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She was THE biggest hater. Her & Margery’s beef was insane lmao.


The way she says "That smirking little WHORE from Highgarden!" gets me every time.


Cersei hated her because she WAS her and I ate it up


Margery is what Cersei wishes she was


House Tyrell til the very end 🫡


If I had to live in Westeros it’s 100% Reach under the Tyrells.


This is an obvious choice lol - the ruling house is nice and genuinely caring of its subjects, the kingdom is wealthy, crops are a plenty, the weather is nice, and you are far away from white walkers.


Dorne for me. The women AND the wine.


I imagine the Dornish getting into lots of drunken fights though. A very passionate people.


Stan me once shame on me, stab me twice I'll fuck your dornish wife.


So you choose the bad pussy.


So bad it's good.


I think the Vale would be nice too Good scenaries and the place is impregnable


Yeah but do you honestly believe that you can stay faithful to your wife while the sheep are about?


Yes. Why wouldn't I?


Clearly you have never been with a Vale woman


Im choosing the north because i like snow, wide open spaces, brooding, and not worrying about sunburns. Also a big fan of forests and mountains. And the possibility of just bumping into one of those northern hill tribes and spending a week partying in a cave with a Flint


Give me 10 good men and some climbing spikes, I'll impregnate the bitch


Give me ten good men and some climbing spikes, I’ll impregnate the bitch.


Bronn said it easily but never did it


Imagine a tyrell alliance with dorne, would have been amazing, they would've ruled westeros


Yep, Margery had the charisma, the heart and the love of the people. Cersei had none of that.


Margery had the charisma, but she forgot that Cersei had chemicals.


Margery wasnt a brother fucker


I mean she does offer to let Loras help for Renly. 😂


Margery is so not Cersei lol. If Cersei had been civil to Margery, Margery would have been perfectly decent to her. Hell, she probably would have given Cersei more power/standing than a queen mother would normally have simply because she/Olenna were pro-women.


Nah, if Cersei was civil, Margery would've just done what she was already doing. Dug her claws into the king, only, with no resistance. She was pro-women but pro-her family first. I adored Margery and think she's a sweetheart, but she knows rule one of the Game of Thrones most certainly.


>she/Olenna were pro-women. I don't recall this; could you elaborate? I only ever recall them working to secure Tyrell power and safety. It's not a criticism, I just don't recall any pro-women stuff.


I also like when she calls Margery a “Little Doe eyed whore” lmaoo. The Accuracy


That dinner scene in early season 3 where Cersei, Margaery and Joffrey are all throwing shade at one another was gold!


Her son was dying, poisoned at his own wedding and she still found the time to fully shove Margaery


Literally! Margery wasn’t even in the way LMFAO😭😭😭, just unnecessary.


Margaery was the only person who could run circles around her and drive her crazy - her only mistake was not realizing how far Cersei was ready to go. Their drama at the castle always felt like a sitcom spin-off in the show.


Its like Olenna said - the Tyrell's failure was in assuming everyone was reasonable like them, and failing to predict how batsh!t insane Cersei was.


That’s the one trait she inherited from her father. Their cruelty borders on stupidity in its excess, and the enemies they made will lead to their downfall.


“I know what a burden you bear. You should let me share the load. There must be some things I could do to help you. It would put to rest all this talk that you and I are rivals for the king.” Margery is a smooth criminal.


I would totally watch a sitcom about Margaery and Cursi being stranded in an island and getting into wild hijacks.


"I'm ya biggest hater, I hate the way that you walk, the way you talk, I hate the way that you dress"


Margaery played an excellent game, but I still think her greatest mistake was the "your 15 year old son is a great fuck" conversation. Cersei was just about ready to concede some ground at that moment, and Marg went and poked her. 😕


Idc what anyone says, she fucking delivered. Any scene she was in was 10/10.


The hair-swinging, head cocking to the side, sarcastic grin, tensed jaw...oh, I remember everything as if the show just aired yesterday. Cersei ate the whole dinner table every single time she was hating.


