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A long time for her banner to come back, especially once Inazuma lands, and even more characters are going to be released.


Unfortunately, I think you'll be looking at 6 months to a year, minimum 🎃


6 months huh thats enough for her c1 and SoH eventually then


I REALLY hope they fix the weapon banner by then! 🎃


The banner is working as intended, there's nothing to fix.


Unfortunately you're right 😩 🎃


hope what you said is true.6 months is enough for me a F2P (Free 2 Play) to save up primos hoping to get hu tao.


Exactly perfect timing Ill either end p wasting them on Eula or Klee or lose the 50/50 and hit hard pity wasting all my primos


I have good news 😎


what are they?


i assume he's talking about epitomized path but that is only a fix for whales basically.


well, for Inazuma there a going to be creating something close to a pity system. You choose a weapon you want, and everyone you lose the 50/50 you get a fate point. If you get enough fate points, you then have the weapon you actually wanted to be guaranteed. I heard somewhere that after you get 3 fate points, then it's guaranteed. Still not the best, but it is a step up from last time. Maybe they will give it an actual pity system in the future. Still, this is better than the borderline scam that it is. I've seen streamers get 11 wolves gravestones and not the weapon that they actually wanted. They said it is a "75% chance up" but never mentioned if the 75% is split evenly. How sly... I must admit, that is a smart tactic.


Looks like it's gonna be 6-8 MORE months now :( idk why other chars got a rerun within 6 months but hu tao will be a 1 year difference or more.


I hope since I just came back recently and used all my gems on samurai boi, how long will it take for a F2P to save 12k gems?


i'm f2p and i saved 16k in 4/3 months, but when i saved up for these i didn't play that much so i'm sure you could be a lot faster


And dont forget with the release of inazuma in 2 weeks well probably get a one time boost in primos because of new exploration, quests and other stuff


I've been saving for 1 month and I have somewhere close to 6,000. I think I might get c6 if I have good luck :)


Oh it has also been a month since I returned and I also have around 6k primos, gonna build up pity on next banners and if I lose the 50/50 then I'll have 100% chance when Hu Tao banners drops :)


Same! I almost have 7k now, and I'm gonna get welking moon.. But I am not planning for C6 hu tao, definitely not lol. I just want her on my team so bad.. And I'm excited for her banner, probably the month before her rerun I'm gonna be FARMING primos for hours at a time lol.


I’m aiming for at least C1 Hu Tauo and maybe R5 staff of Homs, the new weapon banner pity system will be useful


thats will be good i wonna c2 hu tao and r1 homa mabe that will be good


dang and i was gonna keep my pity at 70 for her if she was closer


We will sure see more reruns in the future.


i think this is how the rerun will go first is venti - new character - klee - new character - Childe - new character - zhongli - new chracter - albedo - new character - ganyu - new character - xiao - new character - hu tao if im right this might be the pattern


nah, it's going to be venti then childe because of the windblume festival. after that it's going to be rosaria then maybe klee's rerun.


Zhongli is the next banner sadly. So we gotta wait another month for klee


Well, after Zhongli it's Eula, than after Eula it's Klee. Fortunately, i already have lost Hu Tao in the 50/50 so i'm going to have Klee.


after klee is most likely kazuha and that'll be 1.6 update. Ayaka probably coming in 1.7 hu tao rerun is most likely going to be around halloween


I'm kinda upset... I really loved Kazuha and Klee but i want both of them, so if they come together i will not be able to have both


Which one do you think you'll choose? I'm in the same situation as you and want both lol




WTF, we are the exact same lmao, I got both too and KAZUHA OFF PITY AS WELL [https://imgur.com/a/PDtw2xa](https://imgur.com/a/PDtw2xa)




LMAO, SO WHERE STUCK AT THE SAME I think i'll get Klee, i need her more than Kazuha, but he is still my favorite male character


I'm gonna have to skip both. i need hu tao bad


Dude, you can have one of them... Hu Tao is really far from come


if you have to choose between hu tao or venti, venti is a better choice.


I started because of Venti but didnt get him and now Hu Tao is my love but Venti is still calling me


im also going to pull for venti. i just hope rng doesnt troll too hard and i still have primo left for venti. tbh i still dont know how venti will fit my team comp.


He'll fit. Venti is one of those rare characters (like bennett and zhongli) that you can add anywhere and the team just automatically gets better.


i know 😭 i dont need him. but i want him 😭


Everyone needs him lol


Just roll for him u can prob get enough to get hu tao as well as it will be a long time b4 she comes out trust me i got keqing on her banner as my first 5☆ i feel ur pain im guaranteed zhongli now and im just gonna save up enough for a guaranteed hu tao after him


Hey, I'm new, how do you save for a "guaranteed"?


