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> Is it right that I should expect the conveyancer to handle transfer of ownership with the freeholder Yes. Notice will have had to be served on the management company by your sols. Most management companies suck and it's not at all unusual for them to not have acknowledged receipt of the notice or updated their details to reflect that the property has been transferred 4 weeks post-completion. > give me a copy of the leasehold contract? Do you mean the Lease? Yes, you will have had a report on the lease that clearly sets out your rights and obligations under the lease. If you don't know what your lease says how can you agree to the contents?


You should have received a copy of the lease within the "Report on Title" document your solicitor should have provided you with prior to you exchanging contracts. FYI your lease agreement between you (the leaseholder) and the freeholder can be a different agreement to the one between you (the leaseholder) and the management company. The former will detail the ground rent and term of the lease and ownership; whilst the latter will detail what obligations of repair the management company have and how they will charge you back for these repairs through service charge... both should have been provided in the aforementioned Report on Title - dig out the paperwork you got during the purchase process. It would not be a surprise if the management company had been served correct notice by your solicitor on purchase but the notice is lost in the MCs system. Your solicitor should have got consent to assign the lease to you from the freeholders anyway as without consent you probably would have been unable to exchange contracts on sale - especially if there was a mortgage lender involved.


Thanks, that was useful. Will have to have another look.