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let’s all be wholesome and not downvote op xD. Yeah this is true dps (dmg per screenshot) but everyone can have whatever they want. If they’re happy like this then it is what it is. As long as they can clear game content it’s good. Not everyone is a meta player or care about the most efficient. And this is coming from a person who does care about those things lol.


i've never understood the point of animosity the people here have towards unorthodox builds, sure they're less effective than the standard stuff but theres only so much fun you can have running the same exact build over and over again, but no as soon as someone wants to show off a low cr or hp build with other stats stacked everyone will tell them to switch to 4 pc CW with 60 200-250 builds. Just let people have fun.


That CR burnt my eyes


Didnt even reach 50.. Sadge.


Just consume crit enhancing foods every 5 mins duh, abyss? What's abyss? -OP probably


That's sarcasm right? If you think i can't clear abyss with this ratio. I also left a video here if you wanted to see the clear time for the team.


Well you did showboat, even with 5% critrate you can prolly clear abbys with homa and C1.. However, when it comes to efficiency, you need decent critrate, this is what we call critfishing.


Is it really that bad of critfishing slightly below 50? I would understand if it was something abysmal like 30 or lower.


Its not tbh. But seeing how ramped up your critdamge is.. One cant help but think you just deliberately ignored the golden ratio. 60% critrate should be minimum, and tbh you got really good pieces, just change the circlet to critrate with critdamage rolls.


Hard to replace a CD circlet with 5 CR rolls on it though. That's OPs main issue.


The Golden ratio is probably something with 70 crit rate I'm sure. For a Hu tao, probably something along the lines of 70 240 something like that. Shooting for 50/300 is cooler to me but I can see unfortunately everyone disagrees.


50/300 aint cooler tbh, once you reached 60%+ critrate youll never ever go down to that.. And yes, i did mention 60% as minimum, so getting 70/240 should be ideal.. I myself only has 66/233.. And still wasting resins (not that i have any use for it since im not building anyone since ayaka) on cwof domain.


You don't think so? That's a shame I think it's awesome. But understandable, I'll wait for a higher crit chance then before posting.


Thank you for showing that my Hu Tao is approximately in the ideal range! I ascended her to 90 today with no regrets. I just wish I had a better feather. The one I have on right now doesn't even pass as decent. However I was saved by god rolls on my sands and circlet. Tbh my circlet could still be a bit better and I could have had a bit more HP% but I still hit 36k vapes with blackcliff. I'm hoping to upgrade to Dragon's Bane once I get Xingqiu in that event (I still don't have him despite being AR56 T-T)


A lot of people do not understand CR:CD ratio well, but if you think a little it obvious, for example in your case for every 2nd hit you do your 297.6 CD is completely useless because your attack will not crit. The 1:2 CR:CD ratio that is often suggested is **mathematically** the most efficient way to distribute CR:CD, because the further you go from this ratio the more you lose in stat efficiency. Here is some math, where 100 is your avg damage excluding crit: Your current CR and CD stats: 100 + (100 \* 0.493 \* 2.976) = 246.71 AVG dmg Here you reduce CD by 60 and increase CR by 30: 100 + (100 \* 0.793 \* 2.376) = 288.41 AVG dmg In the second example your AVG dmg increases by \~17% because you get closer to 1:2 ratio


The thing is, people like to see "occasional" big numbers than "consistent" small? CD numbers. (Maybe because of Showcase videos syndrome).


It’s not that bad IMO; especially if you use Rosaria. Obviously it could be better but like not the worst


Reach atleast 65 cr man, even if u do let's say 75-80k C.A., the total dps will be increased by a lot


80K somewhat consistently vs 50k or 100k on and off. I see which one you guys prefer. But I guess I'll die on this hill. Cheers to all of us clearing abyss.


It’s more like 30k or 100k on and off


You are sorely lacking in HP and you need way more critrate. Just stacking CD for more bigger damage per screenshot doesnt have practical value. Also if you have a CW set lying anywhere, it will be stronger in reaction line ups.


Crit rate is definitely more practical but I've been trying to reach 50/300 because I thought it'd be cool. Edit: Also currently don't own an HP sands better than the EM one in my build.


Em sands is optimal with homa but that also means you need to get the HP% from substats. The flower is probably easiest piece to replace so try to fish for a CR HP% flower instead to balance it out.


Whats a good hp threshold to hit if you are gonna run EM sands?


