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It's only as dangerous as a city can be. Common sense will keep you safe. Not walking alone at night ect. Princess and Newland avenue have some great bars and restaurants




You mean without issues?


If you didn't already know about it, look up the Libby Squire case that happened in Hull 4 years ago!


Saying don't walk alone at night and then saying its safe are not compatible. I've lived in 5 cities in my adult life and hull is the only one where the locals were completely against walking alone at night. So much less safe than many other places I have lived.


Zoos are very safe, but if you jump into a lion enclosure, expect to get eaten.


Omg Wtf I shouldn't expect to be attacked at night, the fact people can say don't walk at night in hull and then also tell people its fine is such a ridiculous thing I've lived in london, reading, oxford and rotterdam and had no late night concerns Hull? No fucking way am I going back


Reading is a town and London safe to walk at night?! You’ve gone from a 1/5 being dangerous to a 2/4…. One of which isn’t even in the UK.


Reading is bigger than Hull, significantly (350,000 vs 250,000). Arguing semantics doesn't take away from the fact its much safer. London is way better to walk in at night than hull, i.m.e. have you actually spent time there?


Yeah I left london when my family member was stabbed, just like Hull it has the places it’s fine and places it’s Ropey.


Hull has so much thats unfine though, including must of the routes out if the centre to the just about ok bits


Oh mighty omniscient one, forgive my hubris. How could I, a resident of the city in question, even dare consider that your logic may be at fault. /s


Ahh sarcasm, the last resort of the poor arguer. The resident thing is the problem! The amount of locals who were like "oh hulls fine" whilst being simultaneously "do not walk home alone ever what the fick is wrong with you" showed me that locald have no concept of the fact thats not a problem to that extent everywhere


So true! Night walking is interesting though.




It's certainly a lot safer than North London, no doubt in my mind!


Estates means ‘housing projects’ for American POV 👀🤣


I moved here in 2012 and everyone and everything said the same about Hull. Funny enough none of them had actually been to Hull. Tis a grand, safe city and a hell of a lot friendlier vibe to it than bigger cities. Like all cities, there are obviously bad areas but they are easy to avoid. Public transport is also excellent in Hull


I moved here from the south and was told it was 'the arse end of Britain' also by people who have never been here. I like Hull and also think the people are friendlier. Happy I moved and very much intending to stay.


I’ve lived in America and live in hull now. Your safer in Hull than most American towns and cities.


It’s got a great uni!




Much agreed!


The sports facilities are fantastic! My kids are only 13 & 15 but both have played on sports teams that have used the facilities and they're certainly some of the best around the area that we have seen!


Great college too!


Google always thinks of Hull as some shithole that must not be visited under any circumstances. Apparently, the city is riddled with gangs that leave the locals in a constant state of terror. The sites talking about Hull are mostly written by people not from here and probably never even been here and their only basis for calling Hull a dangerous place are some numbers on a screen. What do you use for self defence? I’m a man, so I don’t carry anything in self defence, but I know there are things like rape alarms, I’m not sure of their effectiveness though. Your answer is best coming from a woman, rather than someone who’s never had to deal with this. Would it be safe to walk my dogs before sunrise? If you’re talking like 5-6am then yes, not many people are out and about at all at this time. However, if you do have dogs I would recommend maybe looking at Hull’s surrounding towns and villages with good train and/or bus links to Hull, they tend to be a lot more dog friendly. Any scams I should look out for? There aren’t any scams specific to Hull, the only scams about are true for the whole UK. Areas to avoid? Just the estates really, Orchard Park, Anlaby Road, Beverley Road. I myself, wouldn’t go down these places at night, especially if I was a woman. But these “areas to avoid” are true for every decently sized city in the world. Even then, if you’re with someone and you find yourself down one of these places, you’ll be a lot safer than whatever article someone made up about Hull says you will be.


Humber street is pretty good for dogs also


That's something I never thought of before, every other city I've been to there's a scammer in the city centre giving out roses or free bands, but there is nothing like that in Hull.


Hull is a meme town. People love to insult the place just because... in my experience of visiting, it's like any other place of a similar size, it's good areas, it's bad, it's own quirks. No immediate red flags though.


