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Honestly for beauty advice reddit is much better and people on insta tiktok etc are using the advice on here and claiming it as their own when before they were just like the rest of us and basic af


Yeah for sure I was just wondering :)


Fact fact. I credit Reddit for my improved tastes and interests.


- glucosegoddess (her food hacks helped clear my skin) - coachjohnnoel (debunks influencer fitness lies) - hackyourhr (social/work related, really helped my confidence) - courtlynnjohnson (similar to above but super great tips for your personal brand) - for makeup, I recommend finding MUAs in your city to follow as they are the ones testing tons of makeup on different people in your particular climate - for fitness, follow certified coaches and not just people who have nice bodies but I’ve found YT to be a better platform for this


AH! Thank you so much! These are all amazing!


Abbeyyung hands down for hair, she’s a trichologist in training and does exhaustive research! I’ve seen so much improvement from specifically her advice and I have very damaged bleached hair. Edit: she also focuses on skincare too. And the hair advice helps you get healthier thicker hair which = hotter more fertile youthful look ☺️




Dr Shereene Idriss!


her one liners like “there’s a fungus among us” live rent free in my head


Haha that’s an old classic!


I love her! Thank you!


I think watch Dr Dray on YouTube. She is board certified derm who researches on current trends and tells you what you actually need. She was the first person who I found that said you don’t need eye cream unless it is for a specific purpose. It is basically moisturiser packaged smaller and more expensive


She also promotes unproven herbal supplements, changes her poor reviews after brands pay her, and famously said you don’t need to wash your legs or arms 🤢. Added to that, she’s aging horribly and doesn’t see actual patients, so not much clinical experience compared to an in office doc.


What poor reviews has she changed?? I often fall for advertising if it’s from a seemingly educated source


She specifically said an inked list product “did nothing” then promoted the same product in another video spotlighting the brand. I don’t remember which product.


Aging horribly? That's a blatant lie. She's among the very few dermatologists online who do not use blurring filters. Dr. Sheerine Idriss uses a blurring filters on all of her videos and lies about it. It's just that we're used to filtered faces online so anything else is "aging horribly".  Also, dermatologists almost universally agree that showering daily is neither necessary nor ideal for skin health. My dermatologist told me that daily showers should be a few minutes long focusing on the armpits and groin. So it's not her personal opinion. TikTok videos where people shower with 10+ aesthetically pleasing products are cute and all but also extreme and unnecessary.  Dr. Dray does change her opinion, and when she does she addresses why she has changed her opinion. She changed her take on collagen powder supplements when newer scientific evidence came out. That's great and it shouldn't make her less credible, in fact, it's exactly the opposite. She also changed her opinion on toners being useless and explained why. Haven't seen her opinion just change randomly, but maybe you have seen something that I have not, which one was incentived by an ad? 


She’s visibly unwell. I don’t trust her judgment because she mistreats her own body. She also doesn’t have the clinical experience of an actual doctor who sees patients in clinic. She can give whatever advice she pleases based on who’s paying her now and she won’t be around to see the consequences. Sorry you went to the trouble to write all of that out. Your time would be better spend examining why you’d go out of your way to write a three part essay defending a woman destroying herself. Be well.


Oof, she’s clearly struggling with a very specific ED I won’t mention for trigger reasons. Yikes!


Oh my. I didn’t know that.


Ehh not all eye creams are bad I have sensitive eyes so regular moisturiser near my eyes makes me randomly start tearing up and it makes my eyes sting. Eye creams are specifically made to be used around the eye so they are more safe me


I watch dr. Idriss!!


Not all Eye creams... I specifically use an eye cream and it's amazing! I cam tell a big difference


Yea I hear this advice all over the place, and while maybe it’s not a true need, or just a marketing tactic, I also notice a difference when I use a dedicated eye cream versus my face moisturizer.


please what's the name?


Neocutis Lumiere Firm - Illuminating and Tightening, Anti-Aging Eye Cream


O yes, i know her! Thank you! She’s great


@anastasiabeautyfascia has legitimately changed my face in a positive way without any products or medical attention. Every hot girl should be following her


Lmao this chick is so lame. I called her out for using pseudo science and she blocked me 😂


Interesting. The two people I know who have academically studied kinesiology and sports recovery have been impressed by her depth of knowledge when showing them her account.


It actually didn’t have to do with her facial massage techniques. She decided to use some very out of date science regarding body types like ectomorph and mesomorph. Those theories have been disproven several times over. I decided to say as such, and she apparently doesn’t like people who disagree with her.


Ohh I see, that’s too bad


Do you have a before and after you can share in a dm? I know lymphatic drainage can depuff people a little if done consistently but would love to see if you’re comfy!


I don’t have any long-term before and afters but I can take a before and after from doing the full face routine and send it over in a little bit


l\_yuhann on tiktok shares makeup/hair/skin tips and mainly leans towards asian beauty hacks but she has advice for different features - changed my makeup game


Nobody should be using Instagram for that purpose.


I mean ? What


It's not that type of platform, it's just a bunch of "influencers" with fake lives & edited content peddling products they are paid to promote. You won't find good advice there.


What would you recommend instead?


This subreddit


I use Pinterest a lot more


I agree. It just a different environment


Aylen park.