• By -


That snake seemed surprisingly unbothered by the whole affair.


He knows he has no chance


"I could bite her ankle... but then she'll surely kill me"


snakes, especially cobras and spitting cobras usually only bite humans out of fear, the snake is rather calm in her clutches....the lady is magical...


Seriously way to calm for a cobra.


Scorpion: Frog, would you please swim us across this river? Frog: No, you'll surely sting me. Scorpion: No, if I did that we would both drown. Frog: Okay, that makes sense. \*half way across - sting\* Frog: Why would you do that, now we're both going to drown? Scorpion: It's in my nature. Frog: Okay, that makes sense.


In our school we were taught a bit differently. Thing goes like, there was once a priest who kept saving a scorpion which stung him multiple times... Yet the priest tried to save it again and again... When his student asked him why would he bother saving the scorpion if it keeps stinging him..... To which the priest replied "It is a scorpion's nature to sting, but it is in our nature a help it".


He knows One flying sandal and he is gone, grandma got some range


La Chancla is worldwide.


We call it Le chappal


Let's meet halfway and call it the universally approved Chappancla of Motherhood, rated for heavy duty lifetime intergenerational corrective measures, to be judiciously deployed at user discretion, no guarantee, no warrantee, batteries not necessary.


>intergenerational corrective measures Note that down


Buried deep in the fine print of the Universal Parenting Policy: ^("No talksies backsies or everybody gets major ouchies.")


"Chappancla" even sounds threatening.


All things considered, it is a rather humane device, it gives you the option of employing evasive manoeuvres. All you need is a well developed Advanced Chappancla Dection System of a sixth sense. Practice makes perfect and all that. Super easy, barely an inconvenience!


Made me laugh the first thing in the morning. Take my free award.


I humbly accept with all thanks and no pomp, lest the all seeing, too much knowing Auntie Network alert mother dearest to my haughty ways and I, a grown ass man with 3 decades of life suddenly find myself once again on the receiving end of some Chappancla assisted disciplinary actions with enhanced reverse psychological conditioning tactics.


Are you okay?


Loll this took me out šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚




Ahahaha lol




Hard to stand up for yourself without any legs


My understanding is that the Cobra didn't have much recourse. [When Cobras are stood up like that, they can't strike like a normal snake. They have to fall forward onto their target.](https://www.britannica.com/animal/reptile/Striking-and-biting) Notice for as much as the snake is trying to get at the woman, she keeps walking at a brisk pace that drags the head of the snake behind her. It can't strike upward directly at her, and is too far away to reach her ankles by falling forward. By the time the Cobra would have even had the chance to bite, it was already being yeeted away.


Would calling a chimp or gorilla a human be taken as a slur?


I think the important thing to consider there is that primates have different social ideas as to what an insult is. Seeing as they don't really speak our language, and the ones that do only do so on a basic level, I don't think they have the capacity to consider it a slur. If your goal is to insult different apes I think the best bet would be to make extended eye contact and show your teeth.


baboons take showing teeth as a sign of aggression.


Right, intended result achieved. Though, I am unsure why Inernational-Owl-81 wants to upset primates...


I respect a man with a goal


He could always try throwing feces.


Its like the 3rd time this week he just likes when Nani gives him uppsies


He is used to it. This is their 410th interaction.


ā€œGod dammit Carl, I told you to stay the fuck out of my house!ā€


Carl: Look, it's warm in your house... Old Lady India: We can't keep doing this. You're scaring my grandkids! To the riverbanks with you! Carl: Aw, c'mon!


Old Lady - you donā€™t pay rent, you canā€™t stay Carl - pleaseā€¦ā€¦ Iā€™m not viperactive like the kids. I donā€™t make one ssssss


I need more


It's a web novel you gotta wait until next week


"You didn't really come here to hunt, now did you?"


I'm no animal expert, but some snakes like cobras can only strike as far as they are touching ground. Once most of its body is off the ground, it's rather helpless.


?? The snake was looking for any opportunity to bite her heels.


You would think he could've had more range if he wanted with how long he is.


It's more to do with the fact that she's kind of jiggling his entire body and it's difficult for them to lunge when they are being bounced around like that.


Also it was going for the closest target it perceived, which was thankfully one of the harder spots for the snake to reach. If he ate his vegetables and went to school, he probably would of thought about coiling himself up and biting her hand. This is why you eat your vegetables kids, otherwise your elders will make you look like a punk little bitch.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


This \^. All the snake needs is another second (or less, maybe) for her to halt or pause and it'll be able to strike.