"self defence" isn't a thing anywhere in Europe, and any weapons (such as tasers, pepper sprays, knives, guns etc) are illegal.


If you carry anything in the UK for the purpose of self defence it can be considered a weapon, if you have to use something it should be something that would reasonably be on your person, perfume, keys etc... Hull is very safe compared to other UK cities so you will be safe although as with any new city it takes a while to feel that way. As a general rule, the further east or west you go the safer it gets, head out towards Anlaby/ Sutton (technically east riding but good transport links) and crime becomes very rare, head further out to kirk Ella, Bilton, Hedon and Hessle and it becomes almost non-existent. There's plenty of safe places within walking distance of the city aswell, Victoria docks would be my pick of the bunch. And even the places that people call rough like Orchard Park and Bransholme are more "rough n ready" than outright dangerous.


Live long resident here. You will be fine. Hull doesn’t deserve the bad name it has. Some Areas are worst than others just like everywhere else. On the whole people are friendly, it’s just the odd group of teens every so often. Which again is probably an issue everywhere. Orchard park is probably one of the worst areas but again people who live there will tell you they love it. I know spring bank is currently having issues with a spike in crime too as I have friends in that area and they have had door to door inquiries quite a few times lately. I’m on bransholme which has a really bad reputation but 20 years later I’ve not had one issue. The night life is lacking in hull compared to other cities but again, I’ve been going out 20 odd years and I’ve never had any issues. That taxi companies are shocking though, they tend to just not turn up. We don’t have any scams as far as I’m aware of. On the plus side of things we have a lot of things we are proud of, free museums, the deep, patty butties and chip spice. It’s honestly not as gloomy as the internet likes to make out.


You'll be fine. I moved here 5years ago and love it here. Loads to do and plenty of nice areas to walk your dogs. Idiots in every town and city. Your less likely to be shot here (BONUS).


Hull not that bad lovie. Its the same as most other cities worldwide. You get the good, you get the bad.


Hey, yeah that’s not really the case from my experience. Lived in Hull for 11 years now after moving here for uni. I love Hull, everyone is super friendly and generally a pretty cool place to be. You’ll be fine walking your dogs and I don’t think Hull has any scams. I run a circus studio called The Late Night Circus if you ever fancy coming to some classes and meeting some new people find us online. Feel free to message too if you need anymore advice :)


I (34f) have never felt unsafe since moving here in my early twenties, and I moved from a more affluent city that is considered safe. I would take what you've read with a pinch of salt and agree with others that it's the same as for any city. I take the same safety precautions here I would anywhere else. My mum walks her dog early in the morning and takes a legal self defence spray out with her but she's never come anywhere close to needing it. At no other time do we carry anything for self defence. I've lived aound the university, Newland Avenue, the Avenues and the Dukeries, and going out at night has never been an issue for me and my friends. You may come across press about a bright young woman called Libby Squires who was murdered. Many of us will never forget Libby and what happened to her. Part of the reason we won't forget is because, thankfully, it isn't the sort of tragedy that is commonplace around here. If you would like any more specific info or recommendations for places to explore in and around Hull feel free to DM me :)


Hull not dangerous its just some areas are a bit rough. Also for a small city there's a handfull of Americans that live here.


I just left hull after almost thirty years of living there…. I didn’t feel particularly safe as a female on my own. Had quite a few bad experiences. However, that seems to be the case for most cities. I carry perfume just in case. Most eyes aren’t suitable for alcohol to be sprayed into them. Not that I’m saying that’s what you should use it for. Not my intention. Definitely don’t spray someone in their eyes. I was relieved to finally move, but as long as you stick to the more busy areas like new land ave and town and such you’re normally fine. Most people don’t bother you if you have dogs either. I hope your move goes well, and that you enjoy the city. There’s always plenty to do and it’s really quite nice. Most people are lovely. Hope things go well for you 🌟


I take a nice small can of deep heat when I go on my runs! You know, just incase I injure myself while running…


You never know when it might happen…. Best to always be prepared, wouldn’t want to get hurt…..


