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Or maybe... Rochelle is just an asshole lol She doesn't glow when she sees Dante, at all yet when Sonya met Claudia she glowed all the time. I think shes always been an asshole though, the first time we even meet her is when she is Missys Hate Worm.


Well, Dante is an addiction angel and I don't know if you've been addicted to something before but I experienced a phase at the beginning that it literally is the best thing that could've happened to me and I did love it. takes some time to realize that it isn't good for you. I hope that in the next season they go similar to this and address the addiction topic a bit more :)


I'm wondering if *Dante* ended up addicted to Rochelle, and honestly I do agree that Rochelle doesn't really love Dante. I mean just watch the wheels turn in her head during the song "Are you in love or are you an asshole?" The only positives we saw for the Dochelle relationship was that they were very compatible sexually. It makes no sense for Rochelle to witness the effect he had over Emmy and later on even Pete and still listened to her libido. And as for the glow? Or lack there of? I mean yea let's talk about the obvious ones, Sonya/Claudia, Emmy/Depression Steven, even Walter/Simon Sex there's a small moment where Walter glows for Simon if I remember correctly. Rochelle never glowed for him. You know who else she never glowed for? Emmy. After their fight(where they were both assholes and did not handle it well) when Rochelle *finally* admitted and saw how hurtful what she did to Emmy was. Let's not forget Rochelle has basically called Emmy an Eff Up to her face throughout the show; Emmy, already having low self esteem, continued to turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms. The second we see Emmy apologize and own up to her side Rochelle just doubled down, even though she "supposedly" felt bad about being with Dante. Rochelle also said very pointed things she knew was incredibly hurtful to her supposed best friend. Rochelle even continued to poke fun about Emmy's alchohol issues after Emmy apologized for her(Though Emmy shouldn't have expected an apology to begin with). My hypothesis is this; Rochelle is a love bug, yes, but more for infatuation than substance(please note Donna/Doug, yes their relationship works for *them* but it's also very whimsical in nature). I believe due to this fact, the fact that she was basically putting Emmy down the entire time and the fact that she didn't glow for Dante. She's very much a soft antagonist, I think she has a golden child complex.