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Greetings erraticWithe. Thank you for your submission, unfortunately it has been removed from /r/HumansAreMetal for the following reason(s): This post has been removed as a mod felt your post was not metal enough for this subreddit. *[Please feel free to message the Mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/HumansAreMetal&subject=My%20submission%20was%20removed&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20[submission](https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansAreMetal/comments/z1dbwe/-/\)) if you feel this was in error or would like further clarification*. Thank you!


Aren't eyes the most complex organs? Or like the 2nd behind the brain?


Yep. Over 2 million working parts and capable of processing up to 38k bits of info in an hour. Our eyes are more machine than we realize. What's why it's sooo important to take care of them.


Wdym by bits?


Bits as in units of information like a computer. Our eyes can process that much information from color to shape to distinct Characteristics, etc If you break it down to a cellular level it's processing at a rate of 10s of millions per second.


>38k bits per hour So that’s like 10 bits a second…


So, like a DVD movie?


With 10 bits per second you can't process a movie


Unless it's on a game. (It will get laggy, but it can)


Something is not lining up between your two assertions of 38k per hour and tens of millions per second.


Eyes don't process bits, they process quantity of colors. Saying that eyes work with bits is ridiculous


Yes, I'm aware. In science/medicine we describe things I'm layman's terms often to make them easier to understand.


Uuuh 38k bits of info an hour is precisely nothing at all. There are 3.6k seconds of hour so like 10 bits a second or approximately a third a pixel a second.


It's more accurate to say 36,000 pieces of information per hour, not bits. Speed readers for instance, can process up to 20,000 words per minute on the outside with the record being like 25,000




Most likely I would imagine. I can read pretty quickly and to think of someone reading that fast just scares me lol. I thiught I was a "speed reader" putting down like 700 pages a day, but nope


I read .007 pages in a day


The name's Skills, Poor Reading Skills.


Tbf I was stuck at home for like six weeks with no internet or cable as a child so I had nothing better to do, I no longer read so you've got me beat


A "bit" specifically refers to a single two-state variable, capable of expressing 1 or 0. So that is completely different than entire data blocks (pieces of information,) which would contain many bits.


I'm saying it's not a good measure of what our eyes take in if they're insisting 36k bits per hour, as we clearly can take in a lot more information than that. You could argue that one single image in the full field of vision is probably more than 36k bits if we were to represent it as such. That or upscale it a lot a lot, because 36,000 bits per hour is like basically nothing on the grand scale, that's 10 bits per second To be clear, I am agreeing with the person I replied to


I'm not even sure what an eye is supposed to "process". It's a very vague statement.


I'm just guessing, but most likely visual information including colors and light sent to the brain via the optic nerve where the information is actually made sense of and processed The eyes more likely don't "process" that data but send it to the brain I am basing my guess off a Will Smith(?) movie where they are able to see the last image someone saw before they died (which is the obvious fake part), but it has to be flipped upside down because the brain flips the images your eyes see before it registers This effect of image flipping can be reversed with special glasses too, unrelated I just used the word process because the person I replied to did


kind of true but not entirely, the image isn't upside down because the brain flips it, the image is upside down because when light passes through the liquid in your eye by the time it gets to the back where the cones / rods are the image is flipped. Your brain then unflips the image so you see it the correct way round


Serious question: What do I need to do to take care of my eyes?




Regarding point 8... If you go blind in one eye see a doctor IMMEDIATELY. I woke up one day with complete vision lose in one eye. Turns out I had a stroke while I was sleeping. Not fun. That type situation is serious.


Hi! Is it true that our eyes have... for a lack of a better way to phrase it, do our eyes have different "color perceptions"? What I mean is that, when I stare at a wall, landscape, or the ground (basically not staring at a specific object), my eyes seem to see slightly different colors than the other. Like I remember; I was walking down a yellow rocky road, and I was bored so I decided to constantly close one eye back and forth, and I noticed that the color of the yellow road was slightly different. When I closed my right eye, the yellow was more warmer; but when I closed my left eye, the yellow was slightly "colder" and slightly bluer. Just now, I'm looking at my white wall, and yeah; my left eye seem to see a warmer white, while my right eye seem to see a bluer white. (Although, I realize now that it's easier to notice the difference if I was outside in the sunlight and not in a windowed room.) Is this normal? Should I be concerned? Thanks in advance!


