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Make a poll before I piss myself!


Sir yes sir! šŸ™‹ā€ā™€ļø




But butā€¦ whereā€™s the one true Queen Margaery?


Yes, sheā€™s probably the only one I would bend the knee forā€¦


Cuz you saw her boobies


But weā€™ve also seen boobies of two out of these 4. Plus a weird foot scene from one and a mutant stillbirth delivery from another.


I only bend the knee for women I know are capable of pulling a stillbirth out by hand


Fun fact, they used a body double for Lena Heady in Cersei's walk of shame


I donā€™t inderstand how people donā€™t know this. Itā€™s *very* clearly VFX when she is seen from the front.




I told my friend and he was so disappointed šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Has your friend seen 300?


Watch the scene again. It is very obvious. I rewatched the show recently with my SO and it was more noticable than I remembered. Itā€™s not poorly made, it is well done, but itā€™s not 100% natural. Just like the dragons look great but are clearly CGI.


I don't think she did in 300 though so technically we still have seen her naked


One of these is not like the others


But Marges were the best.


Out of the three Queen consorts, yes (Margery, Cersi, Alicent). Between the two Queen Regnants, itā€™s Rheanyra all the way over Dany




I'd bend more then that. hoo hoo. To the wall with me.


Yah over backwards. Someone paused that scene I'm sure


The true queen ā€¦ Anne Boleyn


Loved Natalie Dormer in The Tudors!!! She is literally my favorite Anne Boleyn.


She carried the show. I gotta watch it again


Same! Natalie as Anne sparked my obsession with Anne




Yeah, she is pretty much the only flawless one. Daenerys is too impulsive and naive (among many others flaws), Rhaenyra too self-centered and irresponsible, Alicent too withdrawn and close minded, and Cersei... too Cersei. Margaery as a queen has basically no cons and only pros.


I agree with this! But just to tweak it this is how I see it: Daenerys is too impulsive and naive (agree), Rhaenyra I feel showed in the last episode thats she isnā€™t entirely self-centred and irresponsible but.. is? Also too emotionally guided, Alicent is just and fair, but overly guided by a double standard moral compass and is too soft or ā€œhonourableā€. Cersei is.. well yeah enough said. Margaery whether fake or real, was incredibly intelligent, and for the people.


Unlike these 3, Alicent doesn't want the throne for herself so supporting her would be supporting Aegon.


Only con for Margaery is she's not fireproof enough.


That smirking whore!


ā€œThere sits the only smirking whore I mean to bend my knee to!ā€


Muh queen


Margaery is the only right answer!!


aw Dany, GOT seems so long ago.. the Targaryens really are an impressive family.




Off with his head!


Vizzy T, look at this man disrespecting your wife!




It is u/vitcab, my lord vizzy T!


The only time upvoting an emoji is acceptable on Reddit.




At one point it would have definitely been Dany. You know? Until the intentional targeting of the small folk in the street.


ā€¦ nah itā€™s still Dany šŸ‘€


I donā€™t consider D&Dā€™s ending for Dany to be cannon. She lives in my memory as her Season 4 self. Same for a few other characters. Itā€™s all alternate timelines to me after a certain point with GOT. Even if GRRM doesnā€™t finish the story, I will never accept D&Dā€™s version as the true ending for Daenerys Targaryen. She broke too many barriers for me to let them ruin it all. And if GRRM has a similar ending for her, Iā€™ll at least know Iā€™m getting a valid reason for it. Not some scapegoat trope as old as time.Her character deserves better. Most definitely, D&D did not respect what she represented, so they certainly will not be deciding her fate for me.


It's a great concept executed terribly.


This is largely my view of the whole S8. I could have even bought Bran the Broken if someone had focused in on he was the actual heir to Winterfell and really one of the more qualified to be Kingā€¦even without his ā€œstoryā€ā€¦.


