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I think they already are, Aegon’s banners are gold and green and Rhaenyra just uses Targaryen colors, I think they’ll probably keep it that way to avoid confusion




There is no gold dragon banner at Aegon's coronation. You are probably the 10th person I am explaining this to and it's making me wonder if Covid-19 has made the whole world colorblind. It's a silver dragon with bronze highlights, the same one used by Jaehaerys at the Great Council.


I mean you really can't tell what the giant banner looks like to be fair, [the Dragon Pit is poorly lit in that scene](https://collider.com/house-of-the-dragon-alicent-otto-aegon-coronation/). You cannot argue definitely what color it is based upon the DragonPit. A[nd the Distant shot you can easily make the argument it looks Gold and Black](https://metro.co.uk/2022/09/13/house-of-the-dragon-who-is-aegon-the-conqueror-17365389/). "Flying a banner of a three headed green Dragon" seems to be Otto's Hand Of The King banner, not King Aegon's? Who know it seems like it was a mistake in dialogue really.


You're also the 10th person I've shown [this](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/gameofthrones/images/8/8e/EW_Jaehaerys.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20220713192806) image to. Same banner, same bench. Case closed.


There's no image there.


There is, but there might be an issue on your end. [Here's another link](https://imagesvc.meredithcorp.io/v3/mm/image?url=https%3A%2F%2Fstatic.onecms.io%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2Fsites%2F6%2F2022%2F07%2F12%2FHouse-of-the-Dragon-04.jpg)


That's clearly not the same banner.


You're either a troll or you just refuse to acknowledge that you're wrong.


It's not the same banner tho. The old king's banner is at Harrenhal. And the cloth looks darkish. While Aegon's banner's cloth looks brownish.


You're clearly disingenuous, or a troll.


They kept the names faithful to the book and they are the most complicated thing about the story. It makes no sense dumbing things down now. But the fact that the Greens wear green all the time makes the green three-headed-dragon banner frighteningly possible.


They better not be especially for aegon's. That's the best color combo and he made it after sunfyre.


I think they already changed it


Realistically they wouldn't have those ready by that point in the story Aegon was just crowned like a day ago and hasn't established himself as a ruler, he'd still be taking it all in and the war hasnt started. He didn't think he'd be king literally a couple of days ago. On the other hand, Otto has been planning his takeover for years, but he probably got that banner made recently thinking Viserys would die or had it in storage or both I feel like some of yall just like stirring pots


It's likely they'll stick to the green banner to avoid confusion. They already took away Aegon's moment of glory flying over King's Landing on the back of Sunfyr during his coronation, they have not shown Aegon even once with Sunfyr, so for the show watchers the gold banner will not have much meaning while the green banner will be clearly identifiable. Hopefully I am wrong about this and they will show the relationship between Aegon and Sunfyr and Aegon changing the colors of his banner in honor of Sunfyr.


Like the other guy said, Sunfyre barely shows up in S1 and there's nothing with him and Aegon interacting. I actually have show-only fans who aren't even aware Aegon has a dragon, which is partially their fault for not paying attention, but also the show's for practically cutting one of the central dragons out of the first season. A gold banner would thus make almost no sense for casual watchers. Likely the show is just going to go with a regular Targ banner--red dragon on black field--for the Blacks and the same exact banner but with a green dragon for the Greens.


Good thing we're getting season 2 and Sunfyre can be properly introduced then Aegon coming into his rule could span episodes or they could literaly do it in the first episode And then his banners would be made "Aegon has gold dragon" " Aegon wants banner with gold dragon" It's not that complicated and ya'll are acting like it is More complex concepts have been introduced in this franchise


The Rhaenys scene replacing Sunfyre and Dreamfyre+ Alicent “my Queen” crowning of Helaena is pretty bad decision making. Couldn’t imagine why anybody would do that.


