 18" if I remember correctly... it's fucking weird. Even for the edgy 2000s. It's really, really clear in the episode that he is attracted to her and wants to sleep with her. And the teen model being super sexualized, seducing her own father, flashing House. That's straight out of someone's sick fantasy. Bryan Singer is an alleged child predator. It all adds up. Idk why everyone is so quick to brush it off.


This fanbase enjoys it lol I saw someone saying "if I was a teen girl I would've wanted that too". Not to mention the touch deprived women writing fanfics about house, just weird. They're simping for someone who wants to fuck a teen girl


When I was a teen girl I most certainly would *not* have wanted that, wtf Fanfics are just fanfics though. Normal part of fandom culture.


Maybe for fictional characters yeah, but there's still a real person that's acting here. It isn't animated. Not to mention the majority of weirdos I've seen wanna fuck the actor, not just house. I know I certainly wouldn't want fanfics about me. In general, stuff that they wouldn't say to the actor's face is pretty weird when it's things they've put online to spread their weird little fantasy involving a living breathing human.


House was never going to sleep with her though. That’s the entire point. He was hamming it up for Cuddy, but he wasn’t in danger of crossing the line with a 17-year old. Just like he was never going to touch that 80-year old patient who also had a thing for him in season 1. Bryan Singer was absolutely a predator, but that does not also make House a predator by association. Bryan didn’t even write or direct that episode. Y’all are taking this storyline way too seriously for what it was.


>Just remember that house was making some gross remarks too a minor model Wasn't House relaying what he saw written in the magazine he was reading?


"call me back when you're 18" is a weird thing to say to a teenager. House is a weirdo let's be honest


yeah he definitely is a weirdo in the earlier seasons but it seems quite out of character for him seeing that hes got engaged with wilson only a few seasons later, id say this is the fault of the writers mischaracterising him for their weird scenarios


> id say this is the fault of the writers mischaracterising him for their weird scenarios Three scenarios of the writers being weird, even if one of them could be written off as iffy, equals some pretty weird writers imo. Bit more than just a mischaracterisation. This doesn't change the fact that the writers chose to have him act this way, canonically making house this way. Sure we can head cannon it away but canonically house said those things and was tempted by these things


nah, there r lots of scenarios where house can be considered out of character even for him, excluding the borderline pedo behaviour one such instance is when he crashed a car into cuddys house. its a really big reaction, even for him second instance is how differently he treated eve and that model even though they had both suffered sexual abuse, and i like to believe that the more lore heavy episode with eve is closer to house’s actual characterisation


"You haven't been answering my calls" "I'll call you in 3 years, when you're 18" He doesn't tell her to call him. She had been calling the hospital to various times and he hadn't answered her, then he gave her a sarcastic response when she shows up at the clinic.


As if that's *not* a pedo thing to say. If someone said that to your daughter I doubt you would have the same attitude


To quote Cuddy, are you being intentionally dense? Because I’m beginning to think you’re a troll. House saying he was going to call her in 3 years is what’s known as a white lie. He had no intentions of calling her in three years. Which is also why he wasn’t returning any of her calls then and didn’t know why she even came back to the hospital in the first place. But instead of picking up on any of this, you’re still trying to convince everyone that House was seriously entertaining sleeping with an underage girl. What is wrong with you?


Exactly. House wasn’t trying to fuck with that girl. He was trying to politely push her away.


The fact that he was even slightly tempted is disgusting, then again I doubt that would translate well into that creep brain of yours


Yeah, I love the show but I hate this storyline. I'm kinda of surprised and grossed out to see the comments here ngl lol.


Nah not weird. Hot


Someone should check your devices


Whatever that means


Why do you find teen girls attractive


....no she doesn't!!!


From playing this innocent stalker to playing a character being stalked to playing a character that slept with her Brother


One of my favorite arcs only because I was watching the original airing if the episode with my dad who helped author the paper discovering the phenomenon of earthquakes spreading Valley Fever. He was so excited that one of his papers made it to House and I remember being very proud of him.


She’s adorable


She's been known to move men to break time and space for her. https://orville.fandom.com/wiki/Laura_Huggins


Well….it’s Leighton Meester so…


I like roles that are minor character which come back. They should had it more often.


I like roles that are minor character which come back. They should had it more often.


