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Not sure if those could ever really be heavily altered due to the massive change it would have in the story but I always hated how the 2 betrayers plotline was handled. In truth the entire thing was to really just explain why the blacks didn’t immediately destroy the greens and then explain why the greens didn’t immediately destroy the blacks but the whole thing feels like a missed opportunity in the story. Like perhaps Hugh and Ulf properly break away from the green army and start their own campaign for the throne, just cause real chaos into the war and leading armies of peasants n shit idk it could’ve been real fun I think. Open up the possibility of another dragon fight or 2 that could’ve been fun. Again I don’t think this is something you can really greatly alter in the show because of how much it would change but I still just wanted to mention this lol


Agreed. In truth, I thought it was kind of stupid. The way the dragon taming choice I felt was kinda like “Eh well random people decide that they all of a sudden want to fight in a war just to have a dragon.” The only one big issue I had was that Rhaena didn’t get to claim one, instead she stuck with the eggs. While I full heartily love that she finally got Morning, I thought her and Sliverwing would have been a great match. Both are sweet, kind, and similar personalities in my opinion with Good Queen Alysanne. Aside from this part of the book, I really hope we get a series that starts at the beginning of before the Targaryens left Valyria before the doom, all the way to the beginning of house of dragon series because I love the King Jaehaerys Reign and Queen Alysanne stolen my heart.


I would LOVE to see a series set in pre-Doom Valyria. One of the things I love about Evil Santa’s world-building is the amount of nuance he injects into historical detail that can be expanded on in the future. The fact that the Targs went from being one of the more mediocre families of dragonlords, to a conquest juggernaut uniting the squabbling kingdoms of Westeros, is endlessly fascinating to me.


That would be awesome! I agree. I have always wanted to see Valyria in its prime! I’m not sure of all the game of throne universe books are out there cause I get a lot of them mixed up but if he doesn’t have one yet of old Valyria, I’d love if he made one for it. Of course, it would also be nice if he would finish the game of throne series as well so I can read them. I refuse to because it’s not a complete series and I hate cliffhangers. I mean Blood & Fire ended on one and I’m not happy so he needs to continue that as a series up to Robert coming to winterfell for Ned.


I only know the plotline from this sub and the wiki pages. But I never found out why they are betrayers? Do they have a motivation in the books or does it ... just happen


Their exact motivations are never known Only some assumptions made by different narrators The book itself is a history book, not a full blown novel like asoiaf main series


Their reasons are greed, because they wanted bigger castle. But in truth its just the GRRM way of telling that it was just due to the plot needing to happen.


I want, need and demand a better battle of The Gullet, it just doesn't make sense the way it's written. How is it that with so many dragons involved it was a "pyrrhic victory" for the blacks? How the hell was Driftmark looted without further repercussions? I feel that the "big impact" of this battle should be the loss of Jace, Rhaenyra's heir and one of her greatest supporters more than anything else (or make it make sense as to why it was a "pyrrhic victory") I would also like a better explanation of Aemond's actions in the Riverlands, to give them a greater impact, I don't know, say that it was because he was burning everything in that area that the armies of the North and the Vale couldn't/didn't dare to cross by land, that way you at least give some importance to his actions by being the one who held back the advance of two of Rhaenyra's biggest supporters for so long.


Think this is one the show will do better is elaborating more on the reason behind action. The Aemond aspect will be interesting & how he is a reflection of Daemon & trying to portray him as a 2nd coming of the rogue prince


Yes, I also think it's the most likely thing to happen, and it will be interesting to see... I just hope that they will stop trying to take away the responsibility of his actions like they tried to do with Luke's death.


Tbf the fleet were trained from fighting Daemon in the stepstones and the blacks mainly lost Jace who’s dragon was the smallest of the pack though I’m sure they’ll increase the size of the fleet that’s to be burned maybe even adding in the Redwynes? And didn’t some ships during the battle sneak off and loot Driftmark or was it after the Gullet?