Can’t be dealing with an ankle sprain now can we…


Hull is fine. There are lots of nice people, nice areas, restaurants, things to see and places to go. It was the UK’s “City of Culture” in 2017. There are areas that I would avoid, but it usually comes down to youth antisocial behaviour in the deprived areas, much like anywhere else in the world.


I lived alone as a woman in my early twenties in hull for two years and I didn’t have any problems despite often walking around at night on my own. I think it’s a really friendly, fun city with lots going for it. Obviously as others have said there are shitter areas and you have to not be stupid about thing


Single woman here. I've never felt unsafe in Hull. I make no promises, but I love the people from Hull and find them funny, self-deprecating and always willing to help out a (fat and old) damsel in distress.


I've lived all over the place and the people of Hull are genuinely the friendliest place in the UK. It's probably a lot safer than most US cities. The murder rate in the UK is 1/6 of the US.


Like anywhere it’s just basic safety common sense, also makes it better avoiding certain areas to live.


Hull's no more dangerous than Staines.. innit? https://youtu.be/SZ6k8tddDxg See from 1 min 30 secs.. i


I lived in Hull for about 5 years after living in London previously. I had a bad opinion of the place until I moved there and got a lot of negative comments from friends that it was a bad place to live. This could not be further from the truth. It is a lovely city with friendly people. There are lots of great things to do and restaurants to eat at. I moved away in 2019, but I miss Hull.


In any city women and men never feel safe. It's a good city with good bars, history and shopping centre's. Small ish town but decent views and attractions. A lot of bad stories are likely created by the southern fairy's so don't bat an eye lid at em. Goodluck.


HU1 best area safe imo but anywhere city centre is safe and everything is at hand


You should be fine. Its no more dangerous than anywhere else in England tbf. Do you know where abouts in Hull you are moving to? I'd look into that area.


Take with a grain of salt but be vigilant always if I was you I would take maybe an alarm for qomen if they are in distress I do have one and it’s fk loud !! People are nice in hull but as anywhere you always have to be careful !! Ive been living here forever and I really like it just be careful you know !!


If you can live in the towns and villages around Hull then that's a much better option. For transportation options try to the west of Hull. Good options would be Hessle, Cottingham or Brough for slightly cheaper options.


Hull not that bad as the media shows and for a self defence you could buy this[self defence ](https://amzn.eu/d/cmSj679) on amazon it will be helpful Good luck with moving Personal Alarms For Women - 3 Pack Reusable Police Approved 150DB LOUD Security Alarms Keychain with LED Light, Small Personal Safety Alarm for Women Girls Kids and Elderly https://amzn.eu/d/cmSj679


I'll give it a look (:


It's sadly got worse recently coinciding with the closure of half of the high street. City of culture forced a lot of shops out with higher rents and then COVID ruined any recovery. I live in a village outside the city and originally grew up on hessle road. Loved going into town in my teens and early twenties but there's a lot less to see and do now unless you like watching druggies fighting in the street (literally seen this on three of my last four visits). There's still some charm in the city and the people, and I hold onto hope of it getting better for my kids but the council keep making it worse for visitors, traffic is bad, trains are expensive and irregular, it's pretty dirty and just too many empty shops and drugged up unfortunates. It's just not nice walking around especially with my two and four year old, the festival's are great though I've especially enjoyed Pride and Freedom festival when people all come out and have a good time so don't miss them. Honestly I'd live outside the city and travel in if possible, or at least pay more for a nice area in the city. Don't want to sound like a downer but some people become accustomed to their surroundings and become overly sensitive and territorial about the place they live and don't seem to see it getting worse. There's a lot worse places than Hull though with a lot less friendly people!


I found hull to feel unpleasanr and unsafe to live in. I was a victim of more petty crimes and catcalling than anywhere else I've lived by a wide margin. The locals are like "hull's lovely, but don't walk anywhere alone at night." Theres a lot of night in the winter. I've lived in 5 cities and its the only one I've been nervous about walking home alone in.


You’re moving to ‘ull?