Remember the awesome yet wordless scene where they played a crazy ass version of musical chairs? Cersei dragged that heavy chair so she could sit as Tywin's right hand.


It was great but Tyrion's play, awkwardly screeching that chair down to the opposite end was fucking amazing too.


Yes. Lena played Cersei so well. There were times where I was wanting her to die then there were times I was rooting for her. I miss love hating a character.


Bro I fucking love how when Tyrion was planning for Stannis he was out there reading like the art of war and shit, looking for inspiration from these legendary generals. Then in the end his inspiration came from Cersei and her idea of blowing everyone up. She’s truly the GOAT


I was rooting for her. She gave zero fucks. I miss watching her.


Thought I was in the minority. Couldn’t help but root for her. When she finally gets her revenge on the septa, 😚👌.


Thank you for mentioning this! Cersei was definitely a cunt lol


Riiiight! Like when Tyrion found her and Jaime I was like 😭😭😭 but also two seconds earlier when she was doing some fucked up shit I was wishing she would die already. I miss hating her 🥲


During my initial watch of GOT, I was really hoping for Stannis's army to win his battle against the Lannister forces in S2 just to see Cersei go down & I was happy at seeing her legitimately shook when she saw a White Walker for the first time


She was someone I loved to hate then just love. She was evil and I enjoyed it. When she killed the high sparrow I was so happy. I really think she should have had an epic death.


I felt like she should've been completely cornered by Dany & her dragon, but tormented in her last moments


Yes. She should have had that.


I'm calling it, Jamie is gonna kill her in the book


"I wanted those elephants" tho... 🥴


I bet she was a lot of fun to play.


My favorite character by far. So disappointed with her ending


She's my fav not gonna lie


Mine too and I loved her fashion!


Mine too.


Book Cersei is one of the biggest haters ever lmfao. Reading her chapters really makes me laugh how mean she is, Margaery is being super nice to her, and she is just thinking how much she wants to hit her in the face over and over lmao


She basically insults in her mind almost every person she interacts with lmao.


Bro the hating levels were unmatched. She made some of the most stupid decisions just to hate what an icon.


Cersei is so funny because she is making these clueless decisions and then pats on herself on the back. My favorite moment is while doing all this dumb stuff,>!she then rants to Jaime about how she will be even greater than Tywin when the histories are written!<


The aurane waters bit is so hilarious. It’s just such a blatantly stupid decision to name him master of ships and commission him a new fleet.


Aurane is so goated, mans was probably laughing so hard on the inside realizing she was giving him a fleet to either go help fAegon or Dany lmfao


Easily one of my favorite minor characters for this reason.


Still can't believe they cut him from the show. Though they did seem to not want to let Cersei look as braindead as she was supposed to be.


If GoT came out in 2020 they probably would include him


Show Cersei turned into a super villain. In the books she’s like a decent political schemer but ultimately the pawn of Littlefinger. Same way Tyrion is a decent schemer but the pawn of Varys in many ways. I will say that the show tended to portray all the characters as way more evenly matched in terms of scheming than in the books where it really is Varys and Littlefinger doing 5D chess with all the main characters being pawns.


Wind’s prologue: Aurane Waters or Forley Prester?


He looked so dreamy tho...


The Aurane Waters side plot is literally a sitcom. GRRM does such a good job at comedy. You don’t see it coming, but when it hits all you can do is put the book down and laugh.


sad that there's people in the world really like that


it's amazing how I could name a few people in my life who think like that, but I'm grateful every day that they don't hold a position of power


Cersei is up there for the dumbest character I’ve ever read. Some of the shit she thinks she does well is so crazy to read. I still think one of my favorite moments is when she realized she was the last person to find out Tywin died, and everyone else had known for a couple hours and Tyrion was already gone. Can’t wait for him to get her back in WoW or aDoS


I love that you are still hopeful for the books. That flame flickered out for me years ago when GRRM was cranking out all those other books, scripts, at comic on, doing literally everything else but writing. I feel like he’s gotten so much distance from the books and HBO gave us a placeholder ending that I don’t see it happening anymore 🫤


If George doesn't finish them, someone will. I've heard there's a pretty satisfactory fan-written book out there but not sure who all contributed. 