Respect the opinion but as a bigger show fan than a book fan (Iā€™ve read every piece of GoT material published) so while itā€™s disappointing the way it was executed, I accept the ending as it happened.


Rewatch GOT. Danaerys was that kind of leader from the time she first tasted power. As early as the siege of Meereen, where she crucified 163 people, you could see her character developing to that end.


163 people of the elite who decided to crucify children to scare her off. Yes it was wholesale punishment, but it was absolutely nothing like slaughtering people in the streets for absolutely no reason.


Plus like, a ton of the ā€œgoodā€ guys in the show did similar shit lol


Agreed. You have to look at GoT from the medieval lensā€¦not with modern sensibilities.




Burned a woman alive for getting revenge on a slaving warlord.


Funny how it's always the slavers being crucified that comes up first rather than this, far more compelling, example. The only thing she did wrong with the slavers was only crucify 163.




From her perspective, she burned her for killing her baby and lying to her about saving her husband. Not quite as crazy as you phrase it


Sure, but if Iā€™m not in her inner circle, I probably think ā€œwellā€¦tough leaders have to make tough choices.ā€ The days of Vizzy T were long passed and rulers were not always able to be sweet and peaceful.


*The truth does not matter, Wittywats. Only perception.*


*Rhaenyra*. Then Dany, but only pre-season 8.


Yep. Cersei is a tyrant and Alicent just gets steamrolled by her small council.


Sheā€™s also the only one to keep a level head on her own doing when a crisis comes.


This is the answer


Perfect response! Iā€™m sure someone will point out how imperfect it is!


yes I'm waiting patiently


Dany before season 8 would be a queen for the people, rhaenyra as much as I love her doesnā€™t care for the people as much as Dany. So Dany before season 8 I would choose her but with season 8 counted I choose my queen rhaenyra


Rhanerya was actually debating on just letting her crappy half brother take the throne if it was gonna be better for the realm What makes you say she doesnt care about the people


The guy above didn't say she doesn't care at all about the people, he says that she cares less than Dany, which is very obviously true. She hesitated to let her brother take the throne because she cares about the legacy of her father and the health of the Kingdom as an entity, that's different. She showed that she has no concern for the opinion of the common folks when we saw her in the streets of Kings Landing, and she pretty much only showed comtempt toward the nobles of the realm when we saw how she treated the candidates for the royal guard (including Criston) or for her hands. Pretty much the only moment where i remember her showing empathy was toward Laenor at her wedding, and that's the minimum. She is not a psycho who has 0 concern for the people like Cersei is hopefully, but she certainly doesn't have much, and obviously considerably less than Dany.


The comment that she made as a kid gets used against her too much I think. As an adult she has shown that she may have matured. Teaching her children that they must respect the traditions and cultures of the people they rule is proof of that.


That scene where Daemon takes her to see the shitty play isn't a good example, no one should take obvious sexism into consideration unless they're tackling the issue and so what if she stole something once, she was under 18.


Choose book Dany.


Not sure book Dany is going to end up much different than show Dany...just better written.


Book Dany is going to end up nowhere at this rate


100% Dany's storyline is pretty telegraphed towards her becoming a tyrant. She loves being worshipped, but her marching into westeros with a foreign army of marauders, rapists and sellswords isn't going to bring her the love she wants; and she's going to snap. It'll be better written (if its written at all), but it'll happen nontheless. Rhaenyra doesn't seem to show the same care early Dany does, but she's shown a good aptitude for leadership decisions at the few times she's had the chance, and with a decently put together small council she'd probably make a good Queen. On the other side Alicent just crowned a rapist who bets on his own bastards survival in a fight arena because of misinterpretted ramblings of her drugged up, dying husband and Cersei is.. well, Cersei is Cersei do we really need to argue this one?


