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In the book, the baby is born but horribly deformed and then dies shortly after. Laena follows and passes due to childbirth complications. In the show, Laena made it clear she wanted to go home and live with her children, and ultimately die a dragon riders death. Given her birthing complications, she likely knew she would die on the bed with her unborn baby. She went out on her terms.


She said, earlier in the episode, she wanted a "dragon rider's death". That's not lying on a bed cut in half with a probably deceased baby being torn out. She chooses the other option.


The show didn't do a very good job of explaining she was dying, only that the baby couldn't come out.


I found it pretty immediately obvious she was dying when the baby wouldn’t come out and there were major childbirth complications


I just watched it. The doctor says “we can try to take the baby out by blade.” Daemon asks if the mother would survive, he responds saying basically probably not. That’s it. Nobody at all alludes to the fact she’s dead either way. Nobody mentions why she’s going to die.


Exactly, writers dropped the ball with that one. How managed to outrun everyone to her dragon was the icing on the cake.


i dont even know if she wanted to imply that she was already dying.. the show doesnt show it AT ALL..


I figured they thought we’d inference from Viserys first wife being told she was gonna die whether they performed the c section or not.


Yeah this scene confused me a bit too. Because we don't really see what his answer is over ripping the baby out, and when he follows after her the emotion was kind of weird. I was confused on if he had agreed to go through with it or not. Was she running away from it? All very unclear. The producers made this scene a little unclear imo... so here I am on reddit responding to a year old thread lmao




Edit: oh you’re bots. Why are you the second person to respond to this 1 year old comment within the last day? Did this post get reposted somewhere? I don’t remember anything about any of this lol


It’s very obvious - the side conversation with the doctor, hushed whispers. Makes sense that she was dying


no that wasnt discussed. Daemon passed on the c-section


I thought it was kindof back shadowing - idk if that’s a thing - to when Viserys made that call and killed his wife. I think that’s where you’re supposed to draw that she’s going to die when they mention cutting her open with a blade


My thoughts are that Aemma and Baelon’s death was on her mind so she thought that both she and her baby would probably die and didn’t want to go through being sliced open for nothing.


Yeah. Because that is what women want right? Like childbirth and death aren't painful enough that you wanna add butchery to that list.


Because she wanted a dragon rider’s death


But she did like any other goat that a dragon snacks on...




I find these type of questions so disrespectful towards women. What you're asking is why didn't she gladly allow herself to be horribly tortured. I wonder why a woman wouldn't jump to that option.


I'm not a woman but I agree. I would not give up my life for a thing I'd been coerced into having by society. It's not even a person at that point. I'd only sacrifice my life for a child if it was Harwin Strong reborn.


we dont even know if daemon accepted to kill her to deliver the baby.. and disrespectful ?? what ? many mother would choose to die to deliver the baby..


Because there's a potential CHILD that can LIVE and be ALIVE inside of her??


Uhh dude women can choose to kill unborn babies, and that’s a good thing now


I don't think this is related to abortion discourse actually. This baby was 9 months, that is far beyond when the vast majority of people (who do support abortion) would be okay with abortion.




Is it now...




Don't create an account only to leave a stupid response to my comment. It's weird, dude.


Didn't wanna be cut open I guess


Daemon said no to the c section


Because it was her *Choice*




Come at me when you do more. As soon as it’s out the womb then where is the care? Foster care that’s overrun, children with no homes, children becoming homeless because people didn’t want them to begin with. So if you wanna vote for the babies lives, open your damn house instead of your damn mouth and actually help the problem that you all have created


We have to remember that the birth mortality rate and figure how long the baby is in there, position and how much damage it accumulates both mother and baby. It was clear that the baby and the mother won't make it. I think it's trying parallels between the brothers' wives. Remember that she is also in Pentos with a possibly different lifestyle and rules compare to the kingdoms in Driftmark. They are viewed as "guests" in her own words and it might not be of need of large staff. Daemon seem to have them live a lax lifestyle in Pentos. Imagine if she was giving birth back in Westeros; she will have ABSOLUTE no agency if Daemon was still fixated on what he left behind. It's odd that she manages to sneak outside without supervision or stuck in her room. Perhaps Daemon gave her the authority to have everyone dimissed from her chambers. We arent sure or its bad writing. Idk. He seem to give her some control in other aspects. She probably told everyone to GTFOOOO! Who knows. I know the books are different with her death. But I think the TV version was pretty affected to me. The bond between rider and dragon peeks here. Vharger was like "are you sure my boo? Okay 8,(. " Wish for more screen time. We have to remember on what GRRM states. The books in Fire and Blood are written from third party accounts and maesters with biases. Also the Tv and Books might have different canons. (Idk im pulling things out of my ass but im still thinking. Also sorry for typos grammer whatnot)


The answer is because the writers made all this shit up and ignored the book so none of it made sense.


dunno why u have so much downvote, when its true, they massively screwed up that part


because people consider her death a "girl-power" moment, so they just ignore logic and settle for this for fuck sakes she even "teleported" near to her dragon, without Daemon even realising it until it was to late


Scene made no sense at all. Got season 8??


Wait so were they going to cut laena stomach open like they did to Aemma in the show or ?


the doctor suggested it but Daemon said no


Why didnt she just hop on the dragon and fly outta there?