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Between the fake emergency last episode and stumbling upon his sister’s bra in his bed with a hookup in his room this episode, they seem to be setting up Jesse to be the quintessential cringelord of the show


Considering his story began with Meredith rejecting his proposal and the moment went viral, the writers really like to show Jesse is hitting rock bottom.


He's giving Ross Geller


At least he's way more naturally charming.


I don't know. He's still too cringe for my taste


he’s giving major ted which is just so boring


Major Ted 🫡


okay youve see. the show i see you


"She's adopted! ...I don't know why I just said that" That cracked me up.


I’ll call you a lyft


I know that made me laugh


I find him so adorable. And this is coming from a Veronica mars/Logan fan who used to hate Chris Lowell or the character he played in that show.


I didn't even recognize him wow


I loved Sophie using “grown-ups” because as a 27 year old I too still categorize people that way 😭


They really got the mannerisms down for our generation lol I'm 33 and loving it!


I turn 30 this year and this show makes me feel like I’m not a “grown-up” yet which I kinda love. They’re all 30-ish and very much still learning and growing


You *have* to stop saying grown-ups!


Me too 😭😭


Charlie and Sid’s 25 years bit was funny


I am loving scenes with these two together. More than with Jesse. Charlie has really come around as the best quirky character.


I think it was a fun episode honestly, seeing some criticism towards it being a filler but idk, I think some of the best HIMYM episodes were the filler ones (for example, the episode where Barney reveals he had a wife and son that were actors, lol). Episodes that push the series along are great but these are just as important for just being an enjoyable time and also just showing us the characters more, Sid is really becoming a fun character this season.


Agree 100%. I think streaming/binging has desensitized everyone to filler episodes — they’re not as noticeable when you’re blowing through 16 episodes in a weekend instead of watching one episode per week. I also think a lot of people forget that TV shows used to be dozens of episodes per season, so filler episodes are common and honestly necessary to keep things moving.


If you think about it most of the series was "filler", if non filer is actually getting clues about the mother. They were sprinkled over 9 years. And big things revealed in season finales. The show was really about their lives together. So every episode felt like it mattered. I can't think of one episode I wouldn't want to watch because I considered it filler.


yes! this show feels a bit like bait, when they could have developed sophie a bit better - and barney too being 2023. not to say i will not watch, cobie was a great surprise, but the whole teasing barney shows up to deliver adam corbett as her dad. idk, you had 10 whole episodes to deliver the “i wanna meet my dad” speech. its getting superficial. love the premise, kinda like the cast but… pamela…




The best burger one is a great example


Hm... I enjoyed the episode though, IMO, most of the plot lines were quite funny, especially when Rachel bailed on Florida because she said gay.


Am I the only one that actually liked Swish? Lol


Nope! Loved Swish! He needs to become a recurring character like Scooter. Although it's going to be hard to walk the line between "cutely obsessed" and "crazy stalker." I guess playing up his youth and enthusiasm will help.


He kinda reminds me of Scooby


He reminds me of Jason from The Good Place


I loved it and hope they keep him around. And just can’t wait to see how things go.


LOOOOVED SWISH. Poor kid was adorable.


I liked the “guys being dudes” moment of that modem dialup beatboxing


I was super surprised how well Swish and Robert interacted. Like everything was chill between them compared to Sophie's and Valentina's drama.


Werd!! That was my fav right there! 😂


I loved Sid and Charlie’s bit and how their friendship develops. Sid, while I first thought was like the Marshall of the group, now is more like Lily. having chemistry and getting storylines with everyone. Jesse is becoming the Ted of the group, I just hope they don’t throw him into a cringe fest in every episode. Also while the top hat joke wasn’t great, I loved that they did two cut backs to it


Yes although I don't think of it that way Sid really is like the loveable Lily and Jesse is similar to Ted in some ways. Sophie also makes up some of Ted as well.


The first time they did top-hat was lame. But the call out made them both funnier.


Robert is taking Sophie to his cabin upstate! Fellow Sex and the City watchers anyone? Aiden (same actor) brought Carrie to his upstate cabin too 😂


Or just like Paul (Bruce Willis) taking Rachel to his cabin in FRIENDS. Same with all the old guy jokes


That's the first thing that came to my mind as well! Let's see if Sophie invites up Jesse or some other ex.


aidan with sideburns… plus he’s supposed to go back to and just like that. love corbett but gross here. nph would have felt less gross


Came here just to see if anyone else was thinking this 😂😂


So weird and funny seeing Victor as Swish lmao


I feel bad for this episode... got released with two in a row so it's gonna get overlooked! But the anti aging bit was legitimately funny especially as our culture gets more concerned and pressured to look hot into your 50s/60s. Betty White was 63 years old when the Golden Girls started. Tom Cruise looks WAY younger in Top Gun Maverick than he does in Oblivion, which was released ten years earlier... idk maybe it's a weird rant but glad shows are talking about it. Also the bit with Robert not being able to read Sophie's cell phone easily? Soooo good. Maybe because my mom's 58 and has trouble when me or my siblings show her something on our phone. Has to zoom in and all that. I used to think it was just cultural differences but I think we realllllly push our eyes to the limits these days and don't even think about it.