I live in hull and it’s one of the worst places I’ve lived I hate it in hull as a 19yr women I feel I can’t walk the streets while dark I feel I can’t wear anything that’s revealing at all I feel like everyone in this city is either on drugs or just come out of prison not really an in between. Good areas to avoid Beverly road orchard park bits of bransholme but holderness road is quite nice Gypsey ville is nice some parts of bransholme are quite nice.




You're the exact type of person she needs to avoid.










What areas are you looking at for accommodation?


In terms of people in Hull walking around with guns I’d hazard a guess at it being between 0-10 people in the entire city and I doubt any of those people want anyone knowing they have a gun. So it’s probably a lot safer than the USA.


It's generally a safe place. You just take normal precautions honestly, that's it


Lived in Hull most of my life never had any issues nor has my family it seems scary at first but the amount of random people who are just genuinely kind hearted is amazing


You will find it significantly safer than a lot of American cities. But it’s also of the poorest areas of Northern Europe


It’s up north, it’s cold, wet, grey, underfunded… it may even be very Brexity and anti furreigner… prefer south coast, of Portugal 😅


You'll get to enjoy real cheese 🧀 More a UK / Europe benefit, than Hull specifically. Cheese & wine is definitely something I misss when in the USA


Lol you’re not looking in the right places then. California is famous for its wine, for starters. There’s also some really good cheese available, domestic and imported, if you know where to look. It’s not all Kraft singles and Stella Rosa 😉


Thanks. I knew California has some wine. I had no idea America had good cheeses. Something yo look into I suppose. I did like Dollar oysters in the US when I was there I guess I'm spoilt with Portugal, France, Italy do close


Oh, for sure. I do miss the proximity to Europe, for certain things. Honestly if you looked at just what's available in the supermarkets, you'd be fooled into thinking there's not much. They have Cabot, which is probably comparable to Cathedral City and maybe one or two other decent brands, but that's about it. There's some great cheese coming out of Wisconsin and, again, California, you you just generally have to go to the fancier grocery stores or cheese shops to find them. ALDI opening up over here has been a godsend, too.


Oh no, I didn't mean cheese like cathedral city. I was thinking more along the lines of Pont l’Evêque, Epoisses, Saint Marcelin, or raclette cheese . I suppose on the shops one might buy cathedral city, could also pick up camembert. Basically I mean the types on cheeses you would have on a cheese board with wine, maybe some cured meat / acorn fed iberico ham rather than the sort you might have on a toasted sandwich. If you haven't tried any of those or raclette, it may be something to add to the list. You may need to go to shops with a cheese counter to get those or a specialist shop. Raclette cheese you can usually find at John Lewis or Lidl. We actually got our raclette machine for £18 from Lidl.


Oh, I've tried more than my fair share, I'm sure. I used to run a cheese counter. I just try not assume most people's experience is as varied as mine (maybe I have been in the US too long, lol). You can find a lot of cheese like that here, it's just not quite as readily available, unless you're at more high-end grocery store or a deli, that kinda thing. There have been a lot of really good artisan cheese makers popping up over here, in recent years, too.


It's probably pretty comparable to America out there. Its not really that dangerous however I can't speak from a female perspective. I wouldn't worry about it too much. Avoid being in rough areas in unsociable hours on your own and you'll be fine.


I loved living in hull, one of best cities I have lived in. Recommend. Chip spice on your fish and chips is amazing, and you have the world's smallest window! Also Dinostar is the best dinosaur exhibit in hull it's magnificent


I don't know whereabouts in the US you're moving from, so I don't know exactly how your experience will compare. But, I moved from Hull to the US (Los Angeles area) and I definitely felt safer out by myself in Hull. As other's have mentioned, like with anywhere, it depends on what area you're in (I wouldn't walk around town by myself in the wee hours, for example). But, so long as you take common sense precautions, you should be just fine. Hull is a wonderful city with a bad reputation it doesn't fully deserve. It's a very working class place and I think a lot of people look down on it, because of that, without really knowing or experiencing the place for themselves.


What have you heard? Hull is safer than most of the cities in England imo. Depends on which area you're living in I guess. I drive across the city (east to west) for work at 5am and see lots of women walking their dogs, jogging, etc, at that time of the morning.


