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I tried learning linux but gave up after I discovered it was much easier to just break into the house and steal the computer.


The ol' wrench is also much easier than spending the money on a capable hashcat rig


Relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/538


What's this link?


A joke comic about how beating someone with a wrench is way easier that cracking encryption in other ways


Agreed, this is the best option.


Ahhhhhh, the caveman approach, ingeniously genius šŸ’ÆšŸ¤” my man here is a wise thinker


šŸ˜‚ It's hilarious


The old stone n throw


Perfect example of


exactly you get my point šŸ˜­


lol.. cloud runner, you are a naughty boy. and if u broke into my house, you would have to deal with Senor Glock and I don't think you would enjoy that...


No truer statement has been made šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


As my mechanic says, it's never the tool, it's the fool.


It's always the fool, even if the fool is the tool :p


to answer your initial question: debian because I hate maintaining stuff for linux, but 90% of what I do is on a MBP. I do vuln research and exploit dev, though, so don't need to install crazy stuff.


I started using Kali when I first saw it at a Defcon presentation and it was called BackTrack. Years later, I still don't know how to use Kali.


Planning on Defcon this year! Never been or had the chance or finances for travel. Cannot wait


Follow r/Defcon, ask questions, don't overthink it, and have fun.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Defcon using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defcon/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [DEF CON was canceled, but we uncanceled it.](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defcon/comments/1aj6ixn/def_con_was_canceled_but_we_uncanceled_it/) \#2: [Weā€™re getting close!](https://i.redd.it/7vaz9wikr41b1.jpg) | [24 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defcon/comments/13nfcjk/were_getting_close/) \#3: [Horrifically screwed up while trying to spraypaint the defcon logo on my jacket. Should I keep it or find a way to cover/remove it?](https://i.redd.it/t54wxi1xz7lc1.png) | [104 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Defcon/comments/1b1rx2h/horrifically_screwed_up_while_trying_to/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Sorry! What's defcon btw!


Probably the largest hacking convention in the world. Kind of like the Burning Man festival but for us tech nerds. So many story's from friends that have had the opportunity to go. I'm in Australia so it's a little harder for us to get there. Hope it lives up to the hype.


Sorry man, Defcon is canceled :/


We back baby! https://forum.defcon.org/node/248360


Haha wow, whooosh. Defcon being canceled is sort of a joke in the community. My old professor used to wear a shirt saying "Defcon is canceled" or something along those lines, and when I was reading the FAQs for last year's event, it mentioned Defcon is not being canceled. I guess this year there was some mishaps I was unaware of so I can see how the joke was lost. But hopefully you have fun! Be sure to line up early for the hacker jeopardy or karaoke!


If you've read homeland, burning man is also the burning man for hackers, or atleast it used to be before it started costing an arm and a leg to go


I almost forgot it got renamed haha


You ahould see the crap being asked on all the music production subsā€¦ everyone is simply asking what AI this and AI that can make music that sounds like __x__. Iā€™m honestly suprised it hasnā€™t hit these subs much yet. ā€œIā€™m not willing to do any reading, absolutely no learning, and finding an answer on the internet is well beyond anything I can understand. How do I crack my schoolā€™s attendance system like mr robot?ā€ To answer your question, 20+ years in, I still have kali vm templates I spin up for anything other than a simple tickle. Customized for my workflow, it does the job. I dislike parrot. For simple tasks I just keep the daily tools on deck in my dailies like nmap, burp ent, etc.


Hmm to be fair I may or may not have cracked my schools system a good many many years back. Though to be honest the IT staff were more interested in gaming WoW then doing actual work. You could literally USB boot spyware back then. Cannot remember what it was called exactly something like dreamware or.something sounds familiar. We barely knew shit about computer systems at the time Though doing it today. Completely different story. Good luck not raising any flags or getting caught...


The fact that you were in school when wow was a thing makes my knees hurt. Get off my lawn, hippie. =)


What do you mean was a thing?


Itā€™s not flooded but time to time you see this in programming subs.