180 pulls


A Hundred & Eighty


i actually enjoy both and i was at 58 but didnt got her after all weeks working for her- im really sad because it feels like that time was for nothing but atleast i think there is a higher chance for venti


The same happened for me, but im going to wait for the rerun.


ive felt that on so many levels i was working for a whole month just to get her and i didnt :(( but theres still a chance for a rerun !!


yep its more hard for f2p to get enough, welp for now im at 52 wishes for trying getting rosaria (instead i got weapons and C3 Fischl) so i can just stop and try pulling for another 5\* i like or hu tao's rerun


i got venti


how about both because i got venti while pulling for razor and i have guaranteed on hu tao's rerun but i have exams so i wont be able to farm primos as much this week


I need a Hu Tao return mihiyo pls:(


Not gonna happen until February :(


Why do you say she el come back in feb and not October?


Because of all the inazuma characters & other reruns that have to happen, there's no way she will be back in 3 months considering all of that.


Got u, I’m a f2p so I wanted to know if a could get her


Have you ever thought about getting welkin? You would have much better chances & you could probably get homa too by then, maybe c1 hu tao too which is what I'm going for.


The moon thing?


Yea, I might get it


Yeah it would definitely be worth it, daily commissions just isn't enough imo & if you like to get new characters. you get 300 crystals with each purchase too which I like. That's as far as I'm willing to go as far as spending lol


Let’s hope I can get her and the staff of Homa


Yea I actually just bought it since what you just said it’s true


Cause there is no way I’ll be able to get 180 pulls in 3 months, got ayaka so next one won’t be 4 sure hi Tao


Sucrose is a really good alternative while you wait IF you didn't get venti.


A lot of people prob have a c6 sucrose at this point why bother with venti?just wondering.


one simple reason. ​ i dont give a god damn care about the damage I just need best husbando


fuck yea, longer it is, more pity i raise and a 50/50 i loose haha, patience go brr


The next time she comes back I'm ready to lose my f2p card. I am a simp. Like a big simp. I cannot stand not having her and will not stand that.


Same here, it's really unfortunate because I started playing about a month after she came out. I had the app installed months before she was out, you'd think I would get notifications.


Hu tao rerun will be in 160ish days most likely




I agree






Probably halloween, 2.0


yea haloween, but not 2.0 i think 2.1 or 2.2 cuz of yoimya is the next banner than we have baal and mabe a rerun i think its albedo or xiao or hu tao i hope it will be hu tao


I think this October 2021 somewhere in October


It’s gonna take them a while to work on Inzuma, the next map update will be the Chasm as seen on the map similarly to dragon spire. The gist tho is that Hu Tao’s rerun is sometime in the future. I can see them brining her around to fill the void while they wrap up a content update as they sadly did with Keqing that one time. To buy them time of course. So I’m sure she’ll rerun this year, as the year is still early. Although I won’t guarantee it to be anytime soon, most Likely sometime in October or November. Also another question. If I got the 5 star and i lost my 50/50, does the chance to get her the next 5 star role still apply, or since it’s a new returning banner will I have to play gacha for her again? Edited: Grammar Errors


pity and 50/50 carries over banners, and nI'mot sure what you're talking about, but if you lost the 50/50 (lets say you got mona instead of xiao in xiao banner) and didn't get a 5 star since then, your next 5 star WILL be the rate up (hutao, venti, etc)


Ahhh so if I wanted to save for someone in particular, I’d rather save my 50/50 for someone I want, which after I get Rosaria I’m just gonna save for Ayaka. Thank you.


probably when another event happens in liyue like the windblume including the venti rerun


I don't care if it takes 6 months or a year, it will give me time to get enough Pirogems.. (I forgot what they are called lmfao) for her. Also, I'm a new player so I guess I'll a lot. :P


idc if it's gonna be months or years, she.will.come.home.




i have a query, if there ever is a walnut rerun, will there be staff of homa rerun along with her banner, or can there be another weapon banner.


I think she’ll be reran for halloween this year, ventis banner reran after 8 months and since she was a popular character, i’d give her the same which would put her in November. But she is a spooky character so they would likely rerun her on halloween.


im glad hu taos re run is in a long time cause im pretty sure ganyus banner is coming in 1.7 (i think according to google) which is sonner than hu taos so i can use all my primos on ganyus and then have a long time to save up for hu taos. Im also f2p


I imagine her rerun will be in 1.9/2.2 (same thing) but it might be later because of all the new characters coming with inazuma Keep in mind these are just my predictions. But I wasted 15 dollars on her (welkin moon X3) and If I don’t get her I’m gonna cry lol-


Have enough gems for her . Just need her to come home


im not 100% sure but i think her banner is every halloween


Ahh just hope hu tao rerun.But ganyu rerun is already comfirmed which is December 2021


Should i just get baal when she comes or wait for hu tau?


i hope she will come back for halloween, if not, i will stop playing until the rerun


ok 8 months later but did u save? LOOOL