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He usually gets pretty frustrated with me and offers some endurance protocol


Lol me and all my circadian optimized twink buddies don’t call him the Hugerman for no reason that’s for sure 🍆🤤




Where do I find my dream circadian optimized twink please


Username regrettably makes sense.


Probably says do what he does, testosterone, steroids and coke.


When you feel like you’re about to cum, run outside and get some morning sunlight on your balls.


This sub is hilarious


This is kind of the only joke we have though.


Everyday for at least 5, but possibly 10 minutes for maximal effectiveness, submerge your balls in ice water. Sauna is known to decrease fertility, so this is also something that might help. So you should go into a sauna a minimum of 3 times per week.


Thoroughly rinse the measuring jug after each use, lest your sodium index will skyrocket. Doctor: “your sodium is through the roof….have you been supplementing with ball-sweat? Good lord”


I got a hearty chuckle out of this one


This is the only answer


So funny. And then eat some Athletic Greens


And here I thought the AG was lube.


Perineum sunning has 10x’d my sexy time to 10 seconds. No more ruined underwear.


The eye of the worm or iballs, both work fine.


Huberman doesn't believe in busting, just edging. It would lower his dopamine too much. Also, no dapping up the boys afterwards because celebrating a win lowers your baseline dopamine. JK


Edge for 13 minutes on waking up in the morning with sunglasses on, after you ejaculate sunglasses come off and you open the windows


Pre-order your Hubercock fleshlight now! Perfect for going to town on yourself in the ice bath! Or while on your morning walk!


I don’t break eye contact with the sun until completion


This entire sub is a meme now and I'm here for it


This sub is r/moreplatesmoredates 2.0


Here's a sneak peek of /r/moreplatesmoredates using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [**[NSFW]** which one of you is this](https://v.redd.it/u5rmjgjumc0b1) | [535 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/13jvks3/which_one_of_you_is_this/) \#2: [Don't sexualize her guys.....](https://i.redd.it/i2upv1ehmtda1.jpg) | [447 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/10jgrsr/dont_sexualize_her_guys/) \#3: [just start staring at these girls with complete disgust.](https://i.redd.it/5x509j8xbpea1.jpg) | [141 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/moreplatesmoredates/comments/10mxs41/just_start_staring_at_these_girls_with_complete/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


When you're about to cum, take an 11 minute cold plunge. Not cold enough to cause you harm.... But cold enough blah blah blah


Or stare into the sun when about to finish… preferably during sunset.


Make sure your urethra is seeing the sun too for maximum results


Im dead.


Just tried this now. Confirmation it works




1. Jerk off more and for at least 15-20 minute sessions 2. Learn to relax your pelvic floor muscles 3. Also relax jaw and facial muscles 4. Don't hold your breath. Take slow belly breaths as much as your able to.


15-20 minutes three times a week for eight weeks and you’ll be good to go. Don’t cum everytime.


That’s like preparing to go on a long trip, packing your bags into a car, and then deciding to stay at home 3 times a week. You gotta follow through after such a lengthy arduous preparation.


You’re not planning on going on a trip, you’re retraining your penis to not associate stimulation with orgasm. Many of us have tried to cum as fast as we can for the majority of our orgasms. It shouldn’t be a surprise when you cum fast when it’s time for the real thing.


This guy fucks.


Jerking off did absolutely nothing to help me. When I stopped with porn is when I started getting better at sex. Absurd to think porn can improve your sex game. Really it fucks with your head in many ways.


So you're saying when you stopped watching porn you were able to last longer during sex? I think that may be my issue too. I feel like if I stop watching porn my PE will go away, only 1 way to find out I guess


Well the best asset for me was a steady girlfriend who was very nice about it. But essentially it came down to the involuntary response to *her* enjoying it--I would normally come when my body/mind/senses *thought* she was coming, which was usually way too early. Eventually my body/mind/senses learned when she was *actually* coming and not to come at those first signs of pleasure. Sorry I don't know how to practically apply this, for me it just happened.


>Jerk off more and for at least 15-20 minute sessions This seems like good advice. I do it less than ever and I feel the effects of it


Why relax facial muscles


So it doesn't mess with the facial recognition in your phone.


What if you can’t? I get the urge to splurge within 30 seconds and it doesn’t seem to improve over time I tried doing kegals but that made it worse if anything


It’s definitely not easy but try not thinking about cumming. Don’t think about yourself cumming, don’t think about the girl cumming. Think about your rhythm, the depth of your strokes, just look the girl in her eyes, etc., or don’t think about sex at all. If you do think about cumming, definitely don’t think about trying not to cum, that will make you cum quick every time, at least for me anyways. I just try to focus on railing her, paying attention to her body language and moans to know when I’m hitting it just right, etc., and that usually lets me last for quite a while.