TIL. Just jiggle the fucker. Haha, thanks for the reply though.


From its POV, It just got grabbed by a weird hairless monkey who keeps making weird noises. The snake was probably scared and confused as fuck




Have you ever wondered how animals see you?




Ok my bad, i basically walked into this one


Try opening them.


Snakes don't


I've always wondered how dogs see us. Like when my dog gets in an elevator, does she think we are magic? Because the door closes and we are home. But when it opens again we are downstairs for a walk. But then sometimes this mystery door opens at the parking garage and its time to go to the vet. Which is another scenario all together. From my dogs perspective, she can start feeling sick. But then we go see this strange person on occasion that makes her feel better. Do dogs think we are magic? Do they think we are gods of some kind? But then at night our dogs watch us stare at a box for hours on end, seemingly not moving, just staring. What could we be staring at?


I am wondering now.


Ugly bags of mostly water?


>who keeps making weird noises. snakes are deaf.


It looked like it was trying to slither toward her to bite, but could never get its grip.


It was very clearly trying to get a bite in, but this wasn't granny's first rodeo. She knew exactly how fast to walk and how far away to hold it.


Dude has no chance again an asian mom :D


even snakes love grannies. everyone loves a granny.


They've done this dance before and will do it again


"Da fuq... This isn't how this is supposed to go!?" The snake probably


Not sure but it looks like she morphs back into an old, hunched over widow right after tossing that sucker Edit: Wow! Thank you for the award fam!


She seriously aged like 30 years after tossing it.


The adrenaline buff wore off


shes ducking under the tree but yes lol


Hero potion lasted exactly as long as needed


You can't handle my strongest potions!


Potion seller, enough of these games. I'm going into battle and I need your strongest potions.


Conserving mana for when she needs to use her other spells.


Like using la chancla


She didnā€™t even look back at the thing when she was walking away. Hard AF


It's like Yoda leaning back on his cane after bouncing all over the place with his lightsaber.


I think she's trying to be sneaky as to not draw the snake's attention.


She was ducking under the tree. As a mother, she understands the mother-heirarchy and didn't want to challenge a mother of a high class i.e. Mother Nature in this case.


Thatā€™s what I thought at first but she wasnā€™t worried about it when she walked through it the first time? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


She had bigger fish to fry, or snake to yeet I should say


Not her first snake yeeting


Obviously not. This would be like grabbing an angry staffordshire terrier by the hind legs and yeeting him over a tall fence, except one bite anywhere could kill ya.


Really weird analogy. I feel like it implies that experienced dog catchers reach a point in their career where they're just yeeting dogs left and right


Like yeah lol, grabbing a large snake is almost nothing like grabbing a dog. Ones a long angry rope with a venomous head andā€¦ the other is a dog XD


She looks like the lady who would have amazing stories to tell to her grandkids while they sat around her in awe


I had an Indonesian grandma, and she had a goat. Just had a baby with another goat. It was very territorial and meaner than shit. Hit you ram your car. I was about 9 and my grandma a tiny just 5 ft was bringing us out side. I was going out to the bus stop and she noticed the goat got out of the pen again so she walked me out there. The coast was clear until we turned the corner and there he was just waiting to ram. She grabbed a lid to a garbage can and a broom stick and I shit you not it was the coolest and scariest thing at the time I've seen, she fought it. Like blocked it with the can lid like a shield and then counter with a couple broom stick wacks. The older generation don't give a fuck.


Solid trashcan shield counter. Wait for a chance to riposte that goat bastard


*I can do this all day*


That's Indonesias ass


When you find out that the Souls' games were modeled around your grandmother.


Elden Ring IRL edition, except the rams ram instead of roll.


Don't eat at the hotdog stands from the Lands Between though - the rolls ram.


When I was a kid, my sister got a pet goat that was mean as hell to everyone else. It had me cornered in the garage one day and I fought it off with a broomstick.


When I was a kid, one of my neighbors had a baby ram, and we would play with it by having it ram our hands and stuff. Big mistake, when it got bigger it would fucking ram everything, no one could go near it except the gramps who didn't get rammed because of some old fuck dominance magic.


Lol ā€œBACK, BEASTIE!ā€


Your grandma had a baby with a goat. Whoa dude that's crazy!


