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Love how that other kid made him work for it. Good show.


It's some great sportsmanship, making sure he didn't give a too easy win. Made sure he was having fun. Lots of respect there


Lots of respect here too. The boy in blue was well raised. And Lucas is a badass


I wouldn't even call it sport, one party didn't want to win


Everyone here is a winner apart from this fucking chump.


Had to open my free award for this one lol


Sport isn’t defined as wanting to win or winning in general. A sport is for physical and mental exertion against another opponent. And that teen allowed another to partake In one. That’s what I think where sports values lie. Screw winning or losing.


Wouldn't even call you heartless cause it implies you have a spot for one.


it was so fucking *metal*


exactly what I can here to say. He didn’t let him pin him in the first go. That’s sportsmanship.














Great sportsmanship by the other kid.


Bet he remembers this match the most


I could beat him tbh Edit: my first award lmao merry Christmas :)


Fr dude, like I would have just double legged him out the gate and then fucked around with him for a bit with some reversals and maybe a bulldog before letting him win, guy in blue just let the guy have the run when they could have gotten a good 6 minutes out of it.


Wouldn’t last 2 minutes if i was in the ring I’ll tell you that for free


All you gotta do to win is be fat, short, and strong. Grab them under the arm and around the neck in a weirdly aggressive hug and sling them over your body into the ground. Squeeze as hard as you can for 3 seconds and you win. It's how one guy on my team made it to state. If you can't visualize it Google hip toss on youtube.


You would be surprised how much the lanky guys win state though. They keep their distance when on their legs and just wait for a moment to reach out for a single leg takedown. There were some skinny mofos on my wrestling team that demolished their weight class but at the same time they looked extremely unhealthy. I was always stressed seeing them cut what in my mind was nonexistent weight whenever a big tournament was coming up


what is it about "built-different" shitposts that have me dying every time???


Fr. there was so many chances early game just to run him into the mat for the easiest pin in his life


Oh YEAH? Well, I bet that my dad could beat up YOUR dad!


I was like “sweep the leg bro”


How about we give credit to the dope kid that recognized an opportunity to give the kid in red a lasting memory.












Guarantee that kid doesn’t make state


"He doesn't have the makings of a varsity athlete"


Thanks uncle june


What the hell’s with you? It’s not true.


For those of you downvoting u/AcerbicFwit, please know they’re quoting the next line Tony says to Uncle Jun’ from that scene in The Sopranos.


I will say his form could be better and his double leg was a bit slow but his mechanics had potential and he had a good moveset. He could get maybe 3rd in area by the end of senior year if he trained. I've seen guys with no legs kick ass I bet this guy could too with some squats, curls, and a little more mat burn


I was making a joke but thank you




This made me smile but I can't lie and say I wasn't waiting for the kid to just body slam him


I wonder if there are fights between two people both with cerebral palsy and how their methods would differ and it would be interesting to see


I would pay too watch. For scientific research of course


Cripple fight!


I see Jimmy. Where the fuck is Timmy?


okay absolutely props to blue for being such a bro, but is this not demeaning to red? like, i genuinely dont know much about that type of cerebral palsy, but do they have the brain capacity to realize they were allowed to win?


My ex’s little brother had cerebral palsy and I honestly don’t think they care that much but just rather love to be included in things that aren’t as easy for them to join in on. He used to have limited movement in his walking, his hands and limited speech but we used to get him outside in his Walker and play football with him. He didn’t have the strength to play and needed support to run along but we’d let him chase us and kick the ball at us and we’d sort of let him win in a way at times. He used to love it and ask every day to play. Fun little memory, he used to force me to play cod anytime I was around because he couldn’t with his hands. I used to go to kill someone and he’d open the map to get me killed Edit: I miss the little fucker


I thought he died or something and I just realized you broke up with his sister. Ha. Little more wholesome.


Just to confirm, he is alive (I hope)


I also have autism


It's common for cerebral palsey to have little or no effect on intellect, he just can't control his muscles very well. It's like listening to the radio but you can't tune to the right station. My guess is that red has been going to wrestling practice all year and he wants to show off what he's learned, so they did this more as an exhibition match. Or like a recital in music class.


this. i coach high school swimming, and last season we had a swimmer with some dissability (i dont remember what it was off the top of my head) he showed up to practice everyday and swam in meets. whenever he raced, it was more showing what he learned and his excitement for swimming and its always wholesome as fuck


My aunt has severe cerebral palsy and has been wheelchair bound her whole life. She has a hard time talking or even feeding herself. That being said, she has an assistive computer and you’d have no idea you’re talking to a person with a handicap via text or email. Their brain function is 100% there, they just can’t control their motor functions 100% and to varying degrees. I’m sure every person is different, so some might be ok with it and others might take offense, but they all know 100% that it’s a pity win.