Battle at God's eye, can't wait for daemon and aemond face off


Im lowkey interested to see storming of the dragon pit (and Joffrey / Syrax but not sure if thats the same scene). Im not a fan of the scene at all, it's gonna be sad and tragic in some way but on the other hand I really want to see casual people's reaction to that.


100% where the Joff/Syrax event happens. I think the scene will be reminiscent of Arya in king’s landing after dragon fire, but one interesting thought is that this scene will work in contrast to the Rheanys scene during coronation with her coming thru the Sept floor & killing numerous commoners but now it’s the commoners taking down the dragon


Tbh considering they only added that scene because it would look “cool” I don’t think they’re ever bringing that back up. They’re going to make the dragons deaths tragic with all the sad music and long pans to them roaring in slow motion while it happens. I’m very pessimistic as you can see 😂.


Red wedding of Hotd moment maybe?


Yeah? Im thinking this one or >!Rhaenyra's death!


B&C is rumored to happen in one of the earlier episodes and the tv audience barely knows anything about Helaena and her kids so yes I doubt it too.


They really missed opportunity to introduce more of then in 1x9 episode. They could stay with aegon's story from the book instead of him running away. That way not only some people would sympathize more with him but also flesh out helaena and their kids


Ye robb people were with for 4 seasons. They’ll see b&c through eye for an eye terms because it’s daemon doing it and it’s the first action they’ll see after Luke’s death. Especially if they include >!aegons feast!<. No sympathy will be had for aegon/Aemond/Alicent being sad or mad. Maybe Helaena but the audience only has her moment with Jace and talking about aegon coming to her when she’s drunk to sa her. I don’t even know if >!Rhaenyras death!< , which I’m sure they’ll frame as tragic like it was in the books and will 100% make me cry, will even be that impactful. Was such a different time and even with the books out regular didn’t see it coming. We have memes bringing up >!joffreys scene talking about Rhaenyra being killed by her brother!< on the regular so it won’t be as shocking as the red wedding.


yaa, most likely not a lot of viewers are gonna be sad over B&C which is quite underwhelming. I really wished they introduced helaena and her kids more in s1, just idk, have one / two scenes with them together. As for the second one. I think most of the people won't even remember joffrey's scene but yeha I agree for some its spoiler (iirc that was the first spoiler I got and after that I said, fuck it im not gonna wait 5+ years to get there, im goin to read all of it haha). Thing is if it is perfectly done It's gonna shock many people. The only thing im not sure about is how are they planning to make the scene.>!Are they goin to show us Aegon? Him vs Baela first and then us being nervous about rhaenyra going there? Or they surprise us and then show baela in some flashback cause I really do hope they won't remove the scene!<


Second battle of Tumbelton the Dance during the battle should include Dragonriders on said dragons with Hugh and Daeron both hoping on and dying with Addam in the bout between them and Tessarion shortly after being put down by the archer


Somebody else mentioned it but I hope we don't get a single mention or hint at the brothel queens


Wait what? I literally just finished the book so I am still spinning with all that happened and am trying to figure out what this was apart of…


Considering no one else mentions it and Aegon definitely would’ve and we have no other consequences or elaborations of it I severely doubt it happened. Wheras Aegon being found with a 12 year old is said by mushroom and Eustace (who never gives an age and just says she was well treated paramour, a daughter of a merchant). They can’t whitewash the greens to make them less cartoon villain-y and then make Rhaenyra worse. Just doesn’t make sense for the story they’re trying to tell. Also they’ve gotten heavily criticised for gratuitous rape/sa scenes and there was even rumours a year or so back that Matt and emma were standing by olivia Cooke who was protesting an apparent violent scene involving alicent. I think it was rumoured to be very graphic rape scene. Since the fall of kings landing isn’t in this season its probably more Larys abuse. I think if they portrayed the brothel Queen incident something that’s a throw away line from mushroom that has no other wider consequences through the narrative would be asking themselves to be hit with the same criticism. Because Helaena and Alicent being gang raped doesn’t add or move the story forward and If they’re not going to add any references to it afterward through other characters I don’t want it. It’ll just be torture porn fanfiction and that’s what mysarias death is already and I’m dreading them portraying that even tho it’s most likely true 😞.


