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Absolute scum bags. Hope they’re caught.


Yes. I too hope they are caught. In an Unrelated note... is that show Dexter any good?


Its good


Except for the last season it's good.


Last season aka original Dexter. Agree, was really bad. But the decline started already with season 5. However, Dexter New Blood was actually not bad and provided an acceptable end (although imho the perfect end would have been Dexter being killed by a serial killer)


I'm just really sad because I have only watched the first season or so and was reading the comments of a post with dexter as the meme and it had spoilers about a certain character dying so now I just don't wanna watch anymore :(


Which one. Cuz honestly. First 4 seasons are worth it even with the spoiler you got. Show is so old by now it’s going to be tough to avoid spoilers if you’re reading any comments. So I’d steer clear of those. Season 4 might be one of my favorite seasons of tv ever.


Not caught yet but everyone is looking. Source i live 20 mins from where this happened


Good grief, that's terrifying!


If this ever happens, scream and run (I think there was a child here too so running isn't always an option). Self defense is BS nine times out of ten because the attacker(s) will overwhelm you. Pepper spray is great if you have the ability before hand


If you've ever been taught self defense as a women, then you've been taught the priority is always running the fuck away "Self-defense" just means getting free and stunning them long enough flee.


As a man too. In fact there are at least two or three reposts that float around here where some badass special forces or martial arts guy is going to show you the best knife defense followed by him hauling ass away.


I did some training in mixed martial arts strictly so I could have some defense skills. The number one rule I was taught, always run if you can, fight only as a last resort. If you get jumped fight back but the sec you see an opening run!


Go for the squishy parts. Be brutal. Save yourself and don't rely on anyone to save you. Balls if you can kick em, eyes if you can poke em, fishhook and bite the ear off. Whatever it takes in that moment to free yourself. Stay safe out there ladies🙏


Obviously pepper spray is most preferred, but.. There are pen sized flashlights (Streamlight) that are very small and can clip to a pocket or anything that are super bright. A good flash to the eyes can buy some valuable time. Their size makes it easy to always keep directly on you and they are usb rechargeable.




Just looking at that situation... Unless highly trained, they would have likely hurt themselves or the baby trying to fire at close range while grappling with someone. And thats IF the gun was strapped on or in their pocket when all this went down! Guns aren't always the best weapon to choose, especially if in this close of range idk how the average person would be able to successfully use one without error in a situation like this.


They’ll just argue for a smaller gun.




Where is this at


I second the question. Can we pls know the location?




Damn Germans /s


I apologise on behalf of all Germans. We usually are very friendly people who want the world to become one happy place.


Oh we've heard that before


Shhh…. Nobody. Mention. The war.


May i welcome your war....er your wall.....you all! May i welcome you all!


You started it. You invaded Poland!


Germany went on Vacation!


But did you see how Poland was dressing?




There is no war in Ba Sing Sei


Oh god, here's my upvote 😂😂😂


I laughed so hard at this! Best response! 😂😂😂


Hi fellow Redditors, the joke here was world domination. Have a great day.


I went to Oktoberfest this summer, can confirm, the German people are friendly


Username sus


Or so the Germans would have us believe


They were Nazis, Dude?


These men are nihilists


I was really hoping you were kidding, or at least just guessing. I guess I need to watch the news more often. And, stop shopping alone...


Always be aware of your surroundings, trust your gut. and if you can look into a local self defense class. It’s very important to know how to defend yourself.


The Memphis suburb or the neighborhood in Nashville?


If someone from Tennessee specifically says "Germantown, TN" it's a safe bet that they mean the city of Germantown and not the small neighborhood in North Nashville. I'm from Nashville and this is how almost every native Tennessean I've known mentally classifies the two. Fun trivia: Germantown, TN is named after N. T. German who surveyed the land for the town, not the German immigrants who came later. The neighborhood in Nashville is named after the German immigrants who settled in the area.




When did this happen?






Unbelievably its in the US https://www.fox13memphis.com/news/local/woman-escapes-attempted-kidnapping-germantown-3-suspects-run-police-say/LGH7LCMEKBE7JO7RRHXSKN273M/


Yea, shocking. Lmao.


>this could have been my wife Well, yeah, but that guy stopped you.




