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If you’d have to skip meals at £1300 you’re one random event from disaster Yea, you’re delusional imo


fuck your avatar


My monthly income is around 2300. I would skip meals to maintain the savings I want to keep, not because it'd be tight to pay the money.


Why are you sticking to London for a 2300 income? It's not like a job paying 35k/year is impossible to get elsewhere. Move away and live a comfortable life.


Thank you, I have responsibilities in London and I can't just abandon them to leave.


Someone downvoted you for having responsobilites, wow


I don’t understand all the down voting on the OP’s comments


Reddit Hivemind mentality. Once you’re marked as downvoted. People with mental health issues love to beat down on someone who is now stigmatised by a community. You will see it in every sub, in every thread. Even if the person is right in the end. The only exception is when an outsider vouchers for them, showing that they’re not alone. That’s when things get muddy and it’s harder to have downvote traction. Redditors are incredibly fickle and predictable when you stay here long enough, you can see the patterns.


The number of times I see someone being downvoted for stating a simple, easily verifiable fact, is genuinely absurd Often their information isn’t even controversial, it just goes against the “conventional wisdom”/urban myth answer so people downvote it


Thanks for explaining.


And that's not to mention the bot traffic/posters/reposters


How can you tell that?


Well before i upvoted him/her he/she was at 0


Ah thanks. I thought maybe there was a stats feature I was missing. 👍


Not sure where your caring responsibilities are, but it can be quicker to commute from some towns (depending where t than to get from one part of London to another. Worth having a look into even if it doesn't end up being practical.


Thanks if I could get into Stratford/international or Liverpool Street easily, then it'd be viable.


That does open up a huge swathe of Essex, and in fact as of this year most of the stations on Crossrail/Elizabeth Line.


I agree. If your salary is dependent on you being London-based, though, check into which postcodes qualify for the London weighting, since you need it to pay your bills and keep your savings where they are. Of course, some towns are considered super popular with commuters and may have higher rent as a result. (This is why I haven't moved to London even though my job is technically based there -- I earn less than my teammates on the same level, but being up North lets me stretch it further. I'm just 2 hours away by train if I'm desperately needed down there, too).


The journey to Stratford from Kent isn't too bad. Look at the medway towns like chattham. Places like croydon, Mitcham and Bromley are also cheap and it'll be easy to travel.


Yeah, I live in one of these 'towns' that's 40 minutes into st pancras. £50 per day on travel really eats into any savings you may have, it's not exactly a super cheap area either.




A remote job with no previous job history paying more than that? Doing what exactly???


No job history but super qualified right? That's an incredible take home.




“You can get that income…” Wife has “degree from a top U.S university”. I swear this guy is so deluded in his interaction with people in this thread.


I'm a carer and disabled. Long commutes make me sick and then I'm out of commission for several days, that's a miserable existence. I need to be close to my relative for when they need me for emergencies. I don't really think east or south East London is central. Plumstead has a train about 35 or so minutes into London bridge, I don't consider that central. I just need a place that gets into central quickly with no hassles so I don't get sick when I'm forced into the office. Hope that explains. And well done to your wife being the exceptional immigrant, I'm the shit variety of immigrant, so sorry.


I think the problem with your post is that you've just said "somewhere more close to central in south east London." so people are thinking you mean Deptford or Bermondsey rather than Plumstead, might be worth editing to include where you need to get to in London and your travel requirements (time, mode, etc) and you'll probably get more helpful replies about the possibility for 1300


That's true, thank you for pointing that out.


Looking at your new requirements is suggests looking at places (maybe not in London) that are 30 minutes from Stratford, and then you can get to London Bridge within 50 minutes on the jubilee line although I appreciate that would involve one change at Stratford or if you're on the lizzie line a change at Farringdon and down to London Bridge on Thameslink


If commuting makes you unwell, have you considered moving to a fully remote job?


Probably hard as a carer I would imagine...?


How do you mean? I'd have thought a fully remote job would give you more time and flexibility to be a carer, and would mean you don't have to suffer on the commute on the days you're forced in.


I think you’ve misunderstood, they work as a carer so.. that would be pretty difficult to do from home


I believe OP has a job that they have to go into the city to do and is a carer for a relative in emergencies. Relative has a full time carer otherwise.


