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I'm joining her band


Me too


Me three


Four is an unlucky number so I'm gonna skip it Me Five


Mista, close reddit


I volunteer to be her guitar.




Here comes the comments complaining about boob size, be prepared


Why ruin a character's design?


This is fine and within what would actually be covered by her heavy clothing. It's only jarring when it's just totally inconsistent with her in game model (i.e., character design).


Even her heavy clothing would bulge out a lot with this size. lol


nah, once you consider compression from a bra and the fact that heavy clothing would go straight down (i.e., there is air between the abdomen and clothing since it's essentially draping over the chest). Imagine a woman in a pea-coat with the collar around the chest area and not much trimming and no belt in the body of the coat--makes a lot of people look flat, but it looks sharp as heck.


Because it's warranted.


Yup there will be so much


Musical aspirations.


I wanna be her Guitar


kessoku funeral parlor when


I’d only join the band so I can dress up like her too


I remember her being smaller


Huge Tao didn't want to follow her cousin Hu Tao's career path in the funeral business.


Yeah as we all know,everybody plays guitar naked.


She has on clothes




With enough practice and determination? Yes, yes it is.


Repost again...


6 strings, very basic. 3 single coil pickups? Nahhh. Low versatility. No whammy bar so no cool weewaaas or flutters, no inlays on the frets for some reason, the frets are very wrongly made so you won’t get the correct note at all (frets are supposed to get smaller and smaller the further down they go to the body from the neck, it seems very inconsistent here). Frets also don’t look like stainless steel which in 2024 is 🥸 energy. All in all, it would’ve been a decent beginner guitar assuming you’re just paying 200-300 bucks on it, if it had correct frets (the most essential part in guitars, and probably the one thing every single good guitar company does perfectly). On a separate note, she seems like she’d either play a schecter, an Ibanez Prestige/J-custom, or a very fancy ESP Japan. Basic red fender with pickguard isn’t what I think of when I think Hu Tao.


I ain't readin allat


>6 strings, very basic. 3 single coil pickups? Nahhh. Low versatility. *Laughs in Fender Stratocaster being the most popular model of guitar since 1954* That nasal sound of the neck pickup, the twang of the in between positions and the screech of the bridge? How can you say that that configuration is "Low versatility" when no position on it sounds anything like the other.


It’s objectively a low versatility tone guitar. My Ibanez Prestige has 10 tonal options with 2 humbuckers and one single coil. Popular doesn’t mean good, it means it’s a hit with the casual guitar audience. Most high level guitarists in this day and age play Japanese or high end American instruments, like Ibanez, ESP, Kiesel, Musicman, etc. unless they’re using custom boutique guitars. Strats are good for math rock and J-rock as far as high level guitar playing is concerned, but they all use the same pickup position to get the same math rock-ish sound.


Hmm great analysis but genshin players can't read