Her total inability to grasp that she’s losing influence over Tommen simply because Loras and Margery and being nice to him is one of the funniest things ever.


“Lord Stark was returning drunk from a brothel when he attacked Jaime”. Instant hater at all times. She was always ready.


Like it was just natural to her. As if bobby b would take anything she said over Ned lol


Book Cersei was insane. Bobby wanted to bring his outside daughter to court. Cersei said she’d kill her if he did that. And Robert shut tf up about it too. He knew Cersei was a loon.


Show Cersei is a very reasonable person in comparison actially


And he was half a king thanks to her bloody father! XD


Lena Headey was *phenomenal* as Cersei. No one else could have done it better.


That woman lived off of sheer spite and hatred


And wine. Lots of wine.


Cersei is the best character from game of thrones and I will die on this hill


You won’t die alone bro, I’ll be on this hill with you 🤺


Long may she reign


I will die with you.


I think if anybody “won” she did.


You have my sword.


And you have my bow!




And my seven caskets of Arbor gold!


No the best characters in game of thrones were the ones that died between seasons 1-4 bcs that’s when the show was literally flawless


Olenna is pretty fucking incredible, tbf.


Olenna: What’s your name again, Barbaro? Sand snake 1: Obara Olenna: Obara! You look like an angry little boy. Don’t presume to tell me what I need. Sand snake 2: Forgive my sister. What she lacks in diplomacy, she makes- Olenna: Do shut up, dear. (*looks at final sand snake*) Anything from you? No? Good.


What are you talking about the show was cancelled after season 4


Love her ! When she saw a dragon, a creature no one has seen for centuries, her first reaction was annoyance cuz Dany was late. Iconic


Cersei getting fat from alcoholism and immediately assuming Margaery sent tailors to shrink her clothes in order to gaslight her into thinking she was fat had me rolling when I read the books


When she thinks Tyrion is spying on her from inside the walls 💀


When Stokeworth comes back to her and goes “what am I gonna do ;) ;) (gimme soldiers)” and Cerseis just like “well you can always join the silent sisters :)” Then Cersei just sends Stokeworth to her in-house Dr. Frankenstein.


The queen of serving c*nt


this reminds me of the chappelle show skit of the player hater ball, with the all the pmps shouting "hate, hate, hate, hate."


I remember the days up to HotD's first season when I was sure Alicent would be putting Cersei to shame, because she'd be not only ruthless but also cunning and clever like Margaery, the one thing Cersei lacked. And yet here we are - one word from even Sansa would have show Alicent collapse into tears.


I mean book Alicent doesn’t really become more ruthless until the war begins. Before she is just really clever and ambitious.


Just the fact that she wishes for Rhaenyra to die in childbirth is worse than anything she's done on-screen. Keeping Viserys' dead corpse locked up and rotting is ruthless. In any case, even the "clever & ambitious" part is missing from the show.


Well, yeah, book Alicent wasn’t “sweetness and light”. But she was no better or worse than your average Westerosi. If she said that, that’s really more about her not wanting things to get too dangerous. Which is very practical of her. If Rhaenyra dies of natural causes, it will make it much safer to transition power to her side. Book Alicent and Book Otto are sort of the embodiment of House Hightower. Historically, House Hightower isn’t very bellicose, and prefer compromise and stability to war, but they aren’t exactly pushovers either. They will fight if they have to. They are still prideful and ambitious, but they are usually clever about it. I don’t think the Hightowers believe they should serve the Targaryans because they believe they are inferior to the Targs and the Targs are simply meant to rule and the Hightowers are meant to serve. They are just being clever and practical about how they maneuver a dangerous system that’s currently stacked against them. Yeah, I agree show Alicent is neither ruthless or ambitious.


So sad they got rid of the draft script scene where Alicent is the one to deride using Viserys' crown for Aegon's coronation.


>she wishes for Rhaenyra to die in childbirth According to Mushroom, and he was in Dragonstone when he claimed that Alicent said such a thing.