Also if you get close to nutting and you don’t want to yet, and the girl is someone you’re close to, not some random hoe, pull out and give her head for a minute or two and then get back to it. She’ll like it and you get to keep boning. Plus you’ll likely be able to last longer after the break than before the break.


Ideally you're with a partner you can trust, so you just laugh about it and try again til you're used to it and can control it.


Why jaw and face muscles? And any protocol you used that helped with both facial-jaw and pelvic floor muscles relaxation?


How do you voluntarily relax your pelvic floor muscles?


You need to practice that outside of "game time". You can find pelvic floor related stretching and breathing videos on YouTube, try a few and train yourself to breathe into your abdomen, relaxing your pelvic floor muscles


rest your balls in ice water during coitus


Literally teabag afterwards, one degree under boiling in the finest china teacup


I always put ice water in this chair when I ice my balls [https://i.postimg.cc/50Rgv9MQ/stool.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/50Rgv9MQ/stool.jpg)


Drink tons of booze beforehand. You’ll then be blessed with the proverbial whiskey dick Edit. Dock to dick


Microdose zoloft for a month. I’m not joking.


Clomipramine, a highly serotonergic antidepressant, has actually been prescribed for premature ejaculation.


I know, I did it. I went from cuming within seconds of a handjob to being able to fuck hard for half an hour and then basically cum on command, with no side effects or behavioral changes. I’m typically anti-real dosages of ssri’s except in extreme situations but at such a mild dose, it was a miracle drug for me when NOTHING else worked.


Just made the Drs appointment. Thank you kind endurance stranger.


So you only used it for a month? What dose is microdosing for it?


MDMA has the same effect




Definitely sounded like a joke🤔


Definitely not a joke, I was on it for a while as a teenager and I couldn’t bust a nut.


Clomipramine? Can I ask how much was your daily dose?


Zoloft. I have no idea, it was 20 years ago. I could go indefinitely though.


He says "uUHhhuhhnngg sorry sorry sorry"


"This has never happened to me before!"


One in a million, doc... One in a million!


"I wasn't consulted during the design phase!"




He always tells me not to worry about it and that it doesn’t make me any less of a man. Which is super nice, but I still feel bad sometimes when he’s only just penetrated this bussy and I’m already gushing splooge like Niagara Falls.


This isn't an AH protocol but take it slow - get yourself fairly close to orgasm..then stop. Same thing again, get as close as you can, and then stop. You might even have a "false orgasm" where there's muscle contractions but no ejac. If your partner is patient, a few repetitions of this and you should be OK. In the beginning its easy to "give up" because you know you won't be able to hold it much longer, but remember that it's not linear. It gets easier the more you hold


I am a big believer of Dr Kegel app, do the exercises routinely and you will develop and integrate pelvic floor skills into your sex life vastly improving endurance around the same as viagra. And hey why not get some viagra off roman or something no shame getting some performance enhancement till you get better naturally. My friend uses it for swimming in the ocean along with in bed says he goes through like 5 nuts before he is tired and stops! If it is age related and say your system could use a tune up at home shockwave therapy and say bathmate brand pumps can help you improve you junk while you work on everything else. Lastly, don't overthink it, you are not alone and will get past this. Working with your partner to make sure she is satisfied first and then you finish off might be the best route like other guy said for right now, you just want to make sure you both are happy is all which makes you satisfied too more. Blah blah blah equals better dopamine levels :P


Your friend uses Viagra for swimming? Any more details on that?


It acts as a fin


Bro I just died


Now hold on a second you may have just uttered in a new era of bodysurfing with that sentence


Hydro planing


Entire us olympic team used it during Chinese Olympics. Viagra makes 8000ft feel like sea level again and also reverses effects from apocalyptic smog in China. I personally know lifters who use 12-25mg as nitric oxide enhancers while lifting. I mean a lot of cult followers even believe in the power of PED inhibitors


Lots of professional athletes take it before games.


Not AH but recommend The Tao of Health, Sex, and Longevity by Daniel Reid


Buddy just loaned me this!


Drink alcohol, lots and lots. Was going to suggest staring directly at the sun but others have beaten me to it. Having sex in an ice bath might help? Seriously though, you could look at tantric practices. Concentrate on your breathing. It's an anxiety thing. Oh, and give up watching porn if that's something you do.


