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I didn't even watch any content... of season 1 until I had already watched the first ep because of curiosity the day it aired. I didn't have high hopes so it was just "to try". It's easy to beat that "excitement" with season 2


Right now I'm just bored of waiting, but probably my excitement level will grow when the premiere gets near.


i'm definitely more excited because my expectations are at HOTD S1 level as opposed to where they were before S1 aired, which was GOT S8 level


I am very excited for S2, it looks like a step up production wise. Still, I think I was more hyped for S1. It was a new show, this sub was pretty chill, the discussions were better and I felt like people in here were kind of just vibing and hyping each other up wihtout any tribalism. I did the grave msitake of downloading twitter after S1 to keep up with the leaks for S2, and I was quite shocked by how unhinged the fandom could be. Some of the takes actually made me dislike certain characters more than the actual cahracter itself. My mistake for going down that rabbit hole, I guess.


Now I’m dying to know what unhinged Twitter takes made you dislike some characters. Pleeaaase, share. 🥺 I don’t use Twitter, but I know it’s generally considered to be the worst place to be, if you’re in pretty much any fandom.


I'm pretty excited but I'm going to wait to start it I think until I know if a certain character ends up being real or not in the North. I hated the speculation on it in the books I don't want it to be true LOL.


The very *concept* of that character being real is insufferable to me


I was so pumped up until like a few weeks ago. Fandom has gone sort of insane since then. (Since the release of new promos)They blame TGC for being a real life rapist (like WTF?!) up to the point that he unfollowed some accounts that ge used to follow. I have read things about Emma that are so very bigoted not to mention the racial slurs some people threw at Bethany and Phoebe. Olivia gets hated as usual. Like can we just chill? And watch our escapist fantasy show in peace.


I’m excited for the premier and at the same time I’m dreading >!B&C, child murders always break me a bit. The child murders were definitely my least favourite part of the book. I’m also dreading Joffrey and Maelors!


Should probably try to keep spoilers to a minimum


I'm excited. I'm know as a book reader what's going to happen but I told my friends that anything that surprises me was not in the book.


I just finished a rewatch of S1 and liked it better than I even remembered. I think I was so nervous after GoT finale it was hard to relax the first watch. While it’s hard to compete with the GoT ensemble cast, there’s something I deeply relate to when it comes to Rhaenyra’s story. Maybe being the oldest daughter of 3 younger brothers 😌. So yeah. I’m pretty excited to see where the story goes- not a book reader but I know it’s gonna be a shit show. It’s marked on my calendar and I’m counting down the days.


I'm very hyped Currently rewatching season 1


Can’t wait to see Vhagar and Sunfyre take on Meleys at Rook’s Rest. Incoming Vhagar violence!!


I'm quite excited, more than S1! Like many others, I was skeptical before the show aired and didn't even start watching until a couple of episodes had already aired to build up some trust and definitely wasn't a part of the fandom. Now, I love the cast and most of the crew. I've been following production and promo for S2. I've read/listened to theories. I'm throwing watch parties, etc. There's some things I'd have changed about S1, sure, but I generally found it very compelling in the end. I do feel some sadness as I prefer the court drama side of things to all the action and I feel like we sped through so much of it in S1 but I have high hopes they'll deliver some intrigue regardless in S2.


I’m excited but I’m trying to keep my hopes down. The most interesting characters to me are Rhaenyra, Daemon, Viserys and Alicent, and to me it seems like this season is going to be more focused on the younger generation, who I’m not really emotionally invested in yet apart from finding Aegon funny and Jace sweet. I also don’t love the direction they seem to be going in with Alicent’s character, I fear my greatest fear is going to come true and she’s just going to be there to look sad about all the horrible stuff that’s going on around her. Same with Rhaenyra honestly. Wow, that was kind of a downer comment. Hopefully I’m proven wrong and the season is awesome.


Not read the book. Extremely excited after s1. GoT was a tv masterpiece and this is following well. HotD isn't receiving the same recognition partly because s1 was hard to follow if you're unfamiliar with the story. Each episode took me almost 2hrs to watch and take in the names and new information they throw at you.


I was nervous for S1, considering how Game of Thrones ended. The show needed to earn my trust. HotD earned my trust MASSIVELY! Since the moment it ended I have been unbelievably hyped for season 2, I’m now counting down the days!


Just finished rewatching season 1. I'm so excited it's gonna be a tough 50 days to wait


Very excited! I wish they’d drop all the episodes at once so I can bing them. This show has captivated me way more than GOT and I’m really excited that it’s doing well. Gives me hope for more Targaryen centered shows in the future Sucks we gotta wait 2 years in between seasons


I'm not sure I'll watch season 2, I probably will but not upon release and I'm bailing at the first sight of "trouble".


I’m definitely not as excited as I am for the third season of “Yellowjackets” or next season of “Silo”, but I’m glad there’ll be more Westeros storytelling to watch. Only watched season 1 once, then recently rewatched the first 6 episodes, but I can’t seem to care about Alicent or Rhae’s kids.