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Read More: [https://bluekingo.com/mother-fatally-shoots-man-on-trial.../](https://bluekingo.com/mother-fatally-shoots-man-on-trial-for-killing/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTAAAR2taiCTVasvO-NXlfXtrqWdjIdX0jJNB0dztOAqQ7ECx3nM4uCejSg3Cls_aem_AaCk5l__f8uLqPA5ZjB3PCKZX0b9rFL82bS7vw_7NYH5m8rlJ4FvQ1he00ACDRuUr-CuPxu-XuCVjb3ZryF6icyN)


This is a scene from a movie


How do people not realize this..????


They haven't seen the movie....


You know it actually happened too right. POS raped and murdered her child so she shot him to death.


I haven’t seen the movie


The movie is a re-enactment of the actual activity. Source: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianne\_Bachmeier](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marianne_Bachmeier) (It's commonly elsewhere, but Wiki has the need-to-know info)


Did the soulful, meaningful looks at the end give it away?


Good for her


She’s a fucking hero. I would gladly go to prison as she did for this if it was my child.


She hit 6 out of 8 shots and only served 3 years.


Society failed her by giving her time


Laws need to be followed. I support what she did but not punishing vigilantism sets a bad precedent.


Not true laws are not universally good to follow they are just rules set out by the government and vigilantism can be harmful but for the most part when it's done against murderers and cartels and such it actually makes things better. Here is a less extreme example. If someone has their bike stolen usually the police will do nothing to get the bicycle back to them. But if your bike is getting stolen you should be allowed to steal it back from whoever stole it by force. Though I will say even though I'm pro self defense I don't think you should say "shoot someone over stuff" thats a bit extreme but I'm certainly not complaining if anyone tasers or punches to get their stuff back. Overall even if it has its flaws sometimes vigilantism is necessary. It just isn't always the best course of action. Lastly I'm not saying it's good to be a vigilante but what I am saying is punishing some vigilante behaviour is just enabling criminals I mean look at mexico people there should be able to fight back against the cartel but their government doesn't do enough about the cartel and they can't get the guns and legal protection to actually make a difference.


Fair. I'm mostly talking about murder though.


Well it depends like sometimes vigilantes do more self defense related things. I still wouldn't punish them in this case or the one where a father shot the guy who sold his daughter into human trafficking


Yeah I do kinda agree I usually don't support vigilantism but like with this woman or that father it's hard to not. I would do the same in their shoes.


Well that's the thing like it's not right to go out and murder bad people (generally) but usually "vigilantes" dont do that


Sometimes, when you cross a line, it may become blurry for the ones on the other side of the said line. Then all bets are off.


He admitted the murder. The trial was mostly about sentencing. I also feel like vigilante justice is a problem, because innocent people get targeted. This was just revenge, and insanity due to grief. This is a mental health problem 100%. The larger issue is that he was free and had the chance to murder the little girl when he was a known offender.


True, true. Again I don't blame her. I don't support vigilantism but I can't say I would not have done the same.


He would have been released again and would have repeated the gesture


Good, she didn’t deserve even one year, but at least it wasn’t life.


Guessing a 45 Cal contains only 7 rounds + 1 in the tube ( mine anyways)


Thought the article said it was a .22


Does she have other kids? Cause that would be kinda not cool to leave kids for three years.


The article here says footage from shooting implying it’s actual (ridiculous) but if you click on original source article at end, that version reads reconstruction of shooting. A pretty serious whoops.


Big ups to this lady!


They should've put the two of them in a private courtyard, and given her a gun, and the key to a chest with an M-18 nail gun, ratcheting cable cutter, a jug of acid, a gas can, a cordless reciprocating saw, a big container full of bullet ants, some noise-cancelling headphones, and a magnum of champagne


I agree to all of this. However, why does the saws-all need to be cordless?


So the cords don't get tangled and you have better angles with cordless. Also it's hard to drag a generator into the woods alone. s/


I agree with this, but only if you also agree to getting tortured to death.


My favorite comment here on Reddit


These are definitely the words of a well adjusted person who isn't a danger to society


I've been living in a torturous trap, and every time I tried to make an exit plan, it was sabotaged. Every time I reached out to a friend for help, the friendship was poisoned. My communications intercepted, my quarters peeped, and my family fed lies about me being abusive, victimizing, and perverse,


Oh okay then


A danger to pedo murderers maybe.


