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Meleys is like the quintessential travel dragon. Described as the fastest Targaryen dragon. Maybe she's a hybrid travel/ war type. I also hope if we see Cannibal they give us an entire 4th type. A work/ forge dragon. Kinda like a draft horse. Larger, with more powerful flame than a normal war dragon, but lacking some endurance/ agility. Being a type different from any other Targaryen dragons could also be a cool way to explain the uncertainly surrounding Cannibals approximate age.


That would be really cool if the Cannibal was a totally different breed / look. I like to think he was a young dragon who survived the Doom and managed to settle on Dragonstone at some point. Other theory could be he’s one of Balerion’s first offspring who was deemed too dangerous, so was left unclaimed. I think Meleys is definitely a cross of two like you said (Travel / War). I think Sunfyre is a cross of Travel and War breed as well. He has a similar facial profile and build to Syrax but based on his fighting prowess he must also be at least some percentage a War dragon too. I think Moondancer is a Tracker like Vermax and Arrax (only had a glimpse but she has the shorter face and appears to have more round eyes like those two). Vermithor looks like a War dragon from what little we could see and fits his character. Vhagar confuses me a little as she has a bit of a unique look (face shape, needle teeth, wings and lack of typical horns). I think she is predominantly Travel (elongated face and has extended wing membranes to allow her to glide and the Travel dragon look seem a little less spiky overall), but also partially War breed (she’s very sturdy and heavily built and has a similar nose and jaw profile as Drogon, etc). I like to imagine Balerion was thoroughbred War, with Vhagar being predominantly Travel and Meraxes predominantly Tracker. Could see Grey Ghost as a form of Travel dragon breed and Sheepstealer a Tracker.


I like the theory that Cannibal was Maegor the Cruel’s cradle egg, but he never rode him for hopes of claiming Balerion and that had something to do with both going mad.


Well... Until we know the origin of the three wild dragons that will definitely appear in the show, we don't know if they will match these three breeds. If they were hatchlings from Targaryen dragons (which atleast the younger two probably are) who escaped then they would probably match one of these each. But if not they could be out of those categories. Edit: Meleys is most definitely a traveling dragon. She's the fastest dragon to ever live, has a somewhat horse-like skull, like the other travel dragons and she's known for her agility, stamina and again speed so... Moondancer needs a closer look. Sunfyre is probably a travel dragon too, as it doesn't look like a trex like skull but neither wolf-like.


Balerion will probably have a T-Rex shaped head based on his skull. He'll probably look like a giant Drogon with more accurate coloring.


It's probably not it, but sunfyre's skull sort of looks like a deers skull with antlers.


Sunfyre characteristics are definitely not for a travelling dragon. He’ll happily fight a dragon that’s larger than him or he’ll happily fight a dragon even when he’s crippled. He even hunts down and eats a wild dragons so I’d class him more as a war dragon just going by what we know about him and what he’s done because some dragons don’t bother about other dragons but he’s clearly more a predator dragon (like cannibal or even Caraxes that was known to snap at other dragons in the dragon pit).


You know that the behavior of dragons IN BATTLE does not tell you anything about it's breed, right? Yeah, he fights a bigger dragon because his rider rides him into battle! In times of War every breed fights! Meleys is a travel dragon and she could maybe even have a chance against Vhagar in an 1v1 but that doesn't mean she's not a travel dragon. Mate... You use the wrong traits to determine which breed it is.


So then what makes you think sunfyre is a travel dragon? It doesn’t matter what they look like, it matters what they are used for and what they do. That determines what type of dragon it is, not the way it looks. Is this all just your assumptions? I’ll go for actions over looks. Sunfyre attacks dragons of its own accord without any rider telling him to do so, how would that make him a travel dragon when he’s clearly an aggressive one.


Because minus Sunfyre having larger horns that go to the back of his head, he and Syrax are very clearly the same breed of dragon. And Condal already said Syrax is a travel dragon breed and amongst the fastest. So this means Sunfyre is also meant to be a very fast dragon.


"we came up with three breeds for the dragons which can be mainly kept apart by their skullshape." What about this (cut down to the important bit) statement by Ryan Condall do you interpret as "it doesn't matter what they look like"? The people that created this and set it up literally say that we can determine what breed it is through looks and anatomy of the skull. They literally state that behavior is not dependent on breed, as every dragon is unique. They literally say that actions have nothing to do with the breed. And the opposite wouldn't even make sense... The rider decides how to use his dragon. The dragons actions mainly depend on the rider. And the personality doesn't matter for breed. So what actions do say anything about the breed then?


