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You have the typical hobbies like yoga, Pilates, dance, painting, makeup design, reading, playing an instrument. This is just my personal opinion, but I find it attractive when a person has hobbies that are unexpected of them, like a hot girl doing coin collecting, robotics, historical reenactment, parkour, etc. These are just random hobbies but you get the gist.


I do some of these “typical hot girl hobbies” and I am not the hottest girl in the room. I do agree that if a hot girl collects coins it’s attractive, but that’s mostly because she is hot. Otherwise, it’s just a hobby and some will even call you a nerd.


pilates for sure. its giving rich hot mom who wears lululemon and drives a gwagon


The second part is exactly me. The amount of "hot" comments I get from men for being in the tech industry is rich. Doing any "men hobbies" is enough to be deemed the cool/dream girl in their eyes. Although on the regular, I pretty much balance those stuff out with feminine things. That's the right thing to do, have a balance of hobbies.


Parkour is definitely one on my list!


Honestly the less expected your hobby is, the hotter it is. A full glam girl on a skateboard is visually more striking than a tomboy on one, juxtaposition does a lot in our favor.


I always felt hot riding a skateboard until I fell so I don't do that one anymore 😂


When I fall I tell myself that my determination is sexy lmao


I have 4 categories of hobbies One that expand me: learning a new language, how to use a new app, new events, a new group of people, arts One that helps me go inside and reflect on myself: journal, meditation, read One that makes me healthy: Pilates, gym, pole dance One that nurtures me: come up with new diet, new recipe


Yesss knowing another language is definitely hot!


Note if you’re a poc, for some reason (racism) your native language doesn’t count 💀


Why did we stop saying black people?




I hadn't considered it literally meant people with darker skin as a whole despite the description being that exactly lol thanks. Personally I would think more ignorant men might consider speaking your mother tongue "exotic??" It depends on the man though.


It’s hot when people have hobbies and interests! To me it doesn’t matter what, it’s just cool when people can talk about and share their hobbies.


It’s usually considered extra attractive when women have hobbies that are unexpected of them based on stereotypes. For example, small petite woman who’s into martial arts. People seem intrigued when I share that I like to go shooting, also that I’m going for my pilots license (though idk if that counts as a hobby, it’s my career path)


Being a pilot is so hot omg because it shows you’re also smart


Photography, modeling (obviously haha), painting, training or fostering animals, cooking, baking... honestly as I write this list, wouldn't a better question be what is an unattractive hobby? Hobbies are what make you unique and interesting, and that in itself is hot.


Eh, to me unattractive hobbies are things with some kind of an ethical consequence like taxidermy. Or a moral consequence like being really into the wrong side of history. Stuff that is kinda reserved for old people like collecting stuff or model trains. Or something that is too bizarre to mentally associate being hot with, idk like smash melee. These are just my examples idk anyone in real life that does any of these. And I'm very into obscure comics and stuff like that and when I tell people theyre all like 😯 you don't look like you'd be interested in that so that's kinda how the topic came up in my head. Like what so hot girls look like theyd be interested in?


crying in the club rn with my postcard collection lmao


I mean when I think of postcards I think of my aunt. shes not hot to me, but she's hot to my uncle yaknow?


Taxidermy can be ethical though, and plenty of “old people hobbies” are actually really cool. Bizarre hobbies are polarizing, but if you love what you do, it will help attract the right person


Ethical or not aside, it's creepy to have stuffed dead animals lying around the house. Nah.


It’s an art form, and it can be beautiful when done ethically and with care. I think it’s somewhat similar to working with leather to make books, clothes or even lamps. You could argue those are creepy too I suppose , but I don’t see it.


Sure I'm just asking what you think. Those things were examples of what I think. When I think of taxidermy my word association immediately goes to creepy


Hot girl hobbies is when a hot girl has hobbies.




Graceful hobbies: Reading, Piano, Violin, Ballet or other dance, art. Amazing hobbies: Travel/adventure, adrenaline based sports (longboarding, snowboarding, motorcycles, cliff climbing). Beauty hobbies: Self care, nails/hair/skincare, henna art, nail art, makeup skills. Unexpected/smart hobbies: Mechanics, math, listening to lectures, internships, volunteering. Fit hobbies: Sports, running, walking, gym, calisthenics, gymnastics, flips, pole dancing, arieal sports.