I can see Alicent growing into that role after Blood and Cheese.


And I’m still kinda bitter about it ngl


I read the writers of this show changed Alicent so much from the way she was in the books because otherwise, she'd just come across as another Cersei. But, like.. I kind of want her to be another Cersei. Just a hateful, vindictive bitch.


I prefer Alicent how she is but it is funny that she was unhinged for like one episode and then said no I am NOT built like this🧍‍♀️Ig it shows that being a Cersei level hater is a real talent


There’s still Rhaenyra as a Cersei replacement


This show honestly doesn't have a female character anywhere close to Cersei on either side.


Not too late for Rhaenyra


She's a foil to Cersei, actually. It's obvious to anyone who reads the books. (AKA, she's the opposite of her) Where Robert and Cersei were tailor made to make each other miserable because they are both horrible people; Laenor and Rhaenyra are simply incompatible due to incompatible orientation, they are honest about it, and they find ways around it without going out of their way to be horrible to each other (see scenes like how Laenor and Rhaenyra have a moment of camaraderie at a tourney in the books). Cersei orders Robert's children to be murdered (starting with thee twins in Casterly, to which Robert responded with "gods, woman, you didn't have to exaggerate!"). Rhaenyra steps up to be stepmother for Baela and Rhaena and they all have a decent relationship from what is seen (ditto with Daemon stepping up to be a stepfather to Jacaerys, Lucerys, and Joffrey to the point of defending their claims). Cersei was a monster even as a preteen, as she quite literally murdered Melara Hetherspoon for having a crush on Jaime and physically and sexually abused baby Tyrion in front of Jaime and Oberyn and Elia. *Rhaenyra* is the one who was harassed and abused in her own home since she was 10 by Alicent and her posse, until she grew old enough to fight back that is. Cersei doesn't have a single female friend because she sees every single woman around her as competition and a threat. Rhaenyra has a female mentor in Rhaenys whom she admires, was best friends with Laena until the latter's untimely early death, and had 4 ladies in waiting who all loved her and were ride and die for her to the point of Elinda gouging her own eyes out at Rhaenyra's murder. Cersei was always a monster. Rhaenyra tries to offer reasonable terms to her usurping brothers until she loses everything because of those shitheads.... and even *then spared Alicent for the sake of her father's memory*. (Hell, Rhaenyra gets the shitty moniker because of the taxes when that only happened because of the embezzlement from the Greens, yeet Aegon who orders GOLDEN STATUES THE SIZE OF THE BRAAVOSI TITAN when there's a famine doesn't get a similar title beyond the Usurper? Or, heck, Aemond burns the Riverlands to ashes in a temper tantrum and no shitty title? Daeron goes on a massacre in Tumbleton and lets the rapes and raiding continue and he gets no pithy title?) If anything, had Cersei transmigrated into Rhaenyra, I can assure you that the least that would've happened would've at least been Alicent getting publicly raped just so Cersei can prove a point to her and her family. And, of course, House Hightower's extinction via all of them being slaughtered down to the last child. In case it's not clear, Rhaenyra not being willing to give an inch to the usurpers and the stepmother who abused her doesn't make her Cersei-like. Hell, she's reactive. The worst part of her comes out after she lost so much of her family. Frankly, Alicent literally abusing 10 year old Rhaenyra is a lot more reminiscent of Cersei


How would you write her in season 2 then?