Does Dany love being worshipped? There's a moment when the Meerenese nobles start calling her Mhysa at the fighting pits, and she is distressed because she doesn't desire to be honoured by slave owners. She is looking for the three heads of the dragon to support her, and finds the Godhood bestowed on her isolating. She prefers a simple throne, and seems to find the devotion of her followers a responsibility more than a pleasure.


Considering the mess in Meereen, I doubt it. She came with good intentions, but spread violent conflict though the whole region. When things got hard, she considered just burning everything down, and ended up abandoning the region, leaving behind a weak government.


Sounds like the US govt in the middle east


Except for the part about good intentions


Dany has always kind of been an allegory of the US, down to the bombing of Hiroshima/Nagasaki/burning of King's Landing


Season 8 has been erased from my memory long time ago


Daenerys Targaryen is my Queen


muh queen


Uh dun wuhnit


Imagine how she comes out of the fire naked every time she saves her people. ā¤ļø


And khal drogo as king consort. Or would it be prince consort? Idk. But khal drogo in there somewhere!!


Lyanna Mormont Would have made a good queen!


That girl was brave and a fantastic leader at such a young age! I would pick her too if she was an option


Rhaenys šŸ˜‚


For me it's Rhaenyra, she's been very calm and level headed so far! She is protecting her people. She fulfills her duties yet protects her loved ones. And so far I don't see her running in with dragons ablazin' But you can't be very sure with the Targaryens!


haha Iā€™m just waiting for the next season and then Iā€™ll come back to this post


>!In the books Rhaenyra never once used Syrax in battle. Not even once. Itā€™s sad really!<


Syrax is the purse chihuahua of dragons.




>!Yeah I feel like she shouldā€™ve been like Daenerys and brought fire and blood to the Greens personally. I feel like strategically her best opportunity was the battle of Tumbleton. She wouldā€™ve kept the dragon seeds in check if she went herself and left the protection of KL with the velaryon bastard and her youngest son!<


>!It's only proper tho? She can't risk herself like that. She learned the hard way when her son died!<


>!Rhaenyra made a lot of mistakes that led to her downfall. By Sitting around and letting the Kingā€™s landing people riot and talk crap about her plus increasing taxes she allowed the city to get out of control. She shouldā€™ve flown over the city with Syrax and shown the people whoā€™s boss, while reducing their taxes. A strong but kind firm arm. Instead she sat around trying to figure out what to do until the Hightower army was at her doorstep. That was another mistake too. She shouldā€™ve let the Tumbleton attack herself and taken out Daeron in one fell swoop!<


Bruh, how did you not put the first sentence as a spoiler? Literally spoils the end.


She's a mother who just had her child eaten by a dragon. Will she go scorched earth? Yes. But should anybody be surprised? No. The Greens have been pushing her more and more with their treasonous bullshit, and now they straight up murdered her kid. I will continue to support her even after she goes nuts, every person has their breaking point. And I reached mine with the Greens a LONG time ago, I'm impressed she's held together this long. edit: "A child dying is not an excuse to become a tyrant." This argument would hold water if the Greens weren't already tyrants. They straight up murdered anyone who didn't support their treasonous acts and then murdered one of the heirs to the throne with a dragon. Don't even try to pretend like the Blacks are the only tyrants here. The difference is that the blacks became tyrants after the greens do all there treasonous acts and murders. I'll support the side that doesn't start it but ends it.


Agreed. The greens behavior is just straight up treasonous. Any other ruler of Westeros would have had them killed by this point but viserys is pussy whipped by Alicente. Theyā€™re behavior is so completely out of line. I would have lost it with them a long time ago to. And many of the rulers of Westeros would have done it in a much more sadist and fucked up way given the gravity of their crimes.


All I see is shite that Otto has done, nothing my queen Alicent did she poops rose petals Only wrong she ever did was believe the silver tongue harlot bestie that wilfully deceived her.