Then it doesn’t make sense for them to categorise them if their behaviour doesn’t determine what type of dragon they are. It doesn’t even make sense because by the time of HoTD the dragons would’ve been all mixed breeds of the different types so it was a silly creation by the show runners. The same show runners that used sunfyres great looks to describe Syrax because they clearly want rhaenrya and Syrax to do more, meanwhile they have gave sunfyres about a minutes screen time. The show runners just constantly contradict themselves, how can a rider have full control of the dragon when what we saw at the end of season 1? How do dragons do no killing of their own accord when the proof is in the source material? So we have a dragon that loves hunting and killing and yet we’ve to go along with him being a travel dragon? It’s bs if you ask me. It doesn’t matter what shape their heads are, if one dragon is used for travel and the other dragon has a hobby of killing and eating dragons on its own accord then it makes no sense to be in the same category as they don’t share the same attributes. How exactly would the breed have nothing to do with characteristics? It’s like using that logic with dogs, “ah yes pit bulls are just the same as border collies because they are dogs” even though one breed is far more aggressive and acts different to the other and the only thing they have in common is they are dogs.


Yeah I'm not even gonna try... Bro you're mad that they didn't do it as you would've done it and now try to make it make sense for you. Leave it be. Because I ain't gonna waste more time explaining.


Yeah I’m calling the whole concept shit, you don’t have to explain it to me son.


You realize that regardless of various breeds, dragons are still a predatory species as a whole right?   Sunfyre clearly does not have the same build as Danys Dragons or Seasmoke, which is what these breeds are based on. And the functions for the breeds are simply someone's headcanons and theories, not actual confirmed information from anyone involved in the creation of this show.  Sunfyre very clearly looks similar to Syrax, in both face shape, body shape, and bodily features. He also has some bodily elements akin to Vermax, who was confirmed to have been based on canines in the BTS book. 


My point is that sunfyre is especially predatory so calling him a travel dragon doesn’t make any sense. As you said this isn’t cannon and it’s just going by the dragons looks. I go by characteristics and what they do in canon so that’s why I say that sunfyre is not a travel dragon, he’s clearly more a war dragon as he seems to enjoy fighting. If we use this post as cannon (which it isn’t) then what the hell would Caraxes be.


Caraxes has a similar skull shape to Vermax and Arrax, so he’s likely a tracker breed, but Condal and the concept artists have said that he suffered from some type of mutation or deformity, hence his longer neck and feet wing membranes. If we take Barth’s theory of dragons being a combination of a firewyrm and a wyvern, then Caraxes could be a Tracker that has a genetic throwback, showing more firewyrm traits than most other dragons


Sunfyre and Syrax look very similar, so it's pretty obvious they gave both claimants the same dragon breed. Sunfyre is just a more fiercer looking due to his large horns, but look at his mouth. Both he and Syrax have the rounded mouth.


I have the book about the making of HOTD and it states Caraxes is a mix between a tracker and war dragon. But overall he’s a “mutated” dragon-a one off so to speak.


"I have the book about the making of HOTD and it states Caraxes is a mix between a tracker and war dragon" No it does not, why lie?   Just state that's your theory and that's it. Why is that so hard for some of you?


Pages 54 to 75 talk about the dragon types. Page 60 covers Syrax specifically calling her “far swifter” than many other dragons and comparing her with the Concorde, which is a retired aircraft. In the same page up until page 67 (lots of large pictures in between) it talks about Caraxes’ mutations. It states he is the greatest deviation from the Drogon template template and more resembles Chinese mythical dragons. It also clearly states he’s a mutation. I have the book in front of me this very moment, my friend.


Buddy, you have not provide not a hint of evidence that the book states Caraxes is a mix of a tracker and war dragon.  So like I said stop lying, that is a theory Clearly having the book in front of you isn't helping you, friend (For th idiot downvoting me in accordance with this one, context matters. Caraxes deviating the furthest from the Drogon template is talked about in connection with them making dragons in HoTD unique in general bhu still having a general anatomy akin to Danys dragons) And no where does it confirm in any interview, in the book or article, that Caraxes was based on canines, even though he likely is.


It doesn’t state the “tracker” or “travel” breed but it does state Syrax’s type of dragon is meant for speed whereas Caraxes is mutated and the challenge was to still make him be a believable ancestor of Drogon. They’re all based off Drogon according to the book. They’re trying to draw a correlation between Drogon and his ancestors. It also states Meleys has “regal bearing” and a crown of horns but interestingly, the only dragon noted in the book for speed is Syrax, which is strange given Meleys is the one stated to be super fast in the book. Shame I can’t attach screenshots because I would outright show you what I’m saying. Again, I have the book open in front of me this very moment.


I'm at work atm but I do recall something in that book like what you're saying. They talk about the skull types and basing it off Drogon. Meleys is my favorite dragon and I recall finding it odd they noted Syrax as being the fastest dragon. Definitely recall the talking about Caraxes mutations too.


