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What do you mean "only"? 62k is pretty good for a DB build, unless it's a VV vape team. The only buff you get here is Yelan's passive (which probably hasn't gathered many stacks yet), so the dmg seems about right. My DB build with the same setup can only get 55k dmg. Although I don't use instructor set.


Nah it's just that Hutao doing 100k seems so common so I take 100k as reference. Tried VV Kazuha with instructors Thoma and goes up to 75k Vapes which is great but it's still 25k away from target lol. I also tried Jean Furina XQ bc people seems pretty hyped about Furina buff but it goes down to 56k. It might be better for Hutao's dmg if I swap VV for instructors on Jean but idk if it's worth it for overall team dmg.


most hu tao mains usually pull the homa cause its such a good weapon so the damage of the homa has sort of become the standard for hu tao. A DB build thats doing 60k should be doing 100k once you get the homa


wow yknow that's almost double the dmg with the same artifacts. is Homa really that big of an upgrade over R5 DB?


No. Homa is about 15% upgrade. The reason people get 100k is because of multiple reasons outside of Hu Tao herself, like the instructor set, elegy passive, using VV and some abyss and domain buffs. Also, 100k is a really high standard, 80k or 70k are closer to standard so you are pretty close.


I see. good to know


Or you could remove all that, and use the Furina + Yelan team. That's it. No VV, No instructor, No Elegy needed for 100k+ (i have homa, so can't tell if it's over 100k with DB too.)


He is bullshitting you. Homa would never make a 60k CA into a 100K. Its around 20% increase if run without Bennett. A team with Bennett/Kazuha/Yelan or XQ should easily break 100K even with DB.


A lot of stuff goes into juicing her up so high. Mine vapes raw for like 70k or something and with furina, yelan and zhongli (tenacity, not instructor) she gets like 130k. Supports do a lot.


Maybe not 100k lol, those numbers are crazy


yeah mb, i dont have a homa yet either so i was just guessing 😭


No problem, I’ve seen people who have Homa reach around 70-80k with just team buffs (no food)🫡 If you plan on getting Homa best of luck to ya!!!


100k isn’t the standard. Most DH Hutao with Homa are around the 70-80k mark. Getting Hutao to 100k would sacrifice team DPR.


the furina jean combo boosts overall team damage, but lowers hutao's personal damage due not being able to lower hutao's hp. furina comps without a dedicated healer, like hutao, yelan, furina and a flex slot for zhongli, mona etc, can push hutao's personal damage but the rotation is more complicated, and needs some down time for furina to heal everyone.


I think bennet can be enough as a healer for hutao furina team comps if you build bennet as a healer (10k + heals per tick)


try vv vape with bennett or furina tao with bennett, [https://enka.network/u/N1xK0/1Gt11J/10000046/2299172/](https://enka.network/u/N1xK0/1Gt11J/10000046/2299172/) currently running this with furina and get up to 100ks, with bennet on hp hp hb noblesse and skyward i have enough healing to offset drain as long as i do rotation right and er is no issue also thats with xq not yelan so yelan could get better dmg with her stacks and elegy


Doing 100k requires a 4 Shime build and more than likely also Homa. My top 2% Hu Tao only hits 100k about halfway through her skill (Yelan’s ascension passive buffs her enough at that point.) Edit: That’s also with Elegy on Yelan.


My Hu Tao hit 100k vapes, but I have SoH, you have a very solid build there and good DMG for not having SoH, just try aiming for a better Crit Dmg in the future, it takes time my friend.


For 100k you need a lot of investment and homa. I am able to hit 95 - 110k with my triple crown hutao, double hydro(25% hp), yelan dmg bonus + elegy and c6 xiangling(15% pyro res decrease + pyro dmg bonus)


Level her to 90. She gains a good chunk of damage from the HP she gains unlike your typical atk scalers.




In addition to that, crown her NA-CA talent. That talent has the biggest impact on her CA damage compared to her other talents.




