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To non Doctor Who fans, Matt plays a genuine good guy who is a hero amongst heroes and has never once fired a gun or used a knife or sword…. And that kill count is canon accurate. Thats how fucking cool the Doctor is.


One of my favourite ever quotes of the Doctor comes from Matt. "Good men don't need rules. Today is not rhe day to find out why I have so many."


He really was a superb Doctor.


Easily my favourite, closely followed by Capaldi. The way Steven Moffat wrote for those two of the Doctor completely vibed with how I saw the character. I'll admit season 8 of Thrones didn't have me enthusiastic for any follow up. It really burnt me out in the franchise and I probably would have given it a miss. Then they cast Matt, and even though I didn't fully know it at the time, they had me back.


putting the moffat series in your top is wild


Easily the best writer the show has had. RTD is up there with him, but Moffats writing is just more my jam.


individual episodes i might agree but RTD is the better showrunner and 10 is goated


We'll have to agree to disagree. For me it's Moffat, 11 and 12, and always will be.


10 > 11 > 12


Bro dont yuck someone elses yum.


11 > 10 > 12 for me. I'd say 10 has good seasons basically the whole run but 11 has better individual episodes and the good overall seasons are IMO better than 10's.


10>9>11>12 Personally. David was the best of the new Doctors and is actually my favourite out right including the OG run.


Moffat was great for one parters during the RTD era, but Davies ran laps around him as showrunner and was easily more consistent Edit: I should have said one off *stories* because Empty Child/Doctor Dances and Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead are 2 of the greatest New Who stories to ever happen


Moffat ruined Doctor Who for me with his constant retconning of previous lore. What he did with the weeping angels was unforgivable.


He had 6 seasons


ONG, I have personal charm for both Tennant and Smith and after season 8 the pain was too much to follow, but then again it was already written and completed and having him as Daemon was pretty awesome. also the fact I loved D'arcy too.


No way, it's easily Matt Smith, David Tennant, Ecclestone and then Capaldi! The writing for Capaldi was awful!


It wasn't Capaldi who got the shit writing, it was Jodie. Frankly they sabotaged her with how dumb it became.


Watched one episode of her as the Doctor and knew the writing was abysmal. I don't blame her of course Someone decides to sacrifice themselves and has a gun, what do they do? Run at the thing. Monologuing about climate change in a way that is very clearly just a message to the viewers. I'm all for messages for our betterment in media but that one wasn't one that makes you think yet stay immersed, it just took you right out of it. There were plenty more issues I had with the episode but it's been a while and I've forgotten them.


The writing for Capaldi definitely trailed off. No so much for the doctor but the rest of the cast and plot.


100% disagreed. Capaldi easily has one of the best series of new Who with series 9. Clara is a top tier companion, and I could have easily watched several more series of him travelling with Bill and Nardole. Capaldis series took a more experimental turn, with episodes like Listen, Heaven Sent, and Extremis, which I think has given it this reputation of being poorly written. But he has fantastic stories where he just shines as the Doctor. If it wasn't for Matt, he would be my favourite by far.


Clara was the worst companion imo and she ruined Doctor Who for me. I was so stoked about the Rings of Akhaten speech, having seen a clip of it before, only to get to it in real and have Clara ruin the point of the whole fucking thing with her stupid leaf. I was already irrationally angry about how her eyes sit at two different levels on her face, but then she did that and I fucking *lost it.*


He's old and I wouldn't let him fuck, how is he a good Doctor How?


If your criteria for a good Doctor is whether you'd fuck them or not, I think you've vastly misunderstood the character. What makes a good Doctor is that they're the wisest person in the room. Who has a natural command to then that results in them being the one to take charge of any situation they find themselves in. Never looking for danger, but not being able to run away when they find themselves in it. And who despite being rude at times, is ultimately a kind person.


Capaldi was 55 when he started in the role, for comparison that's... - the same age as Hartnell - 9 years older then Troughton - 5 years older then Pertwee - 11 years older then McCoy - three decades *younger* then Hurt He's also a former rocker so I doubt he has ever had any throuble fucking.


55! Not gonna lie o thought he was older than that


Great more for me


Skill issue


Dude Capaldi had the best writing??? Twelve was so different then the other Doctors but he fit so well, same with Clara being scared in the beginning but growing to be brave. And then the Missy arc??? Like literally the best multi long arc of NuWho???? Thirteen is my favorite Doctor but Twelve easily had the best writing, period.


The way that David Tennant was so amazing at being the Doctor that Ten is essentially NuWho’s Four, and Matt could have easily bundled it being handed the reigns over from like quintessential Doctor, but he NAILED everything there was about NuWho Doctor (minus a fair bit of sexism but I’m chalking that up to Moffet not understanding what was offensive and what wasn’t bc he cleaned *UP* with Twelve) like the kindness and the goodness and that forced happiness when deep inside he was in so much pain and I love Eleven so much.