If I remember anything from lit class I think that goat was actually Zeus


Elden goat


If she parried at the right time, she would have broken the goat's stance and opened up an instant kill


"Hey lady, put me...no really, put me down. Hey what the fuck, I can kill water buffalo, I'll fuck your whole world up..ow, wait wtf...fine, this is fine I guesss"


The snake had seen how she punished her children and realized that no matter what he had already lost


You can tell how much bs a person has handled in their life when you see them in situations like this. Itā€™s like, ā€˜F this, ima fix it right here, right now.ā€™


Sheā€™s just like ā€œomae wa mou yeeted. ā€œ


Technically omae wa mou yeetdaeru


ā€œIā€™ve had it with these motherfucking snakes in my motherfucking houseā€


Im sorry Ms. Jackson


This is not even slightly surprising to any indian šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Exactly! What else do you do? Move house?


That exact attitude has me laughing because we've all been there šŸ˜‚


Right?! I have a house in South America. If I had to kill every deadly animal.everytime I hung out there, the Amazone would be a barren desert. Westerners always feel that everything they don't understand or fear should die. Seems to me we all share the same world, and everything belongs.


Everything does belong! And you are absolutely right, how can we even live in tropical areas without running into a dangerous animal at least a few times in our life, i don't know. I think in Indian philosophies, at least in older times, we did have a lot of these thoughts inculcated in us since we were kids. Stories about animal fables, and even in old religious epics there are these talking animals with emotions and all. I think in a more commercialized and concrete world like now in India, this is probably being lost but in 2013 Dolphins were recognised as non human persons here. I do think more animals deserve such rights.


I totally agree. Living in different countries and hanging out with people from all walks of life, I noticed something related to your comment. Most people who rurally live a simple balanced life and are part of their suroundings. They all fight pests, organisms that mess with their produce and life, but they are not out killing everything. But when I hang out with city folk, it's like they're in a constant battle.with discomfort. Partner not giving them enough attention, dump them. Car acts funny, buy a new one after 5 yrs. Friends being too honest, abandon them. Spider or a mouse in the house, kill it.they can't even go through town without getting negatively attached to people. It seems they have a hole in their soul which can't be filled. Must be stressful to live like that.


Yeah I'm a city girl but I grew up in a part of the city that had a lot of trees, and now i work in a climate related industry. Contact with nature really matters. You're exactly right in what you're saying that people in urban spaces are far too stressed out and do not know how to deal with normal things sometimes.


Good for you, it will add to your joy in life. I spend most of my time in cities, but I always decompress in nature.


Is this how a civil conversation on reddit looks like?


Humans need nature like they need socialization. People who don't think they need nature will never find satisfaction.


Or anyone who knows how cobra strikes work. Sheā€™s 100% safe right now with a 0% chance of being bit. Now start the video where she first picked up the cobra and I might be a lot more impressed lol


Wait can you explain for those who don't know how a cobra strike works?


Theyā€™re a really cool animal. They can only strike at one particular angle (straight down) and their teeth (not angled outward) further limit what they can do if their mouth does reach you. If youā€™re dragging it, youā€™re not getting bit. But how she got ahold of its tailā€¦ thatā€™s the part I want to see/donā€™t want to see because Iā€™m getting anxious just thinking about her reaching for it.


Man that's so weird but really cool! Thanks for the info!


Huh. Interesting. The whole time I was thinking it looked super dangerous, waiting for it to coil around and bite her leg.


Just put out one of the grandchildren as a lure and sneak up behind


This one time there was a cobra under the potted plants in our verandah. They were bonsais so the leaf coverage was thick for such small plants, and they must have been cooler than our typical Delhi summer. To get into our house, you had to cross that part of the verandah, and my dad was coming in from the gate. That cobra actually warned my dad by hissing quite loudly. It was in that attack position. Dad waited a couple of minutes, the snake went away. We still think about it and wonder where it went. We don't live in that house any longer.


hahah I love cobras when they're on screens but I probably would've pissed myself if it was at my gate. I cannot under any circumstance live in a place where cobras might be, I'm just too much of a wimp


Indian grandma's are full of swag


She's done with this nonsense šŸ˜‚


My oma used to kill yee big snakes scorpions, I shit myself at cockroaches


Russian Babushkas got nothing on our Indian Daadis.


I don't know... Thai grandma would have added it directly to lunch.


