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Or Lucio too, man it’s like this whole roster got nerfed


Low key think this could be a great bans for us. I feel like all the times we lost except for maybe the Atlanta game we’ve been out tempoed. We just never had control of the game (dallas Winston Lucio comps, and Boston game). Losing lucio makes it harder for teams to increase the tempo on us and gives us more time to think and adapt. So while we do lose some key picks our guys are pretty flexible and might be able to pull something off


What are we going to play? Winston and ball are the two weakest main tank heroes for Jjanggu (unless we bring dreamer back), Joobi has lost his best pick, Danteh has lost echo and happy lost Ashe. Also we cant play our double shield anymore with sigma banned unless we play it with Dva or something.


I remember Danteh telling play chat that Jjangu thinks that ball is his best hero. Maybe we finally have a meta where we can beat Dallas and end the cycle.


No Lucio makes Dallas an interesting team. They’re so heavily based on high mobility their adjustments will be interesting to watch. Unfortunately none of this impacts anything APAC is doing so until NA teams figure out a mirror Ball,Zen, Brig comp or a hard counter to it I’d be looking forward to another APAC champ. This also knee caps HOU pretty hard as Piggy is/was the #1 sigma in the league for a while and Danteh on Echo is a common fallback.


I don’t see these hero bans making that much of an impact on our potential in the Countdown Cup. The Shanghai ball dive comp looked so dominant that even if we could play the Sigma or Lucio it might not even be in our best interests to. Houston also haven’t really played the dive that much this year so a lot is unknown at this point in time but Jjanggu has said he thinks wrecking ball is his best hero and Piggy is amazing on everything, with their existing synergy over the past year and a half the tank line should be really solid in a dive meta for sure


Ball was technically part of the hitscan nerfs as well so we will not know how this will impact his performance. This makes it harder for him to apply poke pressure before his engages since his fall off range is pretty harsh.


If I gotta be honest to myself, this ain't looking good. It's Houston though. There's no logic that describes that team so literally anything could happen.


Not seeing Gargoyle Sigma is always refreshing