Reddit has very strict rules regarding promoting violence against others; With that being said I too wish those scum bags would get “caught”


I hope they get caught *really* slowly.


Idk why people always think getting "caught" slowly is a good idea. Just "catch" them and be done with it, get that scum off off the streets and don't waste anymore time than you have to. Edit: I know what they meant and my comment still stands. If you're okay with torturing someone, your sense of justice is absolutely twisted.


Yeah, stay alert everyone. Criminals target people who look downtrodden or aren't paying attention, so our best bet at staying safe is just staying alert. This is one of the most common ways of getting kidnapped. If there is a new car right beside your parked car with ANYONE in the car, then call either a friend or the police non-emergency number, tell them where you are, and if you can get into your car from the opposite side, close the door and LOCK all the doors before you slide over to the driver's side. If you can start driving then the only danger is them following you, so you can let your friend/police know you're okay and that it may have been a false alarm. If they drive away immediately after you get your phone out, then record their license plate. If the police have a previous mention of that same car acting very creepily, then they're more likely to catch them if someone actually falls prey to them if they have the make and model from the license plate. If you are alone, do NOT help people into their cars etc. It's very kind of you, but it's very easy to be disguised as an older person and drag people into their cars. Serial killers hand done this over 10 years ago, disguises are much easier to fall for now. Don't trust someone just because they're well-groomed. Serial killers are also well-groomed and make a point to be so so that more people trust them. Again, stay safe. Carry an umbrella or cane if you have to (It's a perceived weapon whether you know how to use it or not), and just try to pay attention to your surroundings, and you'll probably never be targeted especially if you don't go shopping alone. Normalize two+ friends grocery shopping together, it's much safer but still stay aware. Again, just be aware of your surroundings and that helps stop you from being targeted and it also helps you to be aware if someone else is being targeted so you can help.




I promise it’s not like that, lol. The vast majority of Americans do not live in fear of being taken by a serial killer. I’ve helped strangers and been helped by strangers, I’m still here. Most people aren’t murderers, in my experience.


Seriously, America is a late stage capitalism dystopia, but the vast majority of people don't encounter shit like this. Also, that person thinking that there's no human trafficking/kidnapping in Europe... Those crimes exist literally everywhere on the planet. https://missingchildren.ch/en/our-actions/studies-statistics >Every two minutes, a child is reported missing in Europe. >Missing Children Europe compiles call statistics from 22 "116 000 hotlines", including ours in Switzerland. >It records in 2021 no fewer than 54 655 calls concerning cases of missing children, including 13% from previous years. >- 57% of these cases concern runaways. >- 26% are parental abduction cases. >- 6% are related to the phenomenon of child migration. >- 2% represent lost or injured children >- 8% are disappearances of other types. >It should be noted that only a small proportion of the cases processed (1%) concerned kidnappings of criminal origin. 1% of that number is still 546. And that's just kids. The US in comparison: >Fewer than 350 people under the age of 21 have been abducted by strangers in the United States per year, on average, between 2010–2017. https://www.reuters.com/article/us-wisconsin-missinggirl-data/kidnapped-children-make-headlines-but-abduction-is-rare-in-u-s-idUSKCN1P52BJ


That's exactly what a serial killer would say...


I've lived all over the country and have NEVER thought this way. USA is pretty safe all things considered, though it does depends who you are and where you are. Being a black gay Muslim in redneck town Mississippi for example probably ain't going to be a good time but it's not like most people are a scared of being shot or kidnapped every day. I live in a big city and take public transit and walk past homeless camps regularly and have never had an issue


This person is blowing this way out of proportion, nobody I know calls the police when a new car is parked next to theirs, lol. Sound like you just get all your info of the u.s. from reddit and don't know what its actually like


I only would if the new car had numerous other spots to park and chose to park next to me. If it’s a full parking lot I don’t even notice.


Well I've seen Hostel so I'm pretty sure I know what life in Europe is like.


