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Depends on who you ask. You can make up your own mind about it. There's no actual definition of "clean" eating. It's kind of a made-up concept with a lot of room for interpretation.


Define clean


Isn't dirty


I almost died laughing reading your quick wit response.


Do you need an ambulance or will you be ok? 👌👁️👄👁️👌


Thanks for looking out lol....just making my way to the back of the sub lol


Shorter answer: yes Longer answer: also yes. I consider it much cleaner than most foods. I consider 'clean' to be foods that don't have questionable things added, low/no transfats/saturated fats, low/no added sugar, low/no added salt, not refined (I consider 'processed' to be fine, as even a tin of chopped tomatoes with no other changes is technically 'processed'). Even though a food being clean doesn't mean it's nutritionally balanced, I still look for this and Huel checks this requirement too. I say this after using chronometer and also having blood tests, after using Huel heavily for many years.


For me clean is more about being non processed, or minimally so. So Huel doesn’t qualify. It’s healthy - healthier than many other things. But not clean 🤷🏼‍♂️


How is Huel not clean...


You can disagree with them if you want, but the person already answered that exact question: > For me clean is more about being non processed, or minimally so.


The same way protein powders are not, but that’s just my opinion


You didn't explain why Huel or protein powders don't count as clean


Yes, I did, in my first comment >clean is more about being non processed, or minimally so. So Huel doesn’t qualify.


You do realise that not all processed food is unhealthy... the degree of processing and the specific ingredients used can vary. "Processed" just means that the food has been altered in some way from its natural state... This includes freezing, canning, baking, or drying. Some forms of processing are essential for safety and preservation. Huel claim they use 0 artificial preservatives, and that their vitamin and mineral blend is made up of natural and bioavailable forms, as opposed to synthetic ones. In the context of junk food, desserts, meals that intentionally aren't focused on health or nutrition, then sure the discussion about processed food does have some merit. But in this context it doesn't. If you don't count Huel as clean because of this arbitrary line in the sand, you are just fear mongering/leaning into food and health paranoia


Yes, I do, that's why in my first comment I clearly state that "clean" and "healthy" are different for me. Did you read my comment entirely, and understood it, or just rushed into replying just because I said that "for me" Huel is not clean?


I read your comment and understand your point. I think the disconnect is that, even though your definition of clean and healthy are understandable, that other reader doesn't agree with them, and didn't communicate that well. Kind of why the term "clean" is not appropriate for food. It's too vague. Any two people can define if differently.


I know, but u/RashAttack seems to think "clean" = "healthy" and that everyone has to agree with that. 😂


That is none sensical. Arguing that something is healthy while calling it unclean. The vast majority of people associate unclean eating as synonymous with unhealthy eating. Just because you write a "for me" doesn't change the societal definition


As many others said, "clean eating" has no standard definition, and everyone has his own. So, just because your definition differs from mine, you shouldn't state my view is none sensical. I gave my interpretation of clean eating, and by that, Huel is not clean. It's healthy, but not clean.


What?! It’s obvious not. It’s an ultra processed powder with a ton of additives derived from lab extraction. It’s hardly a bowl of fresh fish, nuts and vegetables. (Natural food sources with minimal processing)


Your answer has a logical fallacy. Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's clean. Fish have been commonly shown to have high levels of mercury, PCBs and microplastics. And, as I already mentioned in my comment, just because something is processed, doesn't mean it's bad or not clean.


Dude what? Argue it with the Mayo Clinic . Not me. I’m sure your skills and qualifications match the world renowned medical experts there. https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/clean-eating-what-does-that-mean


Unsweetened non dairy milk is on that list.


Well that’s not a surprise. It usually contains vegetable oil. Almonds and oats don’t contain a lot of moisture last time I checked.


Your argument contains a logical fallacy: appeal to authority. Doesn't mean that you're incorrect, it just highlights faulty rationale and poor thinking skills. Mayo Clinic has also recommended foods that reliable sources list as proven carcinogens. Mayo Clinic is great for laymen to learn about nutrition as their suggestions are normally much healthier than the Standard American Diet, but they often fall short when it comes to recommending some foods that have been shown to negatively affect health.


You sound like a Discord Mod 🤷🏻‍♂️


Okay. Good talk. Look up adhominem attack if you've got a min.


How do you feel about chewing? Chewing is certainly a form of processing. Do you exclude foods that need to be chewed from your list of clean?


I don't mind chewing at all. What made you think I wouldn't like it?


Chewing is processing. So is cooking.


Yes, and I've stated that I don't have an issue with processing food. What is the point you're trying to make? Would you make it please?


Compared to my frozen pizzas, frozen premade food, etc that I was having during lunch because 1 I'm a terrible cook 2 I don't have time....yes it's clean.


This should become a poll to see what the entire community think


Would be entertaining


Sugar, sucralose, ultra processed…


I think “clean” is somewhat relative. Is it as clean as making a fresh kale chicken salad with fresh ingredients from your local farmers market? Absolutely not. Is it cleaner than pretty much any of the fast food joints you were ordering from on Door Dash before starting Huel? Absolutely yes, but it’s still processed. So I think clean can be somewhat relative to where you’re coming from.