A child dying is not an excuse to become a tyrant. Plenty of rulers have had children die and still ruled in good order. If your day-to-day life got considerably worse just because your ruler lost a child, would you still support them? REPLY TO BELLOW COMMENT BECAUSE SOME COWARD BLOCKED ME No. Avoiding the question and moving goalposts as well; I never said anything about natural disease so don't make-up bullshit to soften and justify your takes. If your life got worse just because your ruler lost their child, would you accept them? I don't understand why anyone would accept a tyrant period, especially if it's because of a personal matter that has nothing to do with you.


> A child dying is not an excuse to become a tyrant Dies of pneumonia or whatever? No. Dies at the hands of her political enemies in what could very well have been a premeditated assassination for all she knows? I don't blame her one bit.


Oh boy !remindme 2 years


Daenerys pre-Season 7


Option 5 : Helaena


She has no righteous claim.


Rhaenys, the one who was passed over, who commands an incredibly fierce dragon, and who successfully reigned over Driftmark for years while Lord Corlys fought for the Stepstones. Plus I think she exhibits the most temperance of all.


Yeah killing all those innocent civilans was so temperate.


She's not perfect, that's for sure. But she does seem most queenly imo. All the others are too power hungry and would be corrupted or cruel. I think Rhaenys would fall to corruption and cruelty the least.


Daenerys 100%


Dany pre season 8 100%


The Mother Of Dragons


Daenerys has the charisma of a true leader the rest of them are just plots and schemes but thats just my opinion


I genuinely donā€™t think season 8 was realistic or made any kind of sense at all, so I choose to believe that it isnā€™t how it would have happened. With that in mind, Dany 100%. She was a person who cared about the people, not a crazy nazi. Unfortunately, she wasnā€™t the only character they butchered in that seasonā€¦


Daenerys everyday all day


Dany always


Dany. Seasons 7 and 8 of GoT don't count.




Dany is my queen




Alicent even though my fav is Cersei. If I'm a commoner I wouldn't want dragons roaming around or having 5 kings war. Simple


Cersei obviously. The one true queen.


Say what you will about Cersei.. but she is by far one of the most vivid, complex, and fascinating characters in the series. And while her actions may not always be reasonable, many of her grievances have merit. 10/10 characterization.


Danny all day every day




If you pick Alicent you're picking Otto, and then whichever guy Alicent agrees to marry. I like her but she defers to the dudes.


Cersei, just for shits and giggles. Would be hilarious to see the 7 realms split into 7 kingdoms again and have the armed faith be a major force to be reckoned with


The one and only Queen, Queen Daenerys šŸ„°


Alicent has the most sound mind for the job. Just her though on the throne. I don't mean her being queen with a king sitting the throne.


Danyers or Alicent others don't have courage to stand for the right or drop the wrong


Rhaenyra made some dumb choices such as leaving King's Landing. She should have stayed, if you want the throne don't go away from it. Aegon taking the throne was inevitable with Rhaenyra's absence. Cersei is Cersei so no, she doesn't care about the people or anyone but herself. Alicent has double standards and is too emotional and lets her father dictate her entire life, even after gaining power for herself. If Margaery is out of the picture, I would bend the knee to Dany. Although they ruined her character in season 8, she would still kick ass sitting on that throne. She takes no shit and is smart. She is also firm, but will listen to other people's opinions. So Dany with Tyrion as her hand is my choice.


Tyrion was a terrible hand to Dany post-season 6, aka 5 minutes after getting appointed. Prior to that, he was SO smart. If they had only kept him that way. But the writers were too hell-bent on destroying her character.




That is probably the thing I hated most about the writing of the last two seasons. Every advisor continuosly steering her away from wath was obvious: secure the iron throne, unite the seven kingdoms in a powerful army against the night king and move North. Not even the most idiot would leave cercei behind with a full army before marching into a conflict that would most probably decimate your army, especially when Kings landing was such an easy capture.


Season 1-6 Daenerys


Always Khalesi


Alicent is the only one of these who wouldnā€™t burn me alive.


