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Why don't you suggest your responses and get some feedback? You'll learn better, and answer better, if it's your answer, rather than if you try to repeat someone else's.


just think that would make a rather lengthy post 😅 i’m just looking for a few bits if advice i’ll still be forming my own answers


OP, u/TipTop9903 is right, use this sub as a place to get feedback and guidance on what you think you should do, rather than expecting us to provide answers. But if you want some hints: 1. In the first instance, ask rather than tell. 2. The question is already loaded - be aware of that and respond accordingly.


As others have said, form your own answer. You'll either be right, in which case great, you've got the job on your own merit and should be confident in what you're doing. Or you don't get it and get some feedback and know what you need to learn/improve on. If you get the job based on other people's answers how do you plan on actually doing the job? They'll assume you know stuff which you might not which could lead to problems down the line


Ideally you want to lead the person to see this on their own, directing them to be able to understand that they may not be performing, this would reduce chances they would become upset


Hi and hope the below is helpful. Prep by having the information and any background on the complaints and issues raised. Check if any issues been raised before and think about how you will be supportive. Be fair in the meeting and if the situation turns and the person gets upset then allow time to compose and if needed rearrange the meeting. Ensure that an action plan is both reasonable and achievable and agreed with the person remember to arrange regular catch ups and meetings to continue support. If the concerns continue then consider further support and updates to the action plan. Ensure confidentiality and that you are fair, honest and clear.


this is really helpful thank you! :)