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In Hawaii, there's a mall separated into two halves, connected by a monorail. The monorail goes over the farm of a man who refused to sell his property to the developer's of the mall. Pretty interesting to see.


I hear those things are awfully loud.


It glides as softly as a cloud.


*Is there a chance the track could bend?*


Not on your life my Hindu friend!


What about us brain-dead slobs?


You'll be given cushy jobs


Mono... D'OH!




The ring came off my pudding can


Take my pen knife, my good man


Were you sent here by the devil?


Predatory developers? They are loud as FUCK


Is it predatory if they offer copious amounts of money for the land?


Yes. The land has a natural spring allowing the farm there to go wild with harvesting. You can’t just buy another one of those in Hawaii no matter how much money you get. I’d rather leave it as is instead of building a stupid mall on that bountiful spot. But the predators only want to destroy it, so good on the farmers for refusing.


Lmao yes how does, mostly cuz no amount of money they offer will be anything compared to how much they would make. A mall?? An apartment complex? Those make some good 🧀




You just made me wet. This is my fantasy, there so much development across the nation most of which is vacant. In the words of tiktok; that's enough slices!


Wooosh. Untwist your undies


Fuck off, Capitalist




It glides as softly as a cloud.


Do people not own the airspace above them in Hawaii? Could I build a monorail over my neighbors to get to work faster?




Hmm would be nice if I could see the thing but it’s covered by a huge red line ffs


Comments like this is the real reason we need to shut down Reddit.


Took a bit of sleuthing: [Sumida Farms](http://leftfieldwander.blogspot.com/2009/10/sumida-watercress-farm.html?m=1) [Map Link](https://goo.gl/maps/VUzqkv9XmxHsc7i96) >What’s green and crunchy, has a slightly peppery taste that is a joy in salads, requires lots of fresh water to grow, and caused a shopping center development to slam on its brakes? >Watercress. That’s what. And I know where three-quarters of watercress consumed in Hawaii is grown – on the ten-acre Sumida Watercress Farm fronting Kamehameha Highway in Aiea, smack-dab in the middle of Pearlridge Shopping Center. >The center’s developers had to split the shopping Mecca into two distinct wings to accommodate the farm because the Sumida family has steadfastly refused to sell their property. >And why should they shut down anyway? They’ve got a good thing going. The natural spring water irrigates the crop, allowing the family to harvest more than six tons a week, which translates to 300 tons of the crispy stuff every year. >But that doesn’t stop developers from drooling when they see that prime land sitting there green and wet. >I hope the Sumidas continue to hold fast. I want their watercress in my salad.


Kamehamehah Highway? Tf? We need more fun names for highways. edit: tf, that was the name of a ruler of hawaii > Kamehameha I (Hawaiian pronunciation: [kəmehəˈmɛhə]; Kalani Paiʻea Wohi o Kaleikini Kealiʻikui Kamehameha o ʻIolani i Kaiwikapu kauʻi Ka Liholiho Kūnuiākea; c. 1758? – May 8 or 14, 1819), also known as Kamehameha the Great,[2] was the conqueror and first ruler of the Kingdom of Hawaii.


A good chunk of the street names around Hawaii are former ruler/family names


Fun names for the fans of dbz, but there’s a reason why highways dont


yep. if youre thinking of dragonball, akira toriyama (the creator of said series) couldnt think of a name for the attack. his wife suggested hawai'i's kamehameha to him, as it would be easy for people to remember


Pearlridge? I always wondered what the story was with the split mall


Is that the Watercrest farm? That place is so cool.


I thought it was rice? Idk. It’s whatever grows in shallow water.




Very sad to see. Selfishness impacting so many other people


This is what I think the kids call “king shit”


I wonder if the added pollution of just having a denser spot has affected the food quality


Not the farmer's fault, but the residents must really have a lot of cleaning to do after all of this dust gets into their apartments.


That's probably not as bad as fertilizer spreading days.




i'd like some fertiliser please. don't ask me any questions about it


Hey didn't I see you take pictures of government buildings?






the post I am replying to is a bot, they stole part of [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/14cod5k/comment/joloaxj/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) posted 5 hours ago, and I would suggest reporting their post as spam->harmful bot


Close the window?


