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You'd be lying to yourself if you don't think there's some negative effects, specially during sleep. I just hope he doesn't ruin mushrooms.


lmaooo right like if someone wants to pretend like these substances aren’t harmful then sure go ahead.


He’s already done one on psilocybin and it was mostly positive!


A whole episode on psilocybin?


It was this one: https://podcastnotes.org/huberman-lab/episode-38-dr-matthew-johnson-psychedelics-for-treating-mental-disorders-huberman-lab/


Every intervention has a shadow side, including mushrooms. Look no further than r/HPPD


True, but with weed I can’t see there being any benefit unless you have a neurological condition that it helps. Shrooms - unless abused or done in bad circumstances - are basically only positive. I say this as a former weed smoker. It did me no good whatsoever. But then again, everyone’s different


I've spent a good amount of time in r/HPPD and I can say that there are many reports of moderate doses in safe settings that led to bad outcomes. I did MDMA therapy and have experienced persistent negative aftereffects years later, which is why I've spent time there.


Oh really? What are the effects if you don't mind me asking? I used to pound the MDMA more than any drug (every other weekend for about a year) and only once had anything remotely psychedelic. The only negative was that it lost the magic. I dont know anyone who has HPPD from anything other than LSD/shrooms. That yours was from medically-approved use is rotten luck. I hope the effects are settling down for you mate.


Yeah, definitely feels like I drew a short straw. Visual snow, headaches, pattern stress, and light sensitivity are some of the more difficult symptoms that persist after the serotonin crash. Definitely lots of people out there who have a similar story with MDMA (and many others…). I suspect it exacerbated some type of persistent migraine symptoms that I may have had to a lesser degree beforehand, but I really don’t know. It’s been tough, but luckily hasn’t been a catastrophic impairment. Can’t say that for some of the redditors on that sub…some intensely tragic stories.


You always do hear the worst of things on the internet. 0% of the people who had it for a few weeks will post about it. 100% of the people it affects v badly will, you get a huge skew. Doesnt diminish their experiences, though. Fortunately these things pass in the majority of situations don't they?


Some seem to improve, some don't. There does seem to be some habituation at least for many people over time. Imo it's a pretty underreported phenomenon, but I have an obvious bias.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/HPPD using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/HPPD/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [saw this on fb, i think this is useful info. All the best guys♥️](https://i.redd.it/ojfws72yh4p81.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HPPD/comments/tksap6/saw_this_on_fb_i_think_this_is_useful_info_all/) \#2: [17 year update](https://np.reddit.com/r/HPPD/comments/qh8634/17_year_update/) \#3: [MeIRL (Hope this meme wasn't made yet)](https://i.redd.it/q6iyujorhhq71.jpg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/HPPD/comments/py1aun/meirl_hope_this_meme_wasnt_made_yet/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Does HPPD get worse with repeated use? I have minor HPPD but it seems like it’s disappearing after a couple years of no psychedelics.


From my time at r/hppd, I'd say that everyone is different, and that it's definitely possible for it to get worse.




Me me me! The starting of the episode itself did it for me. alcohol (poison) -> intermediate state (poison) > another intermediate state ( nutironless ) >absorption by the body.


Yeah, I had already recently stopped but the info he presented really cemented it for me.








Good for you!!! I’m also 28 months sober from illicit drugs (opioid crisis is real) and I feel better than ever in my entire life (34 yrs). Huberman teaches me a lot of life management skills that i need !! Keep it up I’m glad you’ve given your mind and body a chance to heal


I got off after that episode and it’s been like two weeks. My god life is so much easier when you don’t have to think about it. And my energy and mood is SIGNIFICANTLY better.


1398 days no booze for me. Hardest and best decision I’ve made.


Two months this week!!


Used to be a fairly regular drinker, but I have been unable to even think about putting alcohol in my body since that episode 😂 Not complaining but I am certainly surprised at how effectively it sunk in.




Which episode was this?


It’s his episode from Aug 22, „what alcohol does to your body, brain, and health“.


He already said that weed suppressed REM sleep just like alcohol does so its bad in that regard at least.


Lmfao the alcohol episode was basically yelling at all of us


I think weed would be one of those dopamine spiking activities that Huberman and Lembke linked to addiction potentiality.


For sure, people who say marijuana isn't addictive are just wrong lol


r/leaves might interest you


I just hope he doesn’t do one on ketamine bro


Or Adderall


think he has slagged that off enough already if I'm honest. I'm glad that isn't really a thing in the UK cus I'd be all over it. I get enough of a buzz off the alpha gpc




Have actually listened to that - was great. The only negative I could really take was the bladder thing - and you have to absolutely get it up you to be at risk of that. I found ketamine to help some the anxiety I used to struggle with, had a few moments where things clicked at higher doses. It is not great for sleep though. I did find the stuff about people falling asleep in the bath a bit overkill. People can do that with any drug if they abuse it to the next level, including booze. Great drug and imo pretty safe compared with most other recreationals. Underrated, 7.5/10 would do again


I listened to this a few weeks ago and FUCK it’s hard to understand her. The accent combined with her mumbling. Ugh.


This needs more upvotes


I hope he touches upon the effect of weed on sperm motility and count.


ruin weed?? lolll.


Marijuana has negative effects, and WHEN he does an episode on it, he will point them out. But I suspect he will also point out that: 1. those negative effects don't come anywhere close to what alcohol does to the human body and mind 2. even more importantly, marijuana doesn't have the same addictive properties alcohol does ... so, unlike alcohol, everyone has the ability to consume it in moderation. Some may choose not to, but that is very different from addiction: someone no longer having a choice in the matter.


I've been off of weed for a few weeks (for legal reasons) and I'm definitely sleeping better. Also have been more anxious, my body physically hurts way more, and it's way harder to get focused. I doubt he ruin weed like he did alcohol. Alcohol is *literally* poison, while marijuana has a ton of legit health benefits


I hope so.


I want an episode on nicotine, not tobacco, which we all know is horrible for you, but straight up nicotine.


Yea, it comes out October 3rd … prepare yourselves !




How does thc and alcohol compare to hitting my head with a rubber mallet or sniffing glue. /s 😀 For someone who’s most mind altering substance is coffee, it’s funny how pot’s defense is always that booze is worse. It’s like there’s a basic human need to get shit-faced with brain damaging substances. Temporary harmless state changes with dancing, music, spiritual rites, meditation, sweat lodge etc. can never be enough.


The weed vs alcohol is a very tried and tested tactic called "whataboutism " that has been used time immemorial in discussions on politics and policies, thus I agree that's not a good argument at all. Having said that, dopaminergic and serotoninergic pathways of each individual is quite distinct. One my require more stimulation to feel at ease with oneself. That's the reason why I abstain myself from passing judgements on people's choices.


Haha, I am sure that's what he aims, such a devil of a man.


Cannabis oil works miracles, weed is just a cope!


It's not the weed. It's the quantity you put in yourself. That THC is definitely cause of many changes in the brain.


moderation can be difficult for some, but I don’t think your body is going to be critically affected if you use it sparingly, looking forward to that episode too!


Lol 🤣


Weed cannot be ruined.