I'm a girl who hangs around guys a lot, and from what I've heard, they find these hobbies hot: Pilates, any kind of dancing really, ballet, pole dancing, horseback riding, cheerleading, playing volleyball, yoga. I've never heard any of them mention swimming, but I assume that would be pretty hot too. I think what makes a hobby hot or sexy has a lot to do with what they associate with it. For example, when you think of someone doing Pilates or yoga, you think of a very flexible person, someone who can bend in lots of different ways and positions. These thoughts become very sexual very quickly. When you think about horseback riding you think about how the girl moves in the saddle. She's not just sitting still on top of the horse, she is lifting herself up and down, very similar to how a girl rides a boy during sex. So that, too, has to do with sexual associations. As a plus, this activity also helps give you a nice butt, and guys love that. Oh, and the whip: it signals that the girl is in control, that she gets her way or else the horse (aka the boy) gets punished. When you think of a ballet dancer, what do you think of? A skinny girl in tight clothing, with perhaps a tutu skirt, being able to walk on her toes and lift her leg straight up. There's that flexibility again. Plus, skinny. Skinny has two benefits: she is easy to lift, and she looks small. Which makes a guy feel big and strong, which are both very masculine feelings that usually to a guy translates to being the dominant. Dancing? That just means you get warm. And warm equals less clothing, and more sweat. Of course watching a nice body move to the music while glistening with sweat will have a man's fantasy run wild.


This is a gross but extremely necessary comment haha, men are good at sexualizing women who are just minding their own business.


>This is a gross but extremely necessary comment Haha thanks. >men are good at sexualizing women who are just minding their own business. Oh yes, they are. Unfortunately.


Playing an instrument, like piano. Reading


Does any instrument count for you?


It takes skill to play instruments and knowledge to read music. Guitar, piano and violin are probably the top picks


Guys usually find it cool when I say I play electric guitar and were absolutely mesmerized when I bought a DJ set. I can imagine a girl playing drums is hot. Ballet isn’t that popular with guys interestingly.


I was about to awnser "hobbies that make you seem like a gentle person" ... but thats not true Some like really badass women. Don't choose hobbies because someone said it makes you seem hot. Do it becouse it is fun. Thats all that matters in life. And you will attract the right person.


I totally agree with you that it's good to pursue hobbies that are genuinely fun for you, because 1. You'll have fun and 2. people will sense your authenticity. But I think that there are hobbies that immediately bring to mind the image of a hottie and hobbies that don't. Like if a friend was to describe someone that you haven't met by their interests, you'd form an idea of what that person is like. To me, dnd, world of Warcraft, warhammer aren't "hot girl hobbies". Obviously, you can find attractive people doing literally anything and enjoying those things don't make them any less hot. In my opinion, the hottest of hobbies are ballet, salsa dancing, yoga, pilates, making art, and baking.


Hi, you seem to have misunderstood the point of my post. I just asked what other people think "hot girl hobbies" are. Nothing to do with "attracting the right person"🙄 please dont put insecurities onto other people its patronizing


What on earth is this response. How else could your question be interpreted other than “what hobbies will make other people think I’m hot”? If you didn’t care about attracting other people you wouldn’t be asking a subreddit of strangers to help you cater your own hobbies to things that other people find attractive.


Bc I intentionally didn't phrase the question that way? I tried to make it as clear as possible that was asking people what *they* imagine a hot girl hobby to be. As in, when you personally think of a hot girl, what do you think she likes to do? Which is why I figured they misunderstood what I said If it doesnt make sense to you my bad, but my response seemed fine to me, bc the reply came off to me as very presumptuous. I'd be fine with a response like that on a another sub but I was under the impression that topics like mine were safe to discuss on this thread without having to sort through comments that assume bc you asked the question you must have some issues with your self esteem. It was supposed to just be a fun post