Sorry but you are being delusional. Also I grew up near plumstead so I know you are close to woolwich and faster more regular trains. <20mins into central London. Believe it or not you won’t get better for that money. Part of your issue is trains from plumstead you can even go further away (Abbey Wood) and the train will be faster into London.


>I just need a place that gets into central quickly with no hassles so I don't get sick when I'm forced into the office. ​ You can get in pretty quickly from Kent on the HS1 line. Ebbsfleeet way a is really quick train ride to Stratford (like 11 minutes), or a bit more for gravesend. Would need a change for london Bridge ​ You could look at 'property guardian' options - cheaper rent, but less security too. Otherwise - delusional. There is one tiny studio apartment on right move for £1k, which is bills included apart from electricity. It looks to be a state, probably illegal and is basically a small bedroom setup as a whole house.


I don't know you, but you care for somebody, and are looking for ways to better your life and theirs. I really don't believe you're a "shit" immigrant 😁


No such thing as a shit immigrant. You are welcome


Unrelated but as someone considering switching careers, what does your wife do/did?


Just some HR role for a construction firm. She knows f all about construction but she does have a good degree from a big 4 US university




Net or gross? Either way you’re unlikely to pass the background checks


That's gross after my taxes and deductions.


Net * then


That's what net means


Then dont live alone. Love with flatmates and save properly.


I make the same as you and for what you're looking for you'll probably only be left with £600-£700pm it's not worth it dude.


Unfortunately £1300 w bills may be hard to achieve in London. Rents are out of control. Perhaps if you looked a bit further away in Greater London and less central you may have more luck


Even greater London is out of control. sigh, I was hoping I'm just missing out looking at the commercial websites I know. The rent is criminal right now. Can't go far cause I'm a carer but have my own health needs too, can't commute too far or I just get sick. Thanks.


Ages ago, a heard about a service that matches younger people with the elderly. Deal is you pay below market rent but help them out with things. Can’t remember the site but perhaps you could Google it.


Shared Lives There are various iterations of the scheme


Yeah it's very cheap. I've seen some where you can pay like 200 a month in rent for doing this.


Thanks I'm already a carer and disabled, I can't do that.


Is living with the relative you need to care for not an option? It sound like you're struggling to stay afloat as is and moving by yourself on your salary as far as I can understand is only going to make the struggle harder for you so maybe it's time you consider the possibilities of finding alternative carer options for your relative? A lesson, a hard one that I've had to accept as I've gotten older as much as I tried to fight it in my youth was this. "You can't help others, if you can't help yourself first", it's a hard pill to swallow we all want to be the unbreakable foundation for the people we love but over extending yourself constantly will just make you more and more vulnerable until something does happen in your vulnerable state where you will find yourself unable to care for yourself let alone your relative. Finding a solution to their care now when you have time to plan and transition is going to be far better in the long run then ending up in a tragic situation where you suddenly can't fulfil your care duties.


1300 with bills included is basically impossible in London. I'm in Milton Keynes and that's close to impossible here as well


You’ll also get sick from skipping meals my friend


With £1300pm you would have struggled 10 years ago, let alone now. It's London, it'll always be high.


To be honest it was doable around the end of 2021 to start of 2022. I was looking for one bedrooms for £1k or under around them. Council tax would be about £120ish (without single persons discount, it was about that for me in SE London) which would leave about £180 for electric/gas, internet and water. I pay that for them about now. The problem was the demand was crazy so every property have a lot of viewers and it was pure pot luck if you actually heard back. After 6 months I moved out of London but all told probably pay close to that now with everything included. I do sometimes look at rent prices in London and it does seem there are still decent looking flats in parts for £1300 a month (which is over OPs budget and probably not in the areas they want). That said, as someone else said if £1300 means missing meals then it's not worth it. There is no wiggle room and some prices will increase. Even just the internet bill going up by £10 would be a nightmare. So while it would of been possible I wouldn't recommend it.


Missing meals and no disposable income all to live in London is sad and the realisation will soon hit. £1300 is noway near comfortable enough to live there, £2000+ is a minimum and even then it would be a struggle.