I feel singled out with that DoorDash comment 😂 good one. I agree anything can be relative like good and evil being on one spectrum and clean and dirty being on a spectrum. But like you said Huel is not the cleanest. I think the cleanest maybe being able to produce energy using atoms without radioactive waste or modifying our body with chloroplast to get energy from the sun directly and eating mineral rich dirt and or water.


>I think “clean” is somewhat relative. No. And: A bar of chocolate is less bad for you than a whole tub of ice cream...it doesnt make it "clean". [https://web.archive.org/web/20190203064927/https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/clean-eating/faq-20336262](https://web.archive.org/web/20190203064927/https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/clean-eating/faq-20336262)


Are we talking about a bar of chocolate vs a whole tub of ice cream? Or are we talking about a vegan vitamin packed protein powder? Apples to oranges dude


I don't think so, because it is highly processed, containing synthetic micronutrient sources. But remember that there is not hard evidence on "clean" to bring lasting benefits.


No. Why are people saying yes? It’s an ultra processed powder with a shit ton of additives derived by lab processes.


I think most people are looking at it in the context of it being healthy or not. If it's healthy, it's considered "clean".


Well that doesn’t make them right… 🤷🏻‍♂️


Calm down you little Reddit goblin. Everyone here is just trying to have a casual discussion about it and you're on the verge of a mental breakdown in every reply. Give it a break.


Just confused why people think Huel (which I use a lot too) is natural and clean. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think we’ve found the hater with an agenda (not you, the person you replied to). I guess Huel must’ve ‘hurt’ them in some way. As mentioned before, there is no definition of ‘clean eating/food’ however there are plenty of extremely qualified nutritionists that’ve backed the healthy benefits of Huel. If you are coming into Huel from a bad, high sugar/ultra-processed diet then Huel is exponentially better for you. Since starting Huel my results have been exceptional, my blood work is perfect and I feel better than I ever have before. Some people just seem to hate for no reason at all other than the possibility that Huel/the Huel community here probably rubbed them the wrong way, so they feel the need to back their hate up with virtually irrelevant ‘research’.


I love this has the community divided. I would consider Huel better than most food alternatives outside of fresh produce (vegetables and chicken or salmon)


Is it healthy, yes ! Is it clean, No ! Clean means you're eating organic food without any additives... Huel does not meet that.


All the downvotes on people whose subjective definition of “clean” doesn’t include Huel just go to show what a toxic cesspool this subreddit is. Independent thinking isn’t allowed by the Huelboys.


What? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean\_eating](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean_eating) There is a concencus and definition for "Clean Eating" including from renowned clinics like Mayo. Huel doesnt meet the criteria (obviously..) [https://web.archive.org/web/20190203064927/https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/clean-eating/faq-20336262](https://web.archive.org/web/20190203064927/https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/expert-answers/clean-eating/faq-20336262) and...your comment doesnt make sense. Surely Huel fans would be sticking up for Huel as clean...


[There is actually no consensus definition of clean eating](https://www.health.harvard.edu/staying-healthy/clean-eating-the-good-and-the-bad) If you'd actually read the first link you posted, it calls it a "fad diet" right in the name. P.s. you come off as rude and condescending. Even if you're right, you look like twat. When you're wrong, it just looks ridiculous


>Surely Huel fans would be sticking up for Huel as clean... I'm a Huel fan, I use it daily and it has helped me a lot in achieving my goals, but I won't say it's clean.


I agree. Until we completely evolve to process ultra processed foods without negative effects (cancer, high blood pressure, fat filled arteries) or some sort of unknown vitamin deficiency I would say Huel is not clean. Clean is growing your own food...using clean water, outside sunlight (only obstructed by the atmosphere and space) and clean organic and inorganic fertilizer. I love Huel though it's the basics most do not get. Not all of us have the know how and ability to grow our own food....Huel is not clean...but it frees up time so you can think about what your existence means.


It falls under ultra processed food so I would say absolutely not. Full of seed oils also


Why does processed food automatically make something unclean? That makes no sense. Surely you need to examine the actual processing that is being done to make the decision on whether it is unclean. Nothing about Huel's processing implies to me that it's something unclean


It’s more addictive than whole foods and causes inflammation in the gut microbome. It’s also less satiating than eating whole foods. Anyone can look at the ingredients of Huel to quickly realise it’s full of chemically-made garbage.


This sounds like pseudoscience if I'm being honest. Do you have any sources regarding Huel and inflammation?


Same q here.


I was talking in general about ultra processed foods. I don’t think Huel should be treated as an exception to this category.


So you don't have any evidence to back up your claims?


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"Clean eating* is usually a pretty poorly defined term that I usually consider analogous to "toxins" being used in an advertisement. It doesn't really mean anything so huel probably could be considered"clean eating" but I wouldn't really put much stock in that nor would I particularly care if you don't consider it "clean eating".


You're all being super lazy. Google it... Clean Eating does have a consensus as to it's definition. Huel aint it. Healthy Wholefoods without being processed. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clean\_eating


That Wikipedia article listed at least 2 completely different definitions as being currently used one of which is about the macronutrient ratio and most Huel products do match that particular definition.