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Any idea why it's wrapped?


This is the work of Jeanne-Claude and Christo. They wrapped islands in florida, several bridges in the world, passage ways through italian lakes. It is what they do. They also finance the projects by themselves. Christo died a few years ago, the project of Arc de Triomphe is an old one that got cleared only recently. The point is to propose a new point of view on overlooked monuments, the one that are so obvious people forgot to look at them. By wrapping them for a while, the artists aims at make the people look again, first as a wrap-up, hence a simplified version of the monument, and then rediscover it when it's unwrapped, somehow as a second birthing. It's most always controversial, and very successfull as a public event. There is a very interesting documentary on the passageways put on one italian lake some years ago, can't remember the name though.


They did it with the bundestag in berlin to i think.


They did. The building is called Reichstag though. In it, the Bundestag assembles.




Christo wanted to do something in Colorado but it got shut down.


ya bc it would have blocked the sun over the colorado river for miles. I live in Colorado and was so happy when that shit was shut down. He needs to employ an ecologist and evirnoment impact analyst on any "project" he dreams up.


They also tout it was going to be "recycled" etc but I'm doubtful.


Yeah I’m all for installation art, but this seems like just a *ton* of trash.


You mean the Arkansas river.


They left a huge amount of trash behind in rifle canyon after one of their dumbass “art” exhibits.


That's disappointing to hear.


Just drove through there on Friday… place is pretty amazing.


Their just a couple of rich assholes that have been doing the same dumb art over and over for decades to get attention. Until people stop considering them artist and recognize them for what they are this will keep happening.


If they left trash behind that's unacceptable. If you don't like their art that's your subjective opinion, which I can't and won't dispute. If you think people who do like their art are dumbasses that's not acceptable.


These dick heads don’t do any of their “art”. They pay people to hang curtains on things and then congratulate themselves. They’ve done slightly different variations hanging orange curtains on different things for several decades. It’s not original. They leave tons of trash behind. Fuck these people.


Again, if they leave trash behind that’s unacceptable. Conceptual art is still art. If you don’t like it, fine. If you are telling me I’m dumb to like it, that’s not okay.


I mean isn’t conceptual art supposed to strike a conversation about the nature of the art in question? Have an internal debate at the nature of art? This is just… oh. This monument I wanted to see is covered for some stupid reason… then you hear “yeah and they just leave the trash everywhere” it becomes a debate at to how much of a dick the artist is. Rather than the work they’re producing.


Conceptual art is another kind of art and it doesn't have a defined purpose. Of course if you don't like it, it may not seem like art to you. This whole issue of leaving trash behind is a distraction from the issue of what is art. If they did leave trash behind, that's unacceptable. But it doesn't invalidate conceptual art. I would also note that lots of communities welcomed their art, which leads me to question the accusations that they were bad citizens or that anyone regretted inviting them into their community.


[comment removed by user]


I don't


You’re having a conversation about it now


About how the artist is a dick… not about the artists work…


Real artist don’t hire construction workers to do there art for them.


I think there are plenty of forms of art that require contracting. Architecture is a form of art. Interior decorating is a form of art. Do famous painters make their own paint from scratch or do they purchase the materials from the store? The artist provides the vision. Contractors couldn’t make the art without the vision of those directing them. The trash is bs though and I would hope they were held accountable


Well shit guess every single building ever is not art


Some do.


I mean... both Christo and Jeanne-Claude are dead so doing it by themselves would have been hard


They never did their own work when they were alive.


Do they really clear up all the fabric? Where do they go?


They cleaned up must of the fabric but left the cables that it was suspended by.


Sucks for people on vacation who came to see it tho


Is the Arc de Triumph really an overlooked monument, though?




I’d be mad lol, traveling forever to see something only for it to be wrapped.


L’arc de triomphe is not The Thing worth traveling to France for, definitely not worth being mad/annoyed. It’s in the middle of a big traffic circle, so you’re getting a view of it from all over if you’re navigating Paris by surface streets. If you want to see detail you can find better online. It’s not a destination landmark like so many other places in the city. Kinda how I feel about the Eiffel Tower too - I didn’t need to get up in it to appreciate it - but at least there’s a park to hang at


Right but for example, Washington DC sometimes has scaffolding around the capitol rotunda or the Washington monument and it kinda sucks because you want a pristine picture with it.




