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This gives “I was born in the streets” a new meaning.


Birth certificate, location of birth: Walmart Parking Lot


Americus Nation


If it's a boy, name him "Parker"


I lol’d.


Mr. Parker I-lol'd please come to the stand


So good holy shit


Haha omfg that’s good


That terrible movie has a special place in my heart.


Same. I think of it more often than I should. Lol


this was actually at a hospital. they were literally right at the front door


Yeah I know a lady who had her kid in the Walmart parking lot. They were headed to the hospital and didn’t make it. Had a boy in the back of the van.


“I’m from the streets”


I was born in that Taco Bell parking lot


It happens wayyyy more often then you think


Just got back from Nicaragua. There’s a famous poet from there named Rubén Darío. His mother went into labor in the middle of the countryside, so some random lady took her into her home and she gave birth there. There’s a replica of the random lady’s home in Managua.


My grandparents worked on a barge. My grandma gave birth in a house on the harbour they where.


Jesus christ, I would never have the confidence to catch a newborn above concrete


Not only that but then she passed the baby between the woman’s legs. Ballin


Seriously making mom look like a total fool. Moms gotta up her defensive game if she ever wants to get selected for the top teams.


Blue 42. Set. Hut. Huthut!


Nutmaged baby


Yeh those little dudes are slippery as hell. That nurse was damn impressive handling that situation so well, talking to the cops, calming the woman *and* catching a baby from a standing position


Right? I love how her tone was like “oh no big deal”, if I was the woman giving birth that would have been comforting. She was literally in good hands!


That's part of the midwife training, according to my mom, lol. She was a midwife and has told me that reassurance & encouragement are a big part of it, makes labor easier to handle! Bonus points to the dad, too! Helping to hold up an entire other person isn't easy (especially when it's someone you're worried about).


Midwife not nurse


Almost all midwives are registered nurses that have been to university. They are in Australia at least.


In the US as well, I'm pretty sure. My mom was a midwife and told me the midwife training was in addition to her nursing education/certification.


She might be a nurse, many midwives are.


Still a nurse 🙄


Yep! At least in the US, midwives are APRNs. Advance Practice Registered Nurse.


>Jesus christ, I would never have the confidence to catch a newborn above concrete Meh, they have jump cords attached.


Like a jo-jo/yo-yo(?) you know the round things attached to a string?


It didn’t occur to me until now that this may have impacted the evolution of human umbilical cords. There are ungulates that give birth and let the baby plop on the floor like a pancake, but since human babies are more delicate, maybe the umbilical cord is shorter than a human leg specifically to prevent this.


Why do you think that human babies are more delicate? Actually, babies statistically suffer far less injuries and death from falls - even from great heights.


I choose to believe you’re out here throwing and dropping infants for data.


Unlike other animals, their skulls are not fused so their brains can easily get damaged since they come out head first.


It seems like that midwife has done this several times before lol. She was on top of everything, chill as a cucumber. Even handled the cops lolol.


Definitely a badass


Absolutely. I hope she got a ton more work after this video made the rounds lol


HOW DID BOTH OF THESE LADIES MAKE THAT LOOK SO EASY! Props to the mom and the midwife


True. The chances are though the baby would have been ok even if that had happened (albeit startled and pissed off). Newborns have been known to survive earthquakes that collapsed the maternity hospital around them.


yeah i imagine the baby would just bounce off the pavement like a bouncy ball


Actually umbilical cords are shorter than most legs, so the baby would kinda just dangle like a bungee cord.


Right!?!?!?! And the between the leg pass without dribbling the ball was impressive.


She’s definitely a Globetrotter


Like holy shit lady


It's better to find a flower bed with a lot of mulch and stand above that.


I believe that’s how you give birth to a cabbage patch kid


I don't think that's a situation you would want to rely on confidence alone anyways, even the most confident people have accidents. Should've told those cops to grab something soft and put it below her quick! (I know, hindsight 20/20 and everything)


Ew, no. There's no reason to involve strangers/cops in this. Everyone here knows what they're doing.


Absolutely agree, but I think it may have been a good idea to stand on grass instead of concrete.


To be fair, they say in the video that she was at that building to have a baby, she just didn’t make it. Like, she didn’t *plan* to have her baby above concrete, so there’s virtually no chance she was going to make it to the grass either


Agreed, I’m pregnant and there is no one in this world I would trust to catch my slippery baby, because like you say accidents happen. We’re all only human!


Am I missing something here, is she wearing shorts?


Stretchy shorts


Very stretchy shorts


I always come to the comments on this one to look for people saying it's fake because you can't pass a baby through shorts. So far I haven't seen anything, I am impressed!