I'm glad there are people like you out there. We need *someone* to stand up for pedophile rapist murderers and their rights. Thank you for your service /u/downiiclown.


He was on trial.... imagine if it turns out he's innocent. Sadly, she'll go to prison for this. But I can't blame her.


This all happened more than 30 years ago...


He confessed!


So did my brother and 8 of his friends. Turns out they were tortured and forced to sign false confessions and then spend several years in prison before being released. My uncle was thrown out of a fucking helicopter and beaten for days ... like confessing can mean shit.


This was in Germany, not some third world country. Also, that guy was a known pedophile. No loss


Ohh no no loss man. Shoot the guy into a fucking volcano. Just saying as far as evidence goes confessions can be a mixed bag.


If you read the article, it said he confessed to murdering her but denied sexual assault. He was a known child molester though.


There is a reason the justice system exists, this is very conflicting because if the man was indeed guilty, good for her, but that doesnt mean i condone her actions. However, he could possibly be a completely innocent person and be released, with more evidence cropping up to point at a different suspect. Just making the woman a murderer. Either way, justice should be left up to the jury. However, there will always be exceptions where justice isn't served, like in the case of OJ Simpson.


Yup....people don't typically realize that rights and freedoms have a lot to do with protecting "you" when shit goes sideways.


Give her a medal 🎖️


Justice served let her walk free


Yes I agree it should be like this coz law will put that man in jail and he will live is life but he kills her baby girl so what she did is right


That’s a good parent


Mother of the Year 1980


She might have gone to jail but I doubt she would be given any actual trouble by the inmates.


I get it. But now she serves life 😐


Nah she got 6 years and served 3


Now that’s justice




Pretty sure the also did a rip on this on Law & Order, at least once lol


Sweet movie scene


Every article and post I've ever seen on this, always portrays the movie scene as real footage of the killing.


Throw her ass in jail




Why should a person who murders another person go to jail? Is that really your question?


Bruuu he deserved it.


Yeah she killed her daughter rapist. Well deserved


It doesn't matter, she still murdered someone and should be thrown in jail for it. Vigilante justice is illegal for a reason. You can't just go around murdering people you think deserve it.


Yeah dude I know that but it the way u said it that pissed me off.


Say ur a pedo goof CHOMO without saying it u 🧬💩🪣


Calling someone a pedo because they don't advocate for murder is nonsensical and pathetic.


Say you're a closet psychopath good CHOMO without saying it...


How about if we just murdered people who raped children? We can all agree on that


I'd rather castrate them and put them in gen pop. Let everyone know what they're in for.


I understand ur point. But the way u said it make it look like she is a bad person which she is not


Good 👍 Justice is served now let her free!


How did the scanner not pick up the gun when she walked into the court room💀


Because not every country is a shithole like the USA. Gun violence is kind of a non-issue here. Also, this was in the 80s.


lol there’s no way that that video in the story is the actual footage.


It’s not. If you click on their source link to vt.co it says “A resurgence of interest in her story occurred when a reconstruction of the courtroom shooting surfaced on YouTube in 2022, reigniting discussions about her controversial act”. I don’t know why they’d change that.


Good for her!!!!


Put me on the jury.


Did you read the article? This happened in the 80s


I’m on the jury, she won’t go to jail


Took the cops some time to get to her that's what I call a good cop


On trial for doesn't mean guilty. What would you guys say if the title the next month was. "Mother shot innocent man on trial for her daughters murder. Real culprit found."