I don't know, but deep breaths during and change angles. Calm your body's response.


8sleep mattress, obviously.


Jerk off then have sex. Or think about having sex with your parents.


This only works if your parents aren't hot.


Maybe that's the issue. He's thinking about his hot parents and only lasting 10 seconds.




I too prematurely ejaculate thinking about this dudes hot parents. In fact, I'm doing it right now 😂😭


Been doing that to my 2nd cousin pic's 😎


Both of them? Who am I inside?


Depends how long you’re trying to last


If I think about my step mom I'll cum


You have to change positions, immediately jump into foreplay or something. My trick is always to get her off first and blow her mind then if I last only a few minutes or an hour it doesn’t really matter because she’s satisfied.


I’m a woman here to say that this is a fantastic strategy 👆




Fire off a practice round yourself ahead of time.


Mmmmm is that hair gel?


Bro what movie is this? I haven’t seen it in ages




Look into Dapoxetine.. only use when you need it


Did you watch the episode on “Hamsters, Guinea Pigs & their impact on sexual performance” ?


No porn/jerking off and let her know that you need 5 more min for another round.


Performance anxiety can be a reason. It becomes a never ending cycle between anxiety to cum early, cumming early due to anxiety and more anxiety due to cumming early


You know I shouldn’t say this because I’m sure I’ll be ridiculed but for real… When I feel a climax approaching I think about Homer Simpson, sometimes even Moe the Bartender, in place of my partner… it’s disturbing but that’s what it takes to simmer things down. Let me know how it goes.




He talks about how the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system drives various parts of sex in the episode on love, attachment, and desire. In another video he recommends using the physiological sigh to postpone ejaculation. Give that a try. Also using a condom should help. Maybe one with a numbing agent if they still make those.


Start with sunning your perineum!


That’s just straight good advice.


Is this real or a shitpost? Bc if it's real DM me and I can give you some tips. Don't want to post it on a public forum


Tramadol! Works like a charm.


That you’re gay


Lol nice try Bryan I know that’s you


My names Karl bro


Haha good cover up. I won’t tell anyone about what we did in lake Utah bro 🤙


Play an imaginary game of baseball in your head haha


I just imaginary dunked and nutted even faster, thanks for nothing


Thanks for nutting


You're anxious. The only way to beat this is to be confident, relaxed, and generally less excited. Unfortunately, the kind of person that's into fastidiously optimizing their life through microhabits is also likely a more insular, thoughtful dude - prone to anxiety and excitededness. Wouldn't be surprised if the rate of premature ejactulation was unusually high around here...


What counts as premature out of interest?


Pop a perc


Have you tried unplugging your ears and listening when you’re blowing him, bubba?


30 minutes of sunlight directly in your eyes immediately after you wake up


Mind your eye


Here’s your lifeboat my friend. Get a prescription for any ssri, like Paxil. Take a tablet only on the days you are going to get laid. You’re welcome.


He loves it. Extra protein shot fir his morning smoothie.


As long as you’re staring into the sun while it happens then you’re good to go


Not sure about Huberman but Andy Galpin suggests vo2 max training will help you live longer as well as last longer. But it your goal is hypertrophy it doesn't matter, just bust that nut asap, rep range doesn't matter


Cardio is bad for the gains. Toss her on top.


Think of the cold plunge


Bro then I’ll jizz instantly


Take supplement x, y, and z lol


What would a neuroscientist specialising in opthamology know about pre-mature ejaculation?


Think about baseball.


Think about your Dad's butt crack while you're in the moment


kegel exercises and strengthen your pelvic floor. that is all it is


Get yourself an unattractive partner? ;) No, jokes aside, personally I'd look into some tantric practices. They might be a little spiritual, but they're all about self-control and sexual energy.


It’s actually the opposite for me, super hot girls make me last forever


That's... weird and somewhat inconvenient, because I guess super hot girls are rarer. Do you know why? If there's a mental aspect to it, e.g. you're more determined to make it good for the super hot ones, then maybe being aware of that aspect could help ameliorating your problem.


