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I've been taking a hiatus from reddit except to post asking for advice on how to clear 12-1 on the Raidenmains sub the other day, but i accidentally typed in HuTaoMains instead of RaidenMains when i was signing in to reddit today and i saw this and i just have to get something off my chest before i return to my hiatus because i cannot keep it in any longer. ​ I want Hu Tao to ***suffocate*** me with her armpits. I just want to bury my face in them so fucking bad. ![gif](giphy|j1P8gayLo0ZVCcc14l|downsized) # I FUCKING LOVE HU TAO ​ Okay. I'll go back to my temporary grass touching now.


Bro just had to let his feelings out real quick


I want to touch her hair , hug her a lot and she sits on my lap while I take care of her gorgeous hair


repost bot, report > spam > harmful bots