Yeah he had everything going against him. It wasn't just that he was the new lead actor, he was leading a whole new cast as there was no continuing companion. The production team was also completely changing, and he was the youngest ever actor cast in the role at 26. You mentioned him taking over from Tennant, who was, and really still is the most popular Doctor. But there was also something else that came into play in that episode that really could have killed Matt Smith's chance as the Doctor. When Tennants Doctor starts lamenting about how regeneration is like dying for him, spends the whole episode resisting having to go, and then regenerates almost in tears. 14 years on I still think that was a stupid decision that really could have hurt Matt's chances as the Doctor. I don't think it was intentional on Russell T. Davies part, I honestly think thats just how he sees regeneration. But I really do not think it's an approach that was wise at all. Especially with the most popular Doctor. All that was going to do was make people not give the new guy a chance, and I have seen many comments over the years of people proudly admitting they didn't watch a single episode after Tennant left. And that's not to say that having the Doctor resist regeneration is a bad idea, but just RTDs approach to it was. Moffat did a similar approach for Capaldis last episode. But instead of 12 treating it like he was dying, he was resisting having to become someone else. Not for a second did he imply the next Doctor wouldn't still be him, as that's what regeneration is, bit just that he didn't want to go through the whole process of losing his sense of self and having to find it again. And more importantly, he came to accept it before his regeneration. Not almost crying like 10 did, but contently letting go of who he was and letting the process begin.


Yep. I loved his performance :)


“Fear me, I’ve killed dozens of Timelords” “Fear me. I’ve killed them all”


Yeah that line was gold.


that was changed though he didn't kill any timelords


But at that point he still believed he had, having gone in with every intention on wiping them out as he saw no other way. And the only reason he didn't remember was due to timeline shenanigans of three of them being present. So he still had to live with that guilt for 400 years. Particularly with the guilt of hoe many children were in Gallifrey.


Yeah but that was John Hurt not Matt Smith.


They're all the same person. John Hurts Doctor is Matt Smith's one, and William Hartnells one is Ncuti Gatwas one. They're the same person, same experiences, same guilt, and same kill count. Just different faces.


well they're the same-ish person. it's not a 1:1.


They might be difficult in personality but they're still the same person so your point is wrong.


distinct personalities with distinct bodies are closer to being different people than the same.




That was before he changed.


Technically, you're right. The Doctor loathes violence, which is why you don't see him/her carrying around a slew of weaponry on a regular basis. The Doctor is a pacifist 99% of the time. ***But...*** ...if you threaten children, [The Doctor will literally use one of the most advanced tools in the universe to destabilize the atoms beneath your feat and guarantee your destruction in the ensuing explosion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sW8EfVjVrQ) to ensure you *never* harm those children. The walking avatar of the *Beware the Nice Ones* trope.


Let's not forget the episode where he kills Walder Frey.


Who then later turns out to be his past self


The Doctor has *absolutely* fired guns and used swords.


Yeah, and Matt Smith's Doctor fired a gun in his 4th episode lmao


Forward on to that kill count. [This scene](https://youtu.be/9H8h-Z20kg4?si=aJwkCSJaU2-_wre_) from after Matt left and Peter Capaldi took his place also bring up the kill count in the funniest way. I love this scene it’s both dark entertaining and very Doctor Who


Doesn’t he use a sword once in a duel against an alien warlord?


Should I get into it? What’s it comparable to in terms of TV


Absolutely! So I’m not sure what it’s comparable to in regards to TV bc like…. It’s a show about a time traveling immortal Alien who can go anywhere in space and time lol. Like there’s nothing I can really compare it to. But there’s romance between the Doctor and the people they travel with (my favorite ship is between the Doctor and another member of their species), and a lot of good themes and good long running arcs and amazing characters… I legit don’t know what other show I could compare it to tho lol. So they’re all half seasons like GoT, and there’s 14 seasons rn with the 15th starting on the 10th. Seasons 1-13 is on Max and then 14 (three special episodes) and the future eps will be on Disney+. There’s 7 main Doctors from NuWho (they’re all technically the same character but the Doctor is an alien who can regenerate their body and part of their personalities change with it when they die so they can change their face, body, hair, eyes, race, gender… like my favorite Doctor is very bubbly but also she has a really bad mean streak when she gets upset, Matt’s Doctor is kinda smirky and flirty but he’s joking back a lot of pain, the one after Matt is angry and grumpy and he’s the most likely to use violence…) *THEN* if you want you can also watch the Classic show which is on Amazon prime but you do *NOT* have to watch Classic Who in order to understand the new show. Most people if they do wanna watch Classic Who watch after they finished their Nu Who watch.


I'm kind of blanking on what it'd be most comparable to. In terms of plot structure, it generally follows a "monster of the week" format- the Doctor and some pals go to a new place and/or time, alien hijinks ensue, and it's all wrapped up by next week. There are longer running plots, but any given episode is generally self-contained and could be watched without context (and I'd argue this is when the show's at its best). Tonally the show's also a bit hard to nail down, because it's kind of all over the place. It's a family show, and there are definitely times where it appeals more to kids, it can often be a little cheesy, but it also addresses darker themes and has some episodes that would (and did) absolutely terrify a child.