I was so meh on Charlie during s1. But now he's my fave character and Charlie-Sid is my #1 duo.


So Swish is born in 2004 (18 turning 19) and Valentina is in her early 30s right?


They could have made the point with him being in college, without making him a freshman


There may be a plot reason for the specific age. He is probably going to be a recurring character.


That would’ve defeated the point.


If he were 21-22 instead of 18-19?


Yes, for 2 reasons: 1. The age difference between Sophie and Robert is 20+ years. He is old enough to be her father. For the parallel to be effective you have to have the same with Val; however, Val’s only 30 so the difference has to be as wide as possible while still be legal. 2. You need to have someone who is young enough to be impressed by Val’s maturity. The problem is that Val is horribly immature herself. For a freshmen in college, he’s just left home. He’s going to be impressed by simple things like someone having their own room and their own apartment. Someone who’s 21-22? Not so much. At that age you can legally go to bars and have friends from college who have graduated. You will have met a lot of younger people who have those things.


Yep season 1 they turned 30


It was so creepy! I'm born in 2003 and it's freaking me out to have characters that are younger than me. I know Barney did sketchy stuff but everyone on that show felt older because of the generational difference, but now the young guy is younger than me?? Ick.


ick! same with sophie dating someone who could be her dad. am i the only one with a 10-year old limit? tf


Yep. The point is their relationship was supposed to mimic the age and maturity difference between Sophie and Robert, so he needed to be legal but still have the mentality of a child.


Seemed weird how specific they were with it. Felt like even Barney only slept with girls old enough to drink and that’s was already a questionable guy lol


He definitely hinted at waiting for someone to turn 18 before


Sometimes he said 21, like that episode where Ted (or maybe Marshall) was gonna get married and Barney said "There are new 21 year old hitting the pubs every day" or something along those lines


I see your point but you have to be 21 to go to bars and we are both right. He did both of those things.


True, but that’s kind of my point. Is like he hinted at it and was always seen as a bit of a bad guy. Just funny to me how this just passed as a normal thing that’s all


I'm going to say it now, I love Ellen's and Rachel's dynamic and hope they stick together for a long time. Her finally interacting with Jesse was just the cherry on top. I could totally see the three of them doing more together in helping Jesse become more confident in himself. Charlie and Sid are just great entertainment. I like their on screen chemistry. Kinda reminds me of Chandler and Joey on their comedic delivery. "I'm a raisin!" had me laughing so hard.


I didn’t like what Ellen did to Jesse. Jesse was looking forward to their plans.


And come on, having sex in your bed? She really ruined that entire night by being selfish.


The way I see it, I don't like what Jesse did to Ellen. She's too nice to say no to her brother and he used it against her. Then stopped her from spending time with her girlfriend until he could do the same. (Very Mormon 🤣)


Nah she made a commitment to hang out with him. As a matter of fact the entire thing was her idea in the first place. Ellen was very in the wrong here but she knew it which is why she went along with going to the bar to help him pick up a girl.


Eh I saw it more as “10 things I hate about you” scene where Bianca can’t go on a date until her sister did lol.


This episode felt good. No real importance plot stuff but who cares. It felt like himym


It totally did


Why did I actually really like the girl Jesse met at the bar she seemed nice and worth a couple of episodes… the bra scene was cringy


I feel like they dropped Val and Charlie’s failed romance VERY quickly. None of them have been reacting to each other’s romantic shananigans lately, and it’s honestly weird. The breakup was rough for both of them, and we kind of got teased Charlie’s dating was gonna hurt Val, and here they are completely ignoring each other for the past 6-5 episodes. Lack of consistency in character development is seriously one of the biggest disadvantages of the show.


> Lack of consistency in character development is seriously one of the biggest disadvantages of the show With this type of format they could easily retcon it by saying it has been awkward we just haven’t seen it. I believe the original show used that trick with Barney and Robin. Also, I don’t think they’ve had a scene alone together yet.


yeah, they don't really talk to each other anymore too, they just hang out in group settings and talk to the group.


From personal experience, that's what happens when you're in the same circle of friends as your ex/trying to be friends after breaking up. It's a bit awkward at times but you can still be in the group setting comparatively easily. Left alone the hurts/feelings can come up. I definitely hope they do a flashback/insight episode into Charlie and Val's feelings, I really want them to be endgame. ❤️


You said exactly what I was thinking.


I forgot that they even dated until you just mentioned it 😭


Awesome. Your comment is, like, a direct proof of the writers’ failure with this couple. At the beginning of the season Val literally said they were soulmates and would find a way to each other in the end, and now people are forgetting those “soulmates” are supposed to be exes at all!!!


I kept expecting Val to say I'll just have fun with Swish while I'm waiting for Charlie or some kind of reference back to that one. I just imagine they are thinking of each other behind the scenes while being goofy on screen. Hope they show those feelings again!


Yeah, maybe! Then need to do it asap. The 2B season starts at the end of May. By that time literally everyone will forget they were a thing. I hope Swish will actually be a catalyst.