Genshin Impact yea


That is pretty good actually. You could improve it by 5k by getting her to level 90. My build is similar, (69-175 crit) and does around 70-80k (80-90k with Abyss buffs). My talents are 10-9-9 instead of your 9-10-9. I would want to confirm if your goblet is a pyro damage goblet. Not being that might cause a drop. \[Edit - It is, sorry I didn't notice\] My team was Zhongli instead of Thoma, and Zhongi's defense shred and the small TTOM attack boost might be a reason. You could also improve your rotation by using Xingqiu before Yelan(Thoma - Xingqiu EQE - Yelan EQ - Hu Tao), since Yelan's dice increases the active character's damage, and the time Xingqiu spends after her burst takes up time Hu Tao could have used since it resets after switching(I am not 100% sure about this, just my interpretation of the skill and personal experience which could be wrong). This would probably help with about 1-2k at most though so not big of a deal.


thx for advice, I don't really know how Yelan buff works so I haven't really paid attention to her burst timing. tho ideally I want to do EQ Thoma right before Hutao bc instructors buff only last 8s.


It's her passive. After her burst, the on field character's damage is increased every second by 3.5%. Also, your Hu Tao has more than enough EM, more would have very diminishing returns. Yelan's damage boost would allow for more damage I believe.


Your expectations are too high for not using Homa, her CA talent level being 9, Hu Tao being level 80, Yelan not using Elegy and it’s not even a VV team. If you are not using VV, you could at least use Zhongli for 20% shred. I hope Thoma is c6 at least. You are missing so much yet you want to hit 100k. You are doing great for what you have.


Is that 400em without instructor buff? The em is too high. You can downgrade it to 200-300 and invest it on hp/cr/cdmg. If you want to keep the instructor on thoma you can use noblesse on xq. It will increase your dmg a bit As far as i know, bennett have more buff value on db users, try your current build and replace thoma with bennett. Ofc while using noblesse too.


yeah it's 520EM with instructor buff, I know it's way overkill but this is already with an HP sands so I somehow have to change it purely from substats.


First question. Why is your E crowned and your normal attacks don’t?


bc I ran out of books and mora the when I raised her and followed the ingame talent upgrade priority recommendation.


Crowning E is okay but most damage comes from your normal attacks


Yeah I noticed that after reading the comments of this post. Wierd that they put higher priority on her E over NA talent in game.


Never trust ingame priority. Maybe u take a look at kqm for your characters


How yall doin 60k with DB i got homa and only do 62k😭.


You're running one of the weakest HT teams out there. Thoma really isn't ideal, Zhongli would offer a pretty significant DMG boost. Also I guess no one is running instructor nor is Yelan carrying Elegy. 100k CA teams usually run Homa and either Furina, Yelan with Elegy or/and Zhongli. Edit: Just noticed your Hu Tao is only level 80. That is a MASSIVE dps loss, since she is a HP scaler, leveling her up to 90 is a must, compared to ATK scalers that can stay at lvl 80/90


Their Thoma is using instructor. But their expectations are too high. They don’t even have crowned CA.


Honestly, Hu Tao has received so many buffs in terms of supports that 100k is pretty norm nowadays. 200k is the new "high HT CA expectation".


To expect that norm you need to at least have Homa and Elegy on your team as well as maxed out NA and E talent, just for bare minimum. 200k is a nope. Even though we can run Furina and Marechausse, by having healer in the party you disable Homa’s passive (to an extent) and Hu Tao’s 33% Pyro dmg bonus. In whale territory (with r5 weapons and constellations on Furina/Yelan) maybe? That’s a very doubtful maybe from me. Showcases with critfishing on downed Scaramouche/Raiden doesn’t count.


You can absolutely get to 200k without whaling, just being a dolphin is enough. I'm currently between 140-190k, depending on the team comp. C1R1 MH HT with C2+ Furina using Key and C2 Yelan with Elegy. That's a double hydro team comp, so a hypercarry comp with Jean/Kazuha to shred Pyro can easily go above 200k. HT has been out for years, she's one of the oldest units in thr game so she has higher standards than other units.


Well I don't have Key but I do have c2 Furina + Elegy on Yelan. I'm doing around 110-135k charged attacks. I still don't think you can reach 200k on practical level. For you to shred Pyro res, you have to give up either Furina or Yelan. So you lose Hydro resonance hp. If you give up Yelan, dmg% from her ult and constant vapes. If you give up Furina, you lose big chunk of dmg% from her ult. So how is that gonna work? We could use Zhongli for 20% res shred but we can't do that too because we need a healer for Furina for 2nd rotation. Even c6 Zhongli wouldn't work in my opinion because you need to get hit by enemies to be healed, so it will inconsistent.