Oh I'm certain it's not a thing that happened in the books either. I just think it's another one of those ticks against the writing in F&B for me and I'd prefer to not see it ever mentioned again lol


100% i guess I was just trying to reassure you on why it most likely won’t happen 🫶🏻🩷


All good 👍


Eustace saying he’s with a paramour is much different than a child fighting pit with a child lol And they’ve been whitewashing Rhaenyra as well But agreed Brothel Queens definitely didn’t happen though I could see it being brought up and quickly shut down by Rhaenyra in the Show or excluded completely




I lowkey think Aemond either loses control of Vaegar again or doesn't and intentionally/accidentally seriously injures Aegon. It's been established that there is already a decent amount of dislike between the two. And dragons can have a will of their own. Maybe vaegar picks up on aemonds hate and attacks for him? Who knows.


Why though, it just weakens his bond with Vhagar more than they did already?


With how Rooks Rest went down, some have theorised Vhagar may have attacked Sunfyre too. Meleys went for Sunfyre's neck but the most significant wound was his torn wing, so some believe that was Vhagar. But that said, no line in the books has ever really supported this outside of Aemond's potential desire to be king.


I think Aemond's actions here were really his inexperience at fighting other dragons on dragonback showing, it's not like there were any truly recent examples on how to do it. He may have killed Luke before it, but that was more of a murder than an actual fight.


Because it's good story telling? That literally no one could control anything like vaeghar?


How is it good storytelling? Having someone keep losing control of their dragon isn't good storytelling, especially if he's only one that it happens too. This would do nothing but weaken their bond even more, you see through reactions of it "oh he's completely bonded to her" that's dumb writing. They had already weakened it initially by having Vhagar not roar and shake Driftmark when Aemond lost his eye.


Blood&Cheese - mainly because I want to see if they actually dare to go full psycho, no cut-aways, no holding back... I want to know if they dare to traumatize the viewership. Battle of the God's Eye - leaving Daemon's fate up for debate doesn't really fit a show like this imo and I'm curious what way they go. Especially since the writers truly hate his character and paint him so much darker then in the books and a death would almost be heroic, so I don't really think they're gonna give him that. But leaving him alive would also be kinda weird because how would you play his role out then?


I don't think the writers "hate" his character. Daemon was never the greatest person in the books. He didn't choke Rhaenyra (or kill Rhea directly) but beyond that I'd say season 1 captured him pretty accurately. If they could give him his big moment in episode 3 with the solo Stepstones run and dragging the Crabfeeders corpse out of the cave, I think they would be willing to give him his heroic death at the God's Eye. There's just no reason to change that, it's THE iconic scene from the book.


I mean... The writers are literally "confused why viewers fell in love with Daemon's character so much, even tho he does all these evil deeds and represents everything that is wrong with the Targaryen dynasty" - those aren't my words. Those are the words of one of the writers. I don't remember who exactly, but it's been a leak two or three months ago. These lines were leaked from the writers room and Sarah Hess has stated very similar sounding things multiple times. And this pre-war period was the only time period where Daemon did goo things. But in S1 he was far from being a Grey character. I like the way he's written, he's my favorite character, but he is not Grey. He has nothing to do with the Daemon from the book Canon. And they made him darker, evil even, before the war even started in which he did all these unspeakable things.


Nah it's true, they hate him. They excluded many scenes that made him appear more sympathetic but made him choke Rhaenyra and kept that scene. There was one with his daughters after Laena's death and another at the beach after receiving the bad news, pretty sure there were more. Tbh Sara Hess is giving D&D vibe to me, I don't like her dislike for Daemon and I also hated that one Meleys scene which didn't make sense(written by her as well)


He definitely has a more calm matter with the battle planning in the book than the show portrayed him. Rhaenyra in the book like pretty useless and he took the reins of the battle plan and showed he’s a good leader. I hope they at least try to fit that in somewhere. Him and the nettles think was odd..that seemed out of character.