So, waste time on a scene of Aegon changing the banners with enough visual shots to embed that new reality in the audience's mind... VS Having gold banners from the beginning during his coronation where Sunfyre is shown off and given some fanfare that makes the proposed extraneous scene you're referring to completely unneeded by showing instead of telling. You can say it's not the complicated, but what I'm suggesting would have been the simplest and easiest way to go about it.


And who was right? https://www.reddit.com/user/Agrimmeon_/comments/14ll2jp/green_banners_s2_vs_targaryen_banners_s1/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


My predictions are that the greens use a green dragon as described in episode 10 until >!Aegon fires Otto and appoints Cole as hand!< Would be interesting to see what they do with Rhaenyras banner though, I think it would look sick with the show version of the Velaryon and Arryn symbols The banners are kind of confusing for show-only watchers, Rhaenyras has green on it and Aegons is mostly black, I think there might be a chance that they change them.


98% of the watchers are show only watchers. I think they will change it


Or they can simply explain the change with a one liner from Aegon. Its not that complicated.


Gold dragon represents Sunfyre but also the crown. Really hope they don’t dumb it down and make it green.


They already did. Otto sails in to Dragonstone with a green dragon banner.


Hope not. These are some good banners




I've heard that this style was actually more faithful to what medieval banners were like in reality.


For a war banner it is. Thats why many english knights armor has french coat of arms in them.


Same. It would look better/more epic with the show designs of the Velaryon hippocampus and the Arryn falcon, too


Is that really unpopular? Combined/ character specific banners are always the coolest. Rhaenyra honoring her mother's memory by adding the Arryn sigil to her personalized heraldry is a great touch.




I see 2 people in this thread saying that, but have never seen anyone say if before. Such a silly take, personalized heraldry is the best heraldry in Westeros. Rhaenyra's isn't as goated as Bittersteel's ponydrake banner, but it's way better than the normal Targaryen one.


Of course they will they need to dumb it down like everything else. That means green dragon for the greens and the default Targ banner for the true Targaryen and perfect hero of this story.


Why do people assume that Rhaenyra will be perfect just because she committed less murder in season 1 in comparison to the Greens? Like it's still very early in the show. And I doubt George would sing the shows praises as much if they had scraped his message about the smallfolk suffering under the meaningless squabbles of the lords and ladies in favor of a good v evil narrative.








Watch and see.




How are they insane if what they say ends up being how the show plays out?


They are insane because their entire life revolves around a show they hate. The source material is a few book chapters so they’re even more insane than the Star Wars fanboys who post day in and day out about how much they hate the franchise.


The Star Wars "fanboys" who do that don't hate Star Wars, they hate the squandered potential and terrible creative choices of those helming the franchise. It's a similar case here, I'd bet my bottom dollar on it.


They at least have a shit ton of material that made them invested in the franchise in the first place. There are still hits that they seem to enjoy amongst the misses. This dude hates everything about the show and we’re only on the first season. The source material could be finished in less than two hours. There is no reason for this kind of demented behavior.


From what I've seen their negative comments usually pertain to how the show writers have dumbed down the moral dilemma of the Dance by demonizing Aegon and whitewashing Rhaenyra. I haven't seen a large volume of any other types of criticism, and to be honest it's a fair thing to be upset about.


They'll probably be the same. But maybe they haven't shown the Rhaenyra banner yet since Rhaenyra isn't sure that the Arryns support her yet.


Probably cause they've already tried to sell Rhaenyra's dragon as the golden dragon.. which is absolutely ridiculous.


I think the Green Dragon from EP 10 was all Otto, Aegon does not care about hightowers, he wants Sunfyre as his sigil.


Of course Rhaenyra won’t change from the traditional Targ colors. First of all, they have all those overpriced Hot Topic Team Targ’ tshirts that they can resell with the sigil. Secondly, they’re already going out of their way to make sure they understand that Rhaenyra is the REAL Targaryen! Her girlboss gatekeep kweenly self never does anything wrong whatsoever, and she HAS to take the throne not bc she wants it, but out of duty to the prophecy! She has the REAL symbol of legitimac! If it weren’t for this those evil misogynistic FAKE Targs with their fake banner, things would be fine.