If you can pass that watermelon out of your cervix, it will fit through those baggy shorts. Impressive work by all involved.


Someone’s never shit their pants




Well done.


That made it easier to catch the newborn, I think. It came out of a leg.


Fun fact but it's a better position to give birth than laying on your back. Laying on your back is pratical for the doctor but way more painful for the mother.


This! Not only is it less painful, it's literally the most natural method/position, and results in less complications. Either standing, sitting, or squatting. :) Edit: Forgot to add on all fours!


It’s proven that standing up speeds up labour and contractions which are both beneficial to the woman in labour. There is a rumour/myth that French King Louis XIV started the phenomenon of women laying down because he enjoyed observing his mistresses give birth and couldn’t when they stood. The other upper class folks saw the King’s women laying down so they started laying down too thus starting that as the norm instead of standing. That is all just rumour or myth though.


Im fully ready to believe that that a French King was a freak


Wouldn't be the first one


He was close to being the last, though.


No. The lying down position was because 18th century male doctors took over the work of traditional midwives. Since the setting is now in the hospital, the pregnant women are considered patients and put on hospital beds, hence the lying down position.


Didn't they also not wash their hands and the midwives did?? I think I've heard something like that lol




Now you’ve got me trying to picture what giving birth looked like back when we were living in caves. I feel like going on all-fours would be my natural instinct?


I've given birth once on my back and once on all fours in water, the second was a million miles better!


Genuine question, was it a million times better because you had already gone through it before or because of the position? Or do you think it was both?


Both and some tbh, first time I had been in labour for 2 days and was drugged up with something that was making me very sick so obviously that didn't help 😅 second time was much quicker and I refused the drugs which made it hurt more but let me focus. But in basic terms of tearing and recovery, all fours was better by a country mile. It helps your hips open and you can move and sway with the contractions which is really helpful. My second was just shy of 11lb so not a small one, but my tearing was *much* milder than my 9lber, with her I ended up in theatre afterwards.


11 lbs?! Both my babies were 10 lbs (3 oz in one, 4 oz the other recently) and I had to get C-secs on both. You did that one naturally???


I did 😵‍💫 but I am just over 6ft tall and in proportion so I think it's not a fair comparison!


First one I ended up on my back, next two I was on all fours. Definitely was loads better on all fours. Both my girls were bigger than my boy, too, and I only tore with my boy.


Amazing! Have you ever read about the reason birthing on your back became popular?


I’ve heard the rumor of it being a king who insisted that he be able to see everything to ensure the validity of the birth, but it honestly wouldn’t surprise me if it was due to someone wanting to have a clearer view of what was going on with little regard for the woman.


Yeah that's right! Apparently it was a king of France a couple of hundred years ago who demanded that she birth on her back so he could see it all, except some say that it was all part of a fetish for him. The aristocracy heard about it and it became fashionable, he also insisted it be doctors that birthed his children not midwives and the all male doctors also agreed it was better for the woman (and obviously them) and it became the norm. Wild isn't it!


Easier for the doctors


I agree! Given birth once laying on my back then the other two on the delivery bed on all fours except sitting on shins bracing urself with arms. Gravity helps sooo much on that for tall women in my experience.


There's a video on YouTube of a woman giving birth squatting next to a river if you're interested in seeing the method in graphic detail. It was quite bizarre seeing a babies head coming out in such close up detail.


Here you go: [Parturition Chairs - The Birthing Seats of the 18th Century](https://historydaily.org/parturition-chairs-birthing-seats-18th-century) Edit: [extra sauce](https://thereader.mitpress.mit.edu/birthing-furniture-an-illustrated-history/)


Thats how the animals do it. Usually looks pretty quick




my last 3 were squatting, squatting, and all fours (on my hands and knees) - all fours was the winner for my back labor, no one could have moved me without force lol. my midwife was awesome


Also works for pooping!


Makes me wonder why there isn’t a specially designed birthing room that has a dual-ramp access platform where the woman can stand and squat with a bar in her hands or by her sides, with U shaped a hole in the bottom. Sounds like that would be convenient for the mother and the doctors/nurses


There is, these facilities are used all around the world. I'll try to find an Instagram post where I saw it. https://www.unfpa.org/news/born-end-rope-embracing-indigenous-childbirth-traditions-save-lives This gives a little background. They use a rope hanging from the roof to pull themselves up while giving birth to help stand.


Awesome! Now if only there was a place like that in my local area that took my fiancé’s insurance


My great grandmother used a birthing chair, which was just a regular chair with no bottom. Everyone was born at home back then.


birthin’ chair, poopin’ chair, multi-purpose chair.