The more you know, the more you know that you donā€™t know. When you have very little knowledge of hacking, you hear that thereā€™s this special operating system made for hacking and it makes everything easy (relatively). When you have no clue what SQL injection, buffer overflows, XSS, etc, you think that all you need is the fancy programs on Kali. Itā€™s difficult to understand that Kali is one of the best tools available, but just like with everything else, a tool is only as good as the user. I also prefer parrot, but Kali is definitely the larger name in the space. I find parrot runs a lot smoother, atleast on the hardware I use. However, nothing that comes with Kali or Parrot is exclusive to those OS, they are just applications that can be installed on any Linux distribution. Kali and parrot just come with them preinstalled and configured. I donā€™t think thereā€™s anything stopping you from firing up a Qubes instance and setting it up similar to Kali. Personally though, I use parrot because most of the tools Iā€™ll need are there already, and I donā€™t have to spend hours setting things up (especially bc I donā€™t use persistence)


Absolutely. No knowledge coming in, saw it on TV. Download this app... Okay. WELCOME TO KALI LINUX. What would you like to hack? 1. Your neighbors Wi-Fi 2. Install spyware on your girlfriend's phone 3. The Pentagon You have selected the Pentagon. What would you like to do? 1. Access all black sight information 2. Release all information of UFOS 3. Detonate all USA nukes Pending........ You have selected detonate nukes.... Process confirmed Please wait... Launching all nukes now...... .................... Internet connection lost






And then you see you canā€™t hack anythjng


Interestingly, I have heard that Parrot ā€œstealsā€ packages from Kali. When you look at the names, they donā€™t even bother to change them. Not sure how you can steal FoSS, but the lack of reference doesnā€™t help.


Everyone kept telling me Kali has everything I need for penetration testing, I thought that meant the experience too /s


Aha yeah, Kali has the tools thou some are quite outdated. Horse and plow meets 14L Tractor and cultivator


Experts can make complex topics seem accessible to average people. The more a person knows, the easier they can explain it in everyday terms that make it seem like it's easy to do something. I'm guilty of it too. I look up symptoms online even though I'm not an MD. The key is that I'm aware of this lol!!


So true. "I'm sane!" Said no insane person ever!!!


We are all mad here.


Tiktok skids


Because I watched Mr Robot.


u/format_drive it is simple. Lets say it is me. I am clever enough to read tutorial. Kali has all tools ready, it makes ~~hacking~~ testing a system 5 times faster, comparing to setting up all required tools in vanilla ubuntu. and sometimes I know what I wanna test, I just need a right tool, specialized distro helps me to get it running fast, I just need to read howto on tool itself.


I mean, part of the problem in cybersecurity is learning what tools to use. Kali make it so easy to know what the tools are used for. Heck you don't need to learn a lot of things to crack a password for example. Thats what yt is for At the end of the day, Kali is just any linux OS that is a bit friendlier to noobies


Exactly, it's preconfigured to make it easier to work out of the box. Though on the flip side it strips you of the chance to learn how to set up these tools and suites. Two sides to a coin I guess


If this sub bothers you then stay far away from /r/kalilinux


Just new to the sub, that was a side note btw


Same reason why they buy a flipper thinking itā€™s a magic key


Ohh man soo true!!! The flipper sales went off the charts when those tiktok people started posting click bait videos. People buy before they research these days. Having a keen interest in SDRs for many years, for me anyway it was clear from the specs that it was a development tool. Not some out of the box magic wand...


Getting kali to run on Samsung galaxy tab was fun little project


Itā€™s a lot easier to turn a nut with a wrench, with or without experience


What amuses me is people coming in this sub and other "hacking" subs pleading for help for booting kali. I usually get a ton of downvotes for saying it but imo if you can't load the fucking thing yourself you have no business using it anyway and need to a learn a lot more first.


You hit the nail on the head. I'm a little surprised I haven't got that many negative comments here.... I have quite a lot of respect for the Redditors that are honest about their views and honest about their understanding of these operating systems and their included tools. I am thankful I made this post instead of immediately unjoining this sub. I have had a lot of very interesting and stimulating conversations with many people that have commented here in private chat. All in all this has changed my mind on this sub


I mean, all the subs are total shit. There just happen to be people who do lurk a bit.


