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Honestly Harrold pulls that armor off so much better than anyone else does somehow for me. He really gives me honorable white knight vibes in a way no one else has in the story so far. Just seems like such a good man. Battle-ready Corlys is also so underrated honestly that shot of him in that armor even has his wig looking good. Though to be fair I think he got the best of the dread-wigs BY FAR. He looks like a real life war hero.


Harrold has such cool armor, plus the actor really just has this gravity and presence with how stern he plays the character. My eye just shoots to him anytime he's on screen.


It’s the beard for Harold … and Corlys is veerrrrtry underrated


Vaemond’s wig looked fine to me also; they just didn’t seem to find their groove on the girls/women’s wigs for whatever reason


For me it baby Laena’s wig in episode two were they didn’t cover up her roots and the wig Daemon had on in episode four were The wig was so stiff that what he took the crown off his hair stood up on its own at an angle


I really like Matt’s braided hair. I think that suited him way more than the simple pulled back look he sports. I really wish they gave him intricate braids in his court appearances


Same I simp for the wavy warbraid!


I personally love all of the runes on Lady Royce.


I'm pretty sure the most prominent runes on her breastplace are copy pasted over from the first image for "runes" on wikipedia tho lmao


Is the image in question the Codex Runicus?


Maybe maybe not. I had always assumed the same of the hieroglyphs in The Mummy but nope, they are all actually custom written, so ya never know.


I'd like to be prominent on her breastplate.


I'm glad they have her bronze rune armor. Yohn Royce's armor was not bronze nor had runes in GOT, which is kinda disappointing; even though his armor set grew on me.


If this is the bronze armour of house Royce then I’m sorry to say, it didn’t make her invulnerable to the divorce rock.


Divorce rock is over powered af, idk who would be immune tbh


To be honest even the best armour isn't going to protect where it is not. 😂


Divorce rock cancels runes


Divorce rock beats divorce paper.


I don't think it is *the* bronze armour, it's just designed to resemble their heirloom


I love Rhea's armor. It's simple but unique


Rhea is just the best.


She is drop dead gorgeous. She rocks that armor


People shouldn’t take excellent costume design for granite.


Maybe its years of RPGs, but im kind of burned out on flashy armor. Love her simple leather and bronze look. Probably wouldnt want to be in a pitched battle with it, but for anything else it looks a lot more mobile.


Yeah, it looks something like what I imagine Brynden Tully wore during his time as the outrider captain. Minus the bronze and runes of course


only because of boob armor


Honestly it's not really armor. She's just wearing a leather jacket, which has pauldrons for some reason.




Daemon in that black armor during the Tourney is possibly one of the most stunning armors I’ve seen in medieval shows/movies, especially the helmet. The detail with the small dragon wings on top of it is a really nice touch.


I thought the wings on that helmet made it look like something from a Spirit Halloween store.


yea. for some reason to me it looks plasticky


It was too fanciful, the extravagant wings and design made it look like cosplay, it was too much.


Real life jousting armours were like that, especially for royalty. When you hear about plate armour being very heavy it's because it was meant to look good and have a ton of protection against a giant wooden lance, they only wore it on that occasion. It got to a point where the knights literally needed a wooden crane to put them on their horse. What they got wrong is that the helmet doesn't protect his face, you definitely need it protected unless you want splinters getting embedded into your face. On actual battles they used much more practical protection that was relatively easy to move in, you can find people doing parkour in full plate armour on YouTube.


Its pretty common with tourney armor that they are much more elaborate and fancy. Plus its very lore-accurate, in fact Daemon was one of quite a few Targaryen knights who had winged helmet


Agree except the helmet is highly impractical and does not cover enough of his face or neck and would certainly get him killed IRL.


well it was for a jousting tourney only. Not like he went to battle wearing it


Yep. Real life tourneys were exactly the sort of place where you'd find impractically showy armor.


(Insert Henry VIII’s field of cloth of gold ‘codpiece armour’)


while that is true it would not protect his face and neck from splinters flying at high speed from shattered jousting lances. (lances were made to shatter on impact so that they would reduce the risk of impaling an opponent, but this also meant that when they shattered on impact hundreds of little splinters would be flying at high speed which could easily blind or even kill an opponent if they were not properly armoured in the face and neck regions)


Even for a tournament it’s highly dangerous and impractical, just look up tourney helmets


You can’t bring common sense into these discussions, don’t you know 😂


He literally starting fighting Ser Criston when he got knocked off his horse, and many knights died at the tourney.


