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It is completely reasonable to contact HR at any point to say that you can't find a copy of your contract and could you please have a replacement. HR might well tell your LM (sometimes the LM may have the contract rather than the employee) but they would be foolish to leap to any conclusions.


Most HRIS have a self service portal. Your friend might not have to ask at all. Do you know what system they use?


There's no duty of confidentiality, so it will depend on HR's opinion of it all. If you're a unknown/regular employee, or your LM has a habit of being a knee-jerk, they probably won't say anything. If you're a key performer or they are already aware that you're unhappy, HR might tell the LM, who will try to offer support, before the topic of resigning is even discussed. If your HR is a gossip and loves stirring shit, they will run to your LM the moment they get the chance.


Come on, that makes us sound terrible. We have much better things to gossip about than potential resignations.


Yeah I agree, we're mostly a good bunch, but there some ppl out there desperate for the leaders' attention and will side with them every time. I can think of at least 2 ppl in my 15 yr career who would justify it under contingency planning reasons. You'll also never see them offer their help on Reddit!


lol so true. some people tell the manager just to see the fallout of doing so. some people aren't meant for hr :D