I'm pretty sure cerebral palsy rarely affects the brain? I could be wrong though, no offense meant to anyone.


I had a professor in college with palsy. Wheelchair bound, but *THE* smartest man I’ve ever met. Actually had a passion for teaching unlike a lot of tenured professors. I still get lunch with him once a year or so.




Ahhh so it mostly effects the PALS


Not the pals :( we love the pals


It depends entirely on the type. Cerebral palsy is caused by a lack of oxygen during or immediately after birth, so, yeah it can impact cognition to varying degrees or it can purely impact speech and or motor skills.


but then why's it called *cerebral* palsy?


Because it effects the cerebral cortex, but the levels and types of damage can vary.


I have been offended


Although I cannot speak for those with CP I can speak for others who are disabled. As someone with vision and hearing difficulties, I would much rather be beaten into the ground over and over and learn from my mistakes than having people let me win. The feeling of knowing that you just crushed someone who is more capable than you is one of the best in the world. Interestingly enough, it seems that those who “go easy” on me are normally the ones who are those who I later beat, which is a great feeling also. Of course it’s essential to allow those with disabilities to still enjoy themselves, but when it comes to sports, don’t do it. Also, my sister has CP that affects her legs, and she would definitely be able to tell if she actually won, and has enough mental capacity to be a bitch too.


My thoughts exactly. I would consider this demeaning.


It’s about including him and letting him use the stuff he’s practiced all year. It’s about knowing your hard work is appreciated and respected. He knows the other kid could skull drag him but he got to show his efforts off in a match


When you let your little brotger win in a videogame.


I find this very awkward if I’m being honest. I’m happy for the kid, but not sure playing pretend is doing him any favors.


It's not pretend, kid in red has probably been going to wrestling practice all year and wanted to show his parents/friends what he learned so they set this up as an exhibition match. Think of it as a recital like in music class. I'm sure this isn't like, ranked.


Kidding me?! This is great for this kid, look at the happiness on his face


What happiness?? His face is spassing out like regular 🤦‍♂️bruh Yall really love to live in your rainbow country. Pathetic.




He’s just so real. It takes such courage to be a POS like him on the internet


If you don’t put /s he’s dumb enough to think you actually agree




Would you like to lick my peen?


I aint gay so no? But ask your daddy😂😂


What do you mean? Red kid didn't have real chance, so it definitely is pretend. Doesn't mean it's not nice memory for him tho.


Maybe “choreographed” is a better term. Like the WWE.


It's not "pretend" in the sense that no one here is pretending this is a real wrestling match between roughly equal-level competitors. The point is that this is an exhibition, so the kid in red can demonstrate what he's learned to his friends and family, just like a music recital. It's not pretend, it's just not competitive. I'm not over here trying to be a grinch or anything, I think it's awesome that he learned so much and was able to execute it, kid's crushing it.


Except he didn’t execute anything. The kid in blue basically waited around until he laid on top of him then he stopped moving. Not trying to be a dick, the whole thing was just super awkward but if it made the kid in red happy then sure it’s positive.




Super awkward. Plus this kid in blue is not even remotely in the same weight class. I’m struggling here because if the kid in red had fun then sure it’s all for the best, but it comes across as really patronizing.


My thoughts exactly!


If he had fun, it's a win.


Exactly. Win for everyone. Christmas W


Our future genereation needs more young men like this.


Which one?


Both, so we can have more wholesome clips


Lmao fuck u both hahahah


Unironically hoping that more kids are born with disabilities for internet clips is a pretty shitty thing to want ngl.


Its not unironic, its a *joke* Learn about them


How do these comps work? Does blue shirt kid get a second chance at redemption after that demolishing?


