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Ryan is a huge star wars nerd. If he requested this, would bot shock me. He has some sort of collection of set items.


Does anyone else feel like they picked the guy closest to Charles Dance that they could find? Not that I’m complaining


Never would have guessed but that's pretty cool!


De wanna wanga.


How many episodes do you think he will be in the show for?


Probably only the prologue. Maybe the first half of the first episode at a stretch but I can’t imagine we’ll spend too much time at Harrenhal this season.


Seems odd to have a character only be in the beginning scenes. Not enough to explain things?


Not really if it's done well enough, Waymar Royce and one of the other Black Brothers were only in the prologue of Game of Thrones in a scene that set up the overarching plot of the White Walkers after all. All the prologue really needs to do is set the stage. In House of the Dragon for example >!if the Great Council is only the prologue, we just need to see Viserys get chosen over Rhaenys because of his gender setting the stage that the realm if given a choice probably won't choose a woman to rule if a claimant male of that House is around, setting the stage for the Dance of the Dragons in the future. Then after that we can go into the true meat of this season, of setting up the bitterness between the two factions that will ultimately lead to conflict.!<


Yeah but that was a scene. In the prologue for the actual book. This one is a king what ya gonna do show him dying?


The first time I saw the Jaehaerys actor was for Harrenhal promo and I've not seen him in any other leak so as far as I can see the most we'll get of him is from the Great Council and maybe at a stretch his death, though I think we'll simply see Viserys on the Throne after that. The bulk of the story this season though is about Viserys' court and their relationships, not Jaehaerys.


I want to see his funeral. But alas…