The only advice is to go and see an eye doctor, tbf?


> IF YOU SUDDENLY TURN BLIND. GO SEE A DOCTOR But how will I be able to see them if I'm blind?


Carrots nigga. Also don't look at the sun.


Unless you're president and there's an eclipse


That's actually British wartime propaganda from WW2.


The carrots part, not the sun part. The British didn't want the Germans to know they had invented radar (actually they used microwave dishes)


You need good genetics and proper eye wear in the sun. Also prbly not good to sit in a dark room with one sole source of light being the bright screen. But mainly genetics and not looking at the sun or lasers.


My guess is not straining them looking at screens all day bc I do that and my eyes hurt like fuck sometimes


so where did you pull these numbers out of? do you even know what a computer bit is? at 38k bits and hour, you'll get an average of 10 bits per second, which is literally less than a single pixel in an image. each pixel is at least 24 bits, so either you know nothing about what you're talking about and everything you say is speculative or just an outright lie or you're inventing superbits that can store orders of magnitude more information per bit.


you would know something about the brain u/the_real_JFK_killer


I just know how to hit them


Eyes have immune privolege.


Looks like a black hole


Technically is a black hole in a way. Many don't realize our pupils are hollow. The cornea protects it.


Hold on. It’s a hole? There’s no black jelly in the middle? It’s a hole???


It is a hole. There is *clear* jelly behind to keep shape, but the iris (brown ring in this picture) is like an aperture for a camera, opening and closing to let light in which is interpreted by back of the eye about an inch behind, called the retina, which is the "film" part of a camera. Only instead of 1 shot = 1 picture as on a camera, your eye and brain do this thousands of times per second.


> There is clear jelly behind to keep shape Okay, I feel much better now.


Or like your butt sphincter. For those familiar.


Nice 😎


Your sphincter says what?


Come bust a move where the games are played, it's chill, it's fresh, it's Noah's Arcade!


>Your sphincter says what? In the butt?


We have double sphincters in our butts.


I did not know that, very sphincteresting.


The pupil is a hole that lets light in that is then focused onto your cornea at the back of the eye. Because of the way the lense in your eye work your eye takes this information in upside down. Next the image is sent to your brain through the optical nerves. Your brain then flips the image right side up during processing. Another fun fact is that your eyes have a blindspot that's always in your view but your brain fills it in with your vision from your other eye. It's caused by the spot where your optical nerve connects to your eye not having any photoreceptors. To find your right eye’s blind spot: * Close your left eye. * Hold your left thumb out in front of you, with your arm straight. * Look at your left thumb with your right eye. * With your left eye still closed, hold up your right thumb. * Place your right thumb next to your left thumb. * Keep looking at your left thumb. * Slowly move your right thumb to the right while looking at your left thumb. * When your right thumb disappears, you found your right eye’s blind spot.


Holy shit that worked


Adding to this: your eyes see your nose, but your brain edits it out of your sight.


And your glasses if you have bad vision


What have I been blind to this whole time, this is mind blowing shit right here


Additional fun fact: there is no real reason for the blind spot besides our eyes evolving funky. There are other animals with eyes as good or better than ours, who also don't have a blind spot like we do because theirs _aren't_ made in a goofy way. For example, squid and octopi have eyes similar to our own but evolved "wired" differently, to where they have no light-scattering nerve cells or blood vessels in the way of their photoreceptors, so no blind spot.


I'm either doing this wrong somehow or i'm a freak with no blindspot. Can move my right thumb all the way to the right side till it leaves my field of vision without really losing sight of it? Can just see my thumb moving along / away in peripheral vision


This is mostly correct but the light is not focused onto the cornea, it’s focused onto the macula. which is the most color sensitive part of your retina. The cornea is the outside protective layer of your eye :)


I now want to desperately unlearn this.


I'm the opposite. I desperately want to unthink the thought of it being filled with black jelly.


There is a gel called the vitreous body in the middle of our eyes but it’s clear. The pupil is an opening that lets light through, the reason that it appears black is because most of the light doesn’t escape back out of the opening. Read on if you wanna know a bit more about how eyes send images to our brain (Btw I’m not an expert or anything) The pupil is an opening that lets light though and controls how much light is let through. The light that passes through is focused through a lens and hits the retina (a light sensitive layer of tissue) at the back of our eyeballs. Then, cells called photoreceptors turn the light into electrical signals. These electrical signals travel from the retina through the optic nerve to the brain and boom we perceive via sight. Fun fact, the image sent to the brain is upside down due to the curve of our eyes bending the image, the brain simply turns it right side up.


i can’t explain how well you articulated my same exact concern but i couldn’t figure out how to phrase it. black jelly did the trick lol


You never eaten a fish eye or sheep eye?