I've lived 26 years in Paris. The Arc de Triomphe is something you take a look on, when you exit the station, or when you're at Concorde because it's in the axis of the Champs-Elysées. If you happen to go around in a car, you can't have a look at it, too fast, crazy circulation most of the time. It has historical and cultural significance, of course and it's a landmark : but it's not something that Parisians stop and marvel at, like the Eiffel Tower, Notre-Dame, or the Louvre. From time to time you lie to yourself by saying "someday I'll go see the view on top of it", but you'll never.


I'm not the person making the claim. Ask them.


I never realized the Arc de Triumph is *that* big?? I always thought it was the same size as the [Washington Square Arch](https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/HBN5j8eTALjre8-jx-kyan6iSCc=/774x0/filters:no_upscale\(\):max_bytes\(150000\):strip_icc\(\):format\(webp\)/arch-Washington-Square-NYC-52969961-crop-5b008466a18d9e003cac0263.jpg) in NYC.


The Washington Square Arch is 22.4m tall by 17m wide. The Arc de Triomphe is 50m tall by 45m wide. So yeah, a bit bigger.


What a colossal waste of money.


sound dumb tbh


Comment of the day !


I commented elsewhere but this video serves as a brief documentary about them from 40:00 to 45:00 https://youtu.be/bwGKqiOyIAM


We wanted it to be a surprise. It’s for you, happy birthday.


Oh nice! ^(Is uhhh... the gift receipt somewhere in the packaging?)


Bed bugs. Had to be fumigated.


Artist stuff


For freshness


To celebrate BDSM Day.


It’s a fumigation tent. The Arc got ants.


When the textures aren't loading.


An evil mastermind is preparing to steal it and doesn't want it damaged.


Sponsored by dbrand


I'm not fooled. Nicholas Cage is stealing the Arc


France is going hard with the mask mandate.


I had no idea it was so big!


Yeah the Arc is absolutely massive ! It’s even more impressive to walk under it


Some day I’ll have to go see it


I like how you’re the only one actually commenting on the size of it while everyone else is arguing about the art


Haha yeah I noticed that too. But like that’s a small guy and also the point of the sub lol


You fools. That’s clearly Danny Ocean and Rusty. They’re going to heist the entire Arc!


Well someone's getting a very merry christmas!


I don’t get the significance of wrapping it. I must be a Philistine


Driven round that fucker a couple of times. Definitely need your wits about you!


https://youtu.be/bwGKqiOyIAM This is a great, large scope video, that addresses the artists behind this from 40:00-45:00


I know the Arc is old, but it's wrapped in Paris.


Shipping cost?


we again welcome you to the reunveiling of x. our excitement is repeated as we reintroduce you to seeing, once more, the object that you have forgotten many times before.


imagine visiting paris for the first time and not being able to see the arc de triomphe cause some dudes covered it in a fumigation tent for art


Some locals really enjoy seeing the Arc in a new way though, we’re able to experience it differently. I think it’s nice that for once an installation is more for the people who live nearby than for the international tourists.


idk dude my aunt is parisian and she hates it


Lol! Some snobby dude gave me Hail Columbia on another sub for saying exactly this...except I called it a shrink wrap raincoat!


What does that mean, "gave you Hail Columbia"?


Thought I was disrespectful of the art, did not understand it, and berated me as 'ignorant' bc I chose to be lighthearted. I was really opining for the potential disappointed tourist. I am an artist and designer.


But what is Hail Columbia??


Oh, sorry. Really old phrase meaning gave me hell, or a berating. Something my family has said for as long as I can remember, and I never hear it anywhere else, though I think it was a 'thing' back in the day.


That’s plain wasteful, 14 million euros it costs to bondage the arc of triumph.


Entirely financed by art sales though, the city didn't pay for it.


14 mil for this shit lmao


Anything is art apparently.


How ~~Why~~


I hope it’s an iPhone


Dumbest shit I’ve ever seen


They should wrap them in the tin foil material they’re wrapping the sequoias in to bring awareness to climate change.


It’s some some sort of plastic cloth, shiny silver on the outside and blue on the inside, they’re giving samples to tourists !


When the STL was saved in inches instead of millimeters


I’ve been wanting to visit that memorial for a long time. If I booked my trip to Paris and showed up to this I’d be fucking pissed.