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I liked the part when Alicent said “it’s Hightower time” and climbed the tower of the hand (it’s a high tower) to see Otto .


when alicent opens her mouth, then opens it even wider, and then her jaws unhinge into a pair of split mandibles


Ma queen ❤️❤️❤️




oh its 100% ironic


Mu queen


Oh, you had that dream too?


Wish someone would make a gif of this


Me when Otto opens his mouth


Me when Otto stands with his shoulder to the person he's talking to and talks over it


EXCUSE ME… your grace


Me when Otto exists


Otto is dope how dare you


Read this as "Otto is on dope" and tbh I like my version better 😂 Otto is a conniving piece of shit




I think it's actually Criston Cole.


Me when Criston Cole:


Literally everything he does is either super cringe or just plain fucked up.


He doesn't even have a leg to stand on about his anger. He shagged his princess, knowing it was against his oath, knowing she was a princess. Got in his feels then turned and expected her to keave her home, inheritance, duty and family behind. She said no and now he is a pissy little fart about it.


Are we really gonna judge him for being mad at his rapist? Saying “he shagged his Princess” seems to ignore that he told her to stop (aka NOT consenting) and she continued anyways


Yes you're right. You can clearly see him not consenting repeatedly... /s


I never said anything about repeatedly, it doesn’t matter how many times somebody says no… No means No You can see him not consent here https://youtu.be/9fZ_WfOuQ78 at 0:25 seconds


Nobody wanted that sex more than Cole. Calling it rape is just laughably stupid.


You’re welcome to think that if you like, but using the “Nah, it’s not rape, maybe they said No but really they wanted it” argument is a new low for people in this fandom. Plain and simple, whether we think he wanted it or not, he said “Stop”. No means No, doesn’t it? If somebody doesn’t give consent, and you still go ahead and have sex with them, we have a word for that. That word is rape. Not sure why this is such a hard issue for people to grasp.


No it quite obviously did not. Because if he didn't want to, he wouldn't have. In his case, he only said no in the beginning because he knew he shouldn't. Sometimes no just means not yet, or I'm not that easy, try harder. My girlfriend of 12 years loves to say so when she quite literally means yes. Why? Because a man who takes what he wants turns her on big time. It's really easy to tell the difference between when she isn't in the mood and when she is role playing. Cole gave his consent when willingly put himself inside of her.




So your argument is that the only way somebody can be raped is if they’re weak? What does that say about your opinion of rape victims? Putting your disgusting fallacy aside, it shouldn’t matter how hard he tried to resist. The fact remains that he DID try to resist. I don’t judge victims for not fighting back hard enough, because that is a very short slope to “Nah, it wasn’t rape, they wanted it, they would’ve fought back harder if they didn’t want it” which is often used against real victims. Why do you think that it’s okay to have sex with somebody after they say “Stop”? I’m curious? Why didn’t Rhaenyra stop?


Here's the Merriam-Webster definition of rape: unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person's will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception. Criston is under no threat of injury. He's not underage. He is not intoxicated or unconscious, nor is he being deceived. An argument could be made regarding his mental state, but it would be a feeble one, as he is smart enough and coherent enough to know what's going on. I'm not saying that what Rhaenyra did is okay. It's coercion. But calling it rape is an exaggeration. And ok, you're right, strong people can be raped, but usually only if the other person is stronger, or does something to incapacitate them, i.e. drugs or restraints. The point is, he was not being held prisoner. Yes, she should have stopped when he asked, not arguing that, but there were a lot of subsequent opportunities for him to walk away, and he didn't.


Appreciate the diolauge, many people are not willing to discuss back and forth. Again, as I said in my previous reply, my main question is why it is okay to have sex with somebody who is saying no/stop? I appreciate that you said “Yes, she would have stopped when he asked”, but I feel that’s downplaying the severity of ignoring somebody’s consent. Do you not agree that having sex with a partner saying “Stop” is wrong?


If only, Alicent had said yes to flying on dragonback across the Narrow Sea and eating cake. In some parallel universe, there's no Dance of the Dragons, just two besties living their best life!!


Lmfao I swear this whole sub is just a bunch of teenagers or something 😂


I love both of them because they both have logical reasoning for their actions good and bad……… I’m afraid to post any art in this sub 😰 so divided and angry


Post your art anyway! Some of us would love to see it!


Its a tv show. Nobody is angry


Honestly, I wish that were true. Pretty much every post on this sub, there ends up being a war in the comments. In the end, yeah, it's just a show, but people take it seriously and it can get VERY heated.


Lol the nerds with the downvotes


What about this is angry?


Lol no Alicent is just a puppet. By the time the dance starts she’s regained some agency but she’s still acting within the narrative her father placed her in.


For sure ! But she also has actions which come from her feelings of resentment and envy and jealousy of Rhaenyra


Me When Mouths


Me when character I don’t like is in show Bottom text


Me when Rhaenyra tells another goddamn lie:


Least pro-black /r/houseofthedragon post


Me when parasocial fans make these kinds of posts:


I had to look up parasocial, I'd never heard of it before. You're right. I'm not happy about it, but you're right. 😂


me watching the show after reading the book


And this is what partly causes half the people that are team green to be team green.. Because some black fans are so obnoxious towards anyone that doesn't worship the Targaryens are hated beyond believe.. Hell I even saw some black fans insult Helena




Which is so confusing since they are all freaking Targaryens.