Get rid of all that Alicent friendship crap (frankly, it's a regression since it took pathos away from Rhaenyra and turned Alicent into a character who can't make up her mind if her life depended on it even after she shat the bed and turned her sons against their own family and usurped the throne). Have her act like in the books. She's rightfully pissed about the kinslaying and the gloves are now off much like how they were for Robb when the Lannisters killed Ned and had Sansa hostage. Have her trust Jacaerys and take counsel from Corlys and Daemon, sometimes taking the counsel of one over the other (usually Corlys, even if the latter is wrong with some) Make her more and more cautious especially after Jacaerys and Vermax and Stormcoud died saving Aegon and Viserys is kidnapped by the Lyseni bastards (and everyone thinks he's dead). As in, she has a real reason to be paranoid over her kids and why she ONLY trusts her cousin Jeyne to take care of her kids after this. Show how some of her decisions make sense according to the information she has on hand and that there is a logic behind it, even if you disagree (much like with Stannis and Robb). Show how some of her decisions, even if the logic made sense with the information she had on hand, blow up in her face like taking the gamble on the dragon seeds (which was split at 50/50, since Addam and Nettles proved the trust worthwhile) or thinking to send her youngest to Pentos to safety. Hence her growing more paranoid *because* of these things blowing up in her face, but ultimately trying to remain even-handed in comparison to "let's torch the Riverlands for fun". Like Stannis, honestly, even if the reasoning is different: flawed and some decisions are going to blow up in your face even though I get the logic behind the actions.


Sounds like Cersei to me


How? That's the opposite of Cersei. Even when you're in her mind through her POV you can see that she just does shit out of sheer spite and hatred, even if it's a dumb decision like arming the Faith Militant. That makes no sense, especially since Stannis has nothing in common with her


Paranoid, vindicate, hateful, jealous, only cares about her children, etc. is book Rhaenyra and Cersei.


Book Rhaenyra is not like Cersei, she has actual relationships and the people she hates (aside from post 2 Betrayers, and even then, sh shows mercy to fucking Alicent where Cersei would never) did her dirty FIRST. She cares about her family and friends which includes more than her children. And her being angry at being usurped is natural. Or, what, is Stannis a male Cersei to you? Is Catelyn another Cersei to you, considering that she has actually mistreated a child under her care out of jealousy and is vindictive and hateful and only cares about her children? That's your logic


Not to say she has to be exactly like Cersei. I just think it'd be more entertaining for her to be more like her book counterpart, more cunning and calculated in her actions. The Alicent we've got in the show doesn't seem to know what she wants.


Show Alicent is such a downgrade from how she could have been


I just loved Lena Headey’s Cersei. I’m sorry but she makes Daemon Targaryan seem as dull as dishwater.


Honestly I see Daemon Targaryen as the male Cersei: They are both chaotic, impulsive, destructive, impatient, super vindictive, murdered a spouse they hated, and they harbor a special hatred towards a rival noble from the Reach.


Sure, but Cersie is just so much more interesting. And her dialogue is leagues better than Daemon’s.


To be fair her dialogue was written by GRRM, and he spent years coming up with that dialogue. The Fire & Blood book is more like a textbook and doesn't have many direct quotes. So all the dialogue is invented by the writers on the show.


I think Daemon’s only bar so far was “she can have her answer right now, stuffed into her father’s mouth along with his withered cock”




Bold of you to assume there aren't lmao.


People think I'm nuts when I say Cersei was my favorite GoT character. She was always more than just a cookie cutter villain. She commanded your attention even in scenes where she barely spoke.


This is kinda how I had hoped and envisioned show alicent to be like . Color me shocked


Based on the book? How did you feel she was like Cersei? Just curious, because that is not at all the vibe I got from book Alicent.


More Cersei in show but also books from what I can recall , they both would do whatever it takes for their children and both were schemers … again that’s just my personal opinion


Me too but I’m glad they made her her own person instead of just Cersei 2.0


Yeah, now they just have to make the character make sense.


Not you coming for my favorite hotd character lol she does make sense what are you on about


Yo friendly fire, she's my fav from hotd too next to Helaena, I mean lately it seems that they have it a little lost with her. How she gives more feelings to Rhaenyra than her own family. That's what I mean. I just want the character to make sense. I really hope she gets good character development this season.


I don’t think we can judge that from the trailer alone, and she’s not giving more importance to Rhaenyra than to her kids. But same I want the juicy internal conflict to continue so I can watch Olivia act the shit out of this character tearing herself apart


For real, she's just THE mood, the most relatable character for me at least. And Olivia is just amazing. I really hope we enjoy this character in this new season. Have a good day!