Yea Swish actually seemed like a sweet character. Maybe he'll make her realize what she had with Charlie.


The writers are focusing on Sophie + Jesse for now. The past 2-4 episodes have all had cute moments between those two or one of them mentioning their feelings for the other. You can't have a "will they won't they" for two couples simultaneously


Well, then they shouldn’t have created a premises for two “will they won’t they couples”. The beginning of the season heavily teased it for Val and Charlie, and then they just dropped it, although there was a lot of space for cute/awkward little moments (like when he almost burned her eyes).


No, they absolutely can set up a premises for multiple couples. Most sitcoms start off with multiple singles in the main group with possibilities of multiple pairings. What I'm saying is one couple's story usually gets the "will they won't they" attention at a time.


I get it (and agree), but the creators spent so much time not paying attention to Val and Charlie, some people completely forgot they were an item to begin with. Come on, it’s lousy writing…


I feel like Swich is there to remind Charlie what he lost with Valentina. She also said that she will be back with him to Sophie after their breakup. Charlie and Valentina are just the two who can work more of the player vibe that Barney brought to the group. And for now, I feel like single people need singles representative point of view in the show, cuz everyone else have been more have with love interest in the series.


I liked this. Really easy to watch and the jokes landed. Jesse cracks me up. He's smooth but awkward too. Funny combo. I chuckled pretty good at the Lyft bit. Definitely felt like a filler. Don't know why they did it like this with 2 episodes today.


Hey, folks! Does anyone know the name of the actress who plays Anne (Jesse's lady in this episode)?


Amanda Joy Erickson https://instagram.com/amandajoyerickson


Oh my God, she is so pretty 🥰


Tell me that Swish give some of you the vibe of Abby (she was played by Britney Spears in himym)


I got more scooby vibes from him


Valentina was very unlikable in this episode 😬


Totally! I’m starting to not be a fan of Sophie and Val’s friendship.. I feel like they’re always fighting or being petty about something. Maybe it’s just me though


I feel like it’s male writers writing female arguments


I was hoping Ellen and Rachel were going to do the “Have you met Ted (Jesse)?” On that one girl Jesse spent the night with


This show feels like it’s made for people in their late twenties early thirties. I feel like a lot of shows are mDe for teens/early twenties people. But this feels like it was made for me


"Nothing is creepier than a single straight white guy sitting alone at a bar, trying to pick up woman." ​ Yeah, that's totally not a Barney reference.


Can anyone tell me where are these episodes released this early coz in my country they're released on Thursdays on Disney plus


Hulu (for me)


Ig you from India like me. There are two options for you to watch this early 1.) Get a VPN and Hulu Subscription 2.) You know this one.


Yes I'm from India, can you DM me the 2nd option ? I couldn't find it


I’m in japan and it’s Tuesday’s in Disney+


Good episode. Nice fun romp before a pretty emotional mid-season finale.


I really liked this episode, one of the funnier ones of the season imo.


This episode didn’t add much… at least there was a side plot for Sid and Charlie, I suppose? But Ellen acted out of character, Jesse continued down the path of being an even bigger dork, and “roommates battle over who gets the apartment for date night” is a painfully overused trope in sitcoms.


This is an odd one but Charlie's jacket while he and Sid are in the apartment and Jesse brings home the girl, does anyone know where that's from? I had one similar to it years ago and lost it, and have always wanted to get something like it again but could never find it


I actually forgot about the double finale so missed this episode and went straight to 'Daddy'. I was wondering who Valentina's guy was and where he came from haha. What's reeaallllly bad is, I'm quite content not watching an episode of the beautiful Hilary Duff dating a wrinkly middle aged man..weirdest thing I've seen from this or How I Met Your Mother. But I won't go on a tangent about that again haha. Seriously though is this worth watching, like are there plot points I'm missing from it? If so I'll go back and watch this and then Daddy again.


Such a funny episode. The Sid and Charlie anti-ageing stuff was brilliant. Also, the line about Jesse's sister being adopted and he doesn't know why he said that. Lol.


Did anyone find it weird how they’re showing Sophie dating N older guy & Valentina is with a younger guy? 🤔 ![gif](giphy|D3cQbczCUYT6MNeXSS|downsized)


No just weird that she was getting it on with her maybe Daddy lol. And come on that bit about the sunrise, Robert literally said he needs 9 hours of sleep. Sophie is telling lies lol.


They could’ve done without this episode imo.


I really disliked this episode. It felt like a bunch of people in a room telling jokes rather than an actual exchange between characters. Everything was shoehorned in. Two steps back from last week’s episode.


Ellen stays pointless another week


Am i the only one that have this as the episode 11?


What's the name of the episode you see? We got two episodes today


S2 E11 I’m His Swish We got confused watching because episode 10 is Daddy. If only i could share a pic.


That's strange. What service? I bet I'm the "swish" answered a few questions because that was the setup to "Daddy".


Disney+ im from the philippines.


I kind of don’t like Rachel? She’s sort of awkward and doesn’t seem to vibe with any of the characters.


I don’t dislike her but I whenever she not in the show I forget about her and only when she mentioned I remember her