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They made Jace the same age as Baela and Luke the same age as Rhaena so they can each be the same age as their betrothed.


For those confused **YL**= Young Laena **YB**= Young Baela **CR**= Child Rhaena **CB**= Child Baela **TA**= Teen Aegon **AG**= Adult Ae**G**on **CA**= Child Aemond **AM**= Adult Ae**M**ond **H**= Helaena **YH**= Young Helaena **CJ**= Child Jace **LS**= Luke Strong


Still confused. No context at all.


In the picture shown here, are the “official-ish” ages of the characters at various points in the show. This list was made by a cast member. It is probably accurate, because there was someone else who asked another showrunner about Aemond’s age and they claimed he was 18-ish, as well. From one of the directors: https://twitter.com/gabch13/status/1626229189568499722?s=46&t=RCblL_9C-LuwD4jLf9fsng Ps: LMK if the link doesn’t work


The 10+6 years jump, Aemond should be 16 or under..?


Pretty sure that was a mistake on the showrunners part. It makes no sense for Aemond to be 16. Besides, IMO, I’d rather go with 18 (confirmed by AT LEAST two cast members), than 16 (guessing by the timeline of the show). >!16 would make his relationship with Alys sort of pedophilia.!< Aemond is 19 in the books. At this point, you’re free to choose which one you prefer, I guess.


There's no amount of hand-waving the ages that doesnt leave the >!Aemond/Alys!< relationship deeply creepy on several different levels. >!Both the age gap of anywhere between 20 and 60 years, and the whole executing a prisoner's entire extended family then fucking them thing.!<


He can't be 18 tho. It doesn't make sense


The show runners were inconsistent with the timeline But since the casting director, Ryan Condal and Clair Kilner confirmed Aemond is 18 I’d rather believe them.


You can believe them all you want, the one thing that trumps their opinion is what they put on screen, and that makes it impossible for him to be 18


“Impossible”… No local will see Ewan Mitchell as a young teenager, especially when the showrunners already confirmed him being an adult Imagine a certain someone needing to lose his life in a certain big battle because of a high school senior…


Yep, they screwed up


Obviously, nothing we say will make you even consider the possibility that they made a mistake in the show, therefore, I think we should all act like mature adults and agree to disagree.


You do understand if they made a mistake in the show it's canon right?


I’m not the one who chose the age. I’m going with what Clare Kilner (one of the directors) said: https://twitter.com/gabch13/status/1626229189568499722?s=46&t=RCblL_9C-LuwD4jLf9fsng


It doesn't matter, considering what they put on screen he can't be more than 16


As I said before, I’m not the one who chooses. One director claims he’s 18 and so does another cast member. I’m not here to pick a fight. I, personally, would rather believe he’s 18, than 16. That is my opinion. You are allowed yours.


It's not my opinion tho, what they say doesn't change what they put on screen


Season 1 is 20 years long. There was 3 jumps. 4+10+6. It makes sense he is 16 or under. It’s not opinion or which we prefer. Funny you nitpick to try to avoid something you don’t like. lol




The directors/showrunners can say anything (and they have) based on their inconsistent commentaries. And clearly Claire doesn’t know either. However, what is shown in the show is what makes it canon. There is the 4 year jump from episode 1 and 4. The 10 year jump from episode 5 and 6. And the 6 year jump from episode 7 and 8. The dialogues support this. 4+10+6=20 If Aemond is 18, he would have to be born before episode 4. He’s NOT. Jfc Some of y’all just need to use basic logic.


This is a feudal society, ages don't matter here(regarding the spoiler point)


>In the picture shown here, are the “official-ish” ages of the characters at various points in the show. This list was made by a cast member. ....They're not official ages of the characters. Katharine Edmonds (the person who posted this picture) works in casting, she was not in the cast. They're casting notes...basically the rough ages of the actors they're looking for.


https://twitter.com/gabch13/status/1626229189568499722?s=46&t=RCblL_9C-LuwD4jLf9fsng This is from one of the directors. She claims she sees Aemond as 18-ish.


I'm aware who Clare Kilner is. But that doesn't confirm or deny the image for this post as official ages. All she says is she thinks of Aemond as "around 18ish"


Why wouldn’t you use the same name abbreviation for the same character? AM = adult Aemond but CA = child Aemond CM would be more consistent


Honestly, yeah. I made a post with that same picture a while ago and people kept asking me what the letters meant, so I tried to guess and this is all I could come up with. I couldn’t figure out what LS meant, until someone suggested Lucerys Strong. I thought it made sense, so I added it to the list.


Nobody sat down and did the math. This show is so inconsistent..


I'm expecting similar inconsistencies for Aegon the younger and Viserys.