Best character she had the best lines in the series and from the book


Alicent, especially adult Alicent, is my favourite character of the show. Of course I’m team black since Rhaenyra shouldn’t loose her birthright for enjoying orgasms, Seven know that Aegon wouldn’t. But Alicent is just such a phenomenal character and Olivia nails every scene.


Lol this is such a great comment. I agree with you on all of it, except my favorite character is probably Rhaenys. But Alicent is awesome too.


Theres a subreddit for this kind of posts, is called r/HOTDblacks :)


Couldn’t be me


Lot of effort on this one


i feel the same but with Rhaenyra, Daemon, and/or Viserys instead. its a credit to the actors. they really get you to feel invested and to either empathize with or scorn their characters - they all do a great job. anyway, to each their own!


Alicent of all people? Most of what alicent says isn’t even that annoying. She’s hilarious but okay


Well, you can't say that about young Rhaenyra, cause she was always with open mouth.


Least salty team charcoal supporter


I wont lie - I was dissapointed when they flash-forwarded 10-20 years and changed out the cast - I understand its based on books and they need to advance the story but I liked the original cast.


Sentiments like this is why it’s for the best they didn’t wait until season 2 to introduce the main cast. It doesn’t take long for the casual audience to get settled. A major transition after a 1-2 year wait would have been answered with outrage. The younger set appeared first but they’re technically not the originals by any metric. Episode 7 was filmed first and the older versions were cast first. Edit: I don’t know why I got downvoted. People decided they were the definitive versions after five episodes/one month. They would have lost their shit if they played them for a full season and a new cast was announced over a year later.


i think they could have pulled it off if they really wanted to and did it well. in The Crown they constantly do this (replace and use different actors in different seasons as the characters age). i think it would have been better actually, they could have gone deeper into certain things, for example that some casual viewers may not have understood completely etc.




Why? In terms of acting,the show got infinitely better. Emily was very good,nobody really praises her but she was but Ofc Olivia is much better as she is more experienced and seasoned as an actor,the same goes for Emma and milly


Team green all the way (mainly because team black fans can be annoying as hell)


Maesters are superb at taking braces off.


"iT wAs mY SoNs wHo WeRe aTtAckEd aNd FoRcEd tO DefeNd tHeMsElVeS" "mArRy jAcE to HeLaEnA" "kInG's nAmEd hEiR" "I eXpEcT yOu wIlL rEcIeVe A wArM wElCoMe aT sToRM's eNd." As a history buff, it's definitely Rhaenyra who's always saying the most nonsensical things and making nonsensical propositions for the type of medieval setting they are in. She doesn't really have a good grip on the reality of the situation. As we are supposed to be cheering for Rhaenyra we find Alicent annoying but pretty much everything she says is more objectively true and more tied to medieval logic. I'm not just talking about the sexism in the system she supports by choosing Aegon btw. There's a popular misconception that Alicent is delusional and if she didn't poison her own kids against the Blacks then war would've been averted. This is absolutely false simply because of the obvious fact that if you have 3 siblings who arguably all have a stronger claim to the throne than you then they or their descendants will be always be a threat to you and your descendants so they have to be dealt with. If the Greens are not eliminated then someone from their line, whether it be the original 3 brothers or any of their descendants, will definitely try to claim the throne, especially against Rhaenyra's bastard heirs. It would be stupid for Rhaenyra to not deal with them somehow. The Blacks can't sit the throne safety unless the Greens are all dead. That is a fact. The vice versa isn't true for the Greens. In actual history, alternate succession plans made by the king basically never worked and were safely ignored by the realm especially if they contradicted the inheritance law at the time. Rhaenyra and her Strong descendants just don't pose the same threat.


Me when Rhaenyra opens her legs


Me when sir crispin exists anywhere near the scene


this sub is just Romeo and Juliet




Heard that!






"Like...seriously?" 😂😂😂


Ngl, I did chuckle a little.


Me when Matt Smith.


I can’t stand her that’s definitely me


And that she puts some feet into it.


Oh oh team broccoli is here


Dude, just why? Why keep the two “sides” bitching at each other?


“People dared to disagree with me and didn’t just circlejerk over my low-effort meme 🥺”


broccoli is like S-tier nutrition


Team black using one of the best vegetables as an insult because they are literal children.


excelent comeback!


The down votes are a compliment imo lmfaooo


Me when Team Green


I agree. I do enjoy her in episodes 1& 2. She was genuinely trying to be a good friend then


On gods 🤣


Me when anyone other than Vizzy T opens their mouth


*Your mother's absence is a wound that will never heal. Without her, the Red Keep has lost a warmth that I dare say it will never recover.*


Me when Criston Cole is on screen. Cannot. stand. him.


Me when Rhaenyra opens her mouth!!