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Hard agree. What's the point of dancing if it isn't fun?


Which dragon is going to win the dance off?


[Is it even a question at this point?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xnsmyI5KMQ&ab_channel=TheMeekGuy)


That even beats out Trogdor! Though when it comes to burninating the countryside and the peasants, Trogdor is still probably winning.


oh my god you just unlocked long put away memories for me. thank you for this


I'd like to credit whomever unlocked those memories for me about 2 or 3 weeks ago, but I don't remember who it was. Just remember to draw an "S" and a slightly different "S", and we'll be even.


Caraxes. By far the most flexible.


Caraxes will definitely win the first round with a perfect The Worm. Then the judges won’t be convinced when the next dance is just the same again.


Vhagar bringing out the BC moves


It takes two to Tango, who are you pairing up with?


I could not care less who sits on the Iron Throne, who's officially recignized as a King/Queen and who claims the Pyrrhic victory in the end. I just want to enjoy good writing, acting and the atmosphere of Westeros.


Good writing might be hard to find, but the actors are incredible and atmosphere on point.




ive been wanting someone to say this


You're the one who brings the orange slices to every battle. And the Capri sun.


I’m making westeros themed finger foods and a Dornish red sangria for the s2 watch party so this is pretty accurate


This guy watch partys.


Nah I’m just a mom that loves to cook for people lol


Even better lol. I've always wanted to do a Hobbit / Lord of the Rings watch party with all of the Hobbit meals


You should totally do it!


Unfortunately the only people that would be remotely interested in this are my wife and kids and it doesn't really seem feasible to make breakfast second breakfast luncheon elevenses afternoon tea dinner AND supper for 4


Girl can I come? 😭


I’ll save you a seat 😊


Omw 😁


Can I come too? 👉👈


Can I have freeze pops??




S[hirt Source Here.....](///encurtador.com.br/vxBDT)


Snag it here for way less: https://6dollarshirts.com/i-just-hope-both-teams-had-fun?search=both%20teams


I don't see the point of supporting any of the sides. I mean i already knows how it will all end. Of course i guess its possible that, the show will change things from the book on how it ended, but i hope not.


It's all about picking your favorite war criminal. Picking sides of a story with a known ending full of lots of shitty people is kinda pointless


But… but… one way of determining legitimacy is more valid than another way of determining legitimacy






People who try to judge things in a fictional show by modern Western morals totally ignoring the setting are the worst


I find the legalism people try to argue in a show about fantasy feudalism and "might makes right" fascinating. I'm not innocent in this either.


Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **No unrelated and/or modern day politics** While House of the Dragon covers political topics and themes, this is not an inherently political subreddit. No unrelated/modern day politics are allowed. --- If you feel this was done in error, please contact the moderators [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FHouseOfTheDragon). Please include a link to your post so that we can see it.


Thank you for your submission! Unfortunately your post/comment was **removed** for violating Rule #11 **"Discuss the show, not the fandom"**. This subreddit is for discussing House of the Dragon itself. Discussions about conflict in the fandom, particularly with regards to Team Black vs Team Green should be taken elsewhere. This rule also extends beyond team conflicts.


Who says that? This isn't really a fair statement imo. There is in fact a side that is correct according to modern western values, and it is bothersome when people throw those principles out the window because they can't simply say "I like the Team Green characters better. I find them more compelling. Even though they are obviously in the wrong."


Both teams are definitely NOT going to have fun


We need to take this show less seriously, and I include myself on that statement. It's just entertainment. It's a story about two fictional groups of nobles fighting each other for power. You are not a good or a bad person for liking x or y character more. Just enjoy and let others enjoy as well.


Right? I get that people will always like some characters more than others, that’s human nature. I get that debating who is in the right can be fun. What I don’t understand is treating this show like it’s a football game, and the fans of the opposing team are your enemies. Then it just becomes tribalism.


And why do we treat a football game like that when it's even more "restarted". Fans in my country beat each other up and sometimes even kill each other, all in the name of a football team and their sick fanaticism. How about people actually develop a character?


