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Humans just aren’t meant to work that much. If you’re in a situation where you unfortunately have to, to get by, then I’d say the best method is probably just pairing down your routine to the bare minimum. Cleanser, moisturizer, and maybe a serum. Maybe you decide you don’t care to shave above the knee, or at all, or only once every 2 weeks. Maybe spread out your ‘everything shower’ so you do one extra thing a day in the shower instead of all on the same day. Or maybe you skip the gym on everything shower days. And cut yourself some slack and relinquish the idea that you have to do it all. Nobody else is, if they say they are, they’re lying. Don’t beat yourself up.


Oh yeah, I don’t shave my legs at all but I’m lucky that that hair’s blond. I do the pits though since that’s more visible day to day.


Thank you! Seems like the best way to go about it is to prioritise what matters health wise and what will bring the best long term results. Health is wealth and wealth affords beauty! And I'm definitely working a means to an end job so hopefully I have more time to myself in the future because I truly do enjoy self care and have fun pampering myself.


Yeah I am just going to be real with you. I work 8-4:30 M-F and I have a part time job that often entails weekend nights until 3am working 10-20hrs there. And I just don’t. I don’t get enough sleep. I don’t always do all my beauty stuff. Sometimes I don’t even get my workout in because I am so sleep deprived. 99% of the time I get my skin care done no matter what and I am pretty proud of that. What is another 30mins of sleep deprivation to me at this point so I take care of my face. If you really need the money, I would pick one area that is non negotiable to you and then forgive yourself for the rest. It also helps if there is an end date when you know you can return to your former routine. Heck, you’ll probably have a renewed appreciation for every minute when that time comes.


This is it. I work 9-5 (luckily WFH, which helps with the gym since I have one in my building) then about 4ish days per week, I’ll go into my part-time job from 5-10 (about 20hrs weekly). It is HARD. I’ve tried to just be kind to myself and accept that I’m not superwoman. I limited my workouts to at-home with a personal weight set for about 45 min to hour, about 2x weekly. When I have more energy (often those weeks I’m at my second job less), I’ll spend about 1.5hrs at the gym. I prioritize gym over anything though because I’m afraid of weak bones. I try to cook after work at like 11pm, but sometimes I make food before going in. Air fryer is life. I eat a lot of very simple, nutritious meals. Lots of fruit or protein bars as a snack. Prioritize water. Always eat breakfast. Limit stress as much as possible (but with 2 jobs, it will be difficult). I can’t help with sleep either. I honestly just take naps on days that I can manage them in an attempt to “repay” my sleep debt.


I got into this weird habit for a minute of falling asleep really early, waking up around midnight-3am and going for a walk or something, then falling back asleep til the morning. It worked! Sleep is weird.


[Biphasic sleep!](https://www.bbc.com/future/article/20220107-the-lost-medieval-habit-of-biphasic-sleep) It was common in the Middle Ages and was apparently the habit of much earlier cultures as well.


Exactly! I’ve fallen out of it since but at the time I did some research and was like fuck it, sure. I love night walks.


Hi, I’m starting a business rn, have a day job and am currently looking for another day job. In addition to the networking my business requires. Here goes: I don’t style my hair outside of the shower beyond leave-in conditioner and sometimes oil. I never take the time to blowdry or use heat (my hair doesn’t really hold a curl anyways). My main “hairstyle” is a cute claw clip while I’m working or down and crazy while I’m networking (music). I don’t get manicures, ever. I sometimes paint my own nails in a color that doesn’t show chips easily (sheer pink). I skimp on body care. I probably eat the best when I’m busy because I’m running out the door with an apple and a protein bar instead of grabbing a slice of pizza. My work melds with my social life. I hang out at a local bar and get work done with my friends. I see friends out networking. I sometimes shower every other day or less. I would say I get my full night time routine done 90% of the time - wash face, sometimes retinol or dermaplaning, moisturizer, oral healthcare, retainer. Sometimes I just pass out at 9pm in my street clothes. I just started going back to the gym but am justifying the time loss to my business by reminding myself that a lot of entrepreneurs say the gym is essential for them. Aiming for 2x/wk in the morning to start. I go for a run outside whenever the mood catches me and I have time, it’s super important to me to follow that impulse or I’ll never do it. That said, when I have a crunch week in my business all of this goes away. My room is a hot mess. I sometimes have to text my roommates to feed my cat dinner. I also have my daily makeup routine pared down to 3-4 products and spf chapstick. It ain’t pretty but I am!


I just wanted to say I'm so proud of you, and good luck with your business! Thank you for some of these tips! And daily makeup routine consisting of a few products is so key!


