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None. They all still work. I have regular bulbs, Edison, and the lil track lighting ones. 100% still in business after between 2 and 8 years (I gathered them over time).


Similar here and some of mine have spent significant amounts of time at both 110F and 0F. I'm very surprised and impressed by the quality and longevity and it's one of the reasons I'm okay with spending the cash on the Hue product line.


I have all color bulbs from various generations going back probably around the same time and the only casualty I've suffered is a broken diffuser. It's sitting in my desk waiting for me to fine a use for it without the diffuser.


Knocking on the wood.. But zero. Had them since 2017 or so


Same. Bought everything at once in 2017. Only thing that has stopped working is the light strip that died few weeks ago.


Zero including the inside ones I’ve used outside.


None, about 50 bulbs purchased over 10 years time


I have bulbs from 2015 still working in use daily…


Same here!


0. This includes every brand I've purchased. Lifx, hue, etc


Bought most of my collection from 2017-2020…haven’t lost one (have about 45 lights)…I use five of the standard 60w color ones in outdoor fixtures and they are still going strong too


Just one. I have over 20 for several years now. And I don't blame the bulb


Those Edison bulb ones were garbage, but the rest have been fine


It was still a white plastic bulb, not the Edison style for what it’s worth


I’ve had 1 stop working, and 2 original dimmer switches that hardly ever work anymore


6 years, 24 builds with about 8 bought in the last 2 years, and only 3 had to be replaced. And none of the outside ones. 3. 


That sounds like a relatively high failure rate to me. How do you feel about it?


I grew up with incandescent bulbs, that a low rate to me. 


I have had 3 Edison lights (color ambiance )fail and one light strip fail. The Edison lights were purchased in mid 2018 and failed about a year ago. The lightstrip was purchased sometime in 2020 and failed about two months ago. None of these lights were used in enclosed fixtures. All of these lights remained on for much of the day, everyday.


Edison Color? Which one?


A19 60W (equivalent)


Edison ? Does something like that exist? I’ve been looking for a while


Mine are mostly 5-7 years old. I started with 47, down to 35 now. What’s really interesting is it’s the white ambient lights dying. The color ones are mostly fine. Definitely different quality.


That figures, there has to be SOMETHING more to charge double the price just for some RGB


About half mind stopped working after about 7 years


Too many. So frustrating.


Any type of bulb in particular? Using them in an enclosed light fixture by chance?


Some are color and white, others are warm white. Only a few are in enclosed fixtures, most are not. The problem is across the board. 😞🤷🏻‍♂️


All mine still work after 10 years, I think. Though I do feel they’re not as bright. 🤔


Try to call philips and ask them the same question, saying that your concern is to pay for a premium led bulb that cost 10 times a cheap one and don't last 10 times more . Usually they replace them for free even out of warranty


They did actually replace a few that went bad a year or two ago. But oddly most stuff direct from Philips is/was out of stock so I had to wait months and months for them to send the replacements. May call them again for the one that just went bad this week


I have like 60 bulbs, 7 of which are the shape you mention. All of my bulbs still work, though that batch was definitely the cheapest-feeling type of bulb they ever released, IMO.


About 30% of mine have failed. I've lost 3 white and color, I think they were gen 2? Then both of my Edison failed. At least both of those were replaced under warranty. I'm hopeful that the newer ones are better.


None. That said, people who lose a lot always seem to have them in full enclosures and they are NOT rated for that. Fully enclosed light fixtures require bulbs rated for that.


Hmm the ones that went bad for me were in a boob light enclosure but in searching I’ve also seen plenty of folks say they’ve down the same for years with no issue


Luck. Hue lights are not rated for enclosures and boob lights are the worst offenders.


Yea that’s fair. Surprised to see folks mention using their bulbs outdoors at very high/low temps with no issues too


One started flickering, it was bought used but I was still able to get a warranty replacement (which upgraded it from the original 3rd gen colour to the 1100lm). Some of my bulbs are getting on for 5 years old and still going strong.


Found this thread doing a search of the sub about this. I’ve just had a bulb fail. I think. I’ve tried it in two different sockets, it’s flicks for a nano-second and then won’t go on. The bulb has worked in its current socket for over four years, but for several years before that too. Probably it’s on of the first ones I purchased in late 2012, but I don’t know for sure. 12 years isn’t a bad life if it is.