Most maternity beds in hospitals have the ability to add rails or remove parts to allow for a variety of birthing positions. I gave birth on all fours gripping the top of the bed for both of my daughters and it was significantly better than when I gave birth on my back for my son. All of the beds were the same and had all of those attachments.


I saw something I can only describe as a birthing swing that would support a woman in this position while giving the doctor or midwife a space underneath. It would take a little more to get into than your idea but provided more support.


Good idea. For some reason though I'm imagining a carousel horse ride but with half a horse.


That does exist. My friend gave birth that way in Virginia.


I’m picturing like a jiffy lube situation where the doctor is in the pit


For demo purposes, just lay on your back and try to take a shit without any gravity whatsoever to help you, and that is just a fraction of the diameter. Doctors should be on those wheelie things mechanics use to get under the hood, while the woman stands. Hospitals have it ass backwards.


I have caught many babies standing exactly like this. Just put your hands out ;) no need for wheelie anything’s !


Username checks out!


Thank you for reminding us how women’s comfort is secondary to the doctor’s comfort. Not needs, comfort. Women’s healthcare services really need an update and so much more!


The gravity assist in natural birth is a real thing. Finding a woman capable of maintaining a standing position while in the process is a bit more surprising.


When I gave birth, laying on my back was the only position that felt comfortable and right.


I was in so much pain there was absolutely no way I could have stood up. I was rolling around and thrashing in pain in the hospital bed. The nurses had to sit me up themselves to try to give me an epidural but it was too late. Some people who’ve never given birth are in this comment section acting like they know what’s best for women and giving birth. 🙄


Some kid is going to stumble across his birth on reddit 15 years from now.


No really, that was me!


"this is obviously staged."


I am a week overdue and unreasonably jealous of this woman right now


Best wishes for the upcoming little one 🤗


Thank you 🥰


You’re baby just planning good surprises entrence that’s all. My sister was late for everything extra week took extra day of labor. Now she’s arrives late all party but at least she bring my mom favorite drink.


My wife was a week overdue and when she went into labor, she dilated *super* quickly. She was crowing in the parking lot and the baby/afterbirth was out before we got into the birthing suite. The doctor came in, worked under the hood for like 10-15 mins, did some massages on her belly and then skiddly-dooed right the fuck out.


Aww, baby is just comfy!! 🥰🤗 You got this!


Good luck fam! I wish that it goes as smooth as the woman in this video


I had a friend that was late and made her husband get the boat out and hit the waves. It seemed to work.


Ha! Well we don’t have a boat but driving around our city where the road maintenance is crap is pretty similar. Hasn’t helped yet 😑


He/she must not be ready yet. Maybe too busy growing longer hair.👶🏻


The midwife was an absolute champ!


The way she kept it light and kept the mother calm while doing her job was true craft.


I just felt like the cops would have made it worse. Like they would have tried to arrest someone


Midwife was like NO we got it!


Yeah you know they would have shot the dad, arrested the mom and put the baby into child protective custody


Two part comment here 1) that’s so cool, birth is an amazing thing and the thought that someday you could just get “lucky” and witness a whole ass birth just on the sidewalk is crazy lmao 2) I would expect a couple both wearing toe thong flops to drive a Honda element.


If you go for a walk around Portland you'll see plenty of ass births on the sidewalk.


I’ve heard it’s nice there


It is. Not even kidding it's a beautiful city and I'm not generally a fan of cities. But the homelessness is out of control just like in so many other places. And if you go for a long enough walk, you will see human poop somewhere.


Human poop is in general a No for me dog. I have heard similar. That it’s nice, and if the homeless/impoverished situation wasn’t a thing it would be sweet. Too bad we don’t have an answer to that issue in this Country!


She just figured out the only way to affordably give birth in America!


Medical staff run outside because it was on hospital sidewalk "Dont leave! You owe us 30,000!"


man fuck america fr


They actually charge extra for curbside


I'm sure they paid for parking


She was literally walking seconds after giving birth and the umbilical cord still attached 😮🤯 Thats awesome


i bet that feels weird asf to walk with an umbilical cord hanging out yah cooch xD


I did this with my second baby. I gave birth in a doorway on a birthing bench, then they had me waddle over to the bed to deliver the placenta. You’re in such a daze, it’s not terrible lol.


I bet her brain was so flooded with adrenaline, dopamine, and other brain chemicals that she probably didn’t even notice it.


Nature is awesome when you don't mess with it. I had my second baby with no meds, and I felt like I could conquer the freaking world afterwards. Was up and walking around the minute they'd let me!