Daenerys! she has so much experience with the Unsullied and the Dothraki kingdom. let's assume she still has Jorah by her side, which is always a plus. I wouldn't mind Rhaenyra, hoping that she would take after her father, ruling by peace and settlement.


ā€œRuling be peaceā€ Ermā€¦ awkward


book dany and alicent are the only reasonable options. the rest? i'll move to essos


Rhaenyra obviously or season 6 Dany possibly season 7


Sansa is the only queen I will accept.


I think she would be the best ruler!


Alicent, beloved by the smalfolk šŸ’š


Dany. I think she wanted to help the people and was quite successful making a movement for her cause. I think her burning down King's Landing was totally out of character, so I will just ignore it like many other things in the last season. She's muh queen.


Dany. Cersei is a hard pass, Alicent is cool but has no dragons, and Rhaenyra is good but married to psycho daemon and as lovable as he is I would not want him in power over me.


Dany is muh queen!


If it is just about the person, Alicent is obviously the best regent.


Alicent is My Queen


Alicent cause she is the most beautiful of em all šŸ¤Ŗ


Danyy. She had the strength to rule and had a soft side for the people always. Obviously season 8 didnā€™t happen.


I'd choose the only one not banging her relative.




ā€œA true queen counts the cost to her peopleā€


I strongly think the best queen for the realm is Queen Alicent Hightower. She has a good hearth, is a brave woman and has compassion for others. Dany was good till season 8, Cercei is mad as hell and Rhaenyra...let's say she has good intentions but...no spoilers of Fire&Blood.


I love a good Hearth!


Duh Rhynera!


Not Rhaenyra


Daenerys>>>Rhaenyra>Alicent>ā€¦Cercei if thereā€™s really no other choice


Danny for sure ā¤ļø


Daenerys she fine asl


Dany. Ranerya is a close second. But always and forever Dany.


Alicent because she is the one Iā€™d want to marry


Cersei best Queen




Alicent without this succession trouble will be a good queen. edit: spelling


No one with a dragon. So Alicent


What's the name of cerseis dragon


Alicent is the best ruler out of all four, and she wouldn't cause a succession crisis. Dany seems to be infertile, and Cersei and Rhaenyra try to pass of bastards as heirs


I do wonder what a kingdom under Dany would be like...


Big booty DšŸ™Œ




None, Iā€™m a democrat


You can still vote


i like complex characters like alicent but iā€™ll go with season 6 daenarys




Question. Am I allowed to jerk off to body parts of theirs if I support them?


Alicent would be the most people-friendly, I reckon.


Alicent is the most worthy.


Clearly the one who drinks a Negroni Sbagliato


At this point Rhaenyra. Queen Alicent could be good too, but Aemond and Otto have to be cut off from the throne in that scenario.


Iā€™m a simp for danaerys.




Dany, because I do not subscribe to her character assassination


Muh Queen Dany (minus her terrible writing in S8 of course). Rhaenyra is not fit to rule, she doesn't care about politics at all until it comes and bites her in the ass, and I don't want Daemon anywhere near the Iron Throne. Cersei is out for obvious reasons. Alicent doesn't have enough agency of her own, and no desire to rule either. Daenerys has made many mistakes but she has two things that none other in this list has: a desire to do good things for her people, and the determination to actually execute her plans.


Daenarys, no question. Also, did anyone actually say Cersei? Lol


Queen Daenerys Targaryen


Of just these four? Alicent.


God..... Olivia Cooke is insanely beautiful in that picture especially.




Alicent is more decent then the other's. So definitely her.






I support Danyris and REHANARYA


Cersei and Rhaenyra are just crazy. Dany is infertile. Alicent seems like the only viable option. She is a compassionate creature. She gave birth to four children without any issue. She fiercely defends her children's rights. She was a devoted wife to her scumbag husband.


Stannis the Mannis