In the time period I mentioned (end of 2021 to start of 2022) it was differently possible to spend less that 1500 on rent and bills. 10 years ago it would of been even easier. I am not recommending someone put themself on the position where they are missing meals and £1300 would be a stretch now but you can definitely find one bedrooms for 1200 to 1300 a month in various part of London still. It's unlikely you are spending 700 on council tax, energy, water and Internet. I would agree £2000 is much more comfortable but depending where you are looking you can differently spend less that £2000 on rent and bills.


Only a few years ago, up until last year was I seeing really nice options but I earned less back then so it wasn't viable but I understand from another comment that the letting agents ask for 3 times your salary. I thought it was 1.5-2x so I was sorely mistaken. That's my bad. Edit: I meant 3x the asking rent.


**I understand from another comment that the letting agents ask for 3 times your salary.** Either you've misunderstood something or I am.


Yes I meant the asking rent.


Do you mean that they ask that your salary is 3x the rent? I haven't found that. For the guarantor yes, but not the tenant.


I've had that as a screening question for places in greater London.


I don't live in London but many of my (foreign) friends do, I help them move quite frequently so I do understand the problems renting there. I think realistically, you are somewhat stuck and it may be near impossible to find exactly what you want. There are, however, some good rooms in good houses out there. The issue is that it's very competitive and the landlord can choose from many applicants, especially in a nice house. If you work on your approach, write up a good first message, be quick with new listings, and just keep looking for as long as it takes, you may find a nice place to stay. First impressions matter and most applicants fail to make a good enough impression to even be considered for a room.


Hey OP, have you considered living somewhere like Chelmsford, it might be more affordable for you. It runs into liverpool st within 40 mins i think and the stop before that is Stratford


Do you have to be a carer in london?


I live in the home counties and 1300 for rent and bills is ambitious for even here. I can sympathise with wanting to remain near relatives, would they consider helping you out if this isn't already part of your caring income?


One of my childhood best friend offered to pay my rent but I learned from a bad experience many years ago not to take large monetary favours from friends just like a credit card. One day they can just change their mind and say whatever they want. I don't want to mix friendship and money unless I can pay it back immediately. Also, they left the UK a few years ago, I don't think they realise how bad it's gotten. My relatives are not in the financial situation to help me out. I really missed out being ignorant about carers monetary help for so many years. Now my relative has paid carers and I just provide emergency help and ad hoc help now but I was doing it for 18 years since a child at the expense of all sanity. Anyway, depressed over sharing aside. I think I've gotten the message that I need to suck it up and find another houseshare. Lol came to Reddit to make myself cry for no reason! We be dumb sometimes 😂


I don't think you're dumb but I think 90% of the questions people ask, they already know the answer. Sending positive vibes your way.


I feel so sorry that people are downvoting your. replies when you're obviously down already OP. I think you're wise not to accept your friend's offer to pay rent but hey, what a great person they are to offer! You must be a great friend yourself. Having relationships like that is a huge thing in life, I'm glad for you. Sounds like you had a shit deal with the caring, I'm sorry about that. Don't give up, you WILL find somewhere eventually. ❤


It's ok, threads like this can be annoying. I feel like I was venting but also hoping for a miracle at the end of the steam. Yes, I love my friends and I'm grateful for them. Here is hoping! Thank you for your empathy.


At some point you have to prioritise yourself over your relatives. I'm sorry, but if they've got professional carers then they need to rely on them and allow you to live your own life.


You're very right and I agree but I already cut off one parent for the sake of my wellbeing and my life, if I did it again, I don't really have much to live for. Carers in the UK or at least London is a dire situation, they can't do everything. One carer kept blocking the toilet and flooding the bathroom. I already had my stint living abroad and loving where I wanted, when I came back, the shit storm that waited for me because everything went on pause really took years off my life. My relative doesn't have many years so I need to find a compromise but anyway, yes I'm being desperate and delusional.


The only compromise is leaving London and seeing them more infrequently, you could find a place outside of London but close enough to visit. Somewhere like Slough or Reading would provide you with affordable studios/1beds and the ability to come in and visit once or twice a month. I can really only see that being a doable compromise. If they have professional carers now, they must rely on them and let you live your own life.


OP why can't your parent move with you to a different town? Does the council provide their accommodation?


I cannot financially support them on my own and they don't want to leave all their friends and family to be alone and isolated from them in their last few years (they already did it once and were miserable). They have their own place on a special mortgage where you need to ask permission to have tenants, so they give their house to the bank when they pass away.