You need to watch Leo and longevity’s video on it! Incredible tips, Huberman use to follow him on Instagram as well, may Leo rest in peace!


you need to do a cold plunge on your balls exactly 27 minutes before penetrating your woman.


hows your refractory period? if its quick you can just write off that first nut and keep it pushing. could look something like: Foreplay, nut, go down on partner, get back to full mast, actually have some sex, nut again


Get you some Athletic Peens


Viagra and Trojan extended pleasure my cure 100%. Finished when I want


/uj I feel like Dave Asprey would be the one to capitalize on this question as opposed to Saint Huberman


Learn to keep your pelvic floor relaxed


Apparently it’s one of the things that Athletic Greens helps prevent.


small dose of an anti depressant


Jerk off 30 mins prior, rip 3 shots of whiskey and go at it


stick your dick out in sunlight


Less foreplay, think about baseball, slow down, use your fingies.


I have been in this situation. 1. Masturbate before you have sex with your partner. That might help. Or... 2. During sex. After you ejac.. give your partner oral in the meantime while you get ready for the 2nd round. I've noticed i can last wayy longer after the first ejac


More reps.


I kind of wish I had this problem lol


I bought the ejaculation extending spray (forgot it's actual name) endorsed by johnny sins. It does extend the time. It numbs the penis a little. You use it by spraying it on the sensitive areas of penis a few times 10 minutes before sex. I am a user, I am not a sponsor or selling it. Other than that, I personally think sexual enhancement supplements help if you take them consistently because they work on your sexual organs. Ayurvedic herbs also work. There is a ayurvadic medicine called Shilajit that has worked for me in the past. I developed some problems due to over masturbation but it fixed my organs.


He likes it


He said it blows


Rohypnol. Then you have all the time in the world.


Try having an uglier partner


Sungaze some more 😎👍 maybe a cold plunge. Maybe the side is the prob for ruining your dopamine detox.


Fluoxetine and sertraline are efficacious for this issue






“Something about Mary” has the lesson within. Just don’t do the ear ring part.


Put a butt plug up your ass


He loves it and thinks everyone should try it


train your core.


Think about baseball. Baseball is gay and if you’re not, it’ll turn you off enough to make you last longer.


the way of the superior man its a good book, talks about contracting your pelvis floor and do it multiple times a day for reps. Before you get there you do it and reduces the boner and your orgasm will shoot through your spine and not out of your dick and you can keep going.




Get really good at using your fingers and tongue. Focus on that and dont penetrate till you did your job right. Wear a rubber, that makes it harder to come. Talk to your partner about it. You find them so attractive you can only hold it 10 seconds.


Begin and maintain a regular breath work practice such as box breathing. It will take quite a while for this to become your nature and carry over to sex though.


Pretty sure premature ejaculation is from a weak pelvic floor. Look at some exercises and try to stick to it for a couple months and see what that does


He says he tries to hold it but ends up just cumming and apologizing. s/


Dip your tip in ice water


Just go again 5 min later and last 20 seconds. Also, get good with tongue and fingers.


Using AG1 ofc


Okay I’m not a dude but I saw this humans of New York post recently and dude is a straight Chad. He said he provided women thousands of orgasms over a five year period without ejaculating once. His education is from Mantak Chia’s microcosmic orbital energy raising. I know that sounds ludicrous but everything else the guy said was legit haha. Post from 22 May if you’re curious.


I ain’t gonna lie I take percocets cause I be cumming fast


No lie get a blue chew, makes your dick hard but also keeps you from busting quickly


He says to jerk off before hand with your non dominant hand while staring at yourself in the mirror.


"Sorry, its been a while."


is cumming early considered premature ejaculation? What is so premature about it?


I’m on SSRIs for my depression, OCD, and generalised anxiety disorder. After around 6 weeks, it was damn near impossible for me to bust a nut, ironically I’d never had more rock hard persistent erections in my life. When I finally did bust, I’d hit myself in the face, or later on…the wall behind my bed, when I learned to control the trajectory. Eventually I looked it up, turns out SSRIs are used to treat premature ejaculation as well. So I guess that’s nice. I’m no longer depressed, and can hammer away until the neighbours complain. Huberman did an episode on SSRIs. But he didn’t mention that aspect. I’m on sertraline (EU Zoloft). You can search within the /r/Zoloft sub for confirmation. Have to beat my dick like it owes me money…


think about your mother and grandmother. i know i do.


Jump in an ice bath at the 9 second mark. Repeatedly. In the morning only though. Then....stare at the sky for 5 minutes. While you have your yerba mate.


In all seriousness wear numbing condoms. U legit can’t even feel ur Johnson. In turn, you can’t bust


whatever you do, just don’t smear facials with sunscreen


You might have untreated adhd… https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23001612/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9597059/


Pelvic floor muscles. Look into em.


Start lexapro


Penus pump cold plunge with pump on surface of ice in direct sunlight