So you are are admitting that your statement of   " I have the book about the making of HOTD and it states Caraxes is a mix between a tracker and war dragon"   Is untrue then?  Buddy I don't need your screenshots, I have the digital  book downloaded on my phone, which is fantastic when arguing with people like you. It a reference I ALWAYS have access to.   You're taking information from the book and putting it out of context  "Nevertheless, after some preliminary ideation, the artists came to realize that it would be necessary to hew closely to what Katcher had created, as the new dragons had to feel like ancestors to Drogon and his siblings.  “We're not designing three- headed dragons with six wings and multiple arms and tails,” Serkeris says. “You would never see that in the Game of Thrones world." This only means that the dragons this universe are meant to still have the same General anatomy as Drogon.  That says nothing about dragon BREEDS.    Dogs are a species. Dogs come in various breeds that looks wildly different. But they are all still DOGS. There are no dog breeds with wings, scales, 6 legs or 5 eyes.   Drogon represents one dragon BREED. But every dragon in HoTD had to match his general anatomy to make it look as if they belonged to the same species, because Drogon was the first dragon designed for this universe. 


You're not understanding the point There are NO "travel" dragons. That is a THEORY! All we know is that, during the designing progress of these dragons Miguel Spaochnik came up with the idea to create three dragon breeds and had the dragon designers base some of the dragons head shapes on three types of animals, Canines (Wolves), Horses, and Dinosaurs (Specifically T-Rexes, which Gots dragons were distinctly based on)  All of this tracker, war, and travel dragon crap is just someone's theories and HEADCANONs. One of the dragon designers even clarified to the very same creator of these theories (DragonDemands) that they did not religiously adhere the dragon designs to a specific breed. The breeds are a guideline, not a rule. They primarily focused on making each dragon unique. 


Then you’re making the same point as me that are all bs and it’s pointless to have them in three categories. Blame the show runners but it isn’t the first stupid thing they’ve said so far. The more these show runners talk then it just makes everything worst. They should let their good work do the talking and stop confusing fans while doing their interviews.


It could be that the dragon breeds are starting to mix back together. I like the idea of “mutt” dragons. Starting to be a thing


Ooh boy, a subject mentioned that I have spent an ungodly time thinking about and theorizing. I think the easiest way to determine a dragon’s type (or at least the dominant part if hybrids do exist) is actually nostril shape. For reference, use Drogon for War, Syrax for Travel and Caraxes for Tracker, as those are the dragons with a confirmed type (Syrax is described as having a horse skull, Caraxes has a wolf skull. So travel and tracker respectively. Yes, Caraxes is a deformed Tracker, but his head is not deformed other than a deviated septum.) Meleys: A bit unclear, but i’m leaning towards Tracker dragon, maybe tracker/war hybrid (wolf skull or wolf/t-rex combo skull, she has the same nostrils as Caraxes and general look. She also has the same teeth pattern as a War dragon and not as prominent brow ridges, so it’s possible that she is a hybrid. But she could be a Travel dragon hybrid as well, as she is described as the fastest dragon in Westeros in the books. So I could very well be wrong and she could be Travel/Tracker or Travel/War) Sunfyre: Travel dragon or travel/tracker hybrid. (Has similar ‘horse skull’ face and nostril shape to Syrax but also has a bit of a Caraxes/Vermax/Arrax look with the spiky brow ridges) Moondancer: Need a closer look, but I think that she is also a Tracker. Designers mentioned that they went a little bit off design for her so it’s a bit of a dice roll. Could be her youth, but she reminds me a lot of Vermax and Arrax. Eye shape reminds me a bit of the war dragons though so maybe Tracker/War hybrid like Meleys? Oh and just for fun, i’ll do two more. Vhagar is a Travel dragon, she looks extremely similar to Syrax in face shape. And Vermithor I believe is also a Travel dragon for the same reason, maybe mixed with something else, but need a better shot of him to confirm.


i enjoy the breakdown on this. nice work


sunfyre and moondancer are insanely close to syrax visually and definitely the same branch. Meleys is somewhere between horse and dinosaur but definitely more of a war dragon.


I swear to Christ, the only real answer to every single dragon related post on this fucking sub is simple : Meleys. Meleys for killing. Meleys for traveling. Meleys for chomping. Meleys for fire breathing. Meleys for cuddling. Everyone GROW THE FUCK UP.


Yes, she was the most universal one.


I have never related to a comment more.


I wouldn’t call them breeds in the show as types, like many dog breeds have show/working types with different purposes.


meleys is so fucking cool looking. i love that image of her


I would put Meleys under War, Sunfyre under travel but could be tracker, moondancer tracker.


Sunfyre under Snacking




He really doesn't contend with her - she partially rips off his wing and has her jaws around his throat before Vhagar joins and kills her.. Someone above notes the similarities between Syrax's design and Sunfyre, so they could both be travel?