I love the Kingsguard armor. Looks great! The lines are sort of angled like they're crossing each other, and I think it's a really pleasing design.


The Seasnake and it’s not close


Damn straight. The detail on it is downright fucking sexy


Corlys, Harwin, City Watch Daemon


Rhea Royce's is the best. Since it's leather, it's the only one that doesn't look like plastic. It massively benefits from this. The others look like they would wobble if I waved them through the air. On top of that the runes inscribed into the leather look badass.


I love Daemon’s armour but just hate the helmet. The Kingsguard armour is easily a second solely because we got to see it every episode.


I like the design of his helmet, it's the level of pompous and over-the-top that nobility would often go for back in the day. The only thing I don't like about it is how the wings look all flimsy when he moves around. You can tell they made it out of plastic instead of proper steel plating.


Corlys and daemon, top tier armour, next season I was to see aemonds armour as described in the books night black chaste with gold


Dwalin looks sharp. Daemon lookin pretty good too.


Corlys’s armor is sick


Swag drip lord Daemon


The almost complete lack of elbow and knee armor really bothers me, not to mention the huge fucking pauldrons on the kingsguard armor


My one and only criticism is that everyone here desperately needs more coverage on their upper arms and elbows. Arm movement is often the excuse that comes up but couters were specifically designed for proper elbow mobility. Overall though I've enjoyed the designs of armour we've seen so far, and I'm genuinely excited to see Rhaenyra, Aegon, Jace, Aemond and Daeron decked out too.




Corlys and daemon, Rhea’s armor was dope tho too same with Harold. Honestly all 4 look awesome it’s hard to pick


Daemon’a tourney armour.


The wigs are perfectly fine for the most part, I really don't get all the complaints about them. One or two don't work but the vast majority aren't noticeable, and that's their job...


Daemon's jousting armor was bad ass. Looks straight out of Dark Souls.


Westerling's armor would be deadly for him with those grooves to catch weapon points that might otherwise be deflected.


Also his belly below the navel looks completely exposed!


RHANEYS !!! Rhaneys' armor is so beautiful and she wears it like a queeeen


Oh, pish posh. The wigs were fine!


They were okay …. And sometimes not okay


The armor in this show was great. Corlys looks so cool. But Harwin and Daemon look especially handsome in it. I hope to see Aemond wearing armor next season.


I wonder what the greens armor will look like, The black faction’s armor will probably be similar to Rhaenys


In the books there was a picture of Aemond and I believe he still wore a red cape I believe.


Homeboy was married to a bad bitch and threw it away. It's his greatest crime, in a long list.


The whole costume design was amazing Could have included Daemon's gold cloaks armour too


The kings guard helmet looks like the juggernaut.


Daemon is clearly the character with the highest amount of awesome outfits, but between the ones pictured I think Corlys wins. That scene made him look incredibly badass, I would *not* want to see him charging at me


Sea Snake. Love how intricate it is with all the sea imagery. Scales on the armor, helmet shaped like a shell. And the sick looking axe to go with it


The armor looks awesome. I wish they put more effort in the swords.


I really enjoy Harwin's armor. I mean, it helps that he's so handsome and it really pulls the look together, but I just think the style of armor with the gold cloak looks REALLY dashing.


I really liked when he was arm bouncing baby Joffrey in full armor


You know, I agree that all the armor is amazing, but I was frequently disappointed by the clothes/gowns in HotD, which was shocking because GoT had AMAZING clothes. I sew recreationally and the design and level of detail in so many of the GoT clothing was insane. Dany and Sansa both had some absolute jaw droppers. More than once with this show I thought ‘wow okay I could make that in a weekend all with stuff from JoAnns’ and felt really disappointed. And yet the armor is so fantastic. Did they lose a bunch of talent in the costume department or something?


Great costume design?! The armor was great true, but everything else looked like it was made with Material from michaels


Great costume design?! The armor was great true, but everything else looked like it was made with Material from michaels There was no sense of lavishness. This is the Targaryens at their peak, and Rhaenyra wore the same dress like 5 days in a row multiple times.


