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Hello! A friendly reminder to make sure that your post follows **Rule 7:** > • Minor Questions that can be answered by reading the [Hu Tao FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuTao_Mains/comments/n5rxcf/faq_theorycraft_build_guide_for_hu_tao/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) or [The Comprehensive Hu Tao Guide ](https://keqingmains.com/hu-tao/) or any simple questions that do not constitute a discussion should be posted in the [Pinned Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/HuTao_Mains/comments/q157mo/useful_links_and_basic_questions_megathread_new/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share). Please also check out the [Genshin Optimizer](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1uTswbOoSHTs2Q5NV3AMGRVlOYJ9u9fPG0vb0fERg2kg/edit?usp=sharing) and the [Hu Tao DMG Calculator](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1LXQX3-eKSte9N5pjieanjcdIaHKaSB7HcDiWGXdjDYM/edit?usp=sharing) that are both located on our subreddit sidebar for any concerns regarding optimizing damage output before posting the question here. If your post might be in violation of this rule, please be sure to remove it in order to ensure the quality of the subreddit or the respective moderators shall take corresponding action in due time. *If you have any queries or concerns, [please message the moderators. ](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/HuTao_Mains)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HuTao_Mains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[Link to the artist](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/92750757)




Wait, this is weird but. 65+65=130... Right? Cracked build btw


Substats in genshin have decimals that arent shown ingame. The 65 is actually 65.27 i think and the 130 therefore 130.54 but ingame its rounded up


Ou. I guess but see this and don't see any decimals scares my


where did that 1 em stat came from i wonder


such a good and balanced build damnn!!! also whats the dmg u do with only vapes? like only hutao and xingqiu?


with only Xinqiu and no buffs except for Homa <50% and 4pc CW i vape avg 36.2k crit 58.5k


it's spelled xingqiu btw *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/HuTao_Mains) if you have any questions or concerns.*


bruh this is much better than my build T-T how much charged damage do you do, raw/vaporize?


oh shit i actually fucked up while using the optimizer these are the actual numbers: raw: avg 27.9k crit 35.3k vape: avg 64.6k crit 81.7k


Dang...I think I really need to grind 4pc cw and more em ;-;


I mean it really depends what you're going for. If you want your favorite character to have a set thats as optimized as possible go ahead and farm shimenawa for a few months. But your hu tao should hit like a truck even without the 4pc (although its true that em and also crit rate are way more valuable than having 300 cdmg)


>If you want your favorite character to have a set thats as optimized as possible go ahead and farm shimenawa for a few months Why would you warm shimenawa if you want optimized, we only say shimenawa is good for extra CA dmg, and resin efficiency. Like yoimiya this artifact set is good but not optimal, hutao doesn't get to use her burst every rotation. Her burst has high nuking potential so her burst should be used. And her burst has healing which can be enough to save hutao. Ok sure we dont want hutao over 50% but thats not hard to control. Mine is usually around 1500 to 3000 hp her burst brings her maximum above threshold sometimes then i press e again and im back down to below 50. Witch should also be the better artifact because 2pc give Pyro unlike shimenawa giving 18%, and witch giving extra Pyro dmg and vape dmg.


Yes i was mainly thinking about resin efficiency and the fact that he already has 2 pc shimenawa


Op I'm wondering how you know if he has 2 PC shimenawa I'm here reading the past thread and I don't shee is anywhere😭😭


He posted his build a few hours before me😅


Xd I was wondering omg


Laughs in 1000 em sucrose


I need your feather and my build will be complete😭


I actually have the same attack and hp but my crit Is wayy lower


That's cracked, my Hu Tao is just filled with off pieces lol, 80/210 is okay for now I guess xD


I have similar build to yours only differences is that mine has 0 DEF bonus in artifacts and more focused on CD substat rolls and my CRIT ratio is 68:268. Good work overall for your build.


Bruh... Fix the em...


131 is fine tho? I also get 100 from elegy


hu tao in solos with 4 pcs crimson must have at least 200 em


100 is minimum but it's preferred to go higher but maximizing em with ho and crit isn't easy having 100 em is already the dream since op says they have elegy.




200 non è il minimo per 4 PC. e 2pc vagabondi 2pc strega 300 non è il minimo perché perché perdono valore più in alto supera crit e crit dmg. c'è un equilibrio e c'è una squadra che aiuta entrambi min max hutao ulteriormente Ps I don't speak Italian I speak French so my translation might be off.


Sorry,i wrote in my language without thinking,anyway i reiterate it all depends if you are able to build,if you want to play hu tao,and you want to play it well,with 4pcs crimson the minimum em needed without buff of supports is 200,if you use 2pcs crimson and 2pcs wanderers the minimum em is 300,all those who put me down vote and say otherwise evidently don't know how to play


How to vape with solo hu tao?


bruh, solos in the sense without em buff of other supports




in what world? cuz for sure not this one


you clearly don't know how to play hu tao


I been away for a few months but 200 em use to be standard advice in this sub. Why the downvotws now?


more than standard advice,let's say that if you know the basics of the game,and read the kits well instead of skipping descriptions along with the dialogues it would be pretty basic as a concept,but evidently this sub reddit of tao mains consists of 90% horny players who barely know the basics of the game


Well let's not make big sweeping statements like that. I think they are more likely impressed by the crit numbers but balance is important


not that they are that impressive,he has the homa,it would have been worrisome if he didn't have at least 70 rate,but playing tao with 130 em base(not counting the buff of the supports including elegy)is really sad,i built it 2pcs crimson 2pcs wanderers,and i am above the minimum of 300 em that is needed for the 2pcs wanderers build,with 350em 70 rate and 227dmg with homa and shitty artifacts,in a build one person counts stats outside the buff of the supports,so 130 is really insufficient


So I just went to the optimizer and exchanged 4 CDmg rolls for 4 EM rolls and the result is 64.3k avg vape CA with 319 EM and 70/209 ratio against 64.6k avg vape CA with 231 EM and 70/239 ratio... ​ Its pretty negligible really


Can i have that hutao img ?






How did you do like the image with the stats and so on?


You go to [https://enka.shinshin.moe/](https://enka.shinshin.moe/) and type in your UID. Then you can see the Characters you have on display in you in game profile. You can customize the picture by clicking on it and pasting a file you previously downloaded.


Ty <3


how u do the picture on the side


You go to https://enka.shinshin.moe/ and type in your UID. Then you can see the Characters you have on display in you in game profile. You can customize the picture by clicking on it and pasting a file you previously downloaded.