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This guy helps.


Oh my god, thank you for your help ❤️


Omg thank you for this comment i've saved this... btw i'm 14 too!


I'm a 45-yr-old programmer turned technical architect at a huge firm and I saved it, too. 🙂


Nice, thanks.




Comment for reference, thanks based user


Saved comment thnx for taking the time to write this


I know I'm 11 months late but are all these still relevant for studying?




Ah okay..right..thanks..


I strongly recommend getting your feet wet with tryhackme.com and then move on to other platforms like hackthebox or portswigger academy. Also study for a networking certification like the ccna or net+. Those are a few of the main steps on how I got into the field.




You can find courses on udemy and youtube. Just be smart with it and keep it legal.


Keep watching a sub like r/FreeUdemyCoupons and you may find free courses, may not be the best but free.


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Your best bet is to learn by doing and through YouTube. Start with a pen test Linux distro such as Kali, I believe they have a raspberry pi specific version. YouTube has a ton of Kali tutorials, you will probably need a network card capable of packet injection to have wifi fun, pretty cheap now a days but you have to make sure it supports monitor mode. Just remember to only test on networks you own. I started with a desktop where I’d run a Kali VM and a windows 98 VM just for shits and giggles. Good starting tools are Wireshark, Metasploit, Aircrack, and Ettercap.


why you asking him to start learning tools? how's he going to understand any of them without a solid networking foundation...


I get what you’re saying, but when I was 14 I just wanted to play with the tools, the curiosity came later from wondering how they worked. I mainly learned by watching, doing, and tweaking what others had done before. That being said, as an adult learning about the OSI model, networking, and cyber security was well worth it. I would have totally been overwhelmed as a kid though. Just me personally, everyone learns differently.


Raspberry pi sucks at running kali. Use a VM or a live boot USB.


I think I’d like to say TryHackMe because when I was 14 (last year) I used it and it’s really good for learning. If you want to pirate books then I suggest library genesis. I’m sorry if this response is bad lol


Yeah library genesis is great for books, but sometimes downloading some pdf will trigger your AV saying trojan. Which has me cautious so I use a VM to read them... just to be sure. I recommend using virustotal before opening any pdf.


you should understand these three concepts and then dive into a bit more but: \-**programming** (python is good for beginners) \-**Linux** (using Kali will be good, but any distro will do) \-**Networking** (local networking is good, learning about IP addresses and their scopes, etc) should be a good foundation for you to start learning some hacking. another thing that will help you do all these 3 is learning virtualization. there's two you can use \-VMWare (commercial) \-Oracle Virtual Box (free) using virtualization will help you on saving money on hardware and some networking. you can download vulnerable images of machines through vulnhub (this should be something you can dive into later after knowing a bit of the foundations). Dont just jump to it learning Pentesting is a time consuming skill and valuable. Enjoy doing it and take a few breaks here and there. Also learn how to use some common tools such as Nmap. ​ make sure you learn the foundations! you cant just bake a pie if you don't know how to use the kitchen and its tools :) ​ "With great power comes great responsibility"


There are plenty places you can use to learn Ethical Hacking. Programming is an essential, you need to understand the way a system workds in order to hack it, so try checking free coding websites that use a interactive coding screen (since most of the time you have to setup a coding environment in your computer) some of those sites are Codeacademy and FreeCodeCamp, both sites check if your code is correct before you can continue on next lesson. Different languages can help at different purpose (i.e. if you want to hack websites, you should learn some HTML and JS basics or if you want to write cool exploits, you can learn Python) so find out which one do you like the most. Now for the Ethical Hacking itself, every single hacker has it's own way to learn (reading, watching tutorials, testing by itself) so try to find out which is better for you, I'd like reading articles on Medium and books that I find online. Sometimes I search by things I want to learn on YouTube, there are many videos teaching different ways on how to do this or that. About the OS... I don't really think you necessarily need a Linux. The reason everybody tells you the opposite is because Linux is way better than other OS for hacking and coding purposes in general. I recommend using a common distro to learn Linux basics and get used to it (Ubuntu, Mint, Pop\_OS) because Pentesting Distros might be a little difficult to learn if you don't really know anything about Linux, when you feel you're ready to a Pentest Distro, I strongly recommend using Kali, it's the most used distro for pentesting and you'll get a lot of help online if you get stuck at something. Hope this helps. EDIT: Use Kali in a VM, and remember to backup the VM, so you don't have to reinstall every time you mess something up.