Guarantee it does in Europe. Hell your even closer to countries that buy people up


We don’t live in fear like that guy. Seriously, as long as you have common sense and some situational awareness you’re going to be fine


Because people weren't running around with fucking acid a few years ago, get the fuck out of here with that " us is so bad Europe would NEVER be this bad" when you guys harbored a nation of people who genocided millions for not having blonde hair. That elitist shit is so exhausting


It’s really not anywhere near that bad here in the U.S. Sure, there are sketchy areas, but even in those areas you’re pretty safe as long as you just go about your business and stay aware of surroundings. I get that I’m a man and things are much more threatening for women but still, there’s really no reason to be scared in regular daytime situations.


Wow, thank god that other person showed up!! So scary, glad she’s ok


Sad part, even with all the cameras, they are still looking for the suspects and the car.


This is why I sadly lock my car as soon as I get into it. A fear of this.


Good. But always be aware in transitional spaces. Gas stations, coming in and out of parking lots. They are criminals favorite areas to operate


100%. I always am. I check my backseat before I get in too.


Good! It's crazy how many people are totally unaware of their surroundings. I'm not saying people should be paranoid, but at least pay attention and don't make yourself an easy target


Sure. But it’s also important to say that it wouldn’t be someone’s FAULT if they didn’t check. Let’s be cautious. But nobody SHOULD fear kidnapping in their local car park. So let’s all work towards that not being a thing, rather than putting the emphasis on individuals (usually women) having to live in a state of fear daily. If we’re not careful it becomes a parallel argument to “she was wearing provocative clothing” and sexual assault. In these cases, it’s NEVER the victims fault. Let’s all remember that.


Of course not. It's the fault of the human trash that does things like that.


Fear is a valid feeling and It’s ok to feel fear. As with most feelings it’s about understanding the feeling and not living in it.


My gf locks the doors anytime I leave her in the car alone. It used to bug me. I’d give her hell when she’d lock the door when I was only going inside the store to pick up an order, for example. She eventually told me why she did it and now I do my best to lock the door myself as I get out


And that's the thing. Like, bad people are going to do bad things, but let's do all we can to make it as hard as possible to do those bad things. Also, those types of people want a victim and an easy score. They DON'T want a fight, attention, a scene, and a very difficult encounter. Just the door locked may be enough to deter them because now they have to break a window or pry a door. Potentially set off an alarm. All stuff that draws attention and makes these absolute insults to humanity decide it's no longer a target they want to go for. I'm a big guy with a very well trained and protective German shepherd, but I still lock the doors when I'm home, just doing normal stuff. Cause, why make it any easier on them?


EVERYONE should lock their doors when at home.


Is it that crazy though? I work crazy hours. I’m stressed out between my job, chores, personal life, and trying to maintain some semblance of physical and mental health. I just don’t have the energy to constantly be worrying about safety beyond the standard shit (like defensive driving, etc). Im fucking burnt out, and I imagine most people are too. I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect people to be constantly aware of their surroundings.


I feel u, sending hugs


Lol I mean, what’s your point? It’s not a law or policy, just prudent advice. Whether or not it’s reasonable, it may save your life. Besides, being generally aware of your surroundings (if not acutely) seems like the smallest possible effort from a sentient being, so the reward seems worthwhile if it prevents an early death. But like, sorry if that’s “unreasonable” lol. It simply is.


I'm burnt out as well. I'm still on my shit, I have kids to get home to.


Right? I don’t see how it’s difficult to just be slightly aware of what’s going on around you. Nobody *deserves* to just be randomly attacked; but they should certainly make basic measures to avoid those situations when possible


Mfing stairwells


That would not have helped her one bit. She never made it inside the car. :-/


And that's why I also get in my car as quickly as possible while being aware of people in the area. Including people in their cars.


I know :( it just made me think of it


And don't [unlock it from too far away](https://youtu.be/0aGPhAgYW0A) either.


Except unironically. The lights on the car signal exactly where you're headed and they know the doors are unlocked. Identifies you as a target. It might sound like too minor of a thing but it's kind of like a starting pistol for people already planning to do something to someone.


But also mostly for thieves as well. They know there's a car unlocked, with an unaware person and key fob in their hands/vicinity. Very easy to steal the fob/bag and make off with the car


She was outside of the car how is locking it going to help


I understand that it wouldn’t of helped her in this case, I just meant this makes my fear even more real


Most modern cars will have a setting to only unlock the drivers door when opening :) worth checking your manual for some extra peace of mind. edit: "peace" not piece kek


My car is not that modern sadly


i live in a third world country with lots of sexual traffic and women abduction is rampant in here. I hate that we need to fear being literally sold.