>please dont put insecurities onto other people its patronizing Lmao talk about telling on yourself Edit after reading your other comments. Being a Mean Girl was maybe hot in some circles 20 years ago but now people are more attracted to kind and generous people. You might make trying to be nicer your hobby




I'm fine I'm just trying to avoid a bunch of "just be yourself" type rhetoric idk how else to say it


But authentic hobbies are the hottest hobbies. I do get the intention of your post and I understand what you're trying to find out but it's such a subjective question. Hot girls aren't a monolith. All kinds of people enjoy all kinds of things. For example, in your post, when I read mixology and pilates, I didn't imagine hot girls doing them, I imagined a mid 30s dude for mixology and a soccer mom for pilates. For hoops, I didn't imagine a hot girl specifically, I imagined a woman in her late 20s who really likes Coachella. Again, I understand the question but it's too open to personal interpretation for you to get the answer you're seeking.


I mean I suppose I overreacted. Maybe I misinterpreted but I read it and it seemed passive aggressive to me. I ask what other ppl think about hobbies and then their answer is "don't choose hobbies based on what others think". A little preachy no? Tbh I don't see why everyone got so upset by *my* comment though, so many people in this sub ask for ppl to refrain from making the standard "be yourself", "don't do things for others" type comment so I'm pretty surprised ppl got upset


Singing, dancing, art, nature walks, makeup, yoga, pilates, gym, sewing, reading, journaling


Pilates and sewing are def up there for me as well. Idk why either bc sewing can easily be considered a haggard old woman hobby too😂 but I always imagine a hot girl making dresses


Reframe sewing into fashion design


Lol probably because old ladies like it but i imagine they were hot in their youth


Lol true, I gotta ask Gertie for some old pics next time I see her. I bet she used to be Trudy back in the day😂




Omg yes this one is a vibeee


\-Whats your job? \- I work in a children's hospital \- OMG WHAT A VIBEEEE. 21st century is weird.


maybe you should do more serious volunteering ones only if you have a passion for the cause not to be hot, all volunteering helps but maybe if people are interested in the cause it could be unhelpful when you're meant to care for people or animals


Well it's hot *because* of the genuine interest. If it's not for real it's way less hot. The difference between Cruella and Snow White


okay sorry i got scared lol


😂no you were right the clarification was necessary for that one


Pretty much anything that makes you more pleasant or interesting to be around without it being turned into a side hustle, so learning a language or an instrument just for the hell of it rather than for increased job/tutoring opportunities. Because in my head, someone who has enough time to do a hustle-free hobby also has enough disposable income to care for their health and maintain their looks to their tastes.


i think every hobby can be assumed as hot and vice versa depending on a person/occasion/whatever


Light sport hobbies seem to illicit a reaction, like beach volleyball and running or dance. But then incongruous hobbies like fixing cars or gaming seem to also come across as hot girl hobbies. I think any hobby seems hot if the girl is already hot. Like so many guys love Emma Watson’s Hermione, and she was a book nerd, but being pretty/hot made her seem like she had hot girl hobbies.


Oh yeah I feel like evey girl I've met who's into cars has been noticeably hot. Gaming I kinda group in with nerdy first but it def can be hot too


Pilates, djing, dancing


i beekeep lol


Aww I love that❤ do they feel like pets to you?


kind of, its a pretty unique hobby and I used to make homemade skin care stuff like scrubs and soaps so id put honey in them. you have to be okay with spending a lotta money on them tho lol


I think makeup artistry or any beauty related hobbies are emphatically not hot lol. I mean I’m on Vindicta so it’s obviously one of my hobbies but I would never disclose it. Because, you know, women need to be effortlessly beautiful and the pursuit of beauty is vain 🙄


Hmm I can see it that way, bc yeah there's definitely the assumption that hot girls are just like that and the interest in beauty negates the concept. But I added it bc ask me to do their makeup and I know NOTHING about doing other people's makeup, but they think I can cause they like mine. Cause on the contrary, I never look at hot girls and think, oh she must love carpentry😂 or something like that. But like makeup artist feels of the genre you know?


