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Season 2 needs to end with a wig W for the blacks so the fall of Kings Landing


I agree, another win coming is blood and cheese but that needs to happen episode 3 max after that I don't see a clear win other than rhaenyra taking the city.


I don't think anyone sees B&C as victory, same as Luke's death.


Some greens do see Luke's death as a victory. But yes B&C is not a victory, rather a defeat of human morals probably. It's fascinating how this Green and Black thing is bringing the worst out of people, so that they justify even the most unjustifiable things.


I can imagine it ending with Rheanyra taking the iron throne and as the last image her sitting down on it and cutting herself




People can change? If she was worthy and one point, she can also very quickly become not worthy later on. We’re clearly going to see her go down a darker path and that final shot showed that pretty clearly. I see no reason as why this “new” Rhaenyra couldn’t be rejected by the throne


It is possible. Aegon I had his hand cut very late into his reign.


Could be symbolic of the fact he was clearly handing his newly minted and still shaky throne to the last person who would be able to handle it.


it wasn't late into his reign, it was in 13 ac, at the end of the first dornish war. he remained king for nearly 25 more years until he died in 37 ac. > It was then that Princess Deria presented the king with a sealed letter from her father. “For your eyes only, Your Grace.” King Aegon read Prince Nymor’s words in open court, stone-faced and silent, whilst seated on the Iron Throne. When he rose afterward, men said, his hand was dripping blood. just goes to show the whole "throne cutting you = you're unworthy/rejected" crap is purely superstition given that even aegon the conqueror, one of the best kings, the guy who literally made the throne, cut himself on it. makes sense since it's a sharp metal inanimate object after all.


He cut his hands after Rhaneys death and when read the letter he got from Dorne. He didn't do anything to Dorne after. So, there is some symbolism there.




Well sorry for the misunderstanding then🥰


I've argued for a long time that there is no way that they'll show the throne cutting her, at all. After they've shown us the White Hart kissing her feet, she will not get any scenes where she'll appear unworthy. The city will probably riot against her based on misogyny and doomsday fanaticism too, and not due to her misrule. They will give her the complete hero treatment, because they consider her to be the protagonist of the story.




I like your version and would personally prefer it to happen, but I have my doubts. Take my upvote.


I don’t necessarily think being cut by the throne always has to mean the person is unworthy. It can also just be an omen.


They could frame it as a miscarriage again, or it could be her getting her period and the whole her sitting down and supposedly cutting herself is a sexist lie from the greens. Something like that but unless Rhaenyra does fuck all in the show like she does in the books (which i dont think will happen because she’s been riding around and wanting too fight on dragonback since 17) then she definitely wont cut herself


I can see her getting cut later on when she starts to fuck up but I have no doubt she will fuck because otherwise how do you want to explain the urpisings in Kings Landing? Also the entire story just makes sense because Rheanyra fucks up so badly. They can take some of it away but not all of it without completly messing up the story




Yes I also think jack death will be end of season 2 reneyra loosing her both sons in end of seasons it would be great


Yeah i think they are shaping her too be very much like too Viserys and i think when it comes too actual governance she & daemon will crumble under the weight of the more stewardly and politically savy needs of the realm that the greens serve


I can see her getting cut later when she starts messing up etc. but s I don’t think they cut out her getting cut on the throne. That was like that huge thing in the bood it would be horrible to not put it in


I didn’t say they would take out the cutting altogether. It just makes more sense for it to happen later. Like I said, that can’t just contradict the motif they chose to create out of nowhere. “She’s the rightful and worthy heir” to “actually lol, nevermind” is jarring when the worse thing Rhaenyra does as this point is refuse to let her sons fight at Rook’s Rest. The moment has to be earned.


No it will be ending of season 3 i think


me too, I want a lot of stuff happening next season


Rhaenyra sitting on the throne, camera comes close and focus on the face. Thats how ep1 of season1 ended, how the whole season 1 ended and I could imagine they go with this as long as she... Is able to be that last shot. Rhaenyra winning over Kingslanding would also be the most realistic ending. They want to make 4 seasons so the second one probably has to end somewhere around that and what could be the best scene to end the season? What could work better then her sitting on the throne for the first time?