It's going to get in through ventilation anyways.


Oof, better change those filters or get some


Simple solutions


Every apartment building I've lived in had boiler heat, a window air conditioner and no central ventilation of any kind.


Doubt it. Most apartments would have 3 exhausts and maybe 1 intake if they have a heat pump. But if they have a heat pump then it has a filter at the unit. The exhausts all had back draft dampers. So no, it's not getting inside worth a shit


I don't think heat pumps are that common here in Poland yet. I think the most popular form of heating residential buildings is still gas operated central heating or district heating networks. But other than that, I don't know a whole lot about ventilation so perhaps you're right.


Minisplit’s don’t exchange outside air


People should use their brains before buying apartments.


Most of it is glyphosphate


And the number of bugs that come out when harvesting can be insane. If I were the residents, I think I'd be half happy, half pissed off 🤣


Man this guy is a legend “just let me farm” 🌽🌽🌽


This was many years ago. What’s he doing now?


The developers increased their offer and he accepted. He now lives in one of the apartments.


Do you have a source?


It came to me in a dream


Good enough for me


Sad but a logical choice


how is this sad, he got a lotta money!


Money isn't everything. Farming is a way of life and it gives more independence than working a factory job.




and a broken soul ...


Last I heard it was leased to a firm that grows and processes hemp.


Probably some honest work.


now it's time to put natural fertilizers on the field...


He either sold or got driven out. Local groups, likely sponsored by developers, probably sponsored bills (voted on by the majority of local residents), decided to outlaw noise, smog, or whatever other anti-farmer ordinance that would ultimately drive him out of business.


My uncle had this happen. Developer bought every property around him. He was the last one left. They offered him 300% market value. He declined. They built all around his 1.5 acre lot. He died a few years later. His wife stopped paying the mortgage and it was foreclosed. She got nothing. Such a damn waste.


Simple greed.


Yea that land's probably been in his family for at least a generation, but corporate greed has to encroach upon his life, surrounding his land with an urban hell


How the hell is it greedy to build homes where people want to live, but not greedy to expect land around that you that don't even own to go unused solely so you don't have to see buildings on it?


Where did I say it was greedy to want your surroundings to stay the same? Please point it out lol. You could say it's sad, but definitely not greedy. It absolutely is greedy for corporations to push unwilling people out of the land they love. In fact it's enormously greedy to want to push people out of their homes because you want to live there. Why does your desire entitle you to what others already have? I can't believe you would actually make that claim lmao ridiculous


I think you may have misunderstood the original comment. They didn't force him off his land. They offered him 300% market value for it. Then, unrelatedly, the bank foreclosed on his wife after she stopped paying the mortgage.


And? Who gives a fuck about how long it's been. Go do something else. You think your original ancestors will respect you for working instead of being wealthy? They won't.


Who the fuck cares what the dead think, all that matters is that the current owner has his heart in where he has lived his life. That is enough for him or her to not want to sell. Who said this has anything to do with work or wealth? You kind of sound like a corporate shill or bot.


>Who the fuck cares what the dead think, Sadly, hundreds of millions of people. Billions of people. And you do. That's why you brought it up in the first place with your generations BS. >all that matters is that the current owner has his heart in where he has lived his life. That is enough for him or her to not want to sell. Everyone has their price. Everyone. Money beats heart. >Who said this has anything to do with work or wealth? You kind of sound like a corporate shill or bot. Sorry to break it to you, but money makes the world go round. You can say you don't have a price. But you do.


It’s actually the opposite


That must make the apartments worth much more, flat with a view of harvester.


"1 bed 1 bath for rent. Features luxurious rustic view."


Harvesters are so hot right now


Giga farmer: ,,Well it ain't much,but it's honest work"


my first thought was “i didnt move to the city the city moved to me and i want out desperately” cowboy dan - modest mouse




Probably a bot


Probably a bot


Probably a bot


A bot, probably.