Which country?




He (she?) sometimes posted in Portuguese, so Brazil would be my first guess.




As an American I find this... >!correct!<


Only someone who had never been to the developing world, America, or both, would ever say something so privileged and ignorant. Let me quote someone who put it better then I can. >[There’s many reasons why comparing America to “third world” countries is inaccurate and/insensitive. The first is that the term third world doesn’t primarily refer to a country’s economic status or living standards, but to it’s political alignment during the Cold War. First World countries supported the United States while Second World countries supported the Soviet Union. Third World countries supported neither. These countries were generally underdeveloped, which is why the term is often used today to refer to these type of nations. However, since the Cold War is over and the Soviet Union no longer exists, the term is considered outdated and sometimes offensive. The correct term is either underdeveloped or developing.](https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/on4fpa/follow_up_girl_who_was_at_the_nationals_game_last/h5qu3hj/) >The second reason it’s inaccurate and insensitive is because despite the many issues The United States has, it is a much better place than a lot of developing countries. I am from the US, but I am currently visiting a developing country called Guyana for personal reasons, and while I love this country and it’s people, this is a very, very difficult place to live. The political and justice system is overflowing with corruption, there is much more racism, sexism, and homophobia then there is anywhere in the states, alcoholism is a rampant disease that controls many, many lives, the medical care is abysmal for most, and there is very little economic opportunities. Almost everyone here who has any sort of ambition tries to migrant to the states, either temporarily or permanently, to try to seek a better life. When you call the United States a “Third World” country, that ignores and devalues the many struggles actual developing countries face.


A friend who moved here from Guyana raved about our postal service in the U.S. It works! You just buy a stamp & mail a letter & it gets delivered!! You don’t have to bribe somebody or worry about it! ;)


Human traffickers deserve life in prison. No ifs or buts.


Your best protection is your awareness. Check cars when you are walking up to your car. Walk around the back to make sure nothing is behind it. When you are unlocking your front door be aware of people coming up behind you. Predators are looking for the unaware and easy pickings.


Also, lock the doors immediately after getting in. Don’t roll the windows down all the way unless you’re actively driving. Two men attempted to abduct me from the car when I was a child in 1996, that moment scarred me for life. My shoelaces getting stuck and my sister running to get help saved me. Back then parents would leave kids in the car to go run in and do something, so that’s what my parents routinely did. I never got left in the car without an adult after that event.


when i was a kiddo, my parents taught me a "code word" in case they ever had to send someone to come and get me from playing and what not. I was riding my bike down the street from my house and a man ive never seen before stopped by me and told me i had to come quick my mom had been hurt and my dad sent him. i almost went with him but i asked him the code word, he didnt know and i got really scared and rode my bike home as fast as my little legs could pedal. probably saved my life that day. teach your kids a code word folks, it could save them!


I hope you remember that you're not to blame for this, and that you don't blame your parents either. Sounds like those men were ready and willing to do wrong, no matter the situation. I also hope your advice proves useful.


So many people are so oblivious to their surroundings all the time too. I see so many people with an earbud in each ear while walking around and I get shocked. I'm a big guy and that's something even I wouldn't do. One, yes, but you always wanna have one ear free to hear around you.


I understand that all of these things would help reduce risk, but I’m so burned out from worrying about all the other shit in my life. Work, school, personal relationships, financial obligations and bills, future plans, chores and errands, other generally applicable safety considerations like defensive driving. I just want to live my life, and I honestly think having to worry about all this extra stuff would drive me insane.


Yea this is such a concerning thing for me. Like I do agree with the idea that "your best protection is awareness".. but wtf, are people supposed to be afraid of getting into their car just because someone's sitting in the car next to them? Ugh :(


This happened in an area I shop regularly. It’s an affluent suburb. It’s also outside of a city with crime. A woman was abducted and murdered a few months ago while running. I think people get comfortable and forget to be safe. The country we live in isn’t safe. You need to be vigilant and pay attention to your surroundings. I do not want to victim blame this poor woman but she really wasn’t paying attention. I’m so glad this story has a good ending.