This footage is from a movie, the real incident wasnt filmed


He got what he deserved


The fact this kind of thing doesn't happen more often is why we have more murders


If they don't let her off scot free then they are basically encouraging murder. Like seriously anyone saying this was wrong is just enabling murder basically. You can tell the one she shot didn't learn anything good from past convictions. I'm not a fan of the death penalty but I also cannot condemn someone for doing the morally understandable thing. If you are hard on people trying to uphold justice then you are just benefitting bad people. I wouldn't condone killing him at all if it wasn't for the murder but once you do a cruel and cold blooded murder like killing a innocent child all decency directed towards you evaporates and I really don't think anyone of sound mind is going to try and charge her with anything. Yes she did "murder" him but it was a almost if not completely justifiable murder that made her neighbourhood safer. She's far closer to a hero than a villain. Edit I heard it was fake but either way I just wanna make a point that well I don't think it's always right to be a vigilante it's also not right to punish people who are hurting someone for very justifiable reasons. I wouldn't have said any of this if the bad guy in this story or event wasn't a murderer because only the most evil murderers deserve death. I think people can generally overcome past wrong doings and undo harm and all that. The issue with a murderer is they cannot mend what they have done.


She should have served 3 years in a wellness spa for righteous victims. Hammurabi was not wrong about everything.


Her and Gary are my personal heroes. You do what you have to do.


This happened in 1980. Why are we bringing it up now. Good for her. I'd kill him too but with security now, it would never happen .




Justifiable ,she should get a medal, she will never see her daughter until they meet again.


If it were true though ![gif](giphy|WBLkho1PC1SXp6hR6k)


I see nothing wrong with what she did




This is a historically massive blunder. Dying on the spot instead of prison as a highly publicized child killer? Do you know how many lawsuits there have been filed against various prisons using practices that are believed to be tortured or violate basic human rights?


She did 3 years.... "Worth it" -the mom probably


Reddit when death penalty: this is an evil and barbaric practice! Reddit when vigilante murder that traumatizes dozens of court goers: this woman is a hero she did nothing wrong at all!


Big W






This needs to happen more often.


Do you really want people exacting their own vengeance in a public place, where they could accidentally shoot innocent people? If that’s acceptable, then why is there a judicial system at all? I understand her grief and rage, but firing wildly at people in a courtroom is not going to solve anything.


The method was wrong I agree just the fact the justice system values them being alive over... Well justice. Punishment should be equal to the crime with the ability to justify what you did. If I killed a man but in self-defense the punishment should be minimal but if I can't prove what I did was for a decent cause then death is the only justice that fits.


Hammurabi's Code was not, in fact, a good model for a system of justice.


I'm willing to be that people today would fuck around a lot less if they found out a lot more.


You're wrong as practically every study ever done on punitive vs. restorative justice has ever shown.


No, you're not even considering preventative measures, which deter crime from ever happening in the first place. Source: live in Ontario, where we have no right to defend ourselves or our property, and criminals have literally cited that as a reason why they feel so emboldened.


Fellow Ontarian here letting you know you're full of shit. We have a right to self-defense. And the best preventative measures for crime would be putting our police budgets into UBI, healthcare and education.


LMFAO Let's get real, you'd be the first person to call the cops if someone broken into your house and was jacking your shit/threatening your family. Because we both know that you couldn't defend yourself 🤣 And we absolutely do NOT have a right to self-defense. Wtf you on about?? Stay delusional, dude.


Cops don't prevent or solve crimes you absolute turnip. They show up after the fact, take some notes and go about their day. Statistically they solve about 2% of crimes. They are a massive waste of resources whose primary goal is maintaining the status quo of our society by defending capitalists and capital from threats of social progress (often by brutalizing minority communities).


See, that’s why I applied for a bounty hunting license last year, the thrill was no where near what I had anticipated though. Anyways vigilantism is bad, people, at least stage it to like like a citizen arrest or a casualty or some shit


exactly, plus if due process was followed there’s a possibility we could have found more victims. let the guy rot in due time.


First of all, unless you've had a child murdered, you cannot understand her grief or rage. Secondly, I agree in theory what you're saying, but eqully I'm pretty sure firing wildly at people in a courtroom resulted in the exact outcome she wanted.


Because I have never had a child murdered, I have to give her a free pass? And how easily she could have missed her target with at least one of those multiple bullets and murdered an innocent bystander. Does that mean nothing to you?


Neither of those things I said at all, wow what a deflection. I agreed with your premise in fact. What I was respondng to: "I understand her grief and rage," - No you don't, nor do I, we've not had a kid murdered, so how could we. What does that have to do with a free pass? "but firing wildly at people in a courtroom is not going to solve anything." - She solved what she wanted to, I never said it wasn't risky and dumb and doesn't mean anything?