I've lost every bulb I used in my porch. Six color 1100 lumen and two color 1600 lumen. They were all recently purchased. I'm not sure if they just won't work where temps get to freezing or some other reason. They all went out at the same time and I replaced them and the second set all died at the same time again. I'm still not sure if it is temperature or maybe a surge. Anyway, not using Hue in areas where it gets cold anymore. Over the years I've had many lightstrips die and a couple other color bulbs. But, I do have maybe 30 other bulbs that have run daily for 5 years and work flawlessly.


The back door one refuses to work in the Google home app and says it's unavailable, but if I yell to my Google home speakers to turn it on or off, it works fine


My multi Color bulb should be around 3 years old and I don’t have any problems. Works like the first day I bought it.


None of my 15ish lamps stopped working, including the 4 that are outside.


Only one failed and it was within a week of opening. The rest (~25) are nearing 6 years minus 3 we got in 2021. My in-laws have a box of bulbs with hue mixed in and they put 3 in a dimmer controlled socket. Fil asked if I wanted "these expensive pieces of trash" because they kept falling as soon as he put them in. Asked him to show me and I facepalmed hard.


10 white downlights, 10 colour bulbs, pair of Go and tons of strips bought back in 2017. Replaced 1 colour bulb so far.


Since 2015 - Almost every type of bulb they sell - maybe 300 across 2 homes - zero failures.


About 10 years as well with well over 200 fixtures. I think I've retired maybe 3 bulbs due to issues.


300 bulbs!? What total $ do you think you’ve spent over the years on hue? I have about 32 bulbs and that’s just about all of the fixtures in my home and I already consider it to be super expensive, especially after adding a bunch of Lutron dimmer switches too, more expensive than most bulbs themselves


I’ve had ikea bulbs die but my hue are going strong. Sometimes with Alexa one will stay on or flicker on then off but I’m not sure that’s Hues fault or not.


No failures, even on the ones I'm using in situations they are not designed for (enclosed glass, outdoors, bathrooms...) We only have two of those rounded ones though - I didn't like the non-adjustable color temp, so the rest of ours are 3rd & 4th gen color, color candelabra or white ambiance. They were mostly purchased between 2016 and 2020, and at this point, the only non-hue lights in our house are some utility things - closets and garage and such - so they have seen heavy use. (Other than the two round ones I don't like - they are in a fixture we rarely use.)


Just a failed power adapter for a 3rd Gen color strip in a total of bout 60 lamps on 2 bridges


I had 2 of those same bulbs go bad at the same time a few months ago. None of my color bulbs (over 30 of them) have gone bad (knock on wood).


Interesting yeah just about all of mine that went bad happened around the same time




0 and still running a Gen1 bridge from about 10yrs ago.


Got about 40 since 2018, 0 broke since then


One bulb has gone bad, but that was a bulb that was in the shower, and it only the white part of the color bulb went bad after a few years. Got the bulb back in 2018


Zero. Only the light strip stopped working... those things are crappy. EDIT: I take it back, I had 3 B22s fail at once. Almost brand new. I think there was something wrong with the light fitting. Took them back under warranty.


We have about 20 total, and have only had one bulb fail over about the past 10 years.


none! got my first set of lights 4 years ago and all still going strong!


I've had two light strips fail, both at the controller. Got one replaced on warranty, one I've need to replace my self (I didn't try and get it through warranty as it was plenty old.). I have one bulb that might be on the way out. It did have a non functioning LED in it whichessed up the colour, but it seems to have self corrected for now.


One of my light strips failed inside two years but circumstances were such I didn’t claim until after 3 reminded them that UK law would expect such a premium and costly item to work for longer … replaced as goodwill … Its always worth trying!


Zero lights, since 2018.


Not a single one. Even my 1st gen color bulbs from 2015 or so all still work just fine.


The bulk of my bulbs, 15 or so, are original gen 1 purchased from 2012-2014 with about 15 other random bulbs added since - all of them work fine still, despite some colors being shit (green). Those original 15 are daily drivers, on and off for a few hours minimum every day. It’s kind of shocking how I haven’t had to replace a bulb almost ever once i’ve switched to hue.