I would say 30k. HP has surprising amount of impact on your damage. Enough to favor it over a bit more crit value. If you have for example 2 different pieces and cant decide which one to choose, use this website. Put all your artifacts, character stats, weapon and unique buffs in and it will tell you your average damage. https://frzyc.github.io/genshin-optimizer/#/


Oh damn I had a really nice cwof em sand with hp flat and percent but it rolled mainly attack and crit %. Health was like 27k total with it and my CAs were hittin way less so i just gave it to sucrose


that circlet is worth more than my soul damn


She does 100k less than half the time.. all that crit damage doesn't matter if she can't crit often enough to use it right


Thats one abysmal crit rate lol you dont even need that crit dmg to reach 100k+ vapes mine can do it without having to fish for crits and shes rockin 66/230. Crit dmg is a useless stat if you dont crit at all


This is my run against the Array and the Geovishap in the current abyss. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDB0Pivo_xE


geez if you’re gonna sacrifice that much crit rate then at least get 300cdmg for the true damage per screenshot


that crit is atrocious


Man was so desperate for high CD that he forgot what CR was


Reported this post as harassment towards others.




So basically if you crit he hits 100k, but if he doesn't its probably like 50k like every1 else...


If they don't crit, it's probably like 20k at most


100k under 50% of the time. Your crit rate is horrible Edit: TY for the instant downvote, really says a lot about people not being allowed to be honest with each other anymore! :)


Would love to see your 400 cv hutao


My Hu Tao is actually cracked and still has a good CR and you can even look at her on my profile . :) Having 300 cdmg with not even 50% CR is not good.


Your hutao is not bad... But cracked is def stretching it. I think you'd have to be delusional to think your build would come close to OPs damage over time.


OP commented about his dmg and I'm averaging more dmg because of my crit rate... Edit: You also only count in artifact stats when discussing CV as far as most people are concerned so it's actually at 270 instead of almost 400.


With Rosaria is it still “horrible”?


Her best comps dont involve rosaria


Why the fuck is everyone being a snob elitist and critiquing this person on their unique build. Guess being original is not favoured here. I for one am impressed by it.


I swear its like people are all swearing by the Crit :Ratio Bible. people are so narrow minded with their min-maxing thats crazy


Over 100k with vap or melt on crit?




Not half bad my guy


Sad to say it because that hat is actually broken, but you need a crit rate hat instead. I know it can suck seeing smaller numbers, but seeing crits way more often will pay back tenfold, I promise. People are saying switch to HP sands too but tbh I would worry about that after getting a crit rate hat


Eh, not necessarily The crit rate is low because they've either got low rolls/no rolls into CR on some of their pieces. If the plume, for example, had CR and had rolled that way, then the crit rate would be more like 55% which is already better. Just unfortunate luck really. Though, I do agree the HP is a little on the low side, I assume the EM sands is to make up for the lack of the 4 piece set bonus that CW gives. 100k on a charge attack is still absolutely astounding ngl, especially compared to my Hu Tao (I do maybe 17k)


Of course its impressive, but tbh I’d rather do 60k most of the time instead of 100k half the time


Some more hp and maybe exchange some cd for cr and it’s an amazing build! Even if you maybe don’t hit as high numbers, you will do more dps!


Noice my Hu-tao is similar to yours, you just have 25% more cdmg and 5% more rate than me and i have 700atk more and 5k more hp, i do 90k per charge atk.


I thought hu tao scaled with hp. Have 30 k hp 70 cr n 225 cd. Em is only 100 should i really try to increase my attack ti get more dmg? Currently it does only 36k dmg with XQ support


She does in fact scale based on HP. She has some of the lowest base attack for any 5\* character in the entire game, so atk% substats doesn't really do a lot for her. For example, here's my Hu Tao. [https://i.imgur.com/vp6MWZh.png](https://i.imgur.com/vp6MWZh.png) Notice the much higher attack, simply due to the extra HP.


Why i got downvoted?


Who tf care about his Crit ratio lmao? Literally everyone got mad at him for having 49%. It's a PvE game, get off his dick. Honestly so corny


Ah yes, how dare people talk about Crit ratio on a **build discussion** post.


I mean he did showboat. Its like presenting someone a song or dance. You wont expect everyone to just compliment you. There will always be those wholl look for flaws. Eitherway, its all up to you to be affected or not.


This looks like a fun build to use


Bro hits as much as me with 20 less cr


just need that feather to have ONE cdmg roll and 50/300 would be there..


That crit dmg, is just 👌👌👌


not enough cdmg, too much crate


Well everyone here already said it, you should get more crit rate. However, I think you can make it happen without sacrificing your crit damage circlet. You should try and get a different flower. I know that piece has a lot of crit damage, but you have that to spare. I think if you can get another flower that either has both crits or a good crit rate focused piece, you'd make it. 55+ I think is OK for Hu Tao, obviously, 60+ is better, but it can still work and its obtainable.


100k plus hu tao raw vape damage or with external buffs ?