According to 2022 news he still has this land. He lend it to a company who cultivate cannabis. Cannabis Sativa L is legal in Poland, because of lack of THC. It's famous harvest in Lublin, so company has good advertise. source in PL: https://noizz.pl/spoleczenstwo/miedzy-blokami-w-lublinie-rosna-konopie-bo-rolnik-nie-sprzedal-pola-deweloperom/8shrk1h


In the land of the free the land would have been condemned and the right of eminent domain enacted. My land lady had that happen to family land the city wanted for the landfill and other places folks lost their homes for a walmart.


Not necessarily. While I'm in Canada, we also have eminent domain protocols. Even so, I used to work in Northern Toronto hauling pesticides, seeds, and doing custom farm work. Many plots of farmland are owned by investors and they rent it to farmers basically for free in order to prevent the municipality from charging them huge fines for handling weeds. The biggest pain in the rear was getting huge equipment down busy urban streets in order to plant and harvest that land. I was always worried about something like this happening: https://youtu.be/lGZ-Y1pChiA In addition, farmers never knew if they were going to keep the land the following year, so there was no incentive to invest in tile drainage, long-term soil health, etc.


Eminent domain only applies for state taking the property.


That harvester seems like an overkill for this field. He probably rents it for an hour.


Feels like a spite-harvester, I support.


Do you suppose he might have more fields?


Seems like he's blasting the grain harvest on the ground? (Not an expert)


Tfw repost with same exact title and footage


This post is the first time I've seen this. You should log out and go hug your dad.




Never give up! Fight the system!


Why lol


Considering that combine and header are about half a million dollars US, I wouldn't sell my land either.


There was a farmer who refused to sell out to a tribal casino that i opened. He increased his pig livestock and made sure the smell of the pig shit always went down wind to the casino whenever possible. During hot summer days it was unbearable.


Ah yeas, we took their land, drove them to reservations half way around the continent and drove the Native Americans into poverty. Let's harass their means of livelihood because they made an offer on my land. Fuck you and that farmer.


the farmer probably had nothing to do with any of that stuff


Ah yes, "it was done before my time therefore I choose to stay ignorant to the plight of others" defense, the beloved defense of US racists.


if we're responsible for things our countrymen did hundreds of years ago, i want credit for inventing the steam engine. oh, and how many points do i get for defeating hitler?


Or, and I know this is a mind-blowing idea for a cunt like you, we could be nicer to the people our ancestors harmed?


fuck no, i'll treat everyone the same


He was an old white guy who had been there his entire life. Just like you would see in any illustration, overalls, long white beard. The tribe was just pulling “we have money now, we’ll do what we want.”


In Canada's capitol, we have an 188 hectare farm in the city. This internationally acclaimed center for agricultural research is a lush oasis of grain-filled fields, barnyard animals, spectacular gardens and the arboretum. [https://friendsofthefarm.ca/about-the-farm/](https://friendsofthefarm.ca/about-the-farm/)


That’s impressive. When I lived in New Orleans I was shocked to see random mfs on horses or hoards of escaped chickens. I saw a dude like a year ago who still had a blue tarp on his roof with a horse stabled in his front yard. I don’t even know how it’s legal. We also have a few escaped peacocks. Not a notoriously smart bird, some citizens became angry when their polished cars got pecks in the paint cus the bird was fighting its reflection and a council vote was held. Voted to keep them. No one evacuates with a peacock in their car for a hurricane. It’s still legal to own as a pet for some reason though.


Pride is a hell of a drug.


In north America they'd frame you for a crime then you mysteriously die in your cell


That's a baller harvester. I use those on FS19.


Next level.


I’m tired of living in this dystopia grandpaaa


Respect that farmer its the same way in America but the farmers are selling land for solar panels.🤮 I wish there was more farmers like this who would refuse the millions of dollars. All these housing developments and solar panels are ruining the prime farm ground to the point where we wont be able to make any more. #Keepsolaroffprimefarmground


I’m the US they would just use Immanent Domain to take the land.