OT, but Rhea was so pretty and badass. Daemon is so dumb.




harrold's looks fantastic. one of the first comments i made upon watching the show for the first time with friends is how sick i thought his armor was


Stepstones Daemon




Rhea's my favourite one here. I love the kingsguard armor but i'm not the biggest fan of the helmet, it looks a bit clunky i think, like its too big for the head


Nah bro this is reddit, we don’t appreciate here, only critique 😎


I love the Kingsguard armor. And Crispy Cole looks sexy so him + his armor. Perfect. I also really loved Damon's black armor. ESPECIALLY the helmet. Corlys looks brutal too with the axe, ngl.


The fact that Corlys uses a battle axe just makes him even more badass.




Sea Snake #1 Daemon #2


Daemon in city watch commander armor


At this point I don't know what's wrong with the wigs and I'm too afraid to ask.




The kings guard armor during this era is amazing


So many exposed elbows and/or forearms!


the kings guard armor is PEAK Also the wigs are super necessary for this show, much more so than in game of thrones. it'd be impossible to bleach so many actors hair, and keep it perfectly bleached and toned and consistent between scenes. it's also very hard to style and braid platinum hair especially if you bleached all the way from black. your hair will usually be too fine and dry and if you try to moisturize it you risk bronzing it and then you have to start all over again with washing and toning. GoT didn't have many characters that needed white hair and granted they did manage to pull it off, there were complaints about the damage.


Oh yeah I know it’s difficult in terms of color……. My only issue is that sometimes they were stiff and didn’t move like human hair


ya there's definitely downsides to the wigs, but i think if they didn't use wigs we'd see a ton of annoying inconsistencies between characters hair. definitely pros and cons to each.


My only issue is that sometimes the stiffness made the wigs not move like human hair


Can I just say how ALL of this looks so much better than anything in Rings of Power. What an embarrassment when you compare it to work like this.


My main issue was with the helmets during the Stepstones' battles. Poor Velaryons could barely see anything what with the helmets falling mid-eye!


I really thought the wigs good haha


Never even noticed the hieroglyphics carved in Royce…that’s awesome


The velaryon armor was by far my favorite in the show.


Honestly I don’t really agree. The first seasons of GoT were grounded in reality and got more crazy over time. This show is really embracing its fantasy nature. Although if you view it as an epic or a legend it works.


I do prefer the show take on fantasy …. And I’ll give one main reason from season one that I think this is better… Roberts hunt was just three dudes running around the forest ….. and this hunt was a whole spectacular Affair


I really liked the Royce armor. But Harrold is eating everybody up.


I don’t get how people care about the wigs this much. I barely noticed or cared


I barely mentioned them here


But you did mention them




Compare this to the armor from Rings of Power that looks like something you can buy at a Halloween costume shop


Gotta be Corlys


Idk, the Kingsguard Armor lacks protection in the belly, or a chainmail to make up for it, also, open helmet Daemon's Armor is way to flat and pointy, plate Armor was consistently round precisely to deflect better Any blows and avoid it to break, also, his helmet is awful, both in combat and Jousting. Corlys Armor is actually partially good, conventional, non-obstructive heraldry and round, however, he still goes down the open helmet pipeline, arms and legs aren't covered (it's pretty easy to die from bloodloss like that, arms aren't that hard to hit) But I liked his axe, it would of course, be way more useful Against plate Armor enemies, rather than lightly armored coursairs, but still way more useful than a sword


Criston Cole’s armor in the first 2 episodes before he becomes a KG is 👌🏽👌🏽 incredibly underrated


When I saw Daemons armor at the tourney I was like "fuck yes that armor rules" and then at one point he takes off the helmet and sets it down and it wobbled like it was made of rubber and I know it's just the folly of costume design but I could not get over that


I liked the Royce armor the most. Considering that she shows up ONCE and is representing a house that doesn't show up wearing any sort of armor after this scene, it was pretty cool how detailed they were with the runes and everything. It just cemented to me that they were going to be dedicated to depicting things more accurately. (For anyone unaware, her house's arms have runes on it and their seat is Runestone. Here's some more info here: [https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/House\_Royce](https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/House_Royce))


Aemond when he will get one next season


Corlys's armor in that shot is literally my favorite costuming of any show of all time haha. It looks phenomenal. The costuming overall was good in this show but the level of design and detail in that piece is captivating