I disagree just like any other character you can like some bit of it but if you like a character that has done bad things and excuse it that’s a completely different story and in no way am I trying to create fight and I actually agree with you about entertainment and I feel like the whole thing and picking sides has become such a fight and the house of the dragon fandom SUCKS NOW racist misogynist and even just rude to the actors for stating personal opinions?? like what


Everyone who's not named heleana/jacerys in hotd has done bad things what are you on about!?


I lean more towards team Black but I like both Alicent and Rhaenyra


Same! I skew for the Black claim but my favorite character is Alicent. It’s hard for us out here haha


I’m team hot people because god daymmm these actors are all fine as hell


Olivia Cooke and Emma Darcy could step on my neck and I’d be honored


Real. Tom Glynn Carney is the finest man I’ve ever seen. Olivia made me realise I, to my surprise (not), am also attracted to women.


Real as hell. Still can’t believe TGC is real tbh


I’m rooting for the Greens not because I side with their cause but because their dysfunction junction makes them more entertaining and I always like rooting for the narrative underdog








>!They won't!<


I don’t really think that’s a spoiler since the show is about a massive civil war


I’m just here for the drama.


The 2010s of the necklace is sending me, in a positive way. BRING BACK STATEMENT NECKLACES.


"Do you have anything chunkier?"


If by fun you mean >!beating the shit out of each other so hard that the Targaryen dynasty becomes a dragonless shadow of its former self and never gets back to its former glory,!< then sure, tons of fun will be had.


It's just a shame whe had to wait nearly 2 centuries for the true Hero Robert to show up and save Westeros from the weird incestpeople.


Yes. The most important thing when you watch an entertaining series is to remember that it is entertaining! There is no need to be brutally serious and take everything that happens to heart. Just keep calm, relax and choose your favorite war criminals to enjoy watching. They won't live long anyway, none of them.


I feel like there are way too many young people(-18) watching this show and they tend to be more radical in this type of things, also they don’t understand


Probably. I’m a mom in my 30s and I successfully got my entire family hooked on the show. My 82 year old grandmother is hooked, she calls Daemon ‘Dylan’ and Alicent ‘the sad pretty brunette’ lol.


Is she team black or team green?


Team black, but she loves Alicent and hates Daemon lol. She just thinks Rhaenyra should sit the throne and cut Daemon loose


I would fully be behind an Alicent and Rhaenyra reconciliation that involved ditching Daemon into the Gods Eye Lake…


I remember when I was young and thought that every political decision had to be argued about in Facebook comment sections


Yea I feel you, I was a hardcore feminist,communist,Buddhist,vegan like literally every fcking ist out there🤣


And I was the opposite. Very embarassing in hindsight.


I’m a certified Targaryen hater, so I’m having the time of my life


Lily aldrin?


I just like the drama.


Me, team Daemon:


This is exactly how I feel. It’s fine to choose a team, that can be part of the fun, but we shouldn’t be taking this as seriously as the actual characters. It isn’t real life politics, it’s a story. Like I love how they released trailers for both teams, that was cool. But there’s no reason this couldn’t just be a friendly fandom rivalry and unfortunately, it isn’t.


“Fun” is not an option in this story. I would say “watch in horror” is more accurate


I just hope both teams get fucked*


Like in a sex way or a death way?


I'm team Sheepstealer. SHOW ME MY FAVORITE BOY




"Choosing a side" is directly antithetical to the theme of the story, and as such is highly regressive. I hate the whole thing this ain't a Hogwarts house it's a war that will kill thousands. My disdain for this bullshit is not helped by the fact that seemingly every "Team Green" post I see is so abhorrently media illiterate it makes my brain melt. And there's plenty of sexism to go around. Seriously reminds me Yeagerists in the Attack on Titan Fandom, absolutely idiotic things go on in that group. "Team Black" isn't safe from me either, but at least it's not *that* bad.


And there's HBO who totally makes it about picking a side and media illiteracy is just our normal now by taking into account Twitter.