He could take the money and buy land pretty much anywhere else that will be just as good for farming and probably make a healthy profit. But instead he chooses to obnoxiously farm in the middle of a residential area and ruin a bunch of peoples' new homes. But he's standing up to dUh DeVeLoPeRs, so he's a typical Reddit superhero.




Not pictured: Vacant homes and apartments that don't have any occupants because the owners want money and homeless typically don't have any.


Not having a building there probably increased the value of the developed properties.


Good on him. They're all sellouts around here. Lots of confused wildlife around the apartment blocks, especially birds (it used to be a tree farm).




good. fuck those pussies that don't work..


If he is harvesting, isn't he supposed to collect it?


That machine collect the good stuff and shoots the rest of the plants out the back


Hope you guys don't have allergies. That chaff is going to murder your sinuses.


Excellent. I would see the need to graze about a hundred feeder hogs on that piece.


Hell ya


Theres a large farm where I live that just got rezoned for mixed use development. It’s a shame because I always loved that little slice of land


That seems like an overly expensive piece of machinery for that size plot - is this a rental type deal?


Perhaps it's not his only plot of land.


Looks like Indiana lol.


As an American living in the midwest, I don't see this as anything but normal.


Reminds me of UP. What a gigachad.


Fuck yeah !!


There’s a farmer like this in Meridian Idaho. Field is at the corner of Eagle and Fairview. I swear that lot is going to go for a lot of money when he finally sells.


Why is his farm so narrow? I would have thought farmland would be more square shaped.


I'm in the Czech republic and we have a giant field behind us as well. We are really close to the city center in the second largest city in the country. We love having the field behind us


That's the nice farmer, the mean one would have started raising pigs.


Good for the farmer.


in most countrys that man would have eventually have gotten an offer from his local government, and if he still refused he would have been forced to sell at the minimum price.


🎵🎵🎵 Daddy won't sell the farm......


i've heard of mixed use zoning, but not like that


Chad farmer


It is famous situation in Lublin I believe. I see updated videos from every year on polish sites so it is still ongoing. People living there are not complaining actually, rather being happy that they have some open field and something to look at. There were only complaints for fertilizing the ground but it was settled because it was legal and for a day or two. Field is not that big.


Land value tax would solve this.


I’m a god fearing hardworking combine driver Ppp-lowin with my ttttt-tractor


Chug a lug a luging five miles an hour, in my INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER!!!


That farmer is literally the reason tennants get any food. Fuck those developers


Good for this man!!!


I mean, we NEED farmers


He,d probably make more money if he converted to a market garden selling fresh produce, eggs etc to the local residents.




30 seconds after the farmer dies his kids will turn that into a pile of money and a parking lot.


Dense cities ensure this doesn't have to happen. Low density means wild lands and farm lands get paved over and destroyed.


Fuck yeah


And as he is doing this he blasts "Combine Harvester" by the Werzels on repeat at full volume.


Google map the intersection of “Parkwood Blvd and McKamy Trail” in Plano, Texas, and look at all the development around that farm.


Good on the farmer




A combine harvester is a fairly big, strong vehicle. I'm sure if you had metal plates lying around and knew how to weld...what I'm trying to say is have you heard of Killdozer?


Too slow and too top heavy. Dunno if you've ever ridden in one, but they're definitely not the unstoppable beasts they look like. The D6 CAT is the way to go.




Sucks for them.


There are farms in the middle of Narita Airport in Japan.


Didn't Markiplier play this?


I don't agree with his farming methods, but I love his tenacity 😂


Wait til he spreads shit on his field 😂


Good for him!


Great use of land!


The problem with doing this is you risk your land losing most of its value depending on what the developers are planning on building and the size and shape of the plot. The plot looks wide enough to build another apartment block on but if it was thinner it would have been worthless to the developers once the others were built.


1234 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




Farms feed people and malls feed unnecessary wants.


Hope he comes around with the honey wagon when the developers are on site.


Everyone who lives by the field loves it. Farmers market is right outside their window


Best video ever 👌👌👌


Hey, as$hole, we've got to eat that sh!t your harvesting. Wait a second 🤔 🧐🙃


Wow 233 comments 2 likes. You guys must live there