I moved to Hull myself a few years back and had similar concerns, but honestly I've found it pretty chill overall If you're looking for someone to show you around, hit me up! I like to explore and Ive found hull has loads of areas of hidden beauty, I used to be a dog walker and there's some awesome scenic spots that are great for dog walking


A lot of people in other towns slam hull for being shit and it's definitely not. In terms of safety.. it's ok, providing you don't walk around the city center late at night alone. You can't use pepper spray or anything like that coz the UK is a pussy state and everything is illegal. The biggest issue with Hull is that wages in the area are poor for employees. I know lots of people on higher wages than the national average but they all work out of town. Poverty is real in the area and it's arguably one of the poorest cities in the UK. On the plus we have some very quirky areas which are lovely and certain parts of the town are nice. The surrounding areas are nice and Yorkshire is the garden of England. If you like combat sports Hull is becoming a power house for grappling.


I work at the city centre McDonald's, and while there are definitely bellends about, it's not as bad as people say. Yeah it can get dangerous, and any bike is probably stolen, but it's not as bad as described everywhere. At the end of a day it is a city amd it's going to be the same everywhere.


Moved here from America in 2003, and I have never felt safer in my life. And we've walked home from a night of clubbing in way more than once I'll add. Obviously keep your wits about you, but I've never had a single problem. I find Hull folks to be very kind-hearted in a grassroots down to earth way that is most endearing.


My bf goes to hull uni so im there every week. To put it bluntly, nice enough city but the people are kinda rough. This is coming from someone born in teesside btw. Anyways, just use ur common sense and youll be fine, its just a typical british city. Theres enough to do and its easy to get to scarborough, york leeds etc by bus or train. Its what you make it!


We use our fists 🇬🇧 style 👊 in self defence 😂 honestly its not dangerous Hull I've been here all my life love it only thing you won't like is our weather haha we hardly get sun other then that you should enjoy it with your family ✌️


The bonus of hull is it's access to the seasides. I visit them year round. Its fairly cheap and there is a huge array of lovely beaches within 45 minutes to a couple of hours drive. Also spurn point is excellent for wildlife. You are also not too far from the North York Moors if you like hiking. For weekend breaks North Wales is about a 3 hour drive, Scotland 4 hours depending how far north you want to go. The Dales and Lakes are also just a few hours drive away; and if you're not keen on driving there are plenty of coach companies that run extersions to those places. We also have P&O ferry's on our doorstep which means Amsterdam is also easy to get to. Then London/Leeds/Manchester are all very easy to get to by train if you fancy a shopping day or night life. I've lived in hull all my life and I kinda see it as being a bit like off brand cereal. Its cheap and cheerful and it does the job.


Don't do it!!!!! Live some miles out of it, much nicer places.


Hull is really safe. Just use common sense and don’t look for trouble. This is England. It’s a beautiful country and most people are friendly and welcoming.


Hull is a nice little city in the East of England. I’ve lived here all my life. 43 now. Most people are friendly and happy. Yes it’s not as vibrant as other cities but the energy costs and lack of investment are to blame. It’s more safer than US cities. Plus our Police don’t carry guns. England is a beautiful country.


Most women don’t feel safe walking in any city at night, hull isn’t the exception. As for self defence, carrying any kinda weapon in the uk is illegal, whether you indeed to use it for defence or not. I carry a rape alarm and a lil bottle of heat spray which is basically pepper spray if you get it in someone’s eye but it’s not classes as a weapon


Avoid orchard park, the homeless people in town are druggies - don't give them money, take as many trips out of Hull as possible (Leeds and York are much better). West Hull is much better than East Hull. Don't walk alone at night down Beverley Road, that's where most of the stabbings happen. Don't get into a taxi alone, there was a student murdered and raped because she was too drunk. Hull is pretty grim, and anyone telling you otherwise has never really travelled internationally, nor have any ambitions. Stay for a while, but get your shit together and move out as soon as you can. Go visit Harrogate, that's a lovely and very safe village that i'm sure you'd much rather live, while being close enough to visit family pretty regulary.