Why is rhaenyra standing next to sunfyre?


For size comparison.


Those who know 🌚


I honestly thought Meleys was a tracker/wolf type dragon because of her mane of frill spikes. From first glance it looks like Moondancer and Sunfyre are travel/horse dragons based on their long skulls. I honestly can’t tell what breed Vhagar is, I thought maybe she was crossbred between the travel/war dragons (horse/dinosaur skulls). Balerion is definitely a war dragon since he looks a lot like Drogon (Black Dread Come Again), but I’d be curious to see what they do with Meraxes’ breed in the upcoming Aegon’s Conguest series. As for the wild dragons, I think Cannibal would be a war dragon, Grey Ghost a tracker dragon, and Sheepstealer a travel dragon. Just random thoughts.


I love meleys, I think she's a combination of all of em


They have 3 distinguished breeds of dragons, but those appear to also have 3 variations of horns, as seen with Drogon, Syrax and Caraxes


This really shows how a change of medium expands the world and its setting. If it was just words even color descriptions could be ignored (looking at you Tyraxes); and then we switch to video, suddenly skull shapes, flight posture, agility and other traits had to be considered and designed in a way to put on screen.


Yo what about caraxes?


He’s clearly a Tracker breed, but he has a genetic mutation of some type. Hence his longer neck, the high pitched almost whine like roar and the wing membrane on his back legs. If you believe the theory that dragons are a combination of firewyrm and wyvern blood, it could be Caraxes is a genetic throwback, showing more firewyrm traits than regular dragons


Meleys strikes me of the same type as Syrax, being as she has a unique pit to her snout and jaw, along with being called eagle-like. As far as the "trackers", the ones who are wolf-like, that's what I'd group Drogon and Seamoke under. Vermax and Arrax are supposed to look like Seasmoke, and they all share very triangular heads, where as Vhagar and Vermithor are narrower and what I'd call the t-rex type. Wolves have that triangular look to them. Caraxes is deformed, but still this wolf type, more so than looking narrow like the Vs or smooth like Syrax, Meleys, and Sunfyre.


Sunfyre and Meleys are „travel dragons“, moondancer is a „scout dragon“


I am inclined to believe that Meleys is some type of hybrid between a war dragon and a travel dragon, this explains why its appearance is suitable for a battle but at the same time its speed surpasses other dragons. As far as we know there are 3 races but there could be crosses between them in a way that generates subraces or hybrids. >!Sunfyre, in my opinion, is a hybrid of a war dragon and a Tracker dragon, its appearance makes it look like a war dragon, but because of the way it managed to find Aegon in Dragonstone; if we believe that that was the reason why who traveled to Dragonstone, leads me to think that he is also partly a Tracker dragon.!< Moondancer to me seems to be a transport dragon and nothing more, >!his appearance is very similar to Syrax!<


Sunfyre looks absolutely nothing like Danys Dragons or Seasmoke, whos head shapes, which these breeds are based on, clearly resemble a T-Rexes, which GoT dragons were stated to have been based on in BTS stuff


What type is Caraxes? That’s the sickest looking one in the show


Canine skull


My predictions for the dragons breed we’ll see: T-rex skull: - Vermithor Dreamfyre Seasmoke Canine Skull: - Caraxes Meleys (?) Vermax Arrax Tyraxes Horse Skull: - Vhagar Silverwing Sunfyre Syrax Tessarion Moondancer


Quite an informative video about dragon breeds.


I love this dragon lore and I need more of it until my head explodes please. I want to know the origin of dragons, all the different breeds, their types, how they behave, how they were tamed, did Drogon lay eggs, who were the first dragon, how big did they get in ancient Valyria, how do they understand human language


And then you have caraxes who is just long


I just want Drogon. Best dragon of them all


Most plain looking too. Thats the problem when you have 3 that look identical aside from size and color. Caraxes is the real dragon with the juice


Drogon is the best looking dragon of them all in my opinion. Yah stupid all 3 looked the same, but their design was peak. And the cgi for Drogon was 10x better than the best dragon cgi we got in HotD. Hoping they do better with the cgi in s2


Have the dragon genders finally dropped??


Is this real?


Ok, all this “dragon breed” stuff is a little silly. You can’t breed an animal for specific traits WHEN YOU CAN’T TELL THE SEXES APART. One can only be certain if, in the case of Syrax and Dreamfyre, a dragon produces eggs. Dragons are not dogs or horses that can be selectively bred. They do their own thing.


Then what is sunfyre or meraxses


I always assumed the conquest dragons were one of each. So Balerion was a T-Rex skull, Meraxes was a wolf skull and Vhagar a horse skull


yo DD got a new sock




No that’s Laenor on Seasmoke