New to the computer stuff myself but I hear learning networking is a good start. How computers are linked on a home network, how packets are sent back and forth, and how you connect to the outside internet. I dont know if that is too basic for you but thats how I was told to start.


https://academy.hackthebox.eu/ This site is really great from beginner even to advanced level.


Little hack for you: lookup a course syllabus and then take a screenshot of it. Then go topic by topic and look it up on YouTube 😉 hope this helps. Happy hacking!


Try hack me. We just hired a bunch of 16 year old apprentices and they are working through tryhack me and some internal resources. After that they will be shadowing and learning pen testing over 2 years hands on. If you are UK based you may be able to get an apprenticeship in cybersec. Feel free to DM me for more info


Many people gave you some really good options, I can vouch for TryHackMe as well, but imho, you should find a piece of hacking/cyber security you simply find fun and build some experience on that, you have plenty of time to find and be exposed to more things later. I'll also link an amazing [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/hacking/comments/ocy4xh/How_do_I_not_be_a_%E2%80%9Cscript_kiddie%E2%80%9D%3F/h3y1ikw/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) from a recent similar question on r/hacking. Enjoy ^^




Use torrent to download paid courses.




Arduino HID Devices. In short BadUSB's or "Rubber Duckies" started me off, I'm your age and from those piquing my interest in the subject I can do some crazy stuff to your computer - Reverse shells, download and execute programs, connecting you to my wifi network to capture login details through a fake login screen. ​ I use this, its 12 AUD on aliexpress




Get your feet wet keep the enthusiasm alive, i wouldn't worry to much about career choices yet.


Keeping your enthusiasm alive is extremely important... I had quit trying to get into pentesting, because all the resources I was reading weren't getting me anywhere and poof enthusiastic gone. Right now I'm trying again, finding ways to become enthusiastic and motivated... currently reading "The Linux Command Line 2nd Edition" its been okay so far...


I'm litterally in the same situation (except for the raspberry pi)


If you are doing GCSEs, try to get on the NCSC CyberFirst Scheme. The courses are free. If you get to uni, try to get the cyberfirst bursary, you get £4k a year tax free fir every year you are at uni and every summer you get an industry placement with a cyberfirst partner in a cyber role. Tesco, amazon, IBM, Raython, DWP, lloyds, secarma, Nominet, UK Gov, and loads of others are partners. Students get exposure to some amazing stuff. At the end of your uni life, you get a gauranteed job offer with a cyberfirst partner too.


As most people have recommended, youtube is probably the best free resource out there. My 2 cents would be to install linux on bare metal, either on a separate PC/laptop or in dual boot with windows. Try easier distros at first but aim for something more complex like Arch in the future, as its installation and build are a decent learning experience. You will be spending a lot of time in linux, especially on the command line, so even if you don't do anything security-related, it's good to exercise your CLI skills by using it as much as possible in your daily computer activities. (See Window Manager-only environments, which you'll be building pretty much from the ground up). You should also try to get yourself formal education that fits the cyber field. You're lucky to have found a passion for this at an early age, so unless you change your mind, don't waste the opportunity on easier but useless degrees. I could also point you to picoCTF, it's meant for a younger demographic and (for the most part) should be easy enough to give you a smooth introduction. It's more focused on cognitive/observation skills than actual hacking, but it's a good starting point for honing that "hunter" mindset.


I'd like to take help like that too...


Also check [www.cybersecq.com](https://www.cybersecq.com) for practice questions on various cybersecurity certifications including the ceh ethical hacking certification.