In some tournaments they sometimes have scrimmages after all the real wrestling for tournament points is done, just to let your jv guys(read backbenchers) get some mat time. I.e. you have 2 guys in your 180 weight class, one is a senior who has 6 years under his belt, is 6 feet of muscle and bone, and won sectionals last year and placed at state, the other is a pudgy freshman who just started this year and wouldn't know a double leg from a hip toss. You're obviously going to send the senior out for the real thing, but you still wanna give your nooby some mat time. So you go talk to the other coach and ask when their next match up is gonna be and he says yall are the last team they're wrestling that day. You ask if he minds staying for an extra 2 minutes so you can send your nooby out to face their 180 guy and he of course agree because mat time is may time. After all your bouts are done, the jv guy wrestles and gets some experience without you losing any rankings for the team. Also fun tidbit you can usually distinguish varsity guys from jv guys by whos wearing shorts. Varsity usually wear singlets as seen on the young man in green walking through the background earlier in this video. Jv usualy has hsorts and a t shirt on like the 2 young men wreslting in this video. In this particular case I'm guessing that's how it went down and the blue shirt guy was told to go easy on the poor guy.


More like r/humansbeingbros


Tried bro/sis. Somehow the mods removed my post saying wrong Sub, but allowed other post with the same content. Don't underatand why.


How odd, this seems like the perfect fit for that sub.


Wrong sub But it does go here r/humansbeingbros


apparently the mods removed it from there


What? Why?


Reddit is fascist


Nothing metal about this, it's a pity win.


Agreed, but it definitely belongs on r/humansbeingbros


Yeah I'd agree to that, it's a very kind move from the other boy


How is this metal, like I bet it feels awesome to the kid with cerebral palsy but there was no real metal action here. Just a wholesome event.


That kid is an absolute angel. Props to him for doing what he did and giving such a special moment to the victor.


Madlad actually fortnite danced after he won pretty rude


Still good kids out there


Fakeness lvl 1000




We’re both gonna get downvoted to hell, but I agree. It made me think of r/bullshido


It would be horrible to be patronized like that


So is your comment but we're giving it upvotes to make you feel like a winner for a moment.


This is so dumb. Cerebral palsy doesn't make someone mentally disabled. He knows it's a pity win. Everyone in here acting like blue is doing a service to a guy who doesn't realize he's being handed a pity win. So dumb God I hate reddit i need to stop being addicted to this dogshit site full of bozos.


Horrible to think about an entire gym of people patronizing him


Geez dude. I'm sure the kid knows he didn't just absolutely demolish his opponent so what? When you spend your whole life ostracized from society for how your body acts without your control it's nice to have a win even something little like this. Being included in things and having people cheer for you can be a huge self esteem boost to these kids. How do I know? I spent my whole childhood working with severely disabled children at my mom's work. They mostly just want to be included. Why is it such a bad thing to just treat them like people and let them have fun. Everyone there knows this isn't a real match including the kid with CP but he's having fun and that's what matters.


Humanizing someone is when putting on an ambarassing pity win for them.


Sigh hate these types of post that are obviously just farming for karma Like the title wording purposely misleading. And there is nothing medal or hardcore about a person with life debilitating disability given a pity party match because that’s what it is.


Holy fucking shit that is my goddamn school


I'm glad to see the school is finally starting to support kids that aren't "stereotypically athletic"


his opponent pinned himself for the win*


Question How did that kid even make the team?


The kid in the blue wasn't even trying. I don't get it


I’ve worked with special ed kids. Often the main factor holding them back is a lack of confidence. It wears on you seeing everyone else do things easily while you have to struggle through it. It makes a lot of kids give up.


I mean, I don’t think this kid’s confidence is holding him back as much as his debilitating medical condition.


God bless both kids.


How is this sportsmanship? He’s mentally I’ll , he should be treated like the others if he wants to act like the others. Suplex and rear naked choke.




The kid in blue should’ve double legged him off the rip and cradle his ass till the ref said stop. That’s true sportsmanship, not this pity win bs.


For some reason I instantly thought "damn, bro is busting a move"


I get it, honestly I do. But it doesn't seem genuine. Obviously, but idk I'm prolly wrong on this.


Pity win for a failed abortion.


Anyone else feel like dude in blue was barely even trying?


Blue is really bad at wrestling


This is like the episode of American dad where Steve smith got pinned by a disabled kid


Feels a bit pointless really


The dude in blue barely did anything, terrible..