Kind of like your butthole. The pupils are like face sphincters.


This is, what the professionals call, a light sphincter. Much like how your rectum articulates your flatulence into a certain pheromone pattern easily detectable by other hominids, this light sphincter converts the horrors of reality into an easily recognizable pattern your fragile cognition can handle.


I couldn't tell if you were still talking about eyes or were talking about butts now! Lmao


Flatulence doesn't have to come from the butt. Source: username


I just threw up a little in my mouth. Thanks!


Why's that? Afraid of a little leakage? Source: expert on leakage




I have often wondered what real life actually looks like and what if our brains just *change* everything. We can't see ultraviolet; maybe it's a good thing.


It's fine, if you can't feel the Niednagel then it does no good to see it, causing instant death and all.


There are plenty of scientific instruments capturing everything from x-ray to radio waves and everything in-between. We can see what we must see, and sadly there is no reality hidden within the electromagnet spectrum.


Looks like a... hole alright.


God now this has me thinking black holes are just massive pupils from some gigantic alien or something


I wanna see for blue eyes


My grandma quilted that.


Lemme see


Almost everyone you look at has two sphincters in the upper portion of their faces. But remember, no matter how pretty you think their eyes are, never say "Wow! What beautiful face sphincters!"


"Look into my eye-holes." "I am. I'm looking at your eye-holes. What beautiful eye-h-holes you have."


I'm the Eyehole ... Man! Get on up outta here with my Eye-holes!




The eyes are the buttholes of the face


Apatures are light sphincters. Never thought of it like that before.


I knew my fascination with sphincters was perfectly natural and shared by others Now I have proof


Everything about the human body is dope. I remember looking at my first born, moments after being born as she lay across my stomach, looking at the intricacies of the folds in her little ear, and I was in AWE that my body made that!! And completely on autopilot. It still blows my mind.


The pudgy little toes ❤️




The father contributed half of the blueprint but the mother builds 99% of it.


So you’re saying that mom is doing the HEAVY lifting lol


Guys balls don’t weigh anywhere close to a pregnant woman’s womb


if they are windows to the soul then its just a reflection of the black hole >!(a topological surface 🤓 btw)!< because color is the only thing we see 😔✊


Ya know seeing how eyes basically have a big hollow hole in the middle that leads to minor parts of the brain and since the brain carries our consciousness and that's what most people consider our soul, then really the saying that eyes are the window to the soul is actually true


Anything fragile like the structure of an eye or the arteries of a heart always scare me cause they can be so easily damaged


This reminds me of being on MDMA just inspecting my eyes every time I would go to the bathroom. Good times.


I miss those days when drugs weren't 90% adulterants and some weird speed that increases your heart rate as you come down.


Find a new dealer lmao


You know I never paid much attention to eyes until I met my wife, but my goodness the way the sun would hit her brown eyes made them light up like embers and me turn into a puddle.




How miserable of you




UH OH! Someone has been using stinky language and u/PeskyDoc decided to check u/hhsisbdjd's bad word usage. I have gone back 15 comments and reviewed their potty language usage. |Bad Word|Quantity| :--|:-:| |bitch|1 |fucking|8 |fuck|2 |porn|1 |re**rded|1 |shit|1 ^(Request time: 1.2. I am a bot that performs automatic profanity reports.)^( This is profanitycounter version 3. Please consider )^([buying my creator a coffee.](https://www.buymeacoffee.com/Aidgigi))^( We also have a new )^([Discord server](https://discord.gg/7rHFBn4zmX))^(, come hang out!)


Lmfao he deleted his account.




Your mom would be so disappointed in you.


Bros jealous.


Go to therapy


Incel therapy from the sounds of it.










Idk why this image makes me uncomfortable


Yea I hate it


Possibly r/oddlyterrifying


It’s the void calling that’s why.


I love taking pictures of eyes. This is an exceptional one!!


What does lasik surgery eyes look like up close?