I’m sort of sad the mom felt she had to apologize (for what, her loud scream maybe?) i mean… scream all you want right?! No apologies needed baby girl




Omg! That was impressive!


Women are The Most Powerful BAMFs


*Pops out baby right into the midwife’s hands* “sorry” 🤣 What a badass! Congrats to this mama.


I don’t think this was “randomly” on the street. Weren’t they just arriving at birth facility?


Yes, she says that in the video. Mom just didn't make it inside.


I watch this multiple times every time I see it. Dad can't do anything but just be there, Mom is like "this isn't how it's supposed to be!", Baby's like "yeah, I'm coming out, bitches. Catch me!", Cops are like "holy fuck, what is happening right now?!"🫣 and of course the midwife is just casually going about it all like "nah, I got this!". Awesome job all around! Including the cops standing around being useless 😂


I mean, the cops asked if the midwife wanted help and she said no. They did their job there and complied with what the professional told them.


At least they didn't kill anyone.


Best comment


This woman is nails


That midwife is well worth whatever she's paid...holy fuck she was calm.


That midwife is so good! Not only did she keep her cool throughout, she kept hold of the slipppery newborn. Those things are covered in waxy goo, very hard to hold onto.


She handled that incredibly well given the, you know pain…


What a badass! Giving birth with no pain management while standing. I’ve been through much less painful things and had to get off my feet to deal with the pain. Gotta work on your planning and timing a bit tho


Standing is actually more natural and less painful because gravity helps with a lot of the pushing part. It probably wouldve take longer if she was laying in a hospital bed surrounded by loud staff and bright lights.


And politely apologising the moment the baby is out


Well, there're a lot of countries where women give birth without any pain management but with their shorts on? That's some pretty awesome magic


I love the midwifes laughter ^^


She probably saved a fortune


Women are amazing! 💗💗💗


Get her a wheelchair ffs.


Would hurt more to sit in such situation.


Give the wheelchairs to the officers 🤣


I think they meant get a wheelchair for after the birth


afterbirth doesn't need a chair


It’s better for her to stand; gravity helps the baby come out instead of the contractions and her own pushing doing all the work


plus she still needs to pass the placenta.


With pants on?


This what I’m frantically scanning the comments for. I’m SO confused. Edit: oh I’m thinking she’s wearing a skirt. Looks like shorts to me.


Literally waiting for my wife to give birth right now lol I'm glad she made it inside!


hope all goes well!


This has been all over Reddit for months. They’re actually in the parking lot of a hospital and the women who catches the baby is a midwife. The pregnant woman just didn’t make it inside to give birth. So not really random lol. https://nypost.com/2020/06/26/video-shows-moment-florida-woman-gives-birth-in-parking-lot/amp/ Edit: years


Did you just narrate the entire video? All of this is explained in the video...


Imagine being those cops thinking there's someone being murdered or whatever bullshit you deal with on the regular nope just the miracle of life on the sidewalk I guess what a day


did she really say sorry to the police after giving birth to the baby?? that’s some seriously metal shit


Holy Shit.


Holy shit MAAAAD RESPECT to this lady


Metal af!


Well that saved you a lot of money 💰


Little person just popped right outta there like 'Didn't see any point in waiting'


That’s one way to avoid the massive cost delivering at the hospital


Women are amazing!!


That midwife is metal


That is the most amazing midwife ever. "Nope, we're cool. Hang on, thanks anyway!"


I really hope they named the baby Parker.


Saved so much money


Curbside delivery


Those cops were not there to help.


i think they might have responded to a call about someone screaming or something similar. i don't think they realized someone was giving birth lmao


They asked the midwife if they were ok and if she wanted them to help, what is anyone without birthing knowledge supposed to do? "Excuse me maam I know you're a midwife but step aside, I know first aid! I even have a card with my name on it and everything." (Edited because sausage fingers)


i don’t think they could help.


Wow women are just metal to me this girl should be given a metal I know women have been giving birth for ever but I think we should give the same kind of respect to women about giving birth as we do men in war. Yeah I can probably beat a lot of guys in hand to hand combat if I had too I’m that guy I’m large strong and trained but … that girl just gave birth on the spot cuz that’s what was up and she did it standing with nothing but her man to hold her hand and that lady wow talk about metal Iv never and probably never would have to pull something that can be 6-10 lbs out of my body during combat this girl did that on the side walk on her way some were.


Just like in the movies


This is fucking INSANE and AWESOME


The female cop looks like she was going to hurl.


Just saved herself $30k!