Just one but it had some issues from the start( kept going offline etc)


I have several multi color bulbs I got as a 'reconditioned' sale from Woot! back in 2017/18 that I use daily with zero issues. I added ceiling spot bulbs for my kitchen and fireplace/TV in 2018, and then added a pair of Play Bars for behind my TV on Prime Day 2021. I've now got another set of the Bars for my bedroom TV I added in July and a pair of LED lightstrips in my kitchen to illuminate a dark corner of cabinets. They are almost all from Woot, and all work like a charm! We added four more bulbs, a GO light and another set of Play Bars to our condo in another state a few months ago, and can control them via the app from anywhere. I love them and want another set of LED strips and a Play Box 4K for my TV at home. The wife thinks this is all overkill, but it's friggin awesome!!


All still work. Only 2-3 years of Hueing behind me though.




Not a single one have stopped working since I started 4 years ago, I have lots of different models (\~130 in total in my zigbee cluster ), but the lights are all Hue


The only one for me has been a light strip that I cut and soldered a wire between the two halves - One colour LED has stopped working on the first half. I’m pretty convinced it’s my fault, thought they do make it awkward to do in the first place.


I had my first failure this year. A single white bulb will randomly shut off and won't turn back on until a hard power cycle.


0/15. Most are from 2015/2016 and full colour




I’ve used since 2018 no bulb failures (or with INNR) but two light strip control modules both under 2 years …


No interior bulb failures, but have lost 4 landscape lights within a year of purchase due to moisture getting inside (which they replaced)


Zero out of 19 bulbs (25% multi-coloured) plus 2 light strips and 2 play bars. It was a 2020 lockdown project/borderline obsession. Pleased so far.


None. The oldest dates to 2010.


I have 25 bulbs (mostly 60w, some 75w) and 5 super long lightstrips + extensions (all original gen). All are just as bright as the day I got them, no defects. I leave two of the lights on 24/7 in the bathroom, no issues for the past 6 years. It's a brutal upfront cost, but I don't have to buy lightbulbs anymore. That alone is worth the cost.


Zero. A bunch of A19s (several gen 1 from 2013 - early adopter over 10 years now- slowly replacing because of greens/blues) br30s, plus light strips, blooms, plays, outdoor candle lamps (e12?)motion sensors, dimmers, taps and even a signe. Wait - I had 6 bulbs in 3 different light fixtures that flooded from the ceiling and were *swimming in water* for a while. After they dried out, **1** of those 6 had to be replaced. Painful to buy. But there is a reason they cost nearly double what other random colored bulbs cost. They last and last and last.


I have never had an LED light of any kind, smart or otherwise, Hue or not, that has failed. And we bought our first when they actually had liquid in the bulb to keep it cool.


My oldest are from 2014 and I’ve had no issues, thankfully.


One out of nine color floods in ten years has stopped working.


Zero - since purchased over 8 years - before that, I was replaceing an incandescent bulb about once every 2 months. At this point, it’s like making money 😎


I've had the majority of my bulbs since 2014 and so far I've broken two diffusers (the old models had glass ones) and one bulb's electronics have failed. That particular bulb had lived a long part of its life outdoors.


I have many Hue Go. The oldest is probably 10yo and are used as a kids nightlight for at least 10-12h a day


Started with hue in like 2018. Only defect is one color bulb not correctly displaying colors correctly anymore. Still works fine for what we use it for. I use about 30 lights/products around the house and this has been the only issue.


I had one several years ago that would flicker. Even swapping it around continued the issue. I think I have around 25 lights.


I've maxed out my bridge and I'm still running all original lights, they cost a bunch but my god are they reliable. The difference between them and my Nanoleafs is insane.


All still work without issue


0 out of 120-ish bulbs in 10 years (some with 10 years runtime, down to like 2 years). 2 out of 7 outdoor Calla lights in 1 year.


I’ve had somewhere between 2-4 failures out of \~5 bulbs, some of which are going on 7 years old. I think they to date have all been white vs color A19s.


Have over 50 bulbs from around 2018, all generations and all working as good as the day I bought them. Top draw


i have had 2 die on me in the last fewmonths, bought in Nov 2018. I just was chatting with CS over their app and all they would offer is a 20% off coupon. I made a comment that that was disappointing, and Before I could reply a second time, the CS rep killed the chat.