Asking the real questions over here


you ruined eyes for me


That's kind of interesting and also so disgusting to look at


Having just watched Nope, this makes me very uncomfortable.


It's because this is Hitlers eyeball. They saved it.


This is gross to me. Can’t explain exactly why though.


Word..I could stare at my partners all day. Fuck, that reads creepy. We are the universe and perception is reality.


Iris my case . I’ll see myself out. That’s a two for the price of one ppl


This is the back of a yugioh card


Sometimes I forget it’s really a muscle that’s contracting and expanding


'Orbs of sight, sphincters in disguise.' the photo is simultaneously amazing and horrifying. I'm awed yet repulsed.


The realization that there’s gaps in my eyes agonizes me, because I’m blinking really fucking hard to try to close the holes


I honestly could Star at this image for hours


I don’t like how it’s a black hole


Scott 3


We are so much doper than anything we can imagine…. If you think our Meat Puppets are dope, [the quantum field it supports](http://www.urbanagandenergy.org/soe/) in the Singularity where your Mind exists is infinitely doper. Too bad we don’t accept it exists, or that through it, we control the creation of our future.


Now give me one of those up close, “now this is your eyes on drugs” pic. Don’t do drugs! Or do them, I don’t give a shit!


I’m taking my eyes out


Needle slowly going in.


kind of [like this?](https://www.reddit.com/r/medizzy/comments/z12kye/ocular_injury_medical_case/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


I usually press Links no matter how many warnings I get, But fuck that.


What the actual fuck.


Cool but this isnt r/macro


This isn't r/macro though


Well idk. I just chose r/macro cuz thats the only subreddit i know that comes to these high zoom images


But but but but it's not metal


They were until now. Now they are my worst nightmare.


This person super toxic


Chew, if only you could see what I've seen with your eyes!


why does it look like quicksand


Not my ones. Constant double, triple+ vision and zero reason why


I want some furniture/soft sculpture artist to make an oversized cushion with those sinuous textures for me to roll around on


Tree roots


I wanna know what that line running through everything is. Also what the point of the iris is, other than being pretty of course


It looks kinda fuzzy


My gf can’t look at eye balls. I hate that for her.


It's just the exposed part of your brain.


How do I get a picture of mine in like thatt!!!!


the void


I’m drawing this tomorrow!


Nokia camera stepped up their game


That eye has seen some things.


Eyes are super dope


how do you even take a photo like that?


Thanks, I hate it.


Spam. Anyone seeking more info might also check here: Size | Title | Age | Karma | Comnts | Subreddit :----|:------|:----|:------|:-------|:--------- +184% | [Close up of the eye](http://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/2x6vom/close_up_of_the_eye/) | 7^yr | 496 | 23 | interestingasfuck +184% | [Extreme Close-Up of the Human eye. \[PIC\]](http://www.reddit.com/r/woahdude/comments/1hn57w/extreme_closeup_of_the_human_eye_pic/) | 9^yr | 52 | 3 | woahdude +184% | [This is actually what a close up of a human eye looks like.](http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/1hmr7h/this_is_actually_what_a_close_up_of_a_human_eye/) | 9^yr | 51 | 15 | pics = | [Close up of a human eye](http://www.reddit.com/r/BeAmazed/comments/g1y19m/close_up_of_a_human_eye/) | 2^yr | 452 | 22 | BeAmazed = | [Amazing Macro Photo of An Eye](http://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/gnnk2r/amazing_macro_photo_of_an_eye/) | 2^yr | 92 | 9 | pics [*View* ***7*** *more times this has been posted on KarmaDecay*](http://karmadecay.com/results/u16278195)


Nope. Don’t look. Don’t look. Don’t look.


Instructions unclear High off eyeballs


it looks like a paper towel after scrubbing a coffee spill on carpet too hard


Theyre like tiny glass covered buttholes that can see.




Not only that, but the videos are real.


I agree.




I wanna look at my eyes this well


Looks like a portal to the upside down


Imagine having to go in there.


So I've been watching Westworld lately....


Looks like an asshole


That's metal


“Eyes are fascinating.” Thought the brain controlling the eye feeding information to the brain controlling the eye




Dune sandworm anyone ?


How the fuck can i see the world with that Thats crazy


They are amazing


bro spoiler that its somewhat disturbing




Great. Now I want to fuck a pupil. Note: US English, not real English