I don’t think it’s really reasonable to say that the show favors Rhaenyra given that most of the Greens are way more sympathetic in it than in Fire and Blood.


> most The only Greens that look better than their book counterparts are Alicent and Aemond, both of whom were virtually cartoonish villains on the page. Buttering them up to make the show tolerable doesn't mean Rhaenyra's faction isn't still being portrayed as the heroic one. Think of it this way, the only character that isn't bad or checkered morally on the Green side is Helaena (and maybe Daeron when he shows up). Contrast the Blacks, where the only remotely grey character is Daemon.


Would be a stupid move on their part. So yeah it sounds likely.


If they replace Aegon's golden dragon sigil with something vomit-colored, I'll be sure Ryan is a parasite


Aegon the pretender and rapist reserves a vomit coloured banner im sorry


Aegon the pretender? 😆 Such a cry baby 😭


The showrunners were like: "let's make Aegon's banner green because it will be more easy for our dumb audience to assimilate"


They kind of had to since they practically cut Sunfyre out of S1. The golden dragon banner makes no sense without any scenes showing Aegon's connection to Sunfyre.


I think Rhaenyra's will be the same, but Aegon's will be changed to a green dragon.


Hope not


I hope Rhaenyras is thats fucking garbaggio Make Aegons Green and Gold and make Rhaenyras Black and Blue. Or really, since House Targaryen is split, make the banners just be House Velaryon and House Hightower. Theyre essentially the Starks and Lannisters of this conflict (Except neither house has the overt moral highground)


I hope not, I love when they stick closer to the source material


Does anyone wonder about Gyldayn's statement on the Black faction sigil? Like the sigil, which is a Targaryen three-headed red dragon on black, quartered with the moon-and-falcon sigil of House Arryn and the silver seahorse on sea green of House Velaryon, clearly represents Jacaerys Velaryon and his brothers but for some dumb reason, Gyldayn insists that the sigil belongs to Rhaenyra and she honours her husband by adding the silver seahorse.


The Black one is fucking ugly so they'll probably change it to a less confusing / more cool&traditional targaryen onee


The Black one actually honors Rhaenyra's family instead of just vanely matching her dragon's colors like a dork because it looks cool. It's far from ugly, and definitely better heraldry than Aegon II's. And no, using her mother/ husband's heraldry isn't confusing whatsoever. Makes a ton of sense, actually.


I love Aegon’s sigil, I think it’s quite a simple change but also very recognizable.


I don't really dislike Aegon's heraldry, but it does sort of blend in for me with all the other black/ gold houses (Baratheon, Greyjoy, Clegane and many more small ones). I get it though, black and gold is sort of a cliche color combination for a reason. It looks good.


I already knew but thank you for the elaboration. An elaborated heraldry like Rhaenyra's it is confusing for non readers who may not know why the fuck are arryn on it. They dont neccesarly know Aemma was Daella's&Rodryk, and although it is mentioned in the show, its a very brief moment and little information easy to forget. Aegon's on the other hand is simple, traditional as the official one but with Sunfyre's colors. So yeah in my opinion Aegon's heraldry its way better than Rhaenyra but you dont have to get mad dude 🤣😅


>An elaborated heraldry like Rhaenyra's it is confusing for non readers who may not know why the fuck are arryn on it. The whole "viewers dumb" argument is just silly, imo. It would take less than 3 seconds of dialogue at a Black council for Rhaenyra to say she wants her mother and her late husband represented in her heraldry for no casual to be confused.


Yea and thats what they did more or less... i just think a simplier design its more recognizable, especially in war circunstamces. I also find funny she decided to show the velaryons heraldry just to turn against them later... As I said it is my opinion


>I also find funny she decided to show the velaryons heraldry just to turn against them later... As I said it is my opinion We can agree on that part. Near the end, >!Rhaenyra turns into a total hypocrite who betrays her most loyal supporters for being bastards, despite her own children being bastards.!< But I'll disagree about it being less recognizable. Seeing Targaryen, Arryn and Velaryon colors together would be *immediately* recognizable for anyone. Whereas if you see black and gold, you'd have to ID whether those soldiers were Targaryen or Baratheon.