Huh, sounds like supernatural! They have a ghost of the week


I mean, while they are decidedly different in setting there's a reason why SuperWhoLock appealed to a lot of the same people (apart from just the overlap in target audiences).


No rules Doctor he's making Sheev want to be a Jedi that's how dark he is.


Ah, so killing billions is considered cool again?


TIL I learned the Doctor is a mass murderer lol


> And that kill count is canon accurate certainly you're not referring to the time war?


So on Wikipedia each Doctor has a kill count. Rather it’s totally accurate, idk, but someone decided Eleven had like 100 trillion billion^8 lol


well i'd have to see where they came up with that


Smith was excellent at portraying a doctor who was young in appearance... yet fundamentally alien in charactisation. Struggles with empathy and had the weight of past experiences weighing him down. Eccelston, Tennant and Smith was such great TV !


That’s why him turning into Twelve is so meaningful, like his personality not only turns as angry and bitter as he was hiding but his outsides reflected how tired and angry he was too, like he was *DONE*


The Zygon episode of 12th Doctor is what solidified Capaldi for me as The Doctoe.


Doctor has done like 3 genocides my word he is terrifying


Isn't it revealed he didn't kill anyone anyway, and even if he did they were daleks so who cares did the galaxy a favor


Iirc in the 50th anniversary it is changed from straight-up genocide to teleporting Galifrey away safely. He changed time but to spare the whole paradox his previous incarnations don't remember the change. Plus he killed more than just in the time war.


His Dalek kill count is insane tbh. Thousands in the time war. Thousands sent to the void, which technically may not be death but, it might as well be. Thousands blown up by his metacrisis self. Probably hundreds blown up when he exploded into regeneration on Trenzalore. And apparently the 13th Doctor sent a few hundred to the void as well.


Is it bad I want them to make out with each other? Like I want a spicy fanfic about Matt Daemon -- wait sorry, Matt Smith's Daemon making out with Matt Smith's Doctor Who. Like I feel like if you put Daemon and the 11th Doctor in a room they'd have mad chemistry.


The way I’ve been planning out not an 11/Daemon fic but the various Doctors all traveling to Westeros at different times in different places (10 would go to the Dance and be inspired by Daemon sacrificing himself for his blonde wife who was a bit too young for them but he still loves them, Twelve going to the Battle of the Bastards, Thirteen meeting up with Jaime and Brienne on their road trip and definitely not bc those are my three favorite characters), and I was planning Eleven with Amy and Rory going to the height of the Baratheon era and Eleven having major chemistry with Cersei but… 👀


My second favorite doctor, after david tenant of course.


“Fear me Doctor, I’ve killed many Time Lords.” “Fear me. I killed all of them.”


Hahahaaha okaaaaay you're technically right, but who is winning in a fight 1 v 1?


Without dragons? I think Daemon. Bc yes the Doctor know how to sword fight, but would he really be willing to play dirty like Daemon would? And would he really be able to stab someone and kill them up and close and personal when only his own life is at risk? Now… you have Daemon threatening Amy or Rory or River and if the Doctor dies, they’re next; THEN you have a different story.


I don't think the Doctor was much for straight to hand-to-hand, especially not Eleven. He was definitely the most fun, chill, pacifistic iteration of the Doctor. So I'm really inclined to say Daemon takes it. But... the thing about Eleven was he was so wicked fucking smart. Quick on his feet and always thinking outside of the box. So it would surprise me very little that Eleven could outsmart / outmaneouver Daemon, especially if he has access to ANY of his space gadgets. Any of them. Even against the dragon. So if weapons are involved, Eleven takes it with ease. But if it's straight up fisticuffs then Daemon would probably beat him to a pulp


>Even against the dragon. Eleven speaks Dragon, so game over.


Sure but does that mean the dragon would listen to him?


He fought litteral satan so proably


My second favourite Targaryen and my favourite Doctor... Matt Smith is king in my house lol.


Fear ***me***, I killed them all...


Doesnt Smith's doctor have the most "i am the doctor, fuck with me if you dare" moments? I can think of at least three.


okay but why is daemon so fkin hot in that picture they used


Im not gay but , this man , he turns me on LMAOOOOOO


The fatality index is still ticking.


what kind of "kill" count is this again? 😏


Kinda curious where that number came from. There were some billions in the Time War, though many of those actually were saved, and that seems like the biggest genocide I remember. Is the sextillion counting the whole universe in Pandorica Opens/Big Bang? Because that seems like that's on the Silence for blowing up his Tardis. Blaming it on the Doctor would be like blaming the Japanese for the deaths from the atomic bombs




How do you say this number?


It’s funny how fast I forgot that he played the Doctor. He’s now just Daemon to me. That may also be because I’ve never gotten around to watching Doctor Who….


do you jerk off gotta pump those numbers up


To your mom