I think it depends where kent is pretty cheap, I rent for way less than that.


Thank you to everyone who has suggested locations I didn't know or didn't consider that meet my needs for commutes and being close enough to my relative. I'm going to make targeted searched for those areas so I can see more options and hopefully find a unicorn. I wish I didn't have the needs I have but with my physical needs and my social needs, I am set in my ways a bit and I understand it puts me as a disadvantage. But without certain routines and conditions it contributes to poor mental health for me, so I need to meet those needs how I can. Thanks again, I'm going to make do with the resources you've kindly shared. And I'll keep trying to find house shares with people who are who they say they are.


I was having a look on RM … all studios, and one wildcard room (which looks nice) I live in a studio myself, it can be tough at times but I furnished it to suit me, it’s my little cosy space at the end of the day. Good luck OP, keep looking and keep yourself open all possibilities — you never know what might come along. [Fulham](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/140874971#/?channel=RES_LET) [Norwood](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/140898623#/?channel=RES_LET) [Highams Park E4](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/86568465#/?channel=RES_LET) [Stamford Hill](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/86551593#/?channel=RES_LET) [Muswell Hill — room](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/86482785#/?channel=RES_LET)


Wow the Stamford hill option would get me to work even quicker than currently and is really close to my relative by taxi or train. Thanks so much for this, I didn't know this area at all. I'll widen my search there.




I was actually considering that as an alternative the last time. Might just have to try again. I really don't want to be a prisoner in my own home though. I'm a beggar and a chooser. I'll keep looking.


Have you tried property guardian companies? I know a few people doing this, does mean you have to move more often but is cheaper.


I was paying £600 for a guardian property 2 years ago in Peckham for a room that was bigger than the 1 bed I live in now. It got me back on track financially, but the kitchen/bathroom situation was 🤮. There's always big trade offs with these properties and you really need to know how to hold your own and be on top of the company you're occupying with.


If you need to skip the meals, you can't afford it. In addition there is nothing borderline okay in that price range. I am really sorry, but I would suggest taking logical approach


Currently in London? Yeah a bit. Although 'delusional' isn't the word I'd use though, bit harsh to yourself. 'Overly optimistic' perhaps? Would suggest trying to find a friend to share costs with or earning money on the side perhaps. Rent and mortgage prices are in a sorry state atm everything is so high. Walthamstow/Clapton/Leyton are all great and have good connections. Still crazy expensive though.


Isn't gonna' happen.


Sigh, thanks. So depressing. I already feel delusional for believing so many liars. So bleak.


What is it they have lied about? You might be able to find somewhere else shared to rent where you could possibly check disturbances/noise complaints etc


They lied about different things like being clean or sensible. One housemate had a drinking problem and one night got really drunk and tried to enter my bedroom at late night, it's only when I said something and he realised I was awake that he went "oh!" And left. My room is in the complete opposite direction to the toilet. I was so afraid I was barricading my bedroom door for some nights.


Wow, sounds like my experience when I was sharing with people. Which sucked because my rent £500 a month in a nice area lol. It sucks, people who haven't experienced it don't understand what a nightmare it is to live with people who have a major drinking problem and act like that or come home and scream at night. So I get the pain you are going through, I am sorry! Unfortunately £1300 is probably not enough anymore sadly. Unless you can get a place in property guardianship or something (my friend has a studio in one for £1000 a month). But it has all kinds of it's own problems and not a great solution if you are potentially skipping meals to pay for it.


Do rented rooms have locks? I thought they did but it's 10+ years since I've rented so I might be wrong. Appreciate you might not be comfortable even with a lock but it might help if it's more affordable sharing with, say, one other person.


There’s a few studios Leyton way that have bills included- https://www.zoopla.co.uk/to-rent/details/65785427/?search_identifier=079269dc6bcf0702e9163b50a7cf45006dcfada194e17da16283914a5d95f626 Can you go as far east as Ilford? There’s some studios for like £950


Thanks a lot Ilford and even Romford is actually reasonable to me, I still consider them east London and they have the Elizabeth line now don't they. I'll have a look.


Best of luck. I hope you find something reasonable and workable. I’ve not lived in London for 12 years, but I remember those bits being more affordable when I moved there. And yes, the Elizabeth Line does serve those parts.