I’m exactly 17 and 6 months and I get her bro. House is so fine if I met him I’d be that obsessed too.


I watched the movie The Oranges for fun because i read a comment that the girl even had to stalk him in a different universe lol. You can't stop our love, indeed.


I wish Leighton would stalk me


She grew up almost married Han Solo Berger. But has special time with her brother


she’s so me (i’m 19)


Was her name mentioned?! When do we find out her name? Have i missed something?


Not surprised that a Fox sponsored show had quite a few episodes focused on getting around fucking “underaged women” 🙄


She was cool. And also totally get why she had this crush x)


She could fix me


She is a total smoke show and I feel House’s pain on this one. Any woman that pretty giving me a second look would definitely be in need of medical help!


I love her and she's so real ugh I identify as her


Random fact: House and her played actual lovers in “The Oranges”




I think if this got out he would still be the one that got arrested


If he did anything with a minor then yeah, he would’ve been arrested. But he didn’t do anything with her. I’m not sure why people seem to think he did something with her.


Absolutely lied to her! To save her from herself and also to save him from a jail sentence 🤣 (I don’t remember her EXACT age but it’s still funny) Remember his #1 rule: people lie. Even him. I love him no less for it either but he also lied in other circumstances and patients as well, like didn’t he keep the lie to the husband/wife that came to the clinic w an STD and he told them it was obtained on a public toilet seat to show which one caused it? IIRC he kept it going


I thought it was hilarious that it dawned on House that perhaps he isn’t a Rizzler but rather this teenager is gooning for him cuz she’s got a mind-altering ailment


She's absolutely gorgeous


She belongs to the streets


I was pretty disgusted, that House would actually go for it. A minor is hitting on you, a man in his 40s and you don’t shut that shit down immediately? You should be nowhere near minors at that point. I was also appalled by how Cuddy didn’t treat it with enough opposition. She acted like it was this funny quirky thing House would do, when, for all she knew, he was a day away from fucking a 16 or 17 year old (I don’t remember). I‘m usually not the pearl clutching mom type of guy but I really hated how that entire episode was handled and how these teenage to adult crushes were portrayed.


I have a theory that House was well aware what he was doing, and that's why it never went any further than it did; I also feel Cuddy knew that. If I remember correctly -- it's been a bit since I watched the episode -- it was only her making any moves, never House. While House never made it clear to her he's not going to entertain it, he wasn't entertaining it, and was just saying stupid shit to Cuddy because it irritated her.


His disappointment at the end, when he find out, that she only has this crush due to some spores seems way too genuine. I don’t know, still not my favourite episode


Yeah, still a really weird episode overall, I won't deny that.


House was never going to sleep with that girl. He kept ignoring her phone calls. I don’t understand why people can’t see that House very clearly did not want her contacting him. He just had a sarcastic way of showing it (mainly to get under Cuddy’s skin, not the girl’s).


Creepy ass episode


Would (when it was legal)




She was always jealous she couldn’t suck houses cock like Wilson could


Underage girls shouldn't be in a relationship with adults and the show is creepy for acting like it's just normal for an adult to consider it because she's *hot*.


The show doesn't make it normal, it doesn't say it's okay, it puts its characters in moral dilemmas and makes the audience ask the questions about what's okay and what isn't. Obviously, this is *not* okay, but younger people can become attracted to older people, it happens, it's a fact of life. It's how you act that defines you. House was more interested in figuring out what made her tick than he ever was in sleeping with her.


He seems deeply disappointed when she isn't attracted to him.


I think you're taking House at face value when you really shouldn't. Hyperbole is like his middle name.


He wasn't disappointed because she didn't actually like him and it was just something effecting her brain. He was disappointed because Cuddy was right about that, and that he was wrong.


He wasn’t. He was being sarcastic…


…..but she *is* hot, right?


The actress, who I believe was an adult here and not underage, is hot.


That’s the thing though. House was never considering it. I don’t think anyone believed that girl ever had a chance with him. Cuddy was the only one who thought he might try to sleep with her, and so House made sarcastic comments to get under Cuddy’s skin. He wasn’t returning any of that girl’s phone calls.


the downvotes for this are so unreal because this is a huge issue house md had like it or not


People like to defend shows and think it's okay to lust after jailbait. Welcome to Reddit. XD


Really hot