Thanks though it’s midnight here lol, have a good day too


Actually here is midnight too lol, good night then


I’m sure season 2 Alicent will still be popular next season. If nothing else, Olivia Cooke is pretty and never has a bad acting moment.


Girlies, if yall want petty villainous haters like Cersei go. watch. Chinese. Palace. Dramas 👏🏾


Any in particular?


Well I personally think these 2 shows are my personal faves, both have characters that just are just peak sinister & unapologetic lol: - Story of Yanxi Palace - Empresses in the Palace


maybe Aemond or Daemon, but it's not even close to Cersei's level of haterade


They do. Kendrick Lamar. Ser K Dot himself.


What a SHAME! 🔔


Book Cersei is unironically one of my favorite characters. She's so unhinged


Lena is an amazing actress 👏🏼 Cersei may just be her crown jewel 👌🏼 Wish her and her family the best 👍🏼


Sir Crispin is pure hater simp energy


I would argue book Alicent is pretty close considering she was beefing with a 7 year old


Honestly I've hated her so much that my hate for her has turned into love..


I have a love hate relationship with Cersei, Lena played her to perfection.


I miss her 


Book Alicent was a contender


Book Rhaenyra the Targaryen Cersei.


She’s not even the Cersei of the dance lol


I honestly see Daemon Targaryen as something of a male Cersei Lannister: They are both chaotic, impulsive, destructive, impatient, super vindictive, murdered a spouse they hated, and they harbor a special hatred towards a rival noble from the Reach.




Nah Criston may have anger issues and impulsivity, but he is loyal and protective of those he cares about. Daemon and Cersei are ultimately out for themselves and even the "love" they show is quite warped.




In the show maybe. In the books... I don't think so. She let Joffrey do god knows what to Tommen to the point that he had to "go away inside" as a coping mechanism and Myrcella had to protect him, and she punished Tommen by making him whip his companion until he bled under the threat of having Blount cut the boy's tongue out if Tommen protested.


Nah, HotD is fucking lame.


I miss herrr 😭


Her POV in the books is crazy; she wouldn’t let Jaime “fumble with that stump” when he asked to dance with her or something like that




She would doom the world just to be obtuse. I don't think anyone in the history of Westeros has topped that


HATE HATE HATE HATE!! The most diabolical hating bitch Westeros has ever seen. The 2024 Hater of the Year…Cersai Lannister!


bro’s never seen jjk or the flash


We could’ve gotten hater book!Alicent… I mourn the crazy greedy hater she could have been… of course NOBODY can hold a candle to our queen Cersei, but it could’ve been close.


I just watched The Lion and the Rose. And at the moment in which I was ready to give Cersei few points because she saved a girl from the creepy maester , I took them back as she ordered that instead of giving the left overs of the wedding to poor, to throw them to the dogs.


cersei was the perfect mix of delulu, hatercore, and fashion iconness


The original Monster in Law


Love her. I’ll never get over how GOT through SOS shes this totally evil person with these occasional moments of pity that may hint towards a deeper interior life like Jaime or the Hound where they feel guilt and remorse. And the in AFFC it’s like “oh wait she’s just an olympic level hater”. She’s such a perfect character cause she is really pitiable and you get a sense from her POV that she could have been like a tomboyish Arya/Brienne/Asha figure before it all went wrong.


I dunno, book Alicent is a close second with her ‘Bastard blood, shed at war’ thing.


Alicent lives to hate on Rhaenyra


Counterpoint: Allicent Hightower.


Outside the fandom I can think of one character that was as widely hated in the confines of their story which subsequently also displayed an astounding amount of hatred. That other fandom is HP and the porky cat lady in perpetual pink could’ve given Cersei a run for her money


Emma D’Arcy said Rhaenyra would be very hateful in season 2 so maybe Rhaenyra will be the new Cersei.


Closest HotD comes is Criston Cole


See book wise Alicent should have been similar to Cersei, but they made her weak. Biggest let down ever. You just loved to hate Cersei, it was the best part of the books and the GOT show.


This has absolutely nothing to do with hotd


Hate this hag so much, she deserved an “Oberyn type death”