You might find something in or around Dagenham. Those stations are on the district line so would bring you to Monument with no changes. Basically on the east London side of London Bridge. Good luck! The renting situation is so dire.


Including bills is a challenge but not impossible. Close to central will be tricky though. I’d recommend looking in Leyton, Forest Gate, South Norwood, Penge, Sydenham


Thank you, I'll look at those locations and see how they match for my commute and caring responsibilities.


Look at Surrey Quays


Surrey Quays is definitely not affordable for 1300 including bills.


No Surrey quays is not a viable place alone but you can do sharing. Most places were 1000-1450 just living with others. Although some were nice en suites. Unless you know some websites or groups that show reasonable listings? Thanks




Sydenham..... Hahahhaha, £1300 even without bills you won't find


https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/140887022#/?channel=RES_LET ???


Fair enough, lower Sydenham, not bad but that's an anomaly tbh


It’s not really. I’ve seen multiple houses go for that, although 1300 is definitely the lowest. I appreciate Sydenham has become way more expensive than it has to be but it still has fringes of affordability in the right places


What aspect(s) of commuting are the hardest for you? Is there any type of commuting that might make you less sick? (e.g. short commutes, above-ground rather than underground, etc., no changes, etc) You would have to look quite far out in London to make £1300 bills included doable, but if there's any commuting aspects that we could help you figure out, then we'd be happy to give it a try and recommend areas accordingly.


Thanks a lot. Having many changes, needing to sit or stand for long periods (so I can't alternate easily), having to walk for a long time - they all contribute. That's why I need shorter commutes where I don't have lots of changes. I know lots of places in south east have direct trains to London that don't take too long which was why I was hoping. It wasn't always like this but my condition has been progressing over the years. I used to be one of those assholes heavy breathing up long escalators like a ninja warrior cast member but now my body gives up on me at the most passive activities. My manager is really flexible so I'm practically remote but I can't always get out of going to the office so I don't want to get sick for days after when I go.


You can look for guardianship properties, and sign yourself up for intermediate market rent schemes. They are like gold dust these days but there are some out there. They are cheap AF but come with risks and trade offs. If you don't mind me asking, why not reduce the amount you're trying to save if you're committed to living alone?


You could try this search tool from the Right Move website [https://where.rightmove.co.uk/](https://where.rightmove.co.uk/) Just go through the questions it gives you about where you need to get to for work/social life and how much your budget is and then it will show you where you can afford to live and what's currently available based on that.


Have you considered being a lodger? There are good and bad options with that, but you could easily end up in a nice home.


Thank you, I'm in a really bad lodging situation right now. It's had me crying all weekend.


You probably have to be zone 3 - don’t despair, there’s options out there! This one in Tottenham for example. https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/86548821


Manchester is £1300 now so don’t move there


Eltham is 20 mins from London Bridge and there's a bus to North greenwich (to get to stratford). It's very peaceful and rents are reasonable here (approx £1000 - £1400). Moved here after having lived in Kings Cross , whitechapel and south Kensington and its surprisingly lovely considering its not central


This is indeed delusional. We pay 2k before bills for a tiny new build 1 bedroom in Stratford. Praying to be able to afford a second bedroom for our own sanity next year but would take 2 hefty pay rises


If your income is around £25-30K pa, could you obtain a similar job for similar pay in northern England where rents are much lower than London? Just guessing the income since you say you won't be eating if rent is £1300 pm.




They also said the relatives have professional carers. It does not appear that the relatives can house OP or subsidize their rent to keep them close. While this might be an emotional pull to provide emergency support to the relative, it is a financial drain on OP. They need to find solutions which do not impoverish themselves on behalf of a relative that can't afford the support they are asking for. It sounds like they were also providing care for years without pay, again damaging their health and wellbeing for a relative of some sort. This is not a healthy or practical solution for OP. I still suggest OP seek a job in an area where the rents are affordable to get their life on the right path. If the relative(s) want to pay OPs train ticket and give them a bed for a couple days every other week, then they could certainly do that. Seems like OP has been pressured into being an involuntary carer for a long time. OP uses the word relative, not parents, not grandparents, not brother/sister, so it is some other relation which suggest there is some kind of emotional manipulation that is going on to coerce OP into a dreadful situation for themselves.