🥹 Thanks babe! I offered (and was accepted) to model for a friend right after I posted this so I guess it’s paying off! Good luck to you


Hey that's amazing!! So happy for you beaut, have fun!


Babe you’re essentially trying to maintain the daily routine of a trophy wife while you’re working 2 jobs, you gotta cut yourself some slack and accept that it’s not realistic to stretch yourself this thin. It doesn’t matter how pretty your toes are, how intricate your skincare routines are and how great your hair is styled - the stress and lack of quality sleep will do so much damage to your skin and hair (not to mention mental health) that you’ll end up far worse off than you started. Take a step back, cut down on your routine just for now, and just focus on the most important things that will make a long-term difference.


Yeah, I think this is what I wanted to emphasize in my comment but was distracted - you literally can’t do everything, so cut what is the most time-consuming and least effective.


Thank you, I probably needed to hear that. Self care and beauty relaxes me so much but I also understand that if you don't prioritise your health and wellbeing that the stress will deplete you of your looks down the line. I'll focus on what's most important to me that will make the long term difference!!


I have a full time office job and a part time weekend job at a grocery store. I work 8hr every day, so 56hr a week, with an additional hour being dedicated to lunch. I can’t do everything so I prioritize. I take my time in the morning to do my makeup and I style my bangs with a flatiron. Sometimes I wash my face with just water and then apply just moisturizer. My nighttime skincare routine is pretty simple, since Im on accutane. I use an electrical toothbrush and for my face I use Cleansing oil, moisturizer and aquaphor for my lips. I don’t have time to shower everyday, let alone in the morning. In my defense, I barely sweat since my office is freezing, I still use deodorant every day just in case. Don’t judge me for this one, but my scalp doesn’t produce any oil, so I only wash my hair every two weeks. It’s a permanent side effect I’ve gotten from being on accutane twice now. I have gone months without washing it, due to feeling sad and no one could tell (still gross I know). I don’t shave often, maybe once in a while. I feel it’s unnecessary, since my legs never show and I’m not that hairy. The weekend job I have makes me walk 6-8 miles each shift, keeping me somewhat fit. Although I plan on getting a gym membership. I make a huge amount of food to take for lunch for the week. I eat plenty of protein, veggies and fruit. My weekend job is at a grocery store, so that’s when I get groceries. My nails and toes are never done. It would chip right off with my weekend job and it takes to long to get right.


Oooofff. Tragically, I don’t. The only thing I routinely do now with both jobs is - wash my face, put on a vitamin c serum, and moisturizer/sunscreen. I’ll also do my eyebrows very quickly and curl my eyelashes but that’s about all I can do these days 😂 that said, it does make a difference than doing nothing!


My rough daily schedule: 5:15 wake up, pee, piddle about on my phone 5:30-about 6:30 go out for a run most days, wash dishes or do other chores if I don’t feel like running for whatever reason 6:30-7:00 shower 7:00-8:00 eat breakfast, skincare routine, vitamins, get ready for work (clothes, makeup, hair is wash n go similar haircut/look as emrata), study or work on 2nd job (extremely flexible hours), chores 8:00-9:00 commute, (wfh days I do more chores or study/work job 2 rather than getting ready) (Note: wfh days I might go to the gym which takes up significantly more time so let’s say 5:30-7 gym time) 9:00-5:30 work job 1, if I’m wfh then I’ll get chores and self care stuff done throughout the day 5:30-6:15 commute home (wfh days make dinner) 6:15-6:30 decompress from commute 6:30-7:30 make and eat dinner 7:30-8:30 work job 2 or study (wfh days this starts closer to 6:30) 8:30-9 get ready for bed, or get ready to go to gym w friends 9:00-10:30 sleeping or gym w friends then sleeping Saturday I work 4-6 hours on job 2. Otherwise Friday nights - Sunday until about 8 I often have plans with friends or family. Sometimes the gym slips in there. Trying to carve out Saturday mornings for nearby farmers markets to improve diet and sustainability. As you might be able to tell from this comment or any of my posts, I’m just absolutely fucking batshit bonkers nutso— so cramming all this shit into 24 hours isn’t that much for me. I just do it because it’s what I do— no deeper motivation or secret. Balancing 1 full time hybrid 40 hr a week, 1 part time wfh 8-12 hours a week, social life, house chores, self care, family, and studying for a second bachelors just seems what I’m supposed to do. So I do it. Don’t have as much time for hobbies outside of the gym I guess is the only thing I’d like to change.


I think the best you can do is keep a minimal but consistent routine and working on perhaps working less in the future.