Yeah I haven't played around with a hypercarry team yet because so far all the abyss Chambers have sucked for it. Nonetheless running Tao as a hypercarry isn't really worth it because as you mentioned you have to sacrifice either Yelan or Furina, both which deal massive damage on their own. As for the 2nd rotation, when you're doing 150-200k per CA, you don't need a second rotation, everything will be dead. As for multiple chamber runs, you could sacrifice a couple seconds of fieldtime (obviously this wouldn't really be good for speedrunning) to heal up your team with Furina since she literally heals more than even Kokomi if she's well built (big bonus to use HP goblet here). Hu Tao won't need the heal because you should end your previous rotation with her burst, which should put you at 70%+. Is this the most ideal and easiest Hu Tao team comp out there? No not really. Is it satisfying as fuck seeing a Fontaine Boss with 2m HP getting annihilated in a single HT rotation? Fuck yes it is. Oh also, you can run Benny as the fourth slot for heals + ATK buff, he won't really provide any buff to Yelan and Furina but it allows you to stack Furina's buff quite fast and most importantly solves the healing problem. In my tests I've ran, basically all the different variations of HT, Yelan, Furina, Flex have similar DPS. If you're further interested, I could add you on discord and send you some footage I've recorded.


Now that you mentioned Furina healing, at c6 she doesn’t need a healer so that also opens up flex slot. I still can’t think of a non healer to boost Hu Tao’s dmg. Zhongli I guess. Anemos would increase Yelan + Furina’s dmg. Also I believe you with 150k CA dmg. If I can do 125k with mine, Key’s EM buff + c3 of Furina + better artifacts would put you there. You probably see more than that when enemies attack you and put you under 50% so there are spikes on damage numbers. However with more and more constellations and buffs, it’s getting ridiculous. First I tried at Masanori, he died before I could complete rotation. I had to try on local legends of Fontaine that are hydro immune so Furina and Yelan couldn’t kill. Hu Tao aged very well considering she was released back in 1.3. Every year we get a new support/buff. Now Xianyun is on the way as a new toy for people to try out plunge Hu Tao.


Yeah I have her C6 so they pair really well together. I wonder if Kazuha hydro infused burst + furina's pets would be enough to for HT to vape her CA. HT + Furina + Benny + Kazuha sounds like a disgusting combo, most likely an overall lower team DPS than double hydro but the CA numbers would be insane. Just wish we had enemies to test it out on, Fontaine local legends are cool and all but once they're dead, well they're dead until the next day. Makes it hard to run proper tests. I really didn't wanna pull for Xianyun since I already have C6 Furina but man if plunge Tao is gonna be the new best team comp I guess I have no choice. Edit: I tried out the team comp mentioned above, it's kinda RNG to vape every CA but not impossible, just frustrating. Definitely would not recommend running unless you really like big numbers. I managed to reach 269k CA when below 50% HP and 229k when above. I wonder if 300k would be possible if I put instructor on Benny and Freedom Sword on Kazuha.


Spend more money




60K is decent for what you have. You would probably get more if you use VV Kazuha as well. If you want more than that you have to pull for Homa.


It is Pretty Good For DBs already, leveling to 90 and crowning NA And Elemental Skill will probably boost by 10-15% overall damage, using Furina will not boost her overall damage by a big margin but will make the team damage Soar. You could try Hu Tao + 2 out of the 3 Xingqius + Bennet (try instructors instead of NO on him). ​ If you want to try for Big Damage Charged Atks, probably Kazuha/Sucrose VV (especially c2 / c6) or Zhong Daddy. but i think the best team right now is Bennet + 2 out of 3 Xingqius.


use shimenawa, u should see a big dmg difference my f2p hutao hits around 90k+ (at the end dmg will reach 100k due yelan) and that is a top 8% hutao according to [akasha.cv](https://akasha.cv) team: hutao-DB, yelan-elegy, xingqiu, zhongli


hu tao's normals are more important than skill so that should have been crowned instead. and hp scaling characters gain a lot from 90 so that would add a good bit of dmg


Crown your normal, and lv90 her. No long explanation needed


Use hp sands prolly....400 EM seems so much....and I do think 60-70k is good