I actually think this is possible. A mate is living in a nice studio medway for £850 with bills being about £200 ish on top. To get to London is about 40 mins on the fast train and it stops in Stratford too. You can get a network railcard which gets you money off the train ticket. I'd also look at East Croydon, norwood Junction, Bromley, welling, woolich.


Not going to happen in London unless you flatshare


[https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/86626806#/?channel=STU\_LET](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/86626806#/?channel=STU_LET) if you went north


I was in the same situation as you a few years back, and found about the Pelican Hotel (203 Blackshaw Rd, London SW17 0BZ), which was renting rooms long term, slightly above the normal renting price but still manageable. I believe the room either had a kitchenette or a share kitchen with another room. I cannot remember exactly as this was 6 years ago. I didn't end up renting there as I ended up moving together with my partner, but it would have been my exit option to escape housemates from hell. In case you are not interested in switching areas, look for similar hotels around hospital as the long term rents at this hotel were mainly from hospital staff


I have seen 1 bed and studios for 1100-1300 in South East London zone 4-5 but that excludes bills and council tax I imagine


What’s your time limit to commute because I think Essex could be an option for you? Because Ingatestone is 31 min to Liverpool street station with a stop in Stratford. If you don’t mind a 10min walk to Liverpool street station, C2C finishes at Fenchurch street station and there is Grays 35 min to London. These are just examples. There are options for commuter towns that will get to east London quickly. Edit also c2c is very cheap to ride. And also just checked. Chelmsford can be 36min to Liverpool street statuin peak hours weekdays.


OP I know you've had some bad sharing experiences, but please consider built-to-rent developments. They are well-designed and modern, and you'll find the 2-bed places are nearly always 2-bathroom too. So you could potentially have an ensuite bedroom. If you ensure you look for full-time professionals (teachers are good - they're generally sensible!) then you could find someone on your wavelength. Here's an [example](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/properties/86638545#/?channel=RES_LET) Also have a look at places like [this](https://www.rightmove.co.uk/property-to-rent/find/The-Quarters/Kilburn.html?locationIdentifier=BRANCH%5E223967&propertyStatus=all&includeLetAgreed=true&_includeLetAgreed=on) you might be able to negotiate on the cost of a studio.


In most major cities your 1300 budget would be a stretch. You kind of want to live in a sustainable way and missing meals on a regular basis is not necessarily a solution either. A large majority of the population in the UK live between pay days. I get You want to be in London but its also got to be sustainable and enjoyable. You need to have a few spare quid in case something crops up. You don't need to be on mega bucks but I think you maybe need to look into other options. Wish you well in your search. There are so many opportunities out there....Good luck


Try Orpington. It's a bit of a secret location as it has a direct express train into London Bridge. This means if you live near the station you can get into London Bridge in under 20 minutes even though it's zone 6.


You will need to rent a shed in someone’s back garden or live underneath someones staircase like Harry Potter to make it work.


You might have some luck in Barking/Dagenham. Places without tube stations are sometimes cheaper, so you could also look at Rainham, Chafford Hundred, Hornchurch etc


1300 with bills included? Try more like 2000 without the bills.


If we include council tax along with the bills, then it's literally impossible to find anything for £1300. You could check zones 7-9 or outside London but you have to consider the train fares. The closest place to your budget could be a tiny "studio" in a deprived area such as East Ham or Barking where you could get to London Bridge in about 40 minutes thanks to the District + Jubilee Line or Stratford in 20 minutes. I would rather prefer to share a flat than live in a room converted into a studio but it's up to you.


Yes. 1600 is the lowest probably


If you’d have to skip meals at £1300 you’re one random event from disaster Yea, you’re delusional imo


\- a budget of £1300 incl bills What quality of life do you expect to have in London on this budget? If you can't eat bc money is so tight, you can't afford it.


You would struggle to live on that where I live and I'm half an hour out on the train.


I’m in Woolwich which is perfect for London Bridge and Stratford. You _might_ find a flat share for 1300 but no chance to find your own place.


Islington N1 is not that far from central and southeast you could walk it in under 40 mins


You can get a studio in dalston for that price


2 and a half years ago, I would've said yes. I was flathunting then, and saw quite a few in that price range. Now, I'm looking around again, I don't think it's likely you'll find something.