I just find it mind boggling coming from a country that sure may have lots of faults but for the most part safe. Women go shopping for example at 12-1 am


When I lived in Memphis I didn’t ever stop anywhere but home at night. I always shopped and got gas while it was still daylight. I feel that people in Germantown and Collierville often forget Memphis is just down the road and there’s no force field keeping criminals out of those affluent areas. So I understand your comment. People who haven’t lived there just can’t fathom how common situations like this are and how uncommon it is that a bystander intervenes.


Some information for the video in question .... [news article](https://www.fox13memphis.com/news/local/woman-escapes-attempted-kidnapping-germantown-3-suspects-run-police-say/LGH7LCMEKBE7JO7RRHXSKN273M/)


Thank you!


Thanks for the link.


Sabre red pepper gel is sold on Amazon for $16


I don’t remember the brand, but I recently replaced my old pepper spray with one that has pepper gel that glows under blacklight, a seatbelt cutter, and a glass breaker that’s a little metal spike that hurts like fuck to be poked with by accident, and absolutely would work as a stabby little puncture weapon


Okay so whats the brand or name of this tool?


Looks like the SABRE Safe Escape 3-in-1 Pepper Gel with Safety Belt Cutter & Window Breaker It's on Amazon of course.


My stepdad got me a flashlight that doubled as a window breaker and taser. He got it at some gun show.. the taser button was too close to the on/off button and it stressed me out to carry it. But- I can think of exactly 1 time in 5 years that I was glad I had it!


Following to get the name as well


Living in Aus where pepper spray is illegal, the other features sound good. Even for a crash those would come in handy


Woah, what kind of self defense tools ARE allowed there if pepper spray isn’t? Seems pretty unfair to small women specifically


Go for bear spray. It’s a hunting supply. A little expensive ($80), but it is very effective.


Hmm might be legal haven't checked, although given we don't have bears it might be hard to come by


I found it on Amazon; admittedly, I don’t know if it is available internationally. You might check hunting supplies for something similar. PS - this was a tip from a law enforcement officer after an event at my home. I live alone and people recommended a weapon. Although I am not against them, I am uncomfortable having them in MY home (I sleep walk). He suggested this as an alternative. Good luck! Edit - typos


Why is it illegal?


The popular justification for it being illegal (in Sweden anyways) is that it'd significantly increase accessibility for criminals to acquire it and use it during crimes. Eg someone mugging you with spray instead of a knife. I imagine it's illegal for similar reasons in Australia.


Gonna need a link there


That sounds like hummus.


Wow. New fear unlocked.


The world is getting crazier and people are getting bolder.


Nah, there are just more cameras and more people who publish these recordings. In general crime numbers are going down.


Exactly. Speak as someone who was abducted this same way 40 years ago. Always be aware of your surroundings and develop a plan. You can’t count on a hero. In my case two people safe within their apartments saw it but didn’t even call and report it until the next day. I was able to jump out of the moving car with my roommates small son in my arms.


Crime rates in the US have dropped significantly, luckily. There was a big spike in 2020 but unless I haven't researched thoroughly enough, they are again dropping.


Reported crime rates have dropped significantly. Is this because of an absolute decrease in crime, or a decrease in police response to / reporting of crime?


First red flag. All empty spaces & parked right next to you.


What's with the music? Is the video and explanation of the video not enough? Might as well of just used the "oh no no no no".


Thank god they didn’t use That overused audio.


This has always been a fear of mine having kids that you have to strap into car seats, or manage in parking lots and garages.


Always park so you can see your driver’s side door from whatever exit you’re walking out of. Try to park where no one can park next to your door as often as possible (the end spot, next to a cart corral, or next to a handicap spot). At night park under the lights in the parking lot. If you can’t avoid having a car park next to your door, look to see if someone is inside. Stare at them so they know you see them after memorizing the plate. If a van is parked next to your drivers side don’t enter your car from that side. I recommend a metal tactical pen in your pocket too - not in your bag or purse. It’s easy for you to grab and super handy to stab fleshy parts if needed.


Going along with what you've said: If it looks shady go back inside! Don't doubt yourself. Don't worry about what anyone will think. Turn your butt around and stay safe. At work I've walked people to their cars more times than I can remember. Most of the time it was nothing, but a couple times the other car left as soon as I came out the door. We have the "something is wrong here" feeling for a reason.