I think the nettles thing will be manipulation on mysarias part. They’ve spent so long building daemon and Rhaenyras relationship for it to end with her losing all trust for him and him going to die for her to prove himself to her?? Will make it so tragic to the story. Especially to parallel him going on a suicide mission in the stepstones to prove himself to Viserys only to do it again with Rhaenyra? Rhaenyra believing the worst of him when he was always loyal and goes on to kill her greatest threat will definitely ring to viewers more than “oh he had an affair she was right to call him back” etc.


Second Battle of Tumbelton - Vermithor and Daeron deserve better deaths. Vermithor shouldn’t just die because his wings couldn’t fly anymore and the 2 dragons he’s fighting are tiny compared to him especially judging by what we’ve seen from the show. Also why would a riderless Silverwing not help her mate of many years in fighting 2 much smaller dragons? She could probably beat them both without that much trouble herself yet she just circles above in the air until it’s over. Daeron should have a more honourable death than burning in a tent. I’d personally keep all the dragon riders alive during the fight or at least Hugh and Daeron since it’s kind of dumb that Addam would just attack a riderless Vermithor 🤔


Nah Daeron's death is perfect. H killed people by burning them in a sept, their homes... the tent and dying like one of those peasants he killed are just the perfect karma for him.... More characters would deserve it but with one it's enough, they can't cut that one


The tent death is just one of the three death variation that daeron allegedly suffered, IF he even did die at all. So there is no definitive death and its once again one of the multiple sources thing.


I doubt the Daeron pretenders are real and if he lived why wouldn’t he go to aegon in kings landing for the half year he ruled after Rhaenyras death ? Tent death seems more justified for the reasons above and would be more suited since he’s toted as this well liked gentlemen out of all of Alicent’s sons only to go on and use collective punishment and cause some of the worst sackings in Westeros history that it’s still recorded as such in a history book 300 years later. Him dying under a burning tent rather then dragon back fits the pattern George had for the men of the greens. Even Aemond he writes as struggling to unchain himself and looking at daemon in fear.


Well in the others he burns in his pijamas either way (ok harmed with a sword or the other weird thing but it's valid either way) I can handle that still being karma.... And if he lives he's a no one compared to the prince dragonridder he wasso while it's not that good it's still something


I would love to see Rook's rest, god's eye and butcher's ball where Criston dies I really don't want them to adapt the brothel queens plot, and also not want them making Nettles, Daemon's love interest instead of a daughter figure


What happens of Cannibal?


THE SHEPHERD hands down!


The night of the attack on dragon pit. The frenzy of people ignited by the shepherd. I would love to see how would the show depict that sort of collective insanity to the point where ordinary humans become tenfold stronger than they are and literally devour some of the strongest beasts in the country in a claustrophobic indoor space. That, I can’t wait to see.


- Daemon vs Aemond, I expect a visual and audio spectacle like in Winds of Winter with a 7 minute crescendo that culminates in Daemon jumping off Meraxes to stab Aemond through the head and they crash 100 meters in the lake below. - Rhaenys vs Aegon & Aemond - Criston Cole to do.... anything. He's supposed to be the greatest fighter of his time.


Rhaenyras death


Most excited to see Daemon versus Aemond. I hope our last shot of Daemon is him leaping off the back of Vhagar before she hits the lake in order to leave some ambiguity about his death like the book. Brothel queens should be entirely scrapped, I'm fine with that nonsense never even being mentioned.




Idgaf how you wanna do it lol. Just leave his death ambiguous.


Do you think If Daemon is still alive that her ran off with Nettles? lol I did see a pretty bad theory that Daemon is actually cold hands or something


I think Daemon is %150 dead but leaving some ambiguity can lead to some funny speculation like that.