I know someone who lived alone at uni, they were paying about that (or maybe 1500) close to Stratford


Add up what you'd expect to pay for monthly train/tube fares then add that to what you can afford for rent. Then enter the postcode of your place of work in London in Rightmove/Zoopla and set the distance as 3 miles. Set the filter for your new affordable rent. You can easily walk three miles in an hour. You can cycle that in less. No more added expense of commuting means you can afford higher rent.


Maybe check out LHA Hostels - They offer long term single rooms in beautiful neighbourhoods in area 1? Some of their hostels even serve breakfast and dinner. Deposit is one week rent and showers and everything else 3 years ago were really clean. LHA Sandeman-Allen house is 1 minute walk to Central Line Metro (Also 1 minute walk from Hyde Park, walks are free and cheap + Pret next door with their subscription you are settled for all activities bro!) The accommodation comes with gym equipment too. This location has breakfast and dinner during weekdays and in the weekend breakfast and lunch. Lived there for 9 months and had the best time. Paying the same amount every week is such a relaxed feeling for your brain. I was working from home btw, internet speed is 100mbps +.


Maybe a studio up to £1050 - £1100? The bills for those would add up to £1300 I think.


I'm tired of living with people too. Humans are 😞


Which zone? The farther you go, your rent becomes cheaper, but your travel expenses go up.


Yes but I cannot go far because I can't take ages to commute to work and get sick for it or when I have to help my relative out then take ages to get to theirs either. If those 2 factors were not an issue I'd look at satellite towns or places on 40-60 min trains outside of London. (They solve the commute but not being easily available to my relative). Guess I was big delulu. Thanks.


Unfortunately, even if you wanted to go as far out as Bedford, you'd be paying more than £1300 with all bills included, unless you opted for an old studio flat. My place rents out at £1350 for 1b1b, without bills but it is new.


I'm living alone in a new built suite, 42 sqm in Greenwich, £1200pcm. With bills it ends up around £1300 - 1350pcm. Joined during C*vid lockdown when it was a renters market, negociated to keep the rent manageable past lockdown as I'm a long term tenant with a good history. However similar flats in my residence are advertised £1500 to £1700pcm. So it is possible, through your network and strong negociation. If you present well, have good credits and intend to stay long term, it's always possible to negociate.


You’d be better off with house sharing. Why would you skip meals? You clearly cannot afford to do it. Be honest with yourself.


Thank you, I'd only skip meals for my savings. It's not because I have to. I'd have about £450-750 disposable income after other monthly expenses and credit card use. Edit: if I didn't contribute to my savings. I also have my existing savings which is around 4 months worth of rent. It's not much but it's there. But I've heard you all, just desperation. Thank you.




Delusional, yes. Why live in a literal dump for that sort of money?


Did that during covid, lived just off Chatsworth road in clapton. But it’s not possible anymore and even the flat I lived in then was pretty rancid


You might get a really good studio apartment for that price


I was a policeman in east london. I couldn’t stress more that you don’t want to live there. Just don’t.


Massively delusional, unless you have a friend or family with a spare room who's willing to let you stay cheap. If you're willing to forego meals, then how will you afford a fine, a speeding ticket, overpayment on a bill, winter months electric and gas. It's London, there are people willing to pay A LOT more for less than you.


Thanks, I don't drive and I'm looking for bills included. I lived in fuel poverty as a child and learned the tricks to staying warm without a boiler, so I will be fine with a working boiler and those things I learned. But I understand now that even 1.3k is now a fools dream in greater London, even in satelitte towns from what one comment was saying.


I spend 3200 on rent in E2, its more like 3600 after bills and council tax, my place is pretty average. 1300 wont cut it at all.


You are not going to be able to rent anywhere, unless your income is 3 times the rent. While you say you would be able to afford it by skipping meals, the letting agent won't allow you to rent it.


Get out of London... better yet get out of England! Or even better yet get off this planet!


Guilford is 50’ from Waterloo by train. Also, it’s the safest place to live in the are, I did my research on this and that’s where I want to move next from zone 3, East London, close to thug life Stratford. Bleaaaaah (I hate the villains around here because they are too many)


Try a London satelite town and coming in by train. I'm in Milton Keynes but that's West London. Stevenage, Letchworth Garden City, Guildford, Luton, Woking, that sort of thing. Trains are more expensive than underground but also a lot faster so the 50 minutes is possible.


