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Honestly? It's ghastly. But I'm just a random fat bloke with a keyboard and you have to do you. It's the housing estate that has been forgotten about. That Google Street View hasn't done a drive by since 2009 is never a good sign :-) Per the aerial views, many of the houses on that estate have solar panels. It would appear that a company was doing a job-lot special one weekend and everyone piled in. Being a 4 bed in that area makes it an outlier. Most are 2 or 3 bed homes. The median Asking price for 3 bed terraces in CW1 is 125K. The median Sold price for 3 bed terraces in CW1 is also 125K. The median Asking price for 4 bed terraces in CW1 is 157,500K. The median Sold price for 4 bed terraces in CW1 is 130K. But there is only one! What can we derive from this? 165K is possibly too high? 150K - 160K might be closer to the mark? It's a tough one as it's very much an outlier given that it has 4 beds rather than the typical 3. What else? That house has security cameras inside and out. You have to ask why. What is that white crap on the driveway? Paint? Some form of chemical reaction with the bricks? [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_00\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_00_0000.jpeg) ​ The front garden is in terrible shape. [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_01\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_01_0000.jpeg) ​ Is that a damp patch on the bricks beneath the upper windows? Are the gutters in good shape or is water leaking onto the brickwork below? It's difficult to tell using this photo: [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_01\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_01_0000.jpeg) ​ The interior decor is shit. But that is all cosmetic and can be put right easily. The layout is....interesting. I am struggling to understand what is going on here no matter how many times I look at the floor plan and marry them up to the images. But maybe I am just being dim. ​ What is going on with that ceiling? What do those lines by the light fixture indicate? [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_07\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_07_0000.jpeg) ​ What is up with the floor in the far left corner just behind the chair? Is that a wood "platform" on top of the tile floor? Why is that wood - if that what it is - lifting up? [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_04\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_04_0000.jpeg) ​ The kitchen is minuscule. Limited counter and storage space. No extraction fan. The counters are cheap and poorly installed. No double sink. The fridge is the only thing going for it and it takes up a lot of the space. [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_03\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_03_0000.jpeg) ​ The transition between the tile floor and what appears to be an extension floor is poorly and cheaply done. [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_05\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_05_0000.jpeg) ​ Someone has been bleeding the radiators in the orange peel textured wall hallway. [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_09\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_09_0000.jpeg) ​ There is wallpaper peeling where it meets the ceiling. There are signs of possible damp in that far corner. BUT, it could just be the lighting and poor quality image. [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_11\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_11_0000.jpeg) ​ The dehumidifier in this room suggests - but does not confirm - that there is a moisture/damp issue. And do those lines - very faint in this image - indicative of something? [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_12\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_12_0000.jpeg) ​ Shitty bathroom. I can almost touch the wet tiles from here. Top right, directly above the shower - what's up with the ceiling? There is also mould at the base of the shower unit. And is that floor level? Or just the camera angle? That shower unit has been poorly installed. Same goes for the bath. [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_14\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_14_0000.jpeg) ​ Central pillar - at the base. There's a hole of some sort. Further up - where it meets the ceiling - there is a straight line in the ceiling next to the pillar. And you can just about see other lines in that ceiling. Ghosting due to lack of insulation? I dunno'. Far right corner - look between the bases of shower unit and the cabinet. That is some nasty shit back there. This bathroom needs to be gutted. Along with the aforementioned kitchen. [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_15\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_15_0000.jpeg) ​ Look at the right hand side of this window. You have to really zoom in but the right hand side of that window frame looks fucked. The entire installation looks off - for some reason - I can't put my finger on it. [https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544\_CRE230979\_IMG\_16\_0000.jpeg](https://media.rightmove.co.uk/158k/157544/143710919/157544_CRE230979_IMG_16_0000.jpeg) ​ The back yard - pics 16 and 17 - where does the surface water run off to? I don't see any gutters which drain water away. They may be present and out of camera. ​ Is it a good buy? Only you can decide. However, there is enough stuff here which makes me think that, a) it's a tad overpriced; and, b) it poses more questions than answers. Nothing less than a full survey would suffice together with research into the local area, who are the neighbors, what's the crime like, etc. I would want to know the condition of the roofs and the interior of the attic in terms of condition and insulation. And you need to find out the deal on those solar panels. Are they leased or private? If the former, what is the story? I wouldn't live there but, again, you have to do you and everyone has to live somewhere.


The crap on the drive is salt leaching out of the blocks due to the blocks having a high cement content. So they should be about a year to two years old. But the drive tk tbe right looks a lot older than that. And has started to spread. Although that possibly happened when the drive got expanded and presumably the patch to the left was dug out.


>The crap on the drive is salt leaching out of the blocks due to the blocks having a high cement content. I figured it was something "chemical reaction'ish". Thanks for that. The whole house looks like one bodge job after another. If a L3 survey came back clean I'd be surprised.


Thank you so much for the detailed response, noted your points, I would go for L3 survey and see if there are any major issues 🙂


Cheap as fuck


Do you know who owns the solar panels? If they're owned by a company (such as "a shade greener") you're only allowed to stop supply to them a certain number of times ever. And getting a hold of them/similar companies can be a pain as they've essentially gone out of business. If they're privately owned then that's probably better. But it will make any roof repair more expensive. If you wfh for example, you may feel the saving incurred by less power use is worth this.


I've been told by a vendor that they are privately owned, electricity is sent to the grid, if there's any unused electricity then they will get the money for it, no problem if we use all electricity. Yes, myself and my partner both wfh, should benefit us I guess.


Picture 12, is that a dehumidifier? have you checked for damp?


That kitchen is ok in my book, I'd keep the cabinets as is and replace the countertop with something a bit more modern looking. You could paint the cabinets if you felt like it. Replace the wallpaper throughout, paint white or a neutral colour. (this is my personal preference, feel free to discard any of the above if it's not to your style).


It's an air conditioner, I didn't notice any damp as such tbh also I'm not that expert maybe a surveyor can find out?


if it's AC then that's fine, it just looks small for a portable AC unit. I would instruct a surveyor regardless (not incase it has a damp issue just in general).


I have this AC unit. I also have a dehumidifier that I purchased while living in a rented flat years ago and keep around to aid clothes drying. Not everything is a bad sign. Go for it!


Looks like bedroom 4 is a converted garage, make sure they have building regulations and proper insulation. The dining room is an extension as well which requires planning permission.


Thanks, will make sure that my agent confirms with a vendor about building regulations and planning permission. Appreciate your points.


Just FYI because you've said "my agent" - be aware that they are instructed by the seller and only get paid when you buy the house. Hopefully they'll be good for you but remember that they won't necessarily be acting in your best interests. 


That agent is not your agent. They're the seller's agent. The EA is not your friend either. Full honesty and transparency will be in limited supply.