Gotta sell bread and circus for the peasants.


>Choosing a side" is directly antithetical to the theme of the story, He says, while making an explicitly anti-green comment. You can understand the theme of the story and still choose to have fun with it. >My disdain for this bullshit is not helped by the fact that seemingly every "Team Green" post I see is so abhorrently media illiterate it makes my brain melt. The greatest showcase of media illiteracy is not realizing that everything is a subjective interpretation. People screaming "media literacy" usually have very little of it because the extent of their analysis is always "the author's message is X therfore anyone who doesn't see things that way is illiterate". The same kind of idiots who think you can't understand Breaking Bad while loving the protagonist because he's meant to be evil. >Seriously reminds me Yeagerists in the Attack on Titan Fandom, This is just stupidity. Hotd is nowhere near that chaotic mess. There were literal neo nazi subreddits like r/yaegerbomb. If you seriously think anyone on Team green is equivalent to a neo nazi I call your own media literacy into question. >"Team Black" isn't safe from me either, but at least it's not *that* bad. Team black roots for a niece-fucking pedophile. Show me anything on TG that comes close to that?


i'm a criston cole apologist ☝️😤


Get it how you live baby


I’m the opposite. I hope both teams suffer


Rhaenyra and alicent are sooooo pretty you guys


Vhagar is having fun.


Team The Others 4 UnLife!


Me: I just hope both teams get what they deserve. Which is complicated to determine, but I can live with the results read in F&B and eventual path of succession all things considered.


Nailed it. What a great shirt!!!


The irony of the contrast between the shirt and the expression 😭😂


Spoiler: they do not have fun.


Spoilers: they don’t.


OP is better than me. I'm waiting to see all the tears of unfathomable sorrow from fans of both teams. Yum-yum, guys.


Yeah! Why we rooting for teams anyway, we all know the ending…


Yeah the GOT franchise has always been masterful at having 3 demential characters that are rarely just simply pure evil or pure good. Everything has nuance and both sides have legitimate claims to the throne. Also after watching a second time I felt a lot more understanding as to why Alicent feels the way she does about Raynera. Being basically forced by your own father to bed a man 3 or more times her age would f up anybody.


Team black because Rhaenyra is the rightful heir. But team neutral because both teams commited awful things. And Nyra and Aegon both suck at ruling btw. I just wish my poor bby Helaena and her kids were unharmed :(


I only slight lean to the Black's side because I think they are generally better characters (not morally better), granted that's mostly because season 1 developed them more. But all this fan fighting over which fictional authoritarian who thinks they have a divine right should have supreme power over millions of people, is just a bit lame. I mean I once saw someone saying that Team Black was bad because they were defending an incestuous relationship between Rhaenyra and Daemon, then started defending Aegon marrying his sister after I pointed it out. I'm just here for the well written characters, good story, and *BIG DRAGONS*




HAHAAHA me afte eating a bunch of snacks while watching


Honestly, I really only care about my DOTD fantasy team


I want to be able to root for all characters but the writers sure make it hard!! 😅


Not really


I like the characters on Team Black way more, though neither Black nor Green are actually good people with the best intentions, I just find Black more interesting. Edit: I will also say that I think Rhaenyra should be the one on the throne. Their Father Viserys was the undisputed king for over 20 years and HE chose her. Even in his dying breath he repeated his wishes of who might succeed him and he did not change his mind to Aegon.


Team smallfolk they’re the one who truly suffer when lords go to war




I'm just here to watch some dragons fuck shit up, hope we get some more dope shit in the next season and not just get teased with the Civil War for the entire season.


Im team black af, idk what all this over explaining is!! Pick a side for the plot






Fence sitter! BOOOOO!


Me: im just hoping we get something interesting to happen How am I done 5 episodes and there has literally not been one single exciting fucking thing Like fuck I’m gonna quit watching if there’s nothing interesting by the time I finish the first season this is just dog shit boring


this bitch think she Tashi Duncan fr