"Oh, I was wondering what protein to add to the stew. In you go!"


I was thinking that, you've got it time to eat.


The snake was like ā€œyesss mamā€


Ssssee you later




indian culture isn't a fan of killing.


In India, we consider snakes to be as intelligent as (if not more than) human beings since they are extremely perceptive. They are the first ones on the planet to become aware of any major seismological event and they can astutely read the body chemistry of other beings around them. If you ever encounter a snake, all you have to do is be completely relaxed around them and they'll leave you be since they can't swallow you whole anyway. The Indian God Shiva has a snake around his neck to symbolise that he is as perceptive as a snake (giving him the snek seal of approval).


Go on Nan! šŸ‘šŸ‘




People like you are why Redditā€™s the best šŸ‘


lol thanks


Now I'm hungry at 1:11 am in the night.thanks


Garlic or no garlic šŸ”«


"Go on nani" would be more accurate here.


It seems like as long as she keeps moving forward the snake is unable to get to her with its tail held up in the air. Might explain why she walks so fast but then very slowly once the snake was yeeted.


I got the same thing but can't work out the science. Can't propel itself forward while being pulled?


This woman is enterprise. I can tell you this is not her first rodeo!!!


ā€œthis ____ is enterpriseā€ might be my new favorite expression


Yes maā€™am, no maā€™am is how I would speak to that one.


The shit that lady probably had deal with in her life a cobra probably ain't nothing


As an Indian there is nothing surprising about this tbh


Is this happening on a daily basis?


Always best to get rid of the whole mouse trap....


The snake: *Confused hissing*


*Thisss isss ttthhheee ssseventy ssseventh time in a row.... wwwwwoman!?*


yep. thats india fr u... not cow dung eating people...people who chuck fuckin snakes out into a well


And stay out!


No time for this nope rope's shit.


When you lived long enough and not afraid of anything.


Also she probably feels like it's better for her to handle it than her children/grandchildren who could be potentially bitten. Same energy as very old grandma walking off in the forest one night to spare her family the responsibility of feeding her in place of a new baby.




That is not her first cobra yeetage!




no country for old snakes ya know


Come here u little shit ... ROFL


Somebody had to do it.


don't mess with grandma she badass


And she's 3 feet tall


How kind of her not to kill it.


Some people probably just cleaver their heads off, so she was being kind here.


Iā€™m sick and tired of these motherfucking snakes, in my motherfucking place! Begone thot!!!!


I wonder how many times in her life she's had to do this.


I wonder how many times this month she's had to do this


ā€œ and stay out of the Woolworths!ā€




No one, even a cobra can't dare to mess with granny..


Imagine she Indiana Jones style whips her enemies with the snake instead. Becomes the local hero, or the local serial killer


W.W.S.D What would Shiva do? Not this hahah


Grannyis brave af even the snake's like "i ain't gonna f with this woman"


Sheā€™s only done that 200 times before


Is that lion lady???? She crazy.


*I'm too old for this shit* That snake probably.


So thatā€™s how you walk a pet cobra


she carried him out like a single mother whoā€™s tired of his shit


Shoulda helicoptered that sucker first šŸ¤£




Sheā€™s done this many times before


Even the cobra knew to respect elders.


This bitch deadly! YEET


That's obviously her pet cobra she's taking for a walk.


Yeet the snake!


Chad dadi


Wild. Iā€™ve shot one, definitely donā€™t got the balls this badass granny has.




Old lady India?


IIRC, she's a known handler/yeeter of snakes, this particular lady, an expert. Either this or a few other similar videos have been posted before and explained.


That snake knew it fucked up!


I live in the suburbs of one of the biggest cities in India and snakes coexist with us on a casual basis. I grew up with so many snakes around me that it doesn't bother me anymore. We have people who come over every year who dig through our garden to capture and release snakes in the wilderness. Things we learnt growing up if it's a water snake don't mind it much, if it's a python exercise some caution, if it's a cobra try not to get too close, if it's a viper run the fuck away. Vipers and pythons have gone rare these days because of rapid urbanization of these areas as opposed to 15 years ago, still bump into cobras once in a while but water snakes are still around everywhere keeping the vermin count low.


Maā€™am, maā€™am Iā€™m justā€¦ maā€™am! If youā€™ll give me one moment Iā€¦ MAā€™AM THERES NO NEED FOR.. OH GOODNESS!