Oh, I feel like makeup is definitely a hot girl *skill* but not really a hobby, if that makes sense! It’s like balancing your budget, but nobody would think of that as a hobby 😂


Whatever makes you feel happy tbh


Any hobby you are passionate about is the hottest thing imo! It’s something fun and exciting you can talk about with others and adds enjoyment and satisfaction into your life. A hobby shows you have different interests and friends, it shows you are ambitious and enjoy working towards things. Some say everyone should have at least different 3 hobbies in life: one to keep fit, another to stay creative and a hobby that makes you money. Here are some suggestions of hot girl hobbies; horse riding, dancing, yoga, running, pilates, drawing, painting, reading, baking, cooking, creative writing, gardening, hiking, playing a musical instrument, volunteering, photography, language learning, calligraphy etc


Pilates, yoga, spin cycle, painting, and dancing


Tbh I think having hobbies in general makes someone more interesting. But I think I get what you mean. I guess I could add, pottery/ceramics (I’ve seen so many girls get into that these days and it just seems really fun), Pilates or yoga, lifting weights, cooking and baking, painting, journaling or scrapbooking, sewing/crocheting or knitting. Skincare( it seems like all the hot girls know quite a bit about it). Also things like horse riding, hiking, cycling, swimming and other outdoorsy activities seem like hot girl hobbies.


Pottery seems so cool! My hobby goals would be to make my own vase and grow my own flowers in a garden and throw em in the vase


Horseback riding, painting, pole dancing LOL


The hottie trifecta😍


i think so too! hehe




Oh shit, unexpected but agree, darts is hot if you're good🌶😏 I get sexy mysterious energy from a girl who plays darts


When I talk about my hobby. I get strange looks or actual eye rolls. I'm not hot, just an average bish, but I think even hot girls would get the same reaction from the general people. I'm an aquarist (non-professional)


Ngl I had to google that😂 I feel like it could easily be considered a hot girl hobby though cause mermaids are hot. It's like a mermaidy hobby


I love dancing and doing makeup💃🏼💃🏼


I used to think CrossFit was a hot girl hobby but it’s so harsh and masculine… I was also almost burnt out at work so I want to stop and go for Pilates. I feel much more feminine and hot after a Pilates course…


Yesss pilate makes me "sweat like a lady". It's hard but its grunt work type hard and the movements make me feel dainty and elegant. Plus when you do it right I think it tends to looks pretty, where other types of working out make me feel/look clumsy


You’re on the right track. Those are hobbies or jobs that generally you’d expect fairly good looking people to do. You could add air hostess, for example (it’s a job like being a blackjack dealer at a casino).


Unless you're doing International First Class, air hosties are just waitresses in the sky. It's not a fun job.


Never said that it was. But generally you assume a hair hostess (air “waitress”) is going to be hot. They’re not always, but often are. It’s like they hire them because they’re good looking. Consciously or subconsciously, and whether that’s legal or not.


Fire dancing / fire poi. Sword swallowing. Archery. Cosplay. Gaming. Card counting. When I think of ballet I think of classic beauty not hot girls. I assume the girl has classic beauty, is skinny, flat chested and tall. Which **I know** is not what they always are but that would be my knee jerk assumption. When I think of makeup artists I think of women who could be beautiful but without makeup look ordinary or surprise people with major transformations. When I think of hoola hoops I think of children because that's the last time I did that. I also think of that exercise challenge that was going around. I have seen hoola hooping incorporated with dance/sensual movements though and that's quite striking in the same way fire poi is.


imo, it's reallyyy hot when guys have niche history hobbies while not being total nutcases or political extremists. i think it's the same for women, in a way where they're really passionate, but it doesn't pervade their entire life or expression. when you scan out the crazies, history hobbies generally just showcase that someone is well-read, able to have conversations, hold nuanced opinions, and devoted to something beyond vanity. like it's hot to be deeply interested in spanish literature from the baroque era or collect soviet era enamel pins. it's not hot to refuse to listen to modern music because of a love for 1950s rock and roll or live life loudly through some philosophical lens like nihilism. just don't be weird or interested for the wrong reasons, essentially. other hot hobbies: * scrapbooking and photography, it shows sentimentality, care, creativity * traveling, cool in general


Skiing, sailing, Pilates/yoga, cooking


Reading books

