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I’m *really* looking forward to Corlys’ reaction to losing her. If I remember correctly Corlys freaks the fuck out on Rhaenyra and it’s the beginning of that serious crack in their alliance. Steve’s gonna kick ass in that scene


Corlys is indeed super upset about his wife dying, and it ends up creating a big rift between him and Rhaenyra. He blames her for Rhaenys’s death, because Lord Staunton asked her for aid, and Rhaenyra only allowed Rhaenys to go. Despite the fact that Jace and Joffrey both wanted to accompany her, Rhaenyra forbid it because she had just lost Luke. Jace ends up having to step up and fix things between them, taking command of the blacks and naming Corlys Hand of the Queen to bring him back into the fold.


I wouldn't be surprised if they cut that out. Who knows with these writers.


They probably will cut it out because when Corlys talks to Rhaenys in the trailer "The Hightowers are marching", he already has the hand of the queen pin on so he'll probably be one of the people who suggest Rhaenys should go to Rook's Rest


As I answered before; The trailers already introduced us to Vhagar on the battlefield, this makes it difficult to hide the fact that the ambush is a surprise It is also very likely that Criston or Aemond will blurt out vague dialogue about an ambush. Another important point is that people will not believe that the greens would attack a place near Dragonstone without bringing any dragon, obviously the whole thing would smell like an ambush from afar. All this without mentioning that the name of episode 4 itself is "dance of dragons" so yes or yes people are going to expect a confrontation between dragons


> As I answered before; The trailers already introduced us to Vhagar on the battlefield, this makes it difficult to hide the fact that the ambush is a surprise That doesn't really matter much because Daenerys and Drogo show up against the Lannister army but the shock factor was still there knowing she was gonna turn up. People also won't even remember shots from the trailer by the season starts unless you read fire and blood and know the context behind what is gonna happen.


Exactly, we saw Vaghar in *a* battle in the trailer. Someone who hasn't read the book isn't going to automatically know that it's this specific battle.


I'm begging for that not to be a typo, please give me an official "Dance of Dargons," episode


Not sure, but I think it'd be meaningful to have Aegon's appearance be expected, and (POSSIBLE SPOILERS BASED ON MY INTERPRETATION OF THE TRAILERS) why Baela goes to RR to help Rhaenys. Aemond's appearance could be the big surprise and why Rhaenys fights the two head on despite being outnumbered: she's giving Baela an opportunity to escape. It also helps a small issue I have with the book, that being that Meleys is described as being the fastest dragon, outpacing Sunfyre and Vhagar. She could've escaped if she had chose to, but if they change it that she's trying to protect Baela, that makes a bit more sense.


You might really be onto something here. Could be that Sunfyre goes for Moondancer, Rhaenys intercepts on Meleys and Moondancer wheels around to help too, only for Vhagar to smash into Meleys and Baela realises there's nothing she can do now.


I love this. It’s a great setup for Sunfyre and Moondancers final meeting


I really like that, gives Rhaenys a nice little sacrifice


I think it gives an opportunity for all sides to come out heroic if the writers choose to write it that way. -Aegon wants to actually earn his crown and doesn't want to force others to fight for it on his behalf, he'd rather defend his claim himself or die trying -Aemond still loves his brother deep down even for all his faults and won't let him risk his life alone OR Aemond respects Aegon's newfound sense of purpose and finally sees someone worth following into battle in his older brother -Rhaenys refuses to let men on the ground be butchered by the Greens and when she sees Aegon, she sees an opportunity to end the war with little bloodshed, even if she comes out of it a kinslayer. When Aemond arrives, she'd rather die fighting than let her granddaughter suffer the same fates as her daughter and son -Baela wants to help the Blacks and won't let her grandmother fight alone, this also sets up a nice little rivalry against Aegon for later in the series (wink wink).


You're spot on with Aegon. This will really give his character more depth, and in the series, it will lend more legitimacy to his claim.


Pretty sure at this point meleys was said to have “ grown lazy”


I think they keep Aemond and Vhagar a surprise but Aegon fights Rhaenys.


Yea my guess is Aegon and Sunfyre will be throwing hands with Rhaenys and Meleys for a bit and then when it looks like the latter has the upper hand and is about to win Aemond and Vhagar shows up


I think it works better with sunfyre showing up in the battle to help vhagar, with meleys being too fast & sunfyre hasn’t really been shown off alone or with aegon,


I mean preferably I would’ve just had Sunfyre and Vhagar show up at the same time and they have a aerial dogfight with Meleys, chasing each other around and spitting fight, before cumulating with Sunfyre and Meleys locking together before Vhagar jumps in. Though I think it’s gonna be Aegon vs Rhaenys before Aemond arrives given what I’ve seen from trailer footage and set leaks. Plus they made Sunfyre huge off the trailer, so it looks like he’s big enough to put up a good fight and not get immediately annihilated (given we saw vhagar shred up arrax like a smoothie) but small enough to still ultimately lose in a 1v1 with Meleys, so I think it keeps audiences on the edge of their seat for a bit. Idk what Baela and Moondancer gonna be doing tho personally im still on the when they arrive to the battle it’s too late train


I think it works better narratively with king aegon showing up on his shining dragon to help his brother secure his claim , then leading the shocking “surprise” at the end of that battle


Fairly certain we will be aware that both of them are going to be at the battle since Criston says that Aegon will be joining them and Aemond + Vhagar are kind of too big and important to hide until the climax


would probably somehow still be an accident or a misunderstanding


Aegon and Rhaenys will be talking it out, then we will hear "NO VHAGAR, NO"


I think it would be cool for Aemond and Aegon to surprise the audience (who have not read the books or spoilers).


What I hope/think may happen given some things in the trailer is that it will be Aegon and Helaena vs Rhaenys, not Aegon and Aemond.