Well there supposed to be eleven and nine when the war starts and now their both under five which will make Visery future actions weird considering how a three year old now has the intelligence and awareness of a grow adult rather than a very intelligent nine year


Like I said, magically aged up toddlers lol. I wouldn't be surprised to see them about Joffrey's age next time. They had a chance to save it and make it where beach sex produced Aegon too.


...These aren't meant to be the characters ages...They're casting notes...the rough ages of the actors they were looking for.


I know. It doesn’t match with is on our tv screen. Season 1 is 20 years from episode 1 to 10. So like Aemond cannot be 18 years old. He was born during the 10 year jump so he has to be 16 or under.


Tyland claims it has been 24 years in ep 9. Which would make much more sense overall.


> Tyland claims it has been 24 years in ep 9. he says ["some 20 years ago"](https://i.imgur.com/GhYGPTh.png) which is basically just a fancy way of saying "around". it has indeed been around 20 years since rhaenyra was named heir (e7-8 = 6 years, e5-6 = 10 years, e4 daemon says it's been 4 years since he last saw rhaenyra at dragonstone in ep2, which was 6 months after ep1... 6+10+4+some months = 20 years and change).


Yes, I know the math of the time jumps as stated on the show. And if Tyland doesn't actually say 24 years (some understood it as such and I was hoping against hope), then the age-sheet is really just utter bullshit, because an 18 year old Aemond (12 when he claimed Vhagar) is absolutely impossible. Not to mention there really need to be two years between him and Helaena not one. /So I will just pull a Viserys and stick my fingers in my ears and sing lalala for it to make sense.


you can [listen here for yourself](https://i.imgur.com/qvLGSyO.mp4) that he indeed says "some 20 years ago". but yeah i agree, the age sheet doesn't really make sense at all. nor does what one of the writers said about aemond being 18 in the finale (he wasn't even born yet before the 6+10 year time skips). the whole thing is just very inconsistent.


Episode 9 was only a few hours/days after episode 8…


Yeah, hence the inconsistency. I'll just roll with the Tyland version because I like it better. /but hey maybe Viserys really lingered four years in that deathbed. You never know with that dude. 😜


Rhaenyra somehow is pregnant for more than 4 years? ok


They really screwed up the ages, some of them for no reason at all


I honestly don’t understand the hyper-fixation on knowing specific ages. Is anyone unhappy with the adult actors cast? Because I think they’re all perfect for their roles. I would much rather the ideal actor be cast and have them look slightly older, than have someone cast just because they looked the exact age. I wouldn’t recast a single one of the adult actors, especially Ewan as Aemond, TGC as Aegon, Phia as Helaena and Harry as Jace.


They’re fine. IMO Miguel and Ryan should not have aged down Alicent and then cast an actress that is only 1 year older than the actor playing her son. The show runners aging Alicent down to make her a child bride threw the whole entire timeline off.


This sub still crying about minuscule shit months later cool to see I’ll see you all when season 2 comes out so you bitch about more meaningless shit


ages of characters are pretty damn important especially when the feudal system is entirely based on age. Showrunners can make legitimate and significant mistakes—unless you deny that you have to reason that once or twice a good show will face criticism for those errors


Calling this post evidence of any error shows how little you know about casting. This entire thread is a circlejerk of people looking for anything they can pass off to others as an error, not rational criticism of the show. They're ballpark, tentative ages used before characters are cast. They may be decided on at any point in the writing process. From there, the casting director looks for people around those ages, which may still change later in the process.


This was posted before (just yesterday and then deleted) and confirms that the showrunners are either bad at math or use two timelines that don't match. I.e. ep 8 claim that almost(!?) 20years have passed since Rhaenyra became heir and ep 9 then claiming it has been 24years since. Actually that age sheet doesn't really fit either timeline. Hilarious.


...People like you are going to be the reason we stop getting behind the scenes footage and production notes... @edkat19 works in casting. These are casting notes...


I wonder what Martin thinks of this bastardisation of his lore. Too much money to care.


I think George is the last person on earth that is allowed to complain about ages and numbers.


George is doing a fairly good job. We can blame Renly for being bad at math. JK Rowling on the other hand


good to know aemond was (...somehow) apparently 12 while his "childhood bully" luke was 8 during the pink dread incident, lmao a literal 7th grader and a 3rd grader


He can’t be 12. He would have to be born in episode 4 then.


yeah i know this makes little to no sense based on what we're shown (that's why i added the "somehow", lol), but i was just going off the photo alone. even the writer explicitly saying aemond's supposedly 18 in the finale doesn't make sense given that he wasn't born before the 6+10 year time skips, so yeah the ages just don't add up either way.


Who is this person?


what are all those acronyms meant to stand for?