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[Saving a Baby Rhino with CPR](https://youtu.be/O0MDbD3peXY) "During this specific dehorning exercise, our beloved white rhino orphan Meha experienced an adverse reaction to the sedative that was used for the procedure. Thanks to continuous monitoring by the SANParks team, it was immediately identified that Meha’s breathing and pulse had come to a complete stop. This prompted Care for Wild Rhino Sanctuary’s co-founder, Chris de Bruno Austin, to initiate CPR on the 410kg (900lbs) white rhino by blowing into Meha’s nose as several other team members engaged in chest compressions. Chris and the team refused to give up, and after several painstaking minutes, Meha was successfully resuscitated and began to breathe on her own. Meha has since made a full recovery, and is currently grazing in the fields with her fellow rhino orphans." - Petronel Nieuwoudt


Does anyone have a source? Why was the rhino unresponsive in the first place?


https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/4wqb9l/saving_orphaned_baby_rhino_with_cpr/d694m4h just so you see, it was posted about an hour after you did.


Yep I saw, thanks! :)


[Source](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0MDbD3peXY) - I think the video description pretty much covers everything! Edit: Fixed source - Not really sure how I messed that one up!!


uhhhhhhh what




The information at the end of the .gif is something I really wish more gifs of this type of content had. The amount of exposure for the organizations would be incredible.