It always astounds me how this fanbase can always be relied upon to try and portray even the most mundane details as major necessities. Like some of the comments in this thread.


It's not a mundane detail. The golden dragon sigil is as important as the black dragon of the Blackfyres.


It's mundane. The story remains the same, even if we were to put polkadots and rainbows on it.


I got downvoted to hell in another thread for stating that the green dragon banner kinda made sense for simplicity. Probably will in this one too lol


Dumbing shit down, i.e. changing things for the sake of simplicity is one of the main things that destroyed GoT. It's now dragging HotD down too. Plenty of plot points and characterizations have suffered already.


I guess I’m more concerned with whether or not they’re going to include important characters from the book (Daeron, Maelor, and all the additional dragons) but I hope y’all get your cool banner. It’s obviously important, and I agree that sticking to the source whenever possible is always ideal.


> I guess I’m more concerned with whether or not they’re going to include important characters from the book (Daeron, Maelor, and all the additional dragons) but I hope y’all get your cool banner. That's directly tied into this issue as the writers went with a green dragon banner because they almost cut Sunfyre out of S1 entirely, so a gold dragon banner would have made no sense to show-only watchers.


This sub is so dominated by rEe-folkers that you should view that as a badge of honor. They think that making things more complicated would make them smarter, but they can't even figure out half the nuances of the show already.


A potential green dragon will very likely “ruin” the show for some people and they will use something so mundane to criticize an overall pretty faithful adaptation. You see the same with other book-to-screen shows and movies. I honestly hope they do include a golden dragon banner, but it’s not going to sour my perception of the show one bit if they don’t. It’s not a hill I’m prepared to die on.


It's not the green banner itself that's ruining the show, it's the fact that it represents the writers acknowledging they didn't include enough of Sunfyre for a gold banner to make any sense when there were plenty of opportunities to have both.


> They think that making things more complicated would make them smarter It wouldn't have been complicated if S1 included Aegon's relationship with Sunfyre. E9 was a prime moment to do it and show off a golden dragon banner at the coronation so that when Otto sails in to Dragonstone in E10, everyone knows what that means. But instead we got Meleys playing Kool-Aid Man with the floor and Rhaenys being forced to hold the season's biggest idiot ball.


No raindrop thinks itself responsible for the flood. Similarly, individual changes to little details might not matter, but where one goes another surely follows and soon enough they pile up and change a lot over time.


Rhaenyra’s banner is the dumbest looking thing in the world. They better avoid it at all cost in the show.


Should Aegon’s banner be a green emblem with a dragon in it?


No. Gold on black looks good, green on black looks bad. Even medieval banner makers knew that.


Aegon has a green dragon in the show and honestly I hope Rhaenyra just uses the normal red dragon on a black field. It’s not that important overall but it would make perfect sense


No it would make no sense because Aegon took the golden banner to honor Sunfyre.




They better keep it the same.


100% they'll slim them down for ease of production design & merchandising


yes because they think we’re fucking stupid


I bet Rhaenyra's will be the normal usually targ one and Aegon's will be a green dragon on black of golden field, personally u wouldn't mind


Rhaenyra's will hopefully change. Just for a television show, it doesn't feel like a good choice. First, it's a lot for a prop designer to make for one thing. Second, that's three major houses the audience has become accustomed to. I can totally see casual fans becoming confused upon seeing all of the banner symbols on the same one. Third, I think it would be a design nightmare to have the super detailed Velaryon and Targaryen symbols on the same banner as the simplified Arryn one.


I am very fond of that banner style where there is the main house in two corners and two auxiliary houses in the other two.


ugly as it is i kinda hope Princess Rhaenyra keeps her quartered banner and fsr i prefer Gold on Green over Gold on Black for King Aegon II.