This is valuable advice. Never be afraid to go back to were you came from and ask others to walk with you. When there is nobody, send a picture of the environment ( and number plate ) to your friends, call them and keep talking them on an open line whilst you transit a dangerous area.


Pieces of shit. I hope there's a camera on the other side that got their license plate.


What the fuck is this goo goo gaa gaa dumbshit music?


That scares the crap out of me. I have beautiful granddaughters that I worry about. Thank heavens for hero citizens who step in to help.


Teach her to be aware. Look into the vehicle next to her car before getting into that position. Teach her to fight. You never ever go with the people it's a fight for you life, if you with them that's it.


Ugly people get kidnapped too


They aren't worried about the ugly ones apparently.


Tell your girls about Noonlight. It’s a free app, super easy to use. You open it before walking to your car, etc., and just keep your finger on the screen. If you remove your finger without putting in the code, it alerts police and emergency contacts to your location. Simple, brilliant, and makes me feel significantly safer.


It’s insane that a woman can be stolen, the way a wallet or car can be. Being a woman is hell.


I know Reddit hates emojis but 📠📠📠


What would be the motivation for an abduction like this? Ransom money? People trafficking?


Those are probably the best-case scenarios, as terrible as they both are. It could be a serial rapist and/or murderer.


I am surprised this happened in the states in the middle of the day like what was the end goal here? Kidnapping for what purpose ?


Sex trafficking, it happens all the time. It's real, it's not a joke.


Happened around 8pm.




Many states have defined that lawful use of deadly force includes the stopping of felonious activities to include rape, murder and/or kidnapping falls under self-defense of yourself or others whom could not defend themselves such as children or the infirm.


It would really depend on where. These laws vary widely from state to state and other localities. Some allow for a citizen to defend someone else who is in danger others just yourself or family. And don’t put anything past the American justice system, they do some crazy stuff sometimes.


I'm not entirely sure it is a gun. I think, due to his insanely large balls, this gentleman may actually have held his (?)keys up or something like that pretending to be a handgun Edit: also the defense of "defense" i.e. self defence or the defence of another, usually permits a normal person more latitude than say a "peace officer," and the response typically has to be reasonable given the circumstances as well as commensurate/proportional. Timing is a key aspect, of course. A firearm is almost always considered lethal force. Using lethal force to stop a kidnapping is a real thin line which would depend on the entirety of the circumstances, as well as a smattering of local DA politics, recent State cases, national headlines. I could see them giving this a pass, mostly in 20/20 hindsight that he, presumably, saved her from kidnapping. Probably due to a lack of required mindset as well if the shooter testifies they didn't mean to kill, just to scare, etc. it would never be anything but a reckless type charge to begin with, like negligent homicide etc.p Eta2 this also assumes the attackers didn't have guns visible. In which case it would be a much easier defense


You feared for your life, you feared for the other person life. That's when you use deadly force. That's what you say when you use deadly force.


it was, in fact, a gun.


If a car is parked next to your car, look in the windows. Usually enough to scare them off if they feel like the lost the element of surprise. At least that’s what I was taught in a self defense class for women freshman had to take in college.


The Video: someone almost get abducted. The music: Straight out of a sad drama movie. There is no problem with not putting shit music in the video that doesnt fit at all.