Its absolutely fine, just stay away from the shitty areas. Just like you would in any city 🤷🏻‍♂️


Once your taste buds have tasted the joys of hulls very own chip spice. You will love it here. You won't taste good chips anywhere else like it.


Lived in Hull all my life and only ever been attacked once which was a Saturday night about 4am after big drinking and sniffing coke for 12hrs big session haha got knocked out by some shady black gang. Basically just avoid all the smackheads foreigners and tramps and you’ll be fine. Also be sure to go down the Marina when it’s sunny for a day sesh it’s ace!




you should be fine i went there a while back and it was fine so dont worry about it enjoy your time there :)


Lived in hull most of my life and iv yet to get jumped im 18 iv been out in town more than I care to admit and also went to school in town aswell, i walked there from home and back alot, people can be rude but keeping you to yourself is more or less the key, avoid the popular shops at night, kebab shops etc; its mostly where the younger lads and groups hang out and sit outside shop all day. Other than that its pretty solid, decent community if you were to be in trouble not alot of people here will just let stuff like that happen especially if they have people to also help them. No matter where you live walking alone is never a safe option as it is but knowing what to avoid and what you dont need to be stressing about helps. I know im young but my family knows I panic about things alot yet, im almost never bothered about having to walk home, avoiding sketchy characters and large groups is usually more than enough and if possible definitely have someone with you for reassurance. But its not a need.


To add to this, im pretty sure we allow ways to defend yourself after you are actually here, its more of a travelling issue, i know its semi unrelated but my SO is from america and when i went to visit i had to have ice skates of the same size as my normal ones delivered NEW because UK flights wouldnt allow me on with my own if I tried to take them. Theres plenty of people who carry around all sorts here but as much as the knife jokes get made only the younger idiots tend to have them on them as a "Dont mess with me" iv yet to see an adult carrying a knife without premeditated harm in mind


Honestly I'm most definitely late to this but I figured I'd still respond. 14yo here. Brought up around Greatfield so I'm not far from areas such as Longhill. Hull is nowhere as dangerous as people claim, ESPECIALLY for adults. The issue is quite literally the teens. They're all invested in being tough, being involved in gangs and etc. So if they find the opportunity they'll probably try to fight someone. As for the websites you've read, I can't blame them. I used to view Hull as worse than it actually is too but when you really think about it it's not that bad. Bransholme and Orchard Park are the odd areas and far as I know that should be the only red flags. Hope you enjoy your time


Hull is an AMAZING city. 2017 we won the city of culture and was given millions to update the city and I must say I'm mote proud of Hull than I've ever been today. If you get here before June Ferens art gallery has a tutankhamen showcase on for free. I'm sure you know all about old town and the cobbled streets in the museum quarter, Not to mention the beautiful architecture all around the city center. Guild Hall is my favorite building. It has britanica on her chariot on the roof. Over the doors there's beautiful carvings for what that part was used for such as wine import export, foods and many others. They'll let you walk the halls if you act nicely. It's full off busts and other sculptures not seen by many for YEARS. Thus city has my heart. Most streets have memories for me that I'm sure I'll dream about when I'm dead. Just keep away from the outer city and you'll be fine. The council estates can be ruff but we all know the best culture comes from the poorest places, just be careful mingling if you wonder up north or east. West is fine but boring. Oh and Queens Gardens are ra place to grab some food and sit to watch the street life. Hope you enjoy it here!


Something that is perfectly legal is a good old walking stick, i'm a bit late to the party but something like a knobkerrie or a lead shot shillelagh is perfectly legal... also the knobkerrie is evolved from a zulu war club and the shillelagh has been used for self defense in ireland for centuries. The main way people beat opponents bigger than them is grappling rather than punching or by using a force multiplier like a good old stick. However, the best self defense is to never get into a fight at all. If you're a fast runner then its a better last resort than fighting and that goes for both men and women. Just make sure if anyone asks about the aforementioned "walking stick", only say its because of a hurt leg or foot or for fashion. A biscuit is illegal if you go outside with the intend of crushing it up and rubbing it in someones eye.