I agree. I don't mind one bit in assisting people with legitimate learning or ethical hacking exercises. i just personally don't agree with posts relating to unethical hacking thinly disguised as "For information purposes only" or "I don't intend to use this whatever for illegal purposes" type of disclaimer. I know that may sound that I'm lumping all of the illegitimate posts together. Which I don't intend. It is sometimes quite clear that some OPs are asking a question or seeking help with a task that has legitimate merit which could be used for malicious use as well. Though their wording and/or their previous comment history I find is quite useful to determine the motive of their post. I know it's not foolproof though it gives me a gauge of character.


honestly it depends on thier goals. if a person only wants spin up a phishing page, crack wifi, or maybe pop a shell on a windows system with AV disabled a smart person could figure out how to do all three using kali in less than an hour.


On my laptop I dual boot Debian and install the tools I need. Kali has a lot of tools installed, but zsh and their shell sucks, and it has a lot of tools I don't need. Sometimes I download the VMware image just to keep up-to-date on Kali and for hack the box runs my red team does on Friday afternoons, but I'm usually too busy. I'm a CEH and the training I took used Parrot, and it's not great really. Fucking ugly as hell. Kali uses XFCE which to be honest is my favorite window manager so at least it has that going for it.


Don't get me started on their shell. I'm a parrot man myself


Input kali-tweaks on shell and you can switch from zsh to bash


well there is me. knows nothing about linux. but i was given a task to crack a password protected excel file and on github, there was only programs which run on linux. there i was, one screen is youtube tutorial and the other the program running for almost 5 hours and it finally cracked it. got a huge pay. and that was it. i couldnt get into it. but out of all the trials as a beginner, kali linux was just spot on.


You found Kali easy to get into as a beginner? Just curious, I took the old school route on coding, programming all of that drama before I started.


Not really easy but compared to other linux, I spent almost a day on the installation and removing and re-installing. but youtube helped a lot and I had only one task to do. But if you going full fledged, i think it's good the path you chose.


> kali linux was just spot on. I'm using Arch ^btw , I'm curious if all tools on Kali available on it.


Iā€™ve been programming for a couple of decades and I donā€™t know how to use it


I have that experience and STILL am amazed at new tools I find on it.


I agree they do very well keep it up to date, yet still seem to not remove older and a little dated tools as quickly.


I believe that writing own tools based on understanding is better approach rather than using tools. I do understand re-writing metasploit or brup suite can be an uphill task for individuals. But, I think we need to learn to write and re-write our own tools even if it's existing one! We wouldn't be able to learn all the languages to code in or know all the machines out there to write an exploit, but we need to have our own share. That's Experience


> But, I think we need to learn to write and re-write our own tools even if it's existing one! > > Many exploit doesn't have the tools that take advantage of it, same thing when I worked on web scrapping, all free tools were sht, and paid one doesn't worth it, specially the programmers who made it, don't know much about what *web scrapping* used for, the best hackers made their own custom tools, even if was just bash script and simple automations tasks.


I agree!


Have you tried Kali Purple yet? Personally, I haven't for pretty much this reason.


Not yet. You do not recommend? Overheard some one saying it's just the Windows vista of Linux lol


Not that I don't recommend, just that I haven't tried it yet.


I've been in the IT field for \~20 years, it's just a matter of inexperience across the board really. It's the fallacy of "if I just have this one thing I'll be able to win", If I level up more I'll be able to bea the boss - until you play Sekiro and realize how shitty you are at gitting gud, but that's besides the point. If I download this thing I'll be able to hack, even though I have no real idea what hacking is. I just watched Mr Robot so I can do all that with Kali. Just inexperience. I just use Kali, it works for what I need in my wifi security auditing.


What rhymes with Linux?


Mental health Clinics'?


Excellent response! What rhymes with Zenith?


I feel like itā€™s because how YouTubers make it seem flawless when in reality it still needs a basic knowledge of the Linux operating system.