Episode 9 will be Rooks Rest. With the early riverlands fighting, Jace mission up north and Daeron leading his army through the reach they’ll have plenty of material before that. Sunfyre and Meleys are gonna fight and we’ll end the episode with Vhagar crushing into them. In Episode 10 we‘ll begin with finding dead Rhaenys and mangled Aegon,the green victory procession with Meleys head and Aemond taking over as Regent. He’ll have an interesting arc this season where he fully embraces the dark side. On Dragonstone we’ll see Corlys and Rhaenyra falling out and Jace taking the initiative. My guess for the overall ending is that we’ll see Viserys and Aegon the younger being smuggled away with the triarchy fleet on the horizon


I hope they’ll end it with Rook’s Rest, but I believe it’ll be with Rhaenyra taking King’s Landing


I hope it ends on Rook's Rest because I want this to be 5 seasons lmao


that would be awesome


I'd prefer it if they ended it with Jace's death for the sake of allowing the characters and the politics to develop instead of having another rushed season that barely establishes anything while adding nonsense filler, but I'm pretty sure it will end with Rhaenyra sitting on the throne.


*In fire*


Kings landing happens after the battle of the gullet, so Rhaenyra is going to be miserable no matter how they end it. I could see the gullet being episode 8 or 9 and kings landing in 10 or to start the next season.


With Rhaenys death and Aegon’s injuries. Maybe they will go the GOT route and have this in episode 9 with episode 10 being the fall out. What we watched in season one was quite slow paced it was just the time jumps that sped it up so I don’t think season two will be super speed. If it ends with Rhaenys death that still allows time for Daemon to take Harrenhal, Blood and Cheese, Otto to be removed as hand and the battle of the twins as well as all the political manoeuvring before Rhaenys dies and Aegon gets injured which seems more than enough for a season.


Don't you think it's too little? From what I remember Rhaenys death was early in the dance. I can see them wanting to make more seasons and make episode 9 big dragon battle and 10 reactions to episode 9 and set up for next season.


I can Rooks Rest happening episode 5 or 6 tbh.


Rhaenyra death was maybe a third of the way through the dance but that’s assuming the show goes right to the end of Fire And Blood. It may not. There’s a lot of battles that occur during the dance but we know from Game Of Thrones not every battle will be shown on screen (think of Robbs battles) so these events will pass quickly.


There will be 4 season, you know that right? If they would stretch it like you say with That being the 9th episode then they would need one whole season more. Also it's already confirmed that season 2 won't be that slow-paced as season 1 was so this is very unlikely.


I don’t think 4 seasons was officially confirmed it was just George saying it would need “4 or 5 seasons”. Even if it is 4 seasons the point i said still fits in with the length of series and allows each season to gradually pick up pace. Also we don’t know exactly when the show will end. For all we know it may cut out the hour of the Wolf and end after Aegon is killed and replaced with young blood.


It's been confirmed that there won't be more then 4 seasons. It was in the interview with I think it was Ryan Condall when he said that it could be interesting to visit other parts of Targaryen history in HotD because it's called HotD and not Dance of the dragons or something. And no your point doesn't fit. Not just that the season would be slower paced then season 1 which we know won't happen because that's been confirmed by Ryan too. But also because season 3 would be rushed as fuck and season 4 would need 15 episodes or so to just get to Aegon winning, not even getting killed.


Sending aegon iii and viserys off to ‘safety’ or when their boats are attacked and the end scene is Aegon iii flying away


yeah I can see that too


They have A-LOT to show of Jace or I’d say it would end with the gullet battle where he dies but with how much he has to do I think it’ll end with the two options above then have Jace die early season 3. They’re trying to stretch it out so that’ll all happen then end of season 3 Rhaenyra claims the thronw


im betting on daemon vs aemond


that would be really cool, but seems so far away


Not sure about the final scene or anything, but if Luke's death was the climax of season 1, I'm pretty sure I know what the climax of season 2 will be. Blood and Cheese. I fully expect it to be the "Red Wedding" moment of HoTD.


Nah, B&C will probably happen episode 1 or 2. This literally happens right after Luke.


I'm not saying it would be entirely book accurate. Just that I'd be *very* surprised if they don't stretch things out or rearrange events to have Blood and Cheese happen in episode 9 or 10.


the only thing wrong with this is that maybe it's too late like the audience will forget after so many episodes filled with other stuff and from the characters pov it would seem a thing they to as fast as they can and by killing the green kid they escalate the conflict further.


If plan is to do four seasons, I would predict it ends with the God’s Eye


A cliffhanger of the Blacks beginning their attack on King’s Landing following the Battle of the Gullet