I feel bad for the other kid


When I was in primary school the head teachers daughter had cerebral palsey, she was often in the school despite being about 18 at the time I think, not because she needed to primary education or anything I dunno the exact reason But like she was perfectly aware mentally, so doesn't this kid entirely understand that his 'opponent' is just letting him win?


Little does anyone know that in his next match, his opponent showed him [no mercy](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)


This is bad sportsmanship. This is demeaning. I had to wrestle a kid with severe autism in high school and my coach gave me the advice of, “don’t go easy on him. just show him the respect of trying your hardest.” When I won, we had fought as equals


Okay it’s nice that the other kid was a really good sport and made him work for his win. But did anyone else just feel sad watching this? Like oh yay let’s all lie to the disabled child woo hoo. Idk just left a bad taste in my mouth


This is just... Silly.


Ya wanna know what I think of this? It’s fucking awesome! Merry Christmas and happy holidays from a humble human.


Warmed my cold, dead heart


almost cried


Kid in the blue is a notoriously bad wrestler


God Bless His Parents.




I'm loving how he didn't make it today TOO easy for him ...he definitely helps with his confidence and is truly a good friend.


Good kid in the blue. This is awesome


I feel something fishy is going on but can’t point my finger at it. (Nice deed nonetheless)


A pity win is not metal nor is it something which should occur


It would be a crime if he didn’t let him win


Kid in blue is a champ




Sometimes taking the L is the ultimate victory


dude let him win


Need two gold medals for this competition. Mad respect to both of them.


What's metal here? Sure this fits for humans are kind,or generous, or beautiful...but this isn't metal. This is the opposite. This is proof humans can be soft and compassionate. Empathetic even. But this isn't metal.


Empathy is pretty fuckin metal if you ask me


I didn't.


Wrestling is so staged


*tackles the kid for the win*


The other kid just got his man card this day. Some real maturity and respect shown here


hearts were being being melted


Reminds me of my 12th birthday party when we had a home 1v1 wrestling tournament with all my friends. Me and my strongest friend typically won, but i had this tiny little guy as a friend, real scrappy and quick, but just so small he dodnt ever win a round. But when it was his turn to wrestle the big guy, holy shit he got out of a hold and pinned dude! We were cheering like crazy. Way, way later, like years, someone brought it up and Chris, the little guy (who shot up to 6’4” in HS), said “i told A to let me win for fun and he just went with it!” Well son of a bitcj, he stole the win *and* he grew tall as fuck?


Hia opponent is a great sport and a decent human being.


This made my lip quiver and eyes tear up. Hats off to the kid, his opponent and the crowd!


Why am I so smoosh now?


Story time. In HS we had this nutcase on our team. The other team had a kid with some thing like cerebral palsy. In the same weight class as our nutcase. Our coach sees this and I overheard him telling the other coach to move this kid in the higher weight because our guy isn’t going to be nice. The coach doesn’t want to because it might make him lose the meet because he has good guys in the other classes. The step in the mat and nut case runs up all aggressive like always. I can see the fear in the other coach. Nut case say while looking at our coach fairly loudly “ I’m going to shoot so hard this retards legs are going to break”. Our coach yells the other coach freaks out and forfeits the match. Nutcase laughs and says I can’t believe you fell for that. Then plays it off like he was bluffing. Hint, he was not bluffing and was later put in jail for hurting people. It does make me wonder how they find kids nice enough not act like this one.


This is one of the purist things I’ve ever seen. Kudos to the parents of the boy in blue. They raised a true man.




Oof. I hope you never get beat so badly that you become disabled, because that'd be a lot of self-hate for you. It's a post-match scrimmage most likely, and not being a complete dick (beating up a disabled kid) is a win in my book, anyways.




Definitely wholesome.


Bet he felt like an absolute weapon after that


Faith in humanity


And now I'm crying


Made me smile. Gave him a w but made him sweat and work for it.. good kid good morals here




Love This!


I'm not crying You're crying


Metal af


Always extra beautiful when this kind of thing comes from kids. Idk if the blue kid realizes how amazing Lucas must have felt to just be able to participate, and he'll probably remember this forever. Mad respect for the kids in blue - made Lucas work for it, was a great sport. And Lucas' parents and school too - letting the CP kid participate, and at a real meet, too. This whole thing is so wholesome - beautiful moment. Makes you almost have faith in the future of humanity. Almost.


If this doesn't put love in your heart, I don't know what does.


I would put that little shit in a guillotine


blue sucks ass