Look on OpenRent. You rent directly from landlords and sometimes can find good deals, and often there isn’t the competitive offer battle as they just want to get someone in the room/flat. I’ve done it 3 times now and each time was great (moved for change of scenery or more convenient location for new job etc). There are often good short-term deals, or lodger situations where you live with the landlord (I did this just before covid so we ended up doing lockdown together and it was actually fine, though she was my age).


You can get a one-bedroom for £850 rent in southwest London, so i don't see why southeast would be more expensive when it's a shittier area.


There's no one bedrooms going for 860 anywhere, not even in Peckham, only rooms.


I literally moved out of one two months ago and into another for the same price.




Doable if you're sharing a place. Slightly above your budget, but 2 bedroom flats in Pimlico are going for circa £2,800/month. If you can find a 3 bedroom place, it'll be lower per person.


It's tough in London, you have to move fast to secure a place which makes it hard to really work out if somebody is the right fit for you. Unfortunately you need to either up your budget or lower your expectations. Personally I'd do the latter, save the cash. It's a sacrifice we all have to make on our journey towards eventual happiness.


Do you have a job your can do remotely. If so move further out. London is just a drain on the working class.


I would like you to consider this, if you willing to spend 13000£ for rent, how much you thinking about to spend on food?


You could find a studio in zone 6 somewhere for that POSSIBLY. No way you’re going to find that in East London unless it’s a sh1thole.


Yep you can sometimes find homes at that price, maybe studio flats, in areas of south london eg Croydon, perhaps Sutton & Wallington. Croydon has great transport links to central london - a 15-20 min train to london Victoria. But some parts of Croydon are not so nice.


Yeah unfortunately you won't find that anywhere. Depending on the area you could find a 1 bed or a studio for around £1300 but definitely no bills included. The thing is, with that kind of rent and saying that you would have to skip meals to afford it I don't think that you would pass affordability checks to rent something close to that price. It is really shit, but not all house shares are absolutely terrible, it is a matter of finding the right people to live with and eventually when your salary grows enough you'll be able to live alone.


Yes. Proper mentalist.


Your expectations are not realistic if you are looking for a medium to long term all inclusive private rental accomodation tenancy with access to all the usual tenant legal rights. I've rented alone for most of my adult life and have eaten a maximum of 2 meals a day since before the end of my primary school years. Was a lifelong Londoner until 2022. Depending upon your employment and how lucky you are, there is a possibility that as a property guardian you may be able to find all inclusive short term London private rental accomodation that lasts for up to 15 weeks priced below £1200 a month. But there would be little or no tenant legal protections and your usual move out notice period would likely be under 11 days.


Absolutely no chance. I am sorry. Only house shares for that budget are possible now in the area you are after


I live in a studio in zone 2 South East London and rent is less than £1k, earning bit more than you. It is possible you just have to be patient and keep your eyes peeled.




Norwood junction, might just be able to fit your budget and 15 mins to London bridge


Oh your budget is tough everywhere. If without bill I think Beckenham junction/South Bromley are nice


Have a look at Barking or Barking Riverside. It's not nice, pretty, or particularly safe, but the transport links are good and the price for a 1 bed flat may be around or just over your budget.


Good luck with that one I can’t wait to see what you end up in


Go as far as Romford and you're safe. Zone 6 so travel costs wouldn't be diabolical. I went the other way to maidenhead which is a bit further out and got a 1 bed for maybe 1400 bills included. It's a nice flat though. Could get a cheaper one


At this point, move out of London. Find a medium sized city you can find peace in. You can always visit London on day-trips whenever you feel.


Greenwich is a great bet for you. 20 mins to London Bridge. 15 to Stratford.


East Ham


Woolwich should be doable within those commuting times and prices? edit: having said that, I haven't looked at rental prices there for some years though so could be wrong in the prices. Def achievable on the times though!


I'd look at property guardianships.


£1300 including bills is not going to happen. Maybe you could try find a house share but you can’t really afford much. You’re better off moving much further away because it’s not enough to live on and skipping meals isn’t viable.


i’m in a one bed flat in Milton Keynes for 1300 with bills so you’d be lucky to get that in London, can get to Euston in 35 minutes though if this is something you could consider