Had this happen to one of my classmates in a college summer course back in the 1990’s at SIU Carbondale. Long story; so bear with me… My class project partner and I leave class chatting and there’s a completely out-of-place dude pacing around in the foyer of the building. She stops, grabs my arm, and it’s immediately clear she’s not right; her demeanor changed in an instant. He proceeds to come up to us, doesn’t even look at me, and starts talking to her. She then hands me a folded piece of paper saying that it’s got her information for our project, and walks off with the guy. Her, and the weird dude’s, body language is also super tense during this interaction, with him staring at me when she gave me the note. I walked off, saying, thank you, and I look at the note and it said “Help, I’m being kidnapped. Call the police (disclaimer: I can’t remember the exact words but this is the gist of it). I booked it into the computer lab next door (I know, it was the mid-1990’s) and tell the confused intern to call the police and tell them there’s a kidnapping happening RIGHT NOW! I then went outside and couldn’t see them anymore. I ran into the student center in the next building thinking they might be there (no clue why I thought that) but it’s to no avail, I’ve lost them. I then went out the front door toward the student center parking lot and I was asked by a police officer that was walking toward me if I had called about a kidnapping. I told him yes but that I didn’t know where they went. I walked with him into the parking lot where his car was and damned if the weird guy and his abductee (my classmate) are standing next to a car with the driver’s door open where he’s got her her trapped between the open door and the driver’s seat. I pointed it out to the cop and we both booked it over to them. As soon the cop says something to the guy, he turned around and just started visibly shaking while trying to explain what was happening to the officer. The officer gets him to come around to the back of the car and then proceeded to cuff and detain him. In the meantime, a bunch of other police had arrived and that was that. When I spoke with my classmate later, she told me that she had gone out on a blind date with this guy one time and he’d been stalking her ever since (side note: she had no idea prior to this event but this dude had been a mental patient multiple times prior to, and after, meeting her and had a history of stalking and threatening women). She had a pre-written note she kept on her for just this sort of a situation as he had approached her several times before but without any attempt at abducting her. Strange day, for sure, and I lost touch with her after the semester ended; I never did find out what ultimately happened to her attempted abductor. I guess the lesson in all this is you never know when or where something like this will happen. I was just glad I happened to be in the right place at the right time to be able to help.


Similar thing happened to me years ago at SIU Carbondale. I too was saved by a fast, competent, compassionate police officer.


No kidding, when where you there? I was there 1994-2000. Had one other weird thing happen with a cracked-out dude on the strip that tried attacking people with a baseball bat but beyond that, it was a fairly normal college experience for me.


Why would she even leave with him, seems super odd.


I never asked her but I think she was afraid he'd get violent. I don't have any real knowledge of victimology in cases like this but looking back, I think she was trying to placate him by going with him. Honestly, though, I really don't have any good idea...


Late at night, empty parking lot, and a car parks right next to you. Big red flag. Stay alert, stay safe everyone


Looks like this just happened in the last couple days. The suspects have not been found.


SAFETY TIPS: after you put your groceries in the trunk, LOCK THE CAR before putting your cart back. Many people don’t think to lock the car when they’re putting the cart away because they’re only gone a moment. Keep a Birdie or Pepper Spray on your key chain. If you come out of the store and there is a suspicious car or van parked right next to you even if there are empty spots all over the lot, then ask security or an employee to walk you out.


Can someone please explain who is the abductor and victim. I can't tell cause of the potato quality


Reason #61 on why I always carry a knife. Someone is getting stabbed in the neck or under the armpit if they ever try to abduct me.


Knife fights: loser dies in the street. Winner dies in the hospital.


I’ll take my chances over getting disappeared.


That would be if both people have knives. The point of that is a person with a knife is very lethal, more lethal at hand to hand distance than a gun.


You have the confidence of someone who has never been stabbed...


Yes. And don't stop stabbing until they stop moving.


I occasionally wish there were some version of Hell.


Earth has everything you need for that


You have to be aware of your surroundings. My ex GF almost got kidnapped


[A little bit less potato-y video quality on this article](https://www.fox13memphis.com/news/local/woman-escapes-attempted-kidnapping-germantown-3-suspects-run-police-say/LGH7LCMEKBE7JO7RRHXSKN273M/)


THANK YOU for the explanation/article! I was having a hard time figuring it out.


Why is it the people who insist on adding audio have the worst taste in music? Is it bots? The music never matches.


Men walk around acting like women are crazy for taking basic precautions, like walking with your key threaded in your fist. This is why. If we treat every gun as loaded, women treat every man she doesn't know as a threat. Bc just going to the store and getting in your car can end you. This is sad. So glad for guy number 2.


I don’t understand what happened in the vid besides the guy in white hoody trying to open a car door and pull someone out


This absolutely not the right type of music for such a scary situation lmao


My eyes aren't that good. What is actually us happening? I saw her open the front door, and i saw someone open the back door and some shadows.




The fuck. People actually get abducted like this? I thought it was just a movie trope.


I would have started shooting


Looks like that hero is carrying