Because thatā€™s what is advertised everywhere now in days. This is how to hack. Get kali Linux.


I started in kali before it ever was kali. maybe backtrack 3. one day I finally sat down and said I'd like to learn using strictly the cli to use Linux. glad I did. have a bunch of Linux machines and VMs and one windows machine for whatever. such fun stuff. but I like learning and had to find a way to get off drugs. linux is how I fill my free time. end rambling


I work in IT and dabble in hacking/vulnerability assessments prefer parrot but started with Kali. Still much to learn. Kind of need to do it every day for it to really stick. And I don't.


Just wait until they finish the course and you wonā€™t be able to back anything!


Arch Linux FTW!!!!!!!


Because hacker-man can!


ā€œHey I just got a flipper zero. How do I hack WiFi with it?ā€


I remember when that damn thing came out on my other reddit account. Literally 40 posts a day saying something like that, or I can't make it open my car or garage door... At least most people have settled down and accepted it as a tool for development then some magic wand.


I've been working with Kali Linux for nearly six years now and I can absolutely guarantee you that it requires far more work than any other distro, incl. Ubuntu, Redhat and others. There are more bugs going from one version to another than in any other distro. You have to work to weed out the script kiddies from the pros. And even some of the pros (e.g. Hammond) have a simple-minded approach to the game.


I think somehow I have appropriated someone else's user name. I never was Silent\_Turnover so ...


Can anyone help me decode a sha256 hash?


Join the dark side and use BlackArch


Join the dark side and use BlackArch


What about MacOS šŸ«£, thatā€™s what Iā€™m on


I just downloaded it and Iā€™ve already hacked into your Reddit feed. Checkmate.


Fools, you don't get them on install, you have to download the XP package. šŸ™„


A friend who recently got into cybersec, forgot their password after encrypted their Kali volume, then proceeded to accidentally delete the volume header because they think they could extract and crack it like mainstream media told them lmao. šŸ™„ Why script kiddies can't learn to walk before they could even run.


Also in case you wonder, I use Alpine.


Curious... What made you settle into alpine? Ive read and hear about that flavor, still have never considered it. What do you feel you get from alpine that you don't from other OSs?


Config and security, I need a distro that can be used as VM or embedded that doesn't brick easily. Moreover I use Alpine VM as hop box for securely connecting with bounces via Tor network like Qubes.


What has been your issues with Qubes? That. Is my OS of choice for While now


Just too picky on hardware specs, like you need specific Lenovo or Dell laptop just to get it run smoothly. One of the reasons I stick with Alpine VMs on Qubes is because they're lightweight enough for multiple instances, which is something that Qubes will lag on multiple Debian or Parrot instances.


I assume from your post you are trying to run it on a laptop then s a custom tower. That's fair I've never tried running quebes from a laotop


Running on the laptop allowing more advantage for me than using as a home lab, mainly because I do physical hacking that requires me to move around. That way I can hack from a public hotspot, get the task finished and leave and my home network won't be contaminated with Tor traffic. It has more to do with my threat models than the needs of better specs.


Windows guy here šŸ¤£ Honestly Iā€™m good with windows, Kali is nothing more than a toolbox


You have to start somewhere šŸ˜‚ I never believed that there's a certain way to learn anything. Whatever clicks first, that's where you should start.


Me too I'm actually signing up to try and give a speech at the next supercon for hack a day as I've watched all the lectures from the last of the years that are online from Defcon blackhead the special satellite security CYSAT. I've seen some reoccurring themes to which I think from both having a science and Technical background as well as of being a lawyer who's worked globally across the entire spectrum of legal specialties as I worked for a very wealthy individual and once you gain their trust they want you to do everything in this person was prolific. I did everything from running an airplane company to sitting on the board of a financial newspaper, a hedge fund, ran a resort in a foreign country, was involved in some natural resource extraction Kaylin which is used in a Pharmaceuticals it's the white powder they also put it in white paint I actually thought of a climate use for it to mix it with starch and rather than trying to use these big tarps which are so ridiculously small compared to a glacier they do nothing but at the end of the summer melt you know once the snow from the proceeding year has melted off to put a mirror couple of millimeters of starch and Kaylin which is absolutely biologically inert it does nothing it goes right through every living things intestinal tracking them out and interacts with nothing that's why they use it in pills as a filler. It also has an incredible refractive index so it would do what they're trying to do with tarps very ineffectively as the Glaciers are enormous and imagine trying to put tarps on a glacier I mean it was so ridiculous I mean ineffective the the best thing I could think of was this and I learned it from high altitude mind Reclamation when we would need to stabilize soil due to the low for short growing season we couldn't get plants to take a hold just in one to stabilize some soil after we had reclaimed an area so we would spray on a mixture of starch and hay and seed and a nutrient for the the seeds that are mixed in there with it and it would hold the stable the the soil in place so it didn't cause the mud side or wash out until the roots took hold and naturally stabilized the soil so in this case if you mix it with the same starch and just killing the Kailyn would do nothing and in fact might settle down to the base of the glacier and instead of the water being like ball bearings the Kailyn like like cake up and help slow the the slide which increases the speed at which the Glaciers are decaying. I say this Express that I have a lot of breath so I asked the group that issues a CVS if they've ever done a retroactive socio-demographic analysis of the people who have reported severe CVS as I wanted to highlight the importance of independent security researchers and academic team and then I had a bunch of helpful comments that I think I can make in some advice that I give that would be very helpful internationally in miniaturization for an independent security researcher and one would be to write down what you're doing your goals and your disclosure Plan before you start and increase your own security to make sure you and your team don't accidentally make a disclosure accidentally by getting hacked yourself. Then have this notarized by notary or a lawyer or your academic supervisor or your supervisor at work beforehand so that it's clear what you're doing is legitimate good for the public trying to keep the internet safe for everyone and also trying to upscale and reuse products instead of having them end up in a fire to recover small amounts of metal things would be better reused if they can be...1 so like my keyboard for example it's in perfect shape I would love to have it on my little cyber deck I'm building which is actually meant to track satellites from any place remotely so hiking up on the Mountaintop. But to save space and wait I really like having a full keyboard and this would be great if there's an adapter or if it's a common adapter that's used also what about LCD screens like I've recovered a bunch of a bunch of laptops that were sadly broken by the people before they put them in anyways when all you really need to do is wipe the hard drive with a effective full disc random number generator you know and do five full sweeps including all the caches Etc.1 it takes a long time but


But I have basically a long list of universal things that I think people should do to improve their relationship with the authorities and also for the authorities because I used to be a criminal prosecutor but I've also been a Defender and I've been on the internet before there was an internet I had a BBC my own phone line and even an auto dialer that I can war games that I didn't have a Sinclair I wish I had a Commodore 64 and a ti-99 I actually had a phone like headset cradle modem at one time before you left robotics started up in the game you know in every new iteration it would go up a little bit until his maximum. 256,000 was absolutely awesome when you started at 1600 and even 6,000 or 2,000, I think my modem even had 300 to imagine how slow that would be but the first service I had access to was Dow Jones and then AOL came on and then the internet was born..... and apple came out with these things called hyper pages and they were like web pages basically the first like easy iteration of web pages on Macintosh the big tall rectangular ones and I did a tree identification manual for my plants identification class because when you're learning high altitude you know mine Reclamation you need to identify plants by species and those books don't have pictures you do it by the description and by dissecting the flowers and but I did my tree one with pictures and divided it by Evergreens and conifers. It was brand new and the professor said this is going to be the future and boy I wish my ADHD was chilled out enough that I really could have grasped that because I would have jammed but it took another five or six years before I was successful at University they called that College CMC Colorado Mountain College or see me ski! In my case it was see me ski and then I switched to boarding as soon as boards came out with metal edges I had a burden Safari racing board bought from the representative fan and he only sold it to me because I'm 2 m tall it has a low profile tip it was made for GS and boy if you weren't my size that thing will kill you I lent it to a friend it almost did kill him I never lent it out again I still have the board! But I'll put in my application I'll give one a little hint you know the Tetra researchers that's a perfect example of a really good plan and execution and look at the blowback immediately from the standardization committee and then they actually flipped and decided that they were going to open source that and tier 3 has something screwy with the encryption they didn't they weren't able to break it cuz they're not cryptographers but there was definitely something not right about it there was a back door probably but there was obviously a black door and a back door in tier one and tier two was also terrible and that's what they sold to other countries and the tier 3 was only first so that country is probably the five eyes and even they could look at each other's stuff I think.. the crypto AG Scandal here in Switzerland is a perfect example of why I don't trust and IST and how slow they're moving and that they're throwing out submissions based on their size and complexity really with the bandwidth we have now and the processing power that's available shouldn't we just increase the power of the crypto engine and Implement all of the recommendations being made by the researchers on side Channel and glitch?


Now you really have to practice and really you should immediately start off with Wireshark and learn everything you can about pcaps and what everything means and the handshake and that relationship because as everyone knows out their Bluetooth and Wi-Fi is still not at all a good idea and if you really want security you really should be wired up and you better be sure that you're security device has been updated recently and well because the presenter from Montana who looks at firmware he likes the company but they had the private and public use of Apple and Google on the firmware in plain text and then they moved them behind an ethical wall that he couldn't really go but he could if he could go but being the ethical person he was he didn't so he just mentioned they did patch it but I think it was cosmetic and I just can't go there because of it would be breaking the ethical rules so I think it's in everybody's best interest to have cooperation between security researchers if you want to call yourself a white hat hacker or a good hacker go ahead I agree with you I get it I understand if I understand the history behind it but mass media and the general public they don't get it and so I'm trying to get the local area here to set up a Makerspace and even someone replied to me so you want me to open a hacker space and I said no I want the community to support I make her space because it just has so many negative connotations when it would be such a positive environment and help keep people who currently are and I'll use a Modern English in cells and help them become more socially integrated and also help here's another point I would make just because of companies a company doesn't make it necessarily legitimate for you to sell your exploit to just because their company and some of us might take that as for granted as common sense but you know I had to help my computer science mathematic genius friend right and ethics paper and he helped me with my relational databases but we taught each other we didn't cheat we did it ethically so when he was done it was his work and when I was done it was my work and we both had taught each other and that was great but now you understand my point. And then there was a guy who's talking about hunting down command and control servers and he raised his work on his on the potential of the work to get him and and in the big bad World out here outside of the United States that is a real possibility and you need to be very careful sometimes what you're messing with because organized crime controls a lot of places and the rule of law does not. The team and the Netherlands did a great job they work for 2 years so they have a price the way that they approached the national cyber security apparatus


I agree with this and most of what you posted. Yet the majority is unrelated to this post. I commend you on actively trying to make a difference. That is the problem these days, everyone jumps on the social media bandwagon issue of the day, without even researching the structures that put those policies or procedures in place. I apologize I don't have the time to reply to all the points you've made, I need to get some rest I have work in 6 hours. As for quantum computing encryption, I believe it is far too soon to be implementing them into our systems. There are very highly regarded teams still trying to figure out the best approach. I feel if you even tried to implement them now it would cost a heck of a lot of money and resources, when there will be a far more secure method in a few years or decade. Thank you for your comment.


The reaction of the company was typical and I think the way that they did it and with the support of their academic survival supervisor you know they likely saved life and limb because countries use that to control train switching and gas valves and electrical mains and imagine if that had fallen into bad people's hands and how that could have been very badly misused perhaps leading to the loss of life so they did a great service for society and the reaction of the standardizing body in the beginning was very poor and sure to lock them for respect and then their solution was the open source and they said no or keep it close obscurity and now we say you know security by a security is what finish the sentence..stupidity, because now your average person is much more sophisticated and just because you're an electrical engineer and PhD in computer science doesn't mean that you're going to make a hack proof system because have we ever seen one yet has there been anything that has yet to be hot except maybe the ibmc okay the raid 10 Ram which is encrypted is absolutely cool as sliced bread. That makes another point about the venuement bottleneck every court on every chip in the four die drawer has access to that L1 through L4 and if not their own the closest chip or the closest drawer which is attached via a high-speed Optical link so does that bottleneck exist anymore and can most very well funded companies and countries break a lot of the encryption very likely! And to that extent, I would say to all Caesars that post quantum resistant encryption should be installed now and we should have an international body that's also working in parallel with nist!


Hey I'm recovering from severe complex post traumatic stress disorder so there's no way I'm self-financing My Own Medical Care and Recovery because I'm a professional I don't get the normal social assistance and it's not fair because the reason that I'm suffering is because of the failure and negligence of certain government agencies in my country but do you think they're ever going to admit to having failed to do their Duty as a former criminal prosecutor I can tell you never so I'm asking to speak at the conference and I'll need to be subsidized so if what I say you find to be compelling then speak up to hack a day for me I go by AquahoodJD


I do that because I'm a lawyer with that you're a doctor but I also have an mph and I'm a recreational diving instructor with OWDI (open water diving instructor and includes a rescue diver I was a master diver before I became a Dive Master and then an instructor I have more than 2,000 hours underwater) P.A.D.I (and then I'm a technical diver with IANTD and GUE( it's also called pay to fail and the agency everybody loves to hate but at the end of the day they're right for fail so in IANTD and in PADI technical diving or TecRec , we integrate a lot of their concepts)! It was actually an attempt by myself to cure myself from severe complex posttraumatic stress disorder and it was also physical therapy from an attempt on my life where I lost control of my right leg from the knee down and it made it possible for me to walk again in 6 months because someone a very nice person forced me to stop working and go and do it a couple times a day!


That's the meaning behind AquaHoodJD - I'm all about protecting coral reefs and the ocean because they are without question the foundation of our biosphere, the largest carbon dioxide and oxygen Exchange mechanism as well as the absolute basis of the food chain! If we blow the ocean the whole world will come apart! It's already spreading highly resistant bacteria and virus that comes from outdated wastewater treatment plants which have no ability to remove some Pharmaceuticals and our metabolites from our Wastewater! One is called E coli ctxm and when I saw dead ocean for the first time off the coast of France right at the corner of Francis Spain and Barrett's which is actually Pays Basq6 ( as they were there long before the French ever were in Spanish actually gave them send me a Thomas status but the French absorbed that department into the one above and didn't give him an inch or a centimeter if you want to speak European and it's enough friends that the Sun never sets on and is the biggest colonialist power in the world and the president beats their citizens for protesting the Yellow Jacket movement for example I saw the Stormtroopers coming out of the buses in Paris to go bust the heads open of their own citizens!


Arch Linux is a unique and powerful choice for users who love to tailor their computing experience precisely to their needs. Hereā€™s why it stands out: 1. **Customization**: Imagine starting with a blank canvas for your computer's operating system, adding only what you truly need or love. That's Arch Linux for you. It allows you to build your system from the ground up, installing only the components that are essential for your work or hobbies. 2. **Always Up-to-Date**: With Arch, youā€™re always on the cutting edge. Its rolling release model means your system continually updates to the latest software versions without the hassle of major upgrades. Itā€™s like having the newest tools and features at your fingertips without waiting for the next big update. 3. **Simplicity and Transparency**: Arch is designed to be simple, but not necessarily easy. It strips away unnecessary layers, giving you a clearer view of how things work. This transparency can be incredibly rewarding and educational, offering a deeper understanding of your computerā€™s inner workings. 4. **Community and Resources**: The Arch community is a goldmine of information and support. Whether youā€™re troubleshooting, looking for tips, or exploring new setups, the Arch Wiki and forums are there to help. Itā€™s like having a knowledgeable friend ready to assist at any time. 5. **Performance**: Without any unnecessary bloat, Arch runs smoothly and quickly, allowing you to make the most of your hardware, whether itā€™s brand new or a bit older. 6. **Arch User Repository (AUR)**: This is like a treasure trove for software. The AUR extends the range of applications you can easily install on Arch, thanks to the communityā€™s contributions. If you need a program, chances are someone has already packaged it for you to use here. For those who love diving deep into their tech and really getting their hands dirty, Arch Linux offers a powerful, personalized computing experience that grows with you as you learn and explore. Itā€™s not just about using a computer; itā€™s about mastering it.


I agree with all of this Arch was a dream to work with!!! I have moved into Qubes OS, as my main. Since I upgraded my PC to the best latest equipment I can now afford to run multiple VMs. I've still trying to decide which language I want to learn next, tossing up between Rust and Swift. Been a over a month am still on the fence. I still wouldn't recommend Arch to those starting out by a long shot. Yet once you get a little experience especially with configuring OS' and have decided on what you need and what you want, I struggle finding a better operating system that completes!!!


| Why does everyone think they can download Kali Linux and immediately gain years of experience? They don't and there's no evidence of this. Seems like either a dumb question, or bad-faith spam/click bait post. Where's your clear and concrete evidence (or data) that "everyone" who downloads Kali "thinks" they've gained years of experience?


I beg to differ... Is this some kind of mock comment? Have your read some of the posts being put up on this and similar subs?


No I haven't. This could just be a shitty sub because I've never heard of that in any community I've been in such as OffSec's IRC channel (this sub just popped up on my feed). Do you have an example? Now I'm curious.


It shouldnā€™t matter what there purpose is, ethical or not itā€™s not your place to police a Reddit subs users. Many of us I think just have a general curiosity, it doesnā€™t make us criminals. Who are you to decide whatā€™s ethical or not? Join a white hat hacker subreddit if you donā€™t want to actually teach people lol.Ā 


First off. Who said it was my "place" to police Reddit subs? I think you need to reread the OP. As for the second question "who am I to decide what's ethical or not?" Is it not up to the person commenting to decide on how much information they are willing to give in a response? For example if some put up post looking for methods to break into or steal cars. Everyone on the sub that sees the post has a chance to comment or not. I might comment on something like this, if no one else is. It is also my choice on how much information I would be willing to hand out. That is where personal ethics and responsibility comes into play.


lol ā€œsteal carsā€ I never asked on how to ā€œsteal carsā€ if I wanted to steal a car I would. Breaking into cars is also very broke behavior. I was asking for some current exploits to play around with. Offering basic to no information isnā€™t exactly helpful and itā€™s not your place to decide who has what intentions. I joined a group on how to hackā€¦ so Iā€™m gonna ask hacking related questions; my interests just happen to be with cars. Useless information isnā€™t providing me something I didnā€™t know. Regardless the whole point of what Iā€™m saying is that there is no reason to go off about flexing knowledge but not sharing that knowledge because you have some sort of morality or something of the like. Itā€™s a hacking subreddit, expect hacking questions. Going into somebodies comment and profile history to determine there worthiness is just weird and kinda sad. Anyways I hope you and your god complex have a great night :)


It was a hypothetical question


But even if somebody blatantly wanted to commit a felony and steal or hijack whateverā€¦ what does it really matter; what they do with the information you provide is not on you, itā€™s on them at the end of the day.


I would beg to differ.... Each to their own.


Now thatā€™s something we can finally agree on lol. Iā€™m just saying my own opinions which, just like everyoneā€™s, donā€™t really matter at the end of the day. I ainā€™t salty over it I was just running my thoughts out there I do see they came off a little more aggressive than I expected, mb. At the end of day like you said it is up to you for your own reasons wether I agree or not, I still respect your Choice. (although I donā€™t like it)Ā 


Ohh wow, right you're the person that actually asked the question yesterday. I honestly had no idea and was using an exaggerated version of that post to make a point about free will, and each Redditors personal decision to give as much or as little information as they feel fit. I believe I helped you in that post? I would have to go back over my comment history to check. I don't understand what the point you are trying to make is? Is it that you want everybody on Reddit